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 Post subject: Emmanations of Healing Light - Be Fluid
PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:08 am 

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:14 am 

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Daniel B. Holeman

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We are not alone, separate from each other within our own skin, but joined by a vast network of energy and light that combines the essence of one with the essence of another. This is true of all of Creation which is an organic unity of Life.

March 24, 2014 Julie LightOmega Facebook

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:27 am 


by Julie

One of the primary principles of purification has to do with containment. To 'contain' means to hold back, to hold within, or to carry something within a vessel, enclosure, or organism. In relation to purification, what we contain are energies of darkness that we do not wish to go out into the world. We hold them within our bodies until they pass from our consciousness. The principle of containment relies on two more fundamental principles that are at its foundation: that of energy, and that of identity.

Energies that are not love and that are not light are carried within each human being. They pass through us as emotions and as thoughts but they are not who we are. This is a fundamental tenet of purification. We feel and think often in negative ways, but our feeling and thinking is reactive to the world of events that we have lived with since childhood.

Our feeling and thinking are conditioned by these events and form our personalities. These personalities are not us. They are emotional vehicles available to us for our learning. They are not our souls which have a positive nature.
Any person who thinks and feels can learn to make this distinction. They can learn to perceive energies passing through themselves and to not identify with them. These energies are in our bodies; they are also in our subconscious minds. They come and they go. They sweep through us in waves of emotional intensity, but eventually they subside. As souls, we can learn to observe the movement of energies within ourselves and to wait for them to pass without acting them out in words or deeds. This is a great help to others with whom we are in relationship. It is also a great help to ourselves since what is acted out comes back to us and we once again have to deal with it, while what is contained eventually sets us free.

The second principle of containment has to do with identity. For most people, identity is connected with the personality - with our personal tastes, preferences, hopes, fears, and goals. These are all real and valid on the level at which they occur, but they are not the highest or truest part of who we are. Our personal self is based on the life of our ego, the life of our feelings. It is not our soul-self. It is not our pure spirit. Our soul has a goal of its own and that is to become what it is meant to be - the Divine pattern with which it was created.

Our soul represents our reason for existing on earth; it reminds us of our true purpose for being here. When we identify with our personal self or personality it is hard to contain negative energies, first, because we believe in them - we believe that they are us - and second, because there is no reason for doing so. It is only when we see and feel a higher value in not acting in negative ways, ways that are separated from love, that we can begin the hard work of containment. Only then can we strive to find ways to separate from our negative feelings and to eliminate the acting out of these feelings. This is because there must be a purpose for doing so, a purpose that is important to us, a purpose that our soul strives for such as purity, God, truth, love, a better world. We must hold an ideal within us that fuels both the process of purification and the specific effort of containment.

To contain something does not mean to deny its existence. If we feel sadness, grief, fear, or anger, then these are the things that we feel. We can know and feel these feelings without acting them out. We can do this, because we are identifying with our soul-self that believes there is a better way to be in the world, a way based on love and on God's truth.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:32 am 

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by Julie

It sometimes happens that alignment with light becomes shaky and difficult to maintain, and it is in such circumstances that the energy of darkness gains a foothold within consciousness to draw one even further away from light and God. This movement can be perceived as a 'downward slide' into depression, hopelessness, separation, and a loss of the experience of Divine reality. Its hallmarks are the following sequence:

discouragement>>>self-pity>>>isolation>>>abandonment>>>rejection of God's reality.

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 Post subject: Re: Walking with Johanna... A Spiritual Journey Home
PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:39 am 

by Julie

Self-forgiveness involves several things: first, freeing oneself from identification with past mistakes with an intention, held in God, that the root causes of these mistakes be healed with God's help.

Secondly, self-forgiveness involves a willingness to walk humbly before God, knowing that past errors may crop up again and again and must be met with a new intention to become pure and light-filled so that all can return to the natural state of one's deepest being. 

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Thirdly, self-forgiveness involves letting go of the dichotomy regarding being deserving or not deserving of God's love and blessing. This is often the most difficult shift to achieve, since it can involve a leap of faith that even the most intransigent errors of the past can be redeemed through a new identification with one's own Divine core and relationship with God.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:54 am 


by Julie

There are times now when energies that are purifying within the embodied self and energies that are external to that self create chaos, confusion, and agitation in the mind.  The mind can become overactive, with one or several thoughts repeating themselves over and over again, or with thoughts of fear or dread crowding out a sense of peace and trust.  At such times it is important to know how to surrender the mind to God. 


