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 Post subject: Teaching of Julie - DIFFERENCE BETWEEN REGRET & SHAME
PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:21 pm 

The heart that is opening to greater awareness of spiritual reality is essentially a moral heart, one that wants to love more and to share the beauty of life with all beings. 

Such a heart often feels discouraged in the presence of its own limitations and especially in the light of truth which shines on these limitations, showing places in the self that are not loving, that may, instead, be selfish, unforgiving, and angry.

Out of such limitation, actions may be taken and words spoken that the awakening heart deeply regrets but does not know how to prevent. For in the moment of expression, these words and actions seem to leap out of oneself unbidden, often to one’s dismay later on.  In many challenging situations, the ego is quick to stand up to defend itself, seizing the moment to take revenge  or to assume control in some other way.   Such emotional upsurges are not looked at kindly by a loving heart, even while they are looked at as necessary or justified by a self that feels threatened, wounded, or deprived.

In the presence of such limitations, there are always a number of choices.  The choice that is most light-filled is that of responsible awareness - of desiring to learn from one’s mistakes.  This is the choice of alignment with light and with higher purpose and it leads to the path of healing from the Divine within.  Such a choice is often accompanied by deep regret or remorse for one’s past words or actions, wishing that one could take them back.  Regret, however, is not a bad thing.  It is the manifestation of a longing heart that desires to do better and to be better - to love more and to be more.  And whether this love is directed toward another, toward God, toward the self, or toward a situation that one lives with, the yearning to love more, accompanied by regret, is founded in love and is an impetus to growth for the expanding heart.

Feeling ashamed of one’s past actions, by contrast, partakes of a different energy.  Whereas remorse or regret is motivated by love and by faithfulness to ideals, shame is motivated by self-criticism and judgment and partakes of darkness rather than light.  Shame, unlike regret, is unforgiving.  It immerses one in negative thinking, replacing Divine mercy, understanding, and compassion with judgments that one has created oneself.

Read this entire Teaching: AWAKENING: THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN REGRET AND SHAME ... Shame.html

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:25 pm 

File comment: Messages of Light - Julie - Light Omega
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When you do not know the way-525x470.jpg [ 166.58 KiB | Viewed 4547 times ]

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 Post subject: Teaching of Julie - THE PURPOSE OF SILENCE
PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:47 pm 

There is no way for a society to emerge into a higher state of consciousness without individuals becoming more conscious of themselves - of who they really are, not who they have been taught they are or who they imagine themselves to be. Infusing a time of silence into the atmosphere of one's life is essential to the healthy growth of the total being, just as food is essential to the healthy growth of the body. Both are needed so that the spiritual can be connected with the material, and so that all that exists within as Divine gift and talent can find a means of outer expression.

READ THE ENTIRE TEACHING: The Purpose of Silence ... z2eZpZxFaQ

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:00 pm 

Time feels as if it is accelerating around me when I am 'out in the world'. I can't seem to find my center, everything is moving fast and the energies coming into me are overwhelming.

My work, looking from another's perspective, is relatively easy with hours that I can choose, and yet one day on the job and by the end of the day I am having a messy emotional meltdown in the car - roof open for all to hear…aaah the messy drama which can be me at times…

I apologize to everyone I hurt with my words… yet I can't apologize to the random guy just taking a bike ride who heard me… I am sorry I was not able to contain and you had to hear my outcries and anger.

One of the primary principles of purification has to do with containment. To 'contain' means to hold back, to hold within, or to carry something within a vessel, enclosure, or organism. In relation to purification, what we contain are energies of darkness that we do not wish to go out into the world. We hold them within our bodies until they pass from our consciousness. The principle of containment relies on two more fundamental principles that are at its foundation: that of energy, and that of identity.


Lately, I am feeling even more sensitive to subtle energies. There is a certain building I have been tending where someone has been coming to stay temporarily during the week - when I am there, my body feels full of rage. It took me a couple of times of having meltdowns and being there for me to see the correlation. The soul who has been coming to stay the last few weeks is an energetically sensitive soul, not on any particular spiritual path, who has a tendency to surround themselves with angry, rage-full souls. I feel when I go to that particular property that I fill up and like a sponge, clean out the built up rage - unfortunately, due to my level of unconsciousness, it has taken me some time to become aware it is happening, I have been having meltdowns when I go near that property. Finally, it has dawned on me to be careful and mindful when there AND after I leave.

Then there are energies that I take in and do not take care of myself after the process. I have this strange ongoing state of inner denial that the energies that I take in do not have an emotional and psychological component that can be devastatingly draining to my energy body. I took in a great amount of suffering recently and was staggering around - literally - in my house seeking to find a way to discharge the energies through movement - it did not work as the next day I had the messy meltdown.

