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Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:35 am
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 Post subject: Homelessness
PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:26 am 
The human heart can feel overwhelmed by the number of tragedies and ills that befall people, especially when these are initiated at the hands of others or could be prevented by the hearts of others.

In this discussion, let us open our eyes and hearts not only to the plights of humanity that need to be addressed, but also to the fears we may carry of not being enough and therefore being overwhelmed by the world's suffering. In this regard, the human heart may be aware of its own limitation, but the divine Heart within the human is unlimited in its love and in its capacity to hold all.

Let us say a prayer, then, for the homeless and for all who suffer everywhere. Let us pray, too, that our own hearts grow large enough to hold the world within them. - Julie


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 Post subject: Re: Homelessness
PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:41 am 
Beauty-full - I join you in prayer.

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 Post subject: Re: Homelessness
PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:09 pm 
I watched a beautiful movie that had as one of its' parts people experiencing homelessness sharing their experience. I highly recommend it if you long for an uplifting yet humbling movie. It is called "The Human Experience" and is available on netflix.

On Thanksgiving weekend I talked to a boy who had no coat and was homeless and high. I held his hands and we prayed together. I still think of him and wish I had given him a coat. I tried to give him my gloves, but he wouldn't take them. I pray that he has found help for his addiction and is safe and warm.

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 Post subject: Re: Homelessness
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:07 pm 
I live in Western MA, in the USA. Tonight we are preparing for a very large snowstorm. We could receive up to two feet of snow. Yesterday, I had the direct experience of feeling the goodness of this storm that was coming. I am not really sure what it means, but it felt deeply connected to the Earth, her healing and the goodness that she provides. I am grateful to be tucked in safe and warm while the winds blow outside and even as I feel the goodness of this storm, I grieve for all who do not have a safe, warm home to tuck into to wait for this storm to pass. May the time come soon, where it will not be possible for any human being to not have shelter, food, and basic needs met. I pray and I join my hearts with all around the world who are praying for themselves and for the many who do not have what is essential.
With love and blessings, Michaela

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 Post subject: Re: Homelessness
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:50 pm 
Thank you, Michaela, for reminding me to hold those who are out in this storm in my prayers.
With Love,

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 Post subject: Re: Homelessness
PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 11:22 am 
Dear Merina,
I am glad that this topic, which had recently lain dormant, spoke to your heart so you could share your feelings about this. My name is Meg and I am glad to meet you here.

It is indeed horrible to be homeless, hungry and helpless. I can’t imagine what it must feel like, Merina. Imagine feeling so lost, perhaps in pain, filled with worry and fear and yet still be invisible to those that pass you. It would appear to be an impossible situation to fix as there are so many millions of people now, all over the world that do not know where they can safely sleep or if they will eat today. This happens in a time where we do have the knowledge and resources to solve this growing epidemic and yet this heartbreaking condition persists. Is it too big a problem to fix?

I offer you and all dear readers an invitation to look at homelessness and poverty from a spiritual view. Julie's newsletter post, even though written to address the conditions in America back in 2005, can easily be seen as help for the world because no one that suffers is exempt. She offers deep insight with solutions that we all can contribute to if we choose.

Thank you for posting, Merina. I hope to hear back from you as I look forward to what you think about her article:

Here is an excerpt with a link to the complete post:


"In this country, pressing social issues of hunger and homelessness are with us today to an increasing degree. They are with us because we, as a nation and as a government, have not yet given them sufficient priority in our hearts and within our national budget, to reduce their impact or to make them disappear entirely. This does not mean that each of us, individually, does not care about such issues. We may care deeply. It means that in the distribution of money and resources to address national issues of utmost concern, these issues are not at the top of the list.

What should be abundantly clear to us as we strive to learn how to be "our brothers' keeper" - in the biblical sense, in the Buddhist sense, in the Christian sense, and in the sense of moral conscience - is that something has to become eminently real to us in both heart and mind before it can be addressed on a practical level. The motivation for 'holding the world' must be there before the actions that emanate from it can take place.

With this goal in mind - of holding the suffering of others in our awareness - it is possible to look at the picture that emerges of hunger and homelessness in America - a picture that would not be as startling if it did not take place in the wealthiest nation in the world. If we were talking about an African nation or an Asian nation, we would not be surprised to find extensive hunger and homelessness. Or, if we were talking about the victims of the recent tsunami crisis, we would know from watching the news that problems of homelessness and hunger are being addressed in a massive way by governments and world aid organizations.

That is why it is all the more startling when these issues appear in this most prosperous country, even after years of social welfare programs aimed at addressing them. Despite these programs, they come up again, and again and again, because much more needs to be done about them. "

Read more here:

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 Post subject: Re: Homelessness
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 1:57 pm 
The Rose And The Thorn
by Julie

The history of man's spiritual evolution can be depicted as a relationship of rose and thorn, traversing a line between sweetness, beauty, and love, and the pangs of hardship and unexpected loss and pain that always seem to counterbalance the sweet fragrance of the rose.