An affirmation which states:
“My mind belongs to God.  My thoughts belong to God”

can, in the presence of willing surrender, clear the mind of unwanted thoughts and allow light to enter what was formerly in turmoil.  Allowing God to take charge of one’s mind involves willingly letting go of all unwanted thoughts in exchange for an empty space of not-knowing.  There must be a willingness to let go in order for this to happen, a willingness to actually let only God’s thoughts, the thoughts of light, remain within the mind.  Then, and only then, can the transition to peace and tranquility take place without the turbulence of disturbing energies.

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If such surrender is present, the mind can become a vessel of peace, one in which God’s thoughts can progressively replace the thoughts of negative energies.  This crossing can be made by anyone who seeks to join with the oneness of truth and light and who seeks to release claim on their own thought process. 


In addition, knowing that the heart is secure, that the thoughts and values that are important to life and to the self remain in the heart, allows the embodied self to know that by creating an empty space, one is not giving up anything that is essential.  Rather, what is being given up are false ideas, ideas generated by negative energies.  What is being gained in their stead are the ideas of light and of the deeper sense of truth that emanates from the soul and resides within the heart.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:07 am 

"As a result of the expansion of light, the earth is being brought forward into the next stage of her evolution, and all beings who inhabit her are being brought forward as well. Higher frequencies of light now present on earth are interacting with all that exists of matter and energy with a singular purpose - to root out all that is not in harmony with the higher vibration of light in order to establish a new reign of holiness within human experience and awareness.

As purification proceeds, individual beings may start to live through a time of greater turbulence. The earth's turbulence may also increase, manifesting as natural phenomenon of great and often of sudden power. These physical manifestations reflect what is taking place at a deeper level. Despite their physicality, they are all part of the earth’s movement toward the next level of her evolution and destiny."

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"...Let us keep in mind that purification, both global and individual, is more than a sequence of intense inner and outer events. If it were only this, it would be an impersonal process in which we might consider ourselves to be acted upon impersonally. However, this is not God's intention. Rather, purification is a holy process - one that reflects God's love for all beings and desire to redeem all that has become separated in order to make possible a new way of life.

This redemptive action is part of the plan for the Earth's unfoldment. Its mechanism includes the planting of a path of spiritual and energetic evolution within time and space, one by which, and through which, embodied beings could return from the separated state of awareness to the truth of their oneness with God.

Herein lies the deepest truth concerning purification, namely, that it is redemptive. It brings about the return of material life from its experience of duality to its former state of oneness with the Divine. Indeed, one may think of the entire process as an act of love instituted in the plan for Creation and built into the fabric of time and space. It is a plan by which all beings will be brought home to their sacred dwelling place within the consciousness of Oneness and with the Divine."

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 Post subject: The Motivation to Serve -Calendar of Light
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:54 pm 

from "The Calendar of Light"

As the heart opens in the presence of light,
so, too, does the desire to help others grow.
Let your heart expand to the fullest it can.
Be in service to all of life

The"Calendar of Light" is a guidepost to transformation and change, and not only a guidepost, for the process of change occurs through immersing oneself in the Calendar emotionally, practically, and energetically. Even for those who have experienced limiting mental or emotional conditions for a very long time, the spiritual energy found in the Calendar offers hope and the possibility for something new taking place.

Hello dear readers,

I am sorry for the long absence from the OEA forum. Elijah and I have both been away engaged in service work. We returned last night and I wanted to let you know as soon as possible that I am back and will be writing again very soon. I hope you will join us this evening as part of the One World Meditation.

with love,

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 Post subject: Transitions and Being Given Everything You Need
PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 3:19 pm 

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As I have recently posted, I went to help my Mother transition from her beloved home of 42 years to a new apartment. The transition for my mother was at many levels - mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually - intense. For Elijah and I the guidance we needed (and more) regarding our service work, was given in three separate dreams which I received. Each dream, one when I first arrived, another as my Mother readied herself to move into the new apartment, and the final dream when we arrived home was exquisite in it's simplicity of message and beauty.

In retrospect, as I review each dream, Elijah and I were being perfectly led, given everything we needed to know - especially myself, to serve.

This is the first instance in which I can say - that I was, in my service work, given everything I needed to complete my task in God's name and in the name of LOVE.



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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:53 am 

Hello dear readers.

Recently - within the last week, I have been going through a period of perceiving intense contraction. I remember hearing Beloved Julie speak of this kind of event many times over the years, yet this is the first time I know within my own being what it really feels like - without fully identifying with the energies. Hurrah!