Now I can feel those of you dear readers who are shaking their heads right now saying "Why doesn't she create a protective bubble", or "Why doesn't she pray more?"

This is an ongoing discussion I have had over the years. I may be stubborn, and need to go through this because I am so stubborn - or - I may hold the key to my soul in my heart's belief that taking in these energies is my "JOB" - as in from GOD, and the Realms of Light. It has to do with my body being a transmitter and receiver of Divine Impulses as well as human impulses - I am in a way a bridge. I stopped the practice of praying for the pain or torment to end, be less painful, etc., years ago - and have I think, for the most part, surrendered to my JOB. Where I do not take good conscious spiritual care, is that the day after taking in so much energy - it would have been in right relationship to take the day off and rest and purify my body from what I took in. Instead, I compounded the energies within and went to a place full of the subtle energies of rage.

Chemical spraying covering the sun.jpeg
Chemical spraying covering the sun.jpeg [ 109.72 KiB | Viewed 4546 times ]

I feel too, that I am becoming more sensitive when they spray the skies - it seems that my emotional state becomes more precarious when the skies are blanketed with chemicals creating a false cloud cover. Oddly, this thought came to me yesterday, "When the skies are blanketed with chemicals - there is no releasing of subtle emotional energies out into the galaxies - instead the energies stay close to the earth and are pushed back down."

I am super sensitive to the energies of the sun - I have visions from years ago of myself in different times of embodiment with my hands raised to the sun in praise and thanksgiving.

I Am a child of the Sun
Pure light flows through me and radiates out to bless all beings.


As I watch the skies being covered with grids of chemicals and the sun being hidden, I feel my helplessness profoundly. I can travel between surrender and prayer, to surrender and depression, to anger and no surrender, to prayer to make ask Mother Gaia to help make it stop or dissipate… I have much purification work associated with this longstanding issue which has been a part of my consciousness since the 1990's.

I am the Sacred Breath-525x447.jpg
I am the Sacred Breath-525x447.jpg [ 72.64 KiB | Viewed 4546 times ]

Yes, spiritual housecleaning… an ongoing work in progress.

with Blessed LOVE.

Spiritual House Revitalization Schedule:

Enjoying one day a week to write on this forum and visit with all of you…. Two days a week silent retreat. Three days a week in the world as per needed (until heart feels 'job' I take responsibility for is completed to what I perceive is the most balanced frequency). Two Sundays with Beloved Julie at the Sunday Gatherings.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:17 pm 

Sacred Grove.jpeg
Sacred Grove.jpeg [ 236.88 KiB | Viewed 4546 times ]


I can stand in a sacred grove

and remember



the LOVE



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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:29 pm 
- Julie

File comment: Artwork by Daniel Holeman

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...The mission of the Christ is that work which is undertaken in order to nullify the effect of the forces of darkness upon the expansion of light, and consists of both the goal of such nullification and the means for doing so. For those souls who willingly and by individual choice became part of this mission, the work of learning to deal with the dark energies has been consistently pursued over many lifetimes.  Despite the great hardship in doing so, souls have chosen to engage with this area of spiritual life in order to further the Divine plan for the earth.  They have undergone great and extensive degrees of testing and training so that they would be able to perform their appointed role in the earlier times during which they lived, and also in the present time of global purification and the movement of the earth into a higher dimension of consciousness.

For such souls, the way has been difficult.  Prompted by great love for the Christ and for God, they have taken on an extensive amount of learning which has been necessary in order to allow them to develop a kind of immunity in relation to the forces of darkness.  For out of this immunity, to whatever degree it has been achieved, arises the ability to stand firmly as a force for light, and to act as a beacon of light for others who are in danger of being influenced by the counterforce of darkness.

In every corner of the world, and within every religion and spiritual circle, no matter what its doctrine or outer form, and no matter by what name it is called, souls have been following their own path associated with this mission, within whatever group, organization, or collective they belonged to. Now, the time has come for maximum activation of this mission, and so each will be called upon to do what they know, namely, to stand as a force for light in the presence of darkness, and to steadfastly radiate that light for the benefit of the world.  Such gifts of soul to the greater humanity of which each is a part are known to God, and are, and will be, greatly blessed.

May each and every soul that has become part of the mission of the Christ know that they have already accomplished what God has asked of them, for through faithfulness and dedication throughout time, the world has been made ready for this next great leap into a new consciousness and into a new way of life.

Read the entire Teaching: PURIFICATION AND THE MISSION OF THE CHRIST ... hrist.html
Artwork by Daniel Holeman -

Last edited by Johanna on Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:12 pm 

Spiritual air is breathed along a dimension of 'depth'
- how deeply do we know ourselves, how completely do we experience oneness with others,
how fully do our hearts open in love for God?

