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 Post subject: Wednesdays with Johanna (Opening Prayer) 10-16-2013
PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:20 am 

May all blessings be upon Thee.

Beloved of The Beloved.

Daughter of the Light.

Blessed art Thou.

In Thee I have put my trust.

Through Thee have I been shown my way...

With all Gratitude, Thanks and Praise to the Creator - MotherFather God, I come today to serve in the name of the Light, in the name of all which is pure and in the name of Love.


Bless and Guide I.

Bless and guide the words which come through me, and the actions which flow forth from me.



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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:31 am 

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Blessings of the Light to the Earth and her inhabitants.
A new time has arrived - may the Earth be blessed.


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 Post subject: Increased Light + Longing + Prayer + Purification = Healing
PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 12:08 pm 

We, humankind, have the honor to have chosen, and to have been chosen, to move through the sphere of duality, in order to fully m embody the consciousness of God within form.

I and you and all our brothers and sizers of the Earth are beautiful Divine images, held securely in the Mind of God.

And it is our destiny to realize in full consciousness the image which forms the gourd of our individuality, and of our being.

Awakening into Being, Teaching the Heart to Sing, Julie ... -Sing.html

So what happened last week Johanna?

Well, the Light which has been intensifying, and my body, which has been longing to hold more light and let go of the past, experienced a healing response as part of my Purification Process.

The healing crisis was also in response to previous weeks of sharing my inner desire to let go of relationships that were not mutually loving and caring, to let go of the drama and karma.

The healing experience was so intense, that I was bedridden for a week amongst other happenings within my body.

Pain is not an enemy but a passage you have chosen to move through.
Such a view allows the heart to soften, and in this softening to invite healing in.


Through the loving ministrations of my acupuncturist and his lovely wife and her healing stones, as well as the love and healing properties of the plant kingdom through herbs and food, deep breathing, as well as the tender care from my beloved Elijah, and the upliftment and love from the Realms of Light and God, I was able to go through this very intense and at times, physically painful experience, feeling loved, nourished, and supported.

Within all suffering there is the pain itself, and then there is one's reaction to it.

These two are not the same.

Breathe into the pain. Let it be, and trust.

This furthers the process of healing and opens the door to greater peace.


This is the first time in 20 years of healing I felt - knew - myself to be supported by the Light and I was not in fear.

Just yesterday I was able to take my first walk without my stick for support.


You do not know the limits of your inner strength,
nor whether something may be possible or impossible for you to get through.

For endurance depends not upon yourself alone, but upon a vast universe of light
and life which can support and carry you when you cannot carry yourself.

Call upon it and it shall be.


As part of my ongoing purification of low density karmic relationships which have affected body, mind, spirit and heart - I am encountering more bullies at this time.

These embodied beings are manifesting at this time in my life as part of my healing path, standing up to them with integrity, without fear and self deprecating as well as with dignity. Sometimes it can still can get messy, as the emotional intensity can be depleting and then well, it gets messy! The next step being forgiveness then the process of letting go. It is time to let go and move forward.

I will share with you one of the experiences.

Yesterday, my neighbors landscaper, came down as he always has and turned his big truck with a trailer full of equipment in my driveway. As he did so, I was watching and saw how he was affecting an area of erosion on my lawn that I have been seeking to save.

I called out to him to stop. He asked me why. I told him that he was "tearing up my lawn as he was backing up on my lawn". He ignored me, I said to him, "the irony is not lost on me that you are tearing up my lawn to go take care of my neighbors lawn."

He did everything but give me a rude gesture in response.

So I wrote a quick note to put on his vehicle asking him to turn his vehicle not in my driveway, but in the driveway of the property he is working on.

As I walked to his truck, he came up towards me on his big machine and turned it down for a moment, took the note, read it and crushed it in a ball and threw it to the ground scowling at me.

The energies of violence and anger coming out of him were by all accounts, disproportionate to the experience we were having in that particular moment.

In relation to pain there is a choice to make -

to allow oneself to open to all experience and grow,

or to become smaller and harder, contracting the life within.

This choice can shape an entire life.


Literally, moments before he showed up in my driveway I was receiving guidance regarding my healing response related to the karma which was manifesting in my bowels (it is believed to be one of the seats of karma - physically)*.