Never understanding why the thorns of life had to accompany life's beauty, mankind has always had to find ways of dealing with its heavy burden of suffering, both individually and collectively, trying always to focus on the smell of the roses and to minimize the sharp stabbing intrusion of that which was unwanted or unexpected.

Had we but known that the thorns were necessary in order for the roses to exist at all, it may not have made a difference. For the human heart, though it may justify suffering on the level of principle or purpose, nevertheless seeks always for an end to suffering, and a day in which only flowers will grace the vistas of what lies before us. For this is the nature of what it means to be human to seek love and peace and yet to have to abide with the sharp edges of life that are often piercing in their effects.

The thorns of life have been necessary because of the degree of separation of human consciousness from the truth of its own being and from the truth of the Divine nature of all of life a gift from the one Creator of all Had there not been such a separation in awareness, it would not have required the sudden stabbing pain of reality to wake one up to something. For this has always been the service of pain that it awakens within consciousness something that has been asleep, and yet that has been necessary for the further development of wholeness of the self. It does not come into being gratuitously, but rather as a force for healing, to bring the self back to the path of truth and growth and toward the light of wholeness.

Even though the meaning of pain may not be conscious and even though in many instances it seems unjustified, punitive, cruel, haphazard, indifferent, or meaningless, nevertheless, its purpose in manifesting the thorns of life has been to create movement sometimes gentle, sometimes sharp into a different way of looking at things.

Imagine, now, a world in which roses exist without thorns. This is the world of the future. A world in which spiritual growth and the movement toward wholeness no longer needs the kind of prodding that has existed before a world in which the separation of consciousness from the light of sacred reality no longer requires the vast leap over mistaken ideas and notions of reality which create a chasm to be bridged in order to institute a path of return. Under these circumstances, the thorns would no longer be necessary. Painful prodding would no longer be necessary, for the path of growth could be held in light and the corrections that might be needed would be small corrections, ones that could be instituted gently and progressively without a sharp blow to one's awareness.

This is what lies before us in the unfolding evolution of the earth's story and of the story of her inhabitants as we move into the next level of spiritual understanding and evolution. This next level has been called many things, but by whatever name one conceives of it, it is a place and time in which roses shall bloom without the necessity for thorns, and in which the human soul shall experience its own beauty and fragrance without the cloud of self-doubt or mistaken perception that has existed thus far.

Before this time comes, there shall still be thorns that pierce the heart and soul thorns that result from mankind's indifference to man, thorns of mankind's indifference to the sacred life of the earth, thorns that come from cruelty and disdain, from pettiness and greed, from fear and from the desire to seek advantage over others. These are the thorns that human beings create through their own misguided actions, and before they leave the landscape of human consciousness entirely, they will make their presence known.

But in the end, those aberrations of consciousness which lessen the humanity of one to another, which lessen the caring of the human heart of one to another, will progressively disappear. And in its place, will be the awareness of oneness that allows all to answer the question: "Am I my brother's keeper?", with a full and unequivocal "yes."

Blessed be this time of transition and of the earth's flowering into a new day.

File comment: If you wish to learn more you are warmly invited to read articles, ask a question or listen to podcasts & music that contain and celebrate sacred teachings brought forth by Julie and the realms of Light at [ 64.2 KiB | Viewed 27410 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: Homelessness
PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 2:20 pm 

Dear Friends,
It is my hope that in sharing the following “Messages of Light by Request”, response from Julie to one who is struggling with homelessness will enable all of us to bring love and light to a condition that desperately needs compassion, healing and support.

To read additional Messages of Light by Request that are here on the forum, please visit:

All blessings,

Bread- May All Be Fed-
Bread- May All Be Fed- [ 37.31 KiB | Viewed 26657 times ]

Last edited by Meg on Sat Jul 25, 2015 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Homelessness
PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 2:28 pm 
The Challenges of This Time

Please explain to me why suddenly I am homeless, penniless, and grave health issues. I have loved and helped many people during my where is the help when I need it most by others? My family also rejects me. They don't care about my dilemma and this hurts very much. What am I experiencing? E.


Dear Beloved One,

This is a painful time that many face today, as the old issues of the past in need of healing come up forcefully and manifest themselves in external events. Often, these events create crises of larger or smaller proportions, bringing relationships into a new perspective, and requiring of the one going through this 'crisis' that they make a decision about how to view things. The choice, beloved one, is whether to view life as treating you unfairly, or to hold the view that God is leading you where you need to go, and that you will place your trust in the Divine, no matter what things look like outside of you. This is a deep choice to make and it is made by the deepest part of your being, the part that is connected with your soul. It is a choice to walk with God through this time of hardship, and not to consider what the world might be saying or thinking about it.

This test of faith and trust is one that many are facing today, and it is a challenge that you have the capacity to meet if you choose to, for your own soul has chosen this time of uncertainty, and it is your soul that can lead you through it. Blessings for this time and for all time, beloved one - Light Omega

Please feel free to respond to this message if you wish.

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 Post subject: Re: Homelessness
PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 11:39 am 

Each heart is filled with beauty that may
often go unnoticed.
Like a newly seeded field, it waits for the sun
to shine and the rain to come
in order to grow and flourish.

