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 Post subject: RESPONSE OF LIGHT
PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 1:59 pm 

Upholding the Oneness of All

'Response of Light' was born in the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake in January, 2010. Many who wanted to help the suffering and the dying looked for ways to do so in terms of offering financial aid, but were less clear about how to help in ways that were spiritually powerful and effective.

The first meeting of 'Response of Light' took place as a convergence of souls committed to aligning with the divine Source of light and love and with the Realms of Light to send spiritual light, hope, comfort, strength, and upliftment to those in need. This meeting was based on three assumptions:

1) That there is only one Consciousness operating here that we are all part of. Therefore, what we contribute through thought, love and intention affects the whole and can be directed where we will within this one Consciousness.

2) That there is a synergy that exists when a group gathers to send light and healing somewhere that creates a force greater than the sum of its part

3) That invoking Divine light and love brings the higher dimensions of light into the physical realm for purposes of healing. This is how the Realms of Light operate at all times and this is how invocation works to help the planet.

Based on these three assumptions, and having no exclusions based on belief or religious preference, we are committing ourselves to establishing a global network of souls desiring to sit together in meditative prayer (each within their own location) on a short-notice, crisis-oriented basis, to respond to potential future crises that involve the welfare of a large group or nation.

Our sitting times will be determined by the urgency of the situation, and your signing the form below signifies your desire to join us in a collective global effort to send healing to those in need. Joining the mailing list will allow you to receive e-mailed messages at times of humanitarian crises so that you can play a part in the easing of pain and the creation of hope.

Thank you and blessings for your heart which embraces all.
Julie Redstone

Please sign up here: to receive future mailings at times of need. Be sure to read "About the Meditation" ( before joining the prayer/meditation time.

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 Post subject: Re: RESPONSE OF LIGHT
PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 2:11 pm 

in response to Nairobi, Kenya mall shootings

Monday, Sept. 23rd, 9PM (EDT), 6PM (PDT), 1AM (GMT)

Reports list 39 fatalities, 150 injured, 1000 evacuated at this time. Please join us in our efforts to offer light, love, and comfort to those affected. May all prayers go forth to end violence whenever and wherever it occurs. ... 3778.story

(For those able to, join us also on Sunday, Sept. 22nd at the same times as listed above, even a few moments will be of help. Blessings and gratitude for your part - Julie)

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 Post subject: Re: RESPONSE OF LIGHT
PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:38 pm 
Response of Light Meditation/Prayer-Vigil for the Phillippines
Saturday, Nov. 9th, 6PM (EST), 3PM (PST), 11PM (GMT),

Super Typhoon Haiyan -- perhaps the strongest storm ever -- plowed across the central Philippines on Friday, leaving wide...spread devastation. This is following a 7.1-magnitude earthquake last month, killing at least 222 people, injuring nearly 1,000 and displacing about 350,000, according to authorities. The number of actual fatalities from the storm or the extent of property damage is not known yet, as floodwaters must subside more before rescue crews can evaluate the damage. The storm brought sustained winds of 195 mph with gusts as strong as 235 mph.

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 Post subject: Re: RESPONSE OF LIGHT
PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:53 pm 

for the Philippines - Wed., Nov. 13th

In conjunction with One World Meditations
8:30-9PM (EST), 5:30-6PM (PST), 1:30-2AM (GMT)
Over 10,000 fatalities according to government sources, many in great need, many displaced and homeless. Please join us. Julie

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 Post subject: Re: RESPONSE OF LIGHT
PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 5:11 pm 
Response of Light

51 Pilot Whales Beached off Florida's Gulf Coast
Prayers for their survival and gratitude for this gesture of sacrifice

Please read further to understand what this 'sacrifice' might mean

It is known to many that ocean conditions are changing due to climate warming. Things such as the salinity of the ocean, its temperature, toxic pollution, and depletion or disappearance of portions of the food chain all affect species, even when only tiny changes occur.

This is true for whales as well. And yet more than this is involved here. Whales are an intelligent species and can choose, consciously, in certain instances, to participate in the transformation of human consciousness and of the Earth through their own sacrifice, calling attention to the dire need for humanity to change its ways of relating to the oceans of the world.

Consider the possibility, therefore, that the spiritual intelligence of whales which is attuned to the state of the body of the Earth and of her oceans is capable of responding through sacrifice. Consider it, beloved ones, for humanity needs to hear and to respond to this call. May all who make sacrifice for the benefit of others and for the Earth be blessed. And may the animal kingdom be heard by us as they give voice to their own concern and their own pain. Julie

PLEASE SHARE THIS with those who might be interested. ... gulf-coast

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 Post subject: Re: RESPONSE OF LIGHT
PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 3:14 pm 
for the EARTH"

Co-sponsored by Response of Light and One World Meditations

**Sat., December 21, 2013**

Solstice Times
12:11pm (ET); 9:11am (PT); 5:11pm (UTC/ GMT)


At the December solstice, we end the days of decreasing daylight in the Northern Hemisphere and look toward the return of greater light. The opposite is true in the Southern Hemisphere where the winter solstice is in June. From time immemorial, ritual prayer, celebration, and many other spiritual observances have been connected with this astronomical turning toward the light as it takes place in both hemispheres, both times being spiritually significant. All observances are dedicated to assist the embracing of the new light and the hope that it brings. Although it is not physical light that becomes more present in December for the Southern Hemisphere, this does not mean that only half the planet benefits from the December Solstice. The entire planet benefits, and all prayers assist the transmission of spiritual light as widely as possible.