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Purifcation - Contractive Energies _JohannaRaphael_OEAforum.jpeg [ 118.76 KiB | Viewed 6665 times ]

I feel as if there are energies all around me that can be perceived by my nervous system and my third eye. These energies compress in on InI and everything "energetically" coming into my consciousness and around me feels for the most part - dark, heavy, empty, negative and devoid of Light. If I don't check myself - my mind can fill up on these energies and I can find I-self thinking - mentally expressing - the negative vibes of the energies.

Whilst I know in my mind and my heart that these are energies - I am human it does affect I - even whilst checking myself and moving in time and space without identifying with the energies. I have found that during this time of contraction it has been the most helpful to be outside with Mother Gaia as much as possible.


The Power of Contraction and the Drama of Light and Darkness
Julie Redstone

"...One can look at this phenomenon in two ways -- impersonally, as an electromagnetic effect of Creation which causes an interaction between polarities (see below), resulting in light's capacity to attract darkness to itself as a magnet does. Or, it can also be looked at in terms of the 'will' aspect of this interaction, namely, the intentionality and desire of dark energies to prevent and inhibit the outward expansion of light. Both interpretations are true. What is also true is that the 'will' aspect of darkness is primarily directed toward the light itself, not toward oneself personally, though most of the time when involved in this kind of interaction, we experience it as being personally directed toward ourselves. The latter, however, happens much more rarely. For this reason it is useful to think of darkness as operating in relation to light, rather than as operating as a force designed to defeat us personally. The former attitude allows us to martial our inner strength so that we can try to hold steady and endure through time. The latter invites fear and paranoia.

The suppression of the expansion of light defines the nature and purpose of dark energies within the realm of Creation that are the source of contraction. Darkness came into being when the original Unity from which all emerged radiated outward, manifesting pairs of opposites. Before then, darkness had no effect and could have no effect on anything since it was part of a greater whole. Still, today, at the highest levels of spiritual vibration it has no effect. But once separated out into the duality of light-darkness, the latter became the force that within the realm of duality could act against Divine will. It is one of the purposes of spiritual evolution to reunite polarities and to reabsorb darkness within the greater wholeness of light.

Important to enduring through this cosmic phenomenon is, first, the ability to not personalize it, but to understand it within the larger picture of what is taking place on both the physical plane and on higher planes of energy and consciousness. In this drama, vast forces are at work -- the stuff out of which tales and legends are made. Secondly, to recognize that within this phenomenon, strength and a kind of heroism are being forged, not on the plane of physical battle but on the plane of durability, endurance, and steadfastness. Indeed, it often happens among servants of the light, that a training period is gone through in which steadfastness is honed in the presence of an extended period of contraction.

In the end, a period of contraction MUST give rise to something else, for light is inherently stronger than darkness and forms part of the greater whole in a way that darkness does not. Therefore, it behooves all those who are devoted to the purposes of light to remain faithful to their intentions even when these cannot manifest for long periods of time.

The power of contraction lies in its ability to cause those who serve God and the purposes of love to abandon the light. Its victory lies in the defeat of hope. However, if one were capable of holding to the truth of light's greater strength and the truth of God's presence even during periods of contraction, then light-filled hope and the belief in a positive outcome would act as a force to reverse the situation of contraction, allowing God's divine intentionality to bring into fruition purposes that are sanctified and holy and of benefit to the greatest number of people."


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PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 1:22 pm 

During a time of contraction, it is important to find the means of anchoring oneself in spiritual reality, however that becomes possible. One may not feel light, but one can know it is there. One may not feel God, but one can know God is there. Whatever means of spiritual anchoring resonates with the inner being is what should be pursued. Especially through being with others who can convey hope and trust during a time of darkness.

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Hello dear readers,

Well the energies associated with spiritual contraction continue. AND the means in which I have found to anchor myself in spiritual reality during this time has been through connecting with the energies of Mother Earth.

Even with the pain associated with energies in my body, by the Grace of God and the plant kingdom, I have been able to ground myself literally by touching the ground and in the silence, listening for the Voice of God. At the end of each day, even in the presence of energies of intense limitation and pain, I am amazed at the relationships I have been able to experience with the birds, the trees, the insects, the earth and the plants around me. In the silence I can hear a plant tell me what it needs, I can energetically feel where nourishment is needed and in even the presence of the contractive energies of man made intrusions of chemically blanketing the sky, I find myself quieter, giving thanks and praise, my gratitude for the Blessed One of whom I am a part of.

Until we meet again.

your planetary sista Johanna

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 Post subject: Earth Habitat - the body of the Mother - LightOmega12
PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 1:36 pm 

Earth Habitat - the body of the Mother ... D6BAD93B72

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