Day 10, Reflections of Light, The Journey Home

Homeless-ROL Day 10- Each heart is filled with beauty.jpg
Homeless-ROL Day 10- Each heart is filled with beauty.jpg [ 39.69 KiB | Viewed 25933 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: Homelessness
PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:45 am 

“Each of us is being asked to come into focus now, to clarify our purpose for being here
and to act in accordance with that purpose.”

“One may turn away from this call. One may pay attention to the distractions of life of which there are a great many, but always, that is at one’s own expense.

In this time of increased violence within this country, and in this time of the projection of fear and endangerment onto others who are deemed to be different from us and threatening to our own security, we are being asked to embrace all, irrespective of their background, skin color, religion, point of origin, or economic viability. We are being asked to embrace their humanity, to respect their humanity and the heart within them that beats to the same human-Divine rhythm that our own heart beats to.

We cannot afford not to do this. We cannot afford to believe that our capacity to love is so weak and so limited that we can only love people who look like us or who carry the outer signs with which we can most easily identify. We must recognize the vastness of our love that is capable of extending to those whose outer means and outer life is very different from our own, yet who deserve the same respect that we accord to ourselves. Among this group are those many, many millions who are homeless, dispossessed, limited in mind or in body, fearful, and yes, even those who are angry and unwilling to love us in return. We are being asked to extend the vastness of our love to even those...”

An excerpt from ‘The Divine Imperative’ by GurujiMa (August 16th, 2019)
Continue reading here:

.          The Divine Imperative -  GurujiMa - OEA 7-2020-
. The Divine Imperative - GurujiMa - OEA 7-2020- [ 64.61 KiB | Viewed 20102 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Homelessness
PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 5:14 am 

‘Hunger and Homelessness in America’
by GurujiMa

“…Today, we must face the fact that 36 million people in this country (numbers from 2004) — a population the size of New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts together — are not able to provide enough food for themselves or their families to sustain themselves, and that between six hundred and seven hundred and sixty thousand people, according to different estimates, on any given night may not have a place to sleep.

As we become more spiritually aware, we cannot afford to not know about these things, as our hearts grow and expand and our desire to help the planet expands as well. Sometimes in the past, our caring has been put aside because it seemed that there was nothing of a practical nature we could do with it. The sense of helplessness has caused many of us to turn ourselves ‘off’ and to go on with our lives, as if those who are suffering were not with us. The thinking has been that if we don’t see them, we don’t have to feel helpless or discouraged.

Yet, we are in a different time now. We are in a time when the advent of greater light has the possibility for changing the consciousness of people in a way that was not possible before, and therefore of leading to life-altering action that will be of benefit to many. We can participate with this change in any outer way that we choose, for what is essential is the inner way that manifests the outer. This is the essence of a spiritual life. Such a life involves the commitment to allowing our hearts to expand so that all action may come from greater love. This doesn’t mean that we have to be depressed each day about those who are hungry, cold, or who have no place to sleep. It means that we have to be mindful of the suffering and the need of others, and to hold this need in our hearts with God.

What ‘holding with God’ means is very different from holding something by ourselves. For one thing, it involves the awareness that God’s heart also holds the suffering of all, and strives continually to bring all of life into a state of greater abundance, hope, and love. For another, even if we do little to affect change in a practical way, our inner focus affects change silently and surely. We can be in a continual state of awareness of the earth and the beings upon it who are in need. Similarly, we can be in a continual state of wordless prayer for the blessing of all.

Regarding social action, too often in the past it has been infused with motivations of anger, fear, resentment, and judgment. Now, we must redefine what it means to act out of conscience. The word ‘conscience’, etymologically, means, ‘to know with’. In order to ‘know with God’ what is right to do, the source of our action must come from a deep inner calling that tells us when to act in a certain direction. This calling is the voice of God speaking within our hearts, creating a sense of rightness. If the source of motivation toward action is anger or judgment, then the result cannot be ‘with God’. To ‘know with God’ is to allow the consciousness of love to precede whatever action is taken, so that that the greatest possible expression of love can emerge. No matter what the degree or shape of our outer activity, the caring for others and the wish for their wellbeing is the central core of change. This will inevitably grow as the heart expands, as the soul infuses the personal self, and as the way of holding suffering ‘with God’ becomes more possible.

As these changes occur, becoming an ‘emissary of light’ is a natural outcome. Being an ‘emissary of light’ does not necessarily involve organized social action to address critical issues, though it may. There are beings at all levels of spiritual life and light who assist in transforming the consciousness of the earth without being in bodies and without engaging in physical action. For those within the human experience, more than anything else, such transformation involves standing in the light with awareness and great love, so that our alignment with light can affect those around us and spread to the planet as a whole.

It is with this invitation to share in the fate of mankind from the place of feeling at one with God’s love, that I offer the following resources to you on ‘Hunger and Homelessness in America’, in order that there may be no one, anywhere, that we feel separate from."

Continue reading ‘Hunger and Homelessness in America’ by GurujiMa (January 19, 2005)

.       Hunger and Homelessness in America -
. Hunger and Homelessness in America - [ 36.77 KiB | Viewed 18675 times ]

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