This year, we are asked to sit and pray/meditate together at the time of the Solstice, to join our collective forces with the intentionality of the Universe and with the Divine plan for the Earth to bring in more light. Please bless us with your presence for a few moments or for the entire 30 minutes of this sitting.

We thank you, and bless you for being here - Those who serve the Light
Light Omega Extended Community

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:10 pm 

Please join your prayers for Kiev, Ukraine with those worldwide at the meditation/prayer vigil TONIGHT sponsored by Response of Light.

Wed., Feb. 19th
8:30-9pm (ET); 1:30-2am (GMT).

Even a few moments is helpful.

To receive future Alerts -

Kiev Priest for Peace - Sergei Supkinski via Getty Images.jpeg
Kiev Priest for Peace - Sergei Supkinski via Getty Images.jpeg [ 157.6 KiB | Viewed 73358 times ]


to bring light to the violence in Kiev, Ukraine

Your prayers are needed.

Wednesday, Feb. 19th, 8:30-9pm (ET), 1:30-2am (GMT)
in conjunction with One World Meditations

Priests for Peace - Kiev - Asscocisated Press.jpeg
Priests for Peace - Kiev - Asscocisated Press.jpeg [ 212.89 KiB | Viewed 73358 times ]

"After weeks of relative calm, trucks and tents burned, Molotov cocktails smashed against police shields, and banners illuminated by the flames all around whipped in the strong breeze. At least 20 people were reported killed in the latest flare-up of protests that began after President Viktor Yanukovych rejected a trade deal with Europe and turned to Russia for financial help last fall."

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 Post subject: Re: RESPONSE OF LIGHT
PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:04 am 

For the 239 passengers of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370,
their families and loved ones

Tuesday, March 25th, 9pm (ET), 6pm (PT), 1am (GMT)
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 went down over the southern Indian Ocean, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said today (March 24th), citing a new analysis of satellite data by a British satellite company and accident investigators, and apparently ending hopes that anyone survived.
We regret not being able to offer this meditation at the beginning of this sad event, and invite you to join us to help support the souls in transition, their families and loved ones. ... nes-plane/ ... vignettes/

All blessings - Julie

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 Post subject: Re: RESPONSE OF LIGHT
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:00 am 

for the continuing violence in Nigeria,
and for those lost today in the South Korean ferry sinking

Thursday, April 17th, 9pm (ET), 6pm (PT), 1am (GMT)

On Monday, April 14th, a bomb blast killed 70 in Abuja, Nigeria's capital, as commuters were about to board buses and taxis to go to work. The blast this week has been attributed to Boko Haram, the Islamist militant group also suspected of being responsible for the deaths of many high school students on Feb. 20th this year as they slept in their dormitories in the town of Bama, northeast Nigeria. The actual source of the present explosion is not yet known. - April 14th bomb blast ... ttack.html - Feb. 20th violence against students

In addition, prayers are needed for those lost today, April 16th, in the ferry sinking off the coast of South Korea. Of the 459 passengers, 300 are still unaccounted for at this time.

All blessings and gratitude for your presence with us. Even a few moments of your sitting with us in silence is of help - Julie

File comment: We are all of one Heart, please join us in prayer.
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 Post subject: Re: RESPONSE OF LIGHT
PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2014 3:27 pm 
for those affected by the landslides on May 2nd
in Northern Afghanistan

Tonight, Sun., May 4th, 9pm (ET), 6pm (PT), 1am (GMT)

On Friday, May 2nd, massive landslides in Northern Afghanistan demolished homes and sent villagers fleeing. At present, 2500 are missing and feared dead. Please join us in prayer for those who have lost homes, lives, and loved ones.

All blessings and gratitude for your presence with us. Even a few moments of your sitting with us in heartfelt silence is of help
- Julie

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 Post subject: Re: RESPONSE OF LIGHT
PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 7:19 pm 

Tomorrow, May 16, 9pm (ET)
Meditation/Prayer Vigil for the Turkish Mining Disaster

Join us to send love and support to the families, loved ones, and a grieving nation over the deaths of more than 283 miners in the worst mining accident in Turkey's history.

FRIDAY, May 16th, 9pm (ET); 6pm (PT); 1am (GMT)

Even a few moments of prayerful connection will be of help. ... 88610.html

Response of Light
A global network offering immediate spiritual support at times of crisis

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 Post subject: Re: RESPONSE OF LIGHT
PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:59 pm 

Dear Beloved Ones,

Because of the transition that the Earth is going through and the changes this is bringing to each individual consciousness, it is time now to eliminate the distinction that has been long held between spiritual activism and social and political activism. Where the goal is involved with changing consciousness, one can move toward this goal along different lines, and the premise that because spiritual pursuits are internal they are less effective in changing outer conditions needs to be released. Instead, one can hold that an alteration in consciousness changes all.

Bearing this in mind, and with great gratitude for your presence with Response of Light in the past, we ask those who desire to pursue this direction to join us in the weekly One World Meditation which can be a repository for hopes, dreams and prayers not only for the Earth as a whole, but for specific situations that come up suddenly and without warning.

One World Meditations will continue with its Wednesday schedule of sittings, and for those who would like to add a specific focus to the meditation where a particular need is felt, we hope to set up a bulletin board in the future where you may send your concerns or where one may already be listed.

This change will begin in the next few days. We desire greatly that you join us in this new venture, namely, the global effort accompanied by the Realms of Light to transform planetary consciousness and address the many needs of this time.

With all love and blessings - Julie

Please note: One World Meditations takes place weekly each Wednesday at 8:30-9pm (ET), 5:30-6pm (PT), 12:30-1am (GMT) and is joined by the Realms of Light each week who transmit their light to the Earth.

(GMT changes when the U.S. moves to Standard Time in early November)

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