This is what I was receiving:

Pain and trauma associated with past lives and karma related to:

Sexual abuse
Sexual violence
Torture (Circa Inquisition)

Just as I put the ending parenthesis around the last notation, he pulled up.

Later, upon reflection, I felt deeply that in that moment, he was being offered a chance in this lifetime to respond to me differently. The key being respect. Alas, he did not choose that path, rather he was angry, disrespectful, and allowed a plethora of rage to burst forth from his heart. Get out! Really, I felt as if I knew this being in another lifetime, at that time, he was a priest.

When the body experiences hardship, one naturally wants to ease the pain.

Yet, there is healing of the body and healing of the soul.

Sometimes, one must wait in the body so that healing of the soul can take place.

In this way does life serve the purposes of the highest good, creating virtue even out of suffering.


Note about my body holding karma:

*My understanding of where we hold physical karma is rudimentary at best, I am remembering as I go through the Purification Process. I believe our karma manifests first from our cells - our DNA. Then there is the solid layer of karma which manifests in the intestines (the intestines being related to every part of the body), then the karma lodged energetically in the organs, blood, skin and hair, and then out to the aura.


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 Post subject: Teachings of Julie - THE NEW LIGHT BODY
PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 12:17 pm 

To create a 'body of light', what is needed is the capacity and willingness of mind, heart, and spirit to raise the vibration of the physical, emotional, and mental being  so that it can adapt to and resonate with incoming energies of light. 

Being able to receive these incoming energies will enable those who seek to do so to stabilize their energy field at a higher level of vibration and at a higher level of consciousness.

In order that this occur with greatest ease, the physical vehicle for containing light must be in a purified state so that resonance with the higher energies can take place to the greatest degree. 

What this means will vary from person to person, but at the very least has to do with eliminating from the body all toxic substances that impair its natural functioning, all animal-based substances that would effectively lower the body's vibration, and all negative energies of an emotional nature that have the potential for creating blockages within the body to the smooth flow of light.


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PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 12:23 pm 

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 Post subject: Podcast by Julie - "The Foundation of a Sacred Life"
PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 12:38 pm 

The importance of longing as an activator of remembrance.


We arrive at this new moment in time, with the desire to experience the sacred. If we do not have this desire, then we will only experience the physical level of the space we are in, with people that are here, with thoughts that we have, but we won't experience the sacred. The desire has to be there, and there has to be a 'presentness' to the moment so that we are willing to integrate with our wholeness, and feel more than, the worries, or cares, or thoughts, of the present moment, or the past moments.

Fortunately for human beings, the desire to experience the sacred, is built in to who we are; it's not something that has to be learned, it's something that has to be uncovered. Because each human being is a soul, and each soul has within themselves - the yearning to fully express 'beingness' where ever one is, and under all circumstances.

So to express 'beingness' means, being aware of yourself as connected with God, connected with your own wholeness - all of the time. Not some of the time. All of the time. This is the yearning of the soul and the reason for embodiment. It's the reason for coming here now, to be on the earth, to be in a body, to express your beingness through the body. That's why you are here.

There are things that takes us away from remembrance of why we are here. The habitual things of what we pay attention to. The ordinary things that create the illusion that physical reality, the demands of the moment, the things that are on our list to do, are all that's happening. But that's never the case. Our list of things to do is shaped by how we are holding our consciousness, that's what determines what's on our list of things to do.

How many people put on their list of things to do, to 'breath'? How many people put on their list of things to do, to remember God in the moment? Remember why you came to the earth. That's what needs to be on the list of things to do. That's what constitutes a foundation for a sacred life.

So we all know, because we lived a long time, in this lifetime and others, what the experience of pay attention to the many things, both pleasurable and painful, that have come to us in the course of life experience. We've paid attention to many varieties of things. We know that, We are use to that.

And so the heart has to awaken for it's yearning for the sacred. It has to want it more, it has to want it more that paying attention to the habitual way of seeing things, and then when that yearning awakens more, then that list 'to do' changes and remembrance of God comes into the list; and remembrance of breathing comes into the list.

And the business of life becomes modulated by the desire to live in sacredness. That becomes more important than other things.

So those of you who may ask, "how do I remember, how do I remember these things?" The answer in this part of that is "you need to long to remember." "You need to want to remember." "It has to become a bright flame in your heart". Then you begin to remember.