The dimension of depth allows spiritual air to circulate more and more fully within our bodies, hearts, and minds, infusing all.

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 Post subject: Teaching of Julie - You May Not Know Yourself
PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:19 pm 

You may not know yourself-525x500.jpg
You may not know yourself-525x500.jpg [ 75.45 KiB | Viewed 4546 times ]

Thank you Beloved Julie.

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 Post subject: In the Boundaries of Silence, New Perceptions Emerge
PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:33 pm 

Let's catch up once again dear readers as I progress through time and space... seeking healing, seeking guidance, and waiting for the Will of God to manifest in my Purification issue regarding boundaries.

For those of you who are new to the forum, this ongoing posting came from events in my life which led to a retreat which led to the conscious 'knowing' that my life was not in alignment with God. To follow my journey please start reading here:

"My Life is not turned towards God" viewtopicphp?f=7&t=12&start=228
"The Next Step is Surrender" viewtopic.php?f=7&t=12&start=240#p561
"In You is a Place and Stillness and Calmness" viewtopic.php?f=7&t=12&start=240#p575
"The Purification Process and Healing Boundaries" viewtopic.php?f=7&t=12&start=264#p601

I feel I am getting better at setting boundaries and keeping them. AND, in service, in my love for a soul of another, I continue find myself engaging with an oppositional energy that is being carried within them which manifests in their unconscious impulsive behaviors. The irony behind lies in the dichotomy - this soul really means to do well and be helpful, AND this energy that their soul carries (karmically or for the Mission of The Christ), has the intention to disrupt and cause chaos. This oppositional energy has manifested itself once again on a Wednesday, through a 'well intentioned' act which brought the energies of chaos into the house as well as this unconscious intentional energy. This energy, unconscious to the one who carries it, with an intentional force of its own, has the capacity to instantly drain me, no matter what I seek to 'do' to alleviate it's presence, it has the capacity to go right to my heart chakra and drain the energy.

So there is a new teaching here related to this energy, my ongoing Purification issue related to boundaries and my ability to give it all to God. I am not sure what it is, as the deeper nature and behaviour of this unconscious intentional energy has been unfolding these last weeks.

So this is one of the areas where I will need to continue to be strong in my boundaries, compassionate in my heart, and as distant as possible on my days of silent retreat.

I feel the importance of creating two days of silence per week - as through my not speaking and interacting, I can perceive and take in energies with more distance, and having the distance, I can watch behavioral patterns, and act (dharmic) rather than re-act (karmic).

When this energy manages to get through my boundaries though - whew…it really sucks the life force from my heart chakra in a cumulative way. Even if I do not think about the event and let it go, the energy has a way of attaching itself to my heart chakra.

It causes my body to call to me to ingest something stimulating (such as coffee or tea) as I am so very drained.

I listened to the podcast posted below for support and then went walking out in the woods to clear my self, it did help for some time, though later (now as I am posting) the energy re-emerged, and I have been experiencing a frontal headache (usually associated with taking in dense mental energies). That's my work. No oooh's or aaaah's - it just is as it is - until the time comes - The Christ-ing of the Earth, when all will be different.



Last edited by Johanna on Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Teaching of Julie PODCAST: GIVING HELPLESSNESS TO GOD
PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:49 pm 

This podcast is an excellent Teaching on Helplessness - examining the different types of helplessness. One aspect of fighting the experience of helplessness is to choose a mental approach to life, with a side affect of closing the heart to the love and joy which could 'be' in a life shared with God.

If you are dealing with energetic overwhelm you may find listening to this Teaching repeatedly a vibrational comfort for your spirit, body and your mind.


Meg has started a weekly Thread on each of the Podcasts Beloved Julie gives to all:
Follow this link: "Talks and Meditations by Julie" podcast series - viewtopic.php?f=7&t=22

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:59 pm 

In the course of the purification process, it becomes evident that what on one level appears as helplessness, is, at another level, the opposite, namely, the empowerment of the soul to take charge of one's life in a whole new way a way that was not possible before

Therefore, what one gives away in the way of authority on the level of the smaller self,,also becomes what one receives from the higher levels of one's being in the way of guidance, help, support, and light.


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:12 pm 

When I can feel the Light…

I can perceive the difference in bird song in the wood, and know... when a new song is sung.

I am the Earth-550x480.jpg
I am the Earth-550x480.jpg [ 177.1 KiB | Viewed 4956 times ]

[W]e are here to acknowledge from within our humanity, the sacredness of the daily events of our life, including those that appear to be ordinary. Eventually, we will do this not because we must remember to not take things for granted, but because it is our nature to do so.

WHAT THE BIRDS SING ... -Sing.html

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