The reaching out needs to take place in an active way. Through asking, through praying, through longing. Through the yearning. Through the feeling that something is missing. In all the ways that you as an individual require completion. That 'longing for completion' is the fuel that fans the flame of the desire to remember, and then, remembering begins, to be more active on a daily basis.

But as long as you are separated in your own thoughts, and paying attention to physical reality, as if that interaction and the definition of that, is all that you are. Then you will believe that that is all that you are. Until the moment comes that the loss of the sacred is felt more deeply in your heart. And it can be also, that the experience, the desire, for the greater expansion of love, is the way that that comes to you. It can be, that you have a feeling within yourself, that love is the basis for life. And that you, in some deep place in yourself, want more love, know that it is possible, yearn for it, desire to bring it to people, desire to receive it from others, desire to be in communion with love, at all times.

So that is not separate from the sacred, that's the center of it - God's love and your interaction with that - it's the center of it.

You hear my words, but only you know in your consciousness, how much you are longing for these things, and how much you feel your life is defined by the more practical concerns of the day. How to earn a living, how to get food, how to to clean your house, how to take care of children. You know, in yourself, to what degree, those things that seem so practical and everyday, are separated from the sacred. Because that separation, is not a necessary separation. That's the illusion of living life by the physical plane. Instead of living life in which the physical experience, is part of the sacred. You know where you are with that. And so the longing has to grow, to have a seamless life. "One" life in which the physical interaction is included, but included in the sacredness of God's Presence. In all things.

So in relation to these thoughts and desires, at any point you wish to, you can pray that the doors be open to your own longing. You can ask that you're own reaching out, becomes stronger. You can pray that there be less of a separation between the practical and the spiritual, or the sacred. You can ask to live, just one life. Those are ways of increasing the response of the Universe to you, so that you will be shown, when it is that you are separating from yourself. And when it is that you are experiencing more wholeness.

So let your longing be full. Let your desire for a unified life be full. One in which you embrace the sacred and the separation between the physical and the spiritual finally comes to an end.

May all beings live, as they truly are, in the holiness of their being, in unity with God, and all others; immersed in the love that is at their core.

Need a link?

"The Foundation of a Sacred Life" - by Julie

To listen: ... d-Life.mp3

For all podcasts:

Note: Any grammatical errors or spelling errors are Johanna's in the translating. Mea culpa.

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 Post subject: The Holiness of Days - I have made My Covenant with thy seed
PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 12:46 pm 

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The Holiness of Days
Light Omega Poster Collections -

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 Post subject: Teaching the Heart to Sing - LET THE LIGHT BE SEEN WITHIN US
PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 1:09 pm 

There is nothing we need to do anymore to hide from ourselves or from others.

The era of living according to appearance and approval is giving way to something greater.

Awakening into Being, Teaching the Heart To Sing

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 Post subject: Re: Energetic Sensitivity and a Clarification
PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 1:18 pm 

For me, the Light is purifying karmic issues of the past of soul connections some of which have been parasitic in nature. Or, as an example, a lovely soul came to visit me about work this Saturday, this soul had been through a stroke, and had just recently fell and perforated her liver and broke her ribs - my body took all of her sufferations in, affecting my liver the most strongly, and it took some time to recover from the experience. October 9, 2013

Here's the clarification...

This experience was not, to my knowledge, a karmic low density experience. I related it more, because it was the first intense event in a string of Divine unfoldments and sacred healing events which left me unable to post last Wednesday. I wasn't able to clarify the point until today.


This is how energetically sensitive InI can be.

The Saturday before last, I was feeling peaceful, light, easy, blessed, strong, centered and then I had an encounter with a woman who is suffering so profoundly in her physical life with incredible grace.

After she left my house, I offered my arm for her to hold as she walked…. woooooosh….

Everything came into my body, her-story (her body's history) and I became intensely nauseous, weak and felt sickly. My liver, (where I tend to purify energies coming from other embodied souls…) began to feel pain, gripping, and even more waves of nauseousness.

I was literally wiped out for hours after this sacred encounter.

Those who have reached great spiritual heights are touched by the suffering of others.

For the heart that knows truth seeks always to share it, to bring the gift of healing to an aching world.


I felt this message come to my consciousness… "She has encountered some really awful people in her life who reject her - angry people also, who are abusive of her."

All this information and more, just from her touching my arm.

Now there may be some of you dear readers who are cringing, crying out loud "why did you let her touch you then when you already could feel the intensity of her suffering? Stay away from those type of situations and you won't feel that way or have those energies enter you!"

And you would be right in point of fact and less in the so in the spiritually ethical and moral experience known as my embodied life.

My soul imprint tells me to help and love one another when ever I can, when ever I am aware that I am being asked to serve in this way. Which is to bring healing and light whenever I am brought into Divine Alignment or situations which I can perceive as Divinely aligned, surrendering my body (and what I want to 'do' in the next moment), in service to humanity.

Now, I am not hair shirt type of a woman by any means - and - my heart is tender and where I can share light, love and help another to feel a little space in the midst of their sufferations, I will.


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 Post subject: Teaching the Heart to Sing - OUR MISSION AND OUR DESTINY
PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 1:23 pm 

Our mission and our destiny, yes, each of us individually, is to open our hearts to the greater being-ness flowing through us, calling us more and more imperatively to become our true selves.

For it is only by becoming our true selves that we allow God to become one with us, and to pervade the physical realm with the holiness of spiritual life.

We are being called to this task.

It is our choice to determine how fearless we may be in accepting out greatness.

Awakening into Being
Teaching the Heart To Sing

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 Post subject: PODCAST BY JULIE - "The Soul's Connection with the Body"
PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 1:32 pm 

Beyond the boundary of the skin, we exist in continual connection with all that is. Yet the gap between the vibration of the light of the soul and the vibration of the physical body has prevented human beings from experiencing this. Now, that gap is closing, allowing the body and the soul to resonate with each other.
(Sept. 29, 2013)

It's always a question of which reality we are in. And what our consciousness allows in the way of awareness, moment to moment. It is always a question because life is about that. It's about being aware of our awareness. Being aware, of how small or how expanded it is, and whether it feels connected to the deeper truth of what remains real, whether we feel it or not. And so as I have said many times now, it is very easy to feel lost or to feel absorbed, into the physical reality of what is going on. Because we are so accustomed to approaching physical tasks and mental tasks that way. With the sense that, we are just operating in our bodies, "thinking, thinking, thinking' of what needs to happen. Or actually moving in a certain way to accomplish a task. And that orientation to the insularity of the body, is the history of human experience on the earth.

It is, what each soul who has traveled through the earth's sphere for a long time, is accustomed to. So we get used to moving through time and space, just thinking about how to manage. Not necessarily with disturbance or anxiety, although that is often there; much more often then people are aware. But planning "what do I do now, what do I do next, how should I be?" And so, the feeling of peace, that is felt being carried in the Divine Flow of Life, doesn't happen.

The Divine Flow is there, but the appreciation of it does not happen, because the awareness moves to the mental level, or the emotional level, that leads to figuring things out; "figuring, figuring, figuring" - "thinking, thinking, thinking." And then it becomes exhausting.

The Soul's Connection with the Body

This is all part of the human journey. This all what we have as a, collective humanity, experience for eons. And so, what makes possible something new, is the activation of the souls connection with the body, through the heart.

The souls connection with the body allows for consciousness to register, something else, other than the preoccupation that we are accustomed to of "doing and doing and doing" and, "thinking, and thinking, and thinking."

It is not that all activity has to stop. It's that the person we perceive ourselves to be, in the mist of activity, needs to feel "held, supported, encompassed, embedded, infused", by something greater. The activity doesn't have to stop.

But because the body could not make sufficient contact with the Light of the soul, prior to this present expansion, on a vibration level, the gap was too great. The soul was in one vibrational field, and the body was in another. So something had to change about that, in order to make possible, the sense of support, in side oneself, in the midst of activity, to be able to feel, "I am with God", I am the breath of life", "I am a Divine being".

This has not happened for many people at this time, but it is happening, and the possibility for it happening is great. Because the light that is infusing physical matter, is bringing the body, the earths body and your body, into resonance, with the light of your soul.

And sometimes that could mean, that you know more, about how to think, or how to look at a particular situation. It could mean knowledge in an articulated sense about what is really going on right now. But it could also be, in the midst of whatever you are doing, you feel 'upheld - supported' by knowing that you are being, and expression, right in the moment by doing the most mundane thing. That you are the out-picturing of Divine Life.

This is not how we're accustomed to feeling. And so, the habitual way of feeling alone is so deeply embedded. And for many people, there are all kinds of physiological issues that create additional factors related to feeling alone, but the underlying energetic resonance which has to do with the separation between the vibration of the physical plane and the physical body and the light of the soul - that's the history of humanity. That's not a physiological issue. That's an issue about human development that has taken place. And the change that is happening… is now.
So for the time being, while we are getting used to this transition, and for many of us that are not feeling it enough to know - "I am not alone, God is here", "I am with God's BReath", all of those things.

So in the process of going through the transition right now - it's often useful, in the midst of anything.. to stop and take a breath. Breath in Divine Life. Even if you don't feel anything different, you can know, that is what's happening.

May all beings be blessed with the knowledge of their Oneness with all that is. And may all sense of aloneness and separation come to an end, replaced by the deeper truth of unity.

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 Post subject: Teaching of Julie - THROUGH DEATH INTO LIGHT
PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 1:50 pm 

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This is a true story of beings and energies, and the passage after death into greater light. Some of it is metaphor, but the overall principles of ascendance are not. The character of the ancient one has a place in the hierarchy of light, and the blessings offered and help given to the departed are very real.


At the edge of the Garden of Eden, at a place not far from where the wilderness meets the cultivated landscape of fruit trees and flowers, stands a little house, and in it, sits a small man with a long gray beard who reads from a very old book with dry, dusty pages that he turns every now and then. He cannot see much in the dim light, for there are no windows in the little house, but the light that shines from within sets aglow all that surrounds the house in any case, and leaves enough light for the book to be read.

Within this book are the names of those who have passed through the portals from life to death during the past year, and the book is called the Book of Life. As the ancient man reads the names, he conveys a special blessing to each one whose spirit ascends from the place where it has gathered to rest and review its circumstances, before proceeding on further. With the ancient one's blessing, the souls of the departed are given permission to rise still further in the light so that they may begin the next stage of their journey.

The ancient one who reads from the dusty book is not a sage, nor is he God himself, nor is he a friend or relation of the departed souls. No, he is rather the Lord of the Underworld and of the Overworld itself, and he is in charge of the transition into light of the ones who await his blessing before moving on. As Lord of the Overworld, his blessing moves souls into greater light. As Lord of the Underworld, his blessing moves souls further into the fires of purification so that they, too, may be given renewed opportunities to release the darkness they have carried and to ascend into the heavenly spheres.

Each soul is weighed according to its thoughts and actions during the previous lifetime, and each is given the test of truth which is the ability to see for themselves the truth that lived in their hearts while they were yet in bodies. The ability to deny truth is no longer present in the ones who are no longer in bodies, and each can see clearly and without doubt, the good that they have created and the harm they may also have been instrumental in creating. Such witnessing is a great gift and a great responsibility, for there are new choices to be made in the presence of truth, and new opportunities given for learning that may not have been possible while in a body.

For the souls who are primarily experiencing the fires of purification, these souls are becoming acquainted firsthand with the darkness they have carried, and they are being met with the same pains and sources of distress that they may have caused to others out of the dark motives of their heart. These souls are not being punished. They are being given the opportunity to release what they have held onto so that they can be set free to move into the spheres of light by their own free choice to do so.

The souls in the Underworld and the souls in the Overworld are aware of the blessing of the ancient one when it comes, for it lifts the one who receives it in an embrace of love, and, while this may not be directly perceived by some, it nevertheless provides a forward motion and sense of new possibility for the souls that seek the light. In the end, all souls are weighed and measured according to the quality of their hearts as well as the actions of their bodies, and each finds the place of resonance within the spheres of light that corresponds to the greatest opportunity for further development.

At some point the old man closes the book and closes his eyes for a very short while, as he rests from the work of holding the souls in his care in the delicate embrace of advancing light. But his rest is very brief, and not much is needed, for there are always souls waiting to be blessed, and there is always his heart waiting to pour forth additional blessing upon those who have departed the sphere of earthly life.

Through Death into Light by Julie
This Teaching can be found at: ... ight.shtml

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