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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:32 pm 
Dearest Johanna,
Today, I find myself nodding along with you at several passages that you have written. So you will not be surprised when I share that for the last two days I have been reading and starting to meditate on Julie's "Living with Integrity". For those who, have not yet read it, I thought it helpful and in concert with the beautiful teaching you are sharing today.
With love and blessings and joy, Meg


To live with integrity is to be one within oneself and one with God. This simultaneous horizontal and vertical alignment creates the purity of integrity, the purity of being one within One.

Horizontal integrity, the integrity of the embodied self, requires that all parts of the self operate in harmony, and that whatever barriers of communication between conscious, subconscious, and unconscious layers exist are removed or made transparent. When this is accomplished and to the extent it is accomplished, all parts of the self commune with each other and a harmonization of interests takes place. Then, peace within our inner household can come into being since conflicting interests and internal warfare no longer create confusion about the nature of inner truth.

It is similiar with vertical integrity - our positive alignment with God. This, too, requires a free flow of communication between the self and God. Such communication involves an open path of asking and receiving, of prayer and revelation, so that God's purposes for us can become revealed in an active, ongoing way, and the lower self can participate in the higher.

Without vertical integration in God, we may know our human selves well but cannot know our purpose for being here nor be strongly rooted in our sense of values. As a result, we will be less able to manifest these in our lives and our lives will have diminished meaning. For without a sense of higher purpose and strongly rooted values, we live a more superficial life.

On the other hand, without horizontal integration - the unity of all of our parts - we can know our purpose for being here and feel inspired by guidance and revelation to fulfill that purpose, but we will not have the means to become it. We will not have command of the physical, emotional, and mental layers of our being which are needed to bring forth the goal.

Both vertical and horizontal integration are necessary, then, in order to live a life of integrity. All of us are somewhere on a continuum of learning how to do this.

Integrity is achieved through the accomplishment of three things:
• first, through the gaining of increased self-knowledge which happens with time and spiritual maturation;
• second, through gaining the permission to be oneself as a result of an increase in self-love; and
• third, through acquiring the capacity to live in the fullness of our being as a result of knowledge, self-love, and the overcoming of fear.

Implicit in this and at its core must be the desire to know oneself in a deep way and the desire to know God. If our lives are based on the need to just physically survive and maintain ourselves, we will not have time to be concerned about integrity. Our life as a matter of necessity will relate itself to the outer circumstances we are trying to deal with. Similarly, if our lives or inner motivations cause us to look outward toward the externals of life rather than to pay attention to the growth of self-awareness, we will also not develop integrity. Integrity is based on a willingness to turn our gaze inward and to become maximally responsible for the choices that our inner self makes.


As with many other dimensions of growth, integrity involves a continuum of learning that relates not just to honesty but to fullness of being.

On one end of the continuum is the willingness and capacity to be truthful with others, to not deceive them nor take advantage of them. Despite its great importance, this is the most modest meaning of the word. 'Integrity' as fullness of being goes well beyond this. It involves being complete within oneself and not lacking any of one's essential parts. In this sense, integrity includes the capacity to recognize and to put into action the four qualities of being that are pillars for the self: spontaneity, fluidity, warmth, and firmness.

Humans created "in the image and likeness of God" are meant to manifest these four qualities, for they are reflections of the four elements in nature and the four letters of God's sacred name. Without these four pillars being brought into our human experience, we can have integration of our personalities in certain areas of our life, but not in others. We can be at ease with parts of ourselves, but not with other parts. Conversely, freedom to be ourselves within each of these dimensions allows the full measure of integrity to develop within us.


The flow of impulses from below the threshold of our consciousness into conscious awareness allows for free, unfettered, spontaneous action. This action is based simultaneously on the absence of a barrier between our unconscious and conscious self, and on trust that without this barrier, the unity of both parts will be joined in whatever is expressed.

This joining presumes that the unconscious self will not take over, once it is set free. If that were not the case, irrational behavior could ensue, not spontaneity. Spontaneity is based on the harmonization of rhythms between the unconscious and conscious self so that they work together and can speak with one voice. When this occurs, the inner membrane between our conscious awareness and our deeper impulses becomes transparent, and communication from the deeper parts of ourselves takes place with greater ease. For our conscious self to permit this upwelling of deeper impulses, however, we must believe that these impulses are fundamentally good. We must trust ourselves. To be spontaneous is therefore to be free to speak with one voice - a voice that joins our conscious awareness and our deeper self. It is to allow the impulse of God's life to move fully through us and to be in the flow of that life.


All that exists within God's sacred reality is in a continuous flow of growth, learning, and expansion. We are in that flow, and our lives are a continuous process of learning and healing. When we are open to the flow of life and its healing properties, we allow ourselves to continually change as our awareness changes and as our lives change. We need to do this in order to breathe with God's breath and to allow spiritual air to pass through our minds and lungs.

All that inhibits change and growth, whether from the outside or the inside, inhibits our fluidity. All that rigidifies us and keeps us repeating old behaviors, prevents us from accepting the teachings that life offers. To be fluid is to be willing to be perpetually new. It is to believe in the growth of ourselves along a continually expanding spiral. Fluidity is what allows us to participate in the creative process of life at the deepest possible level.


Warmth is the energetic aspect of our ability to love. It can have the feeling of the heart's being set on fire, or it can have the feeling of being a constant low and gentle flame. When our hearts are warm, we feel an outflow of tender feelings toward others - a desire to embrace them, to nurture them, to be kind to them, to support them. A warm heart seeks to give to life and feels given to by life. It feels a kinship with others that creates generosity.

Conversely, a heart that is cool feels alienated from life. It feels self-protective, cut-off, and distant from those with whom it is possible to feel empathy. Warmth and coolness define our motivation to move toward or away from others, based on our love and sense of identification with them or on our fear of becoming close. This fear can effectively seal off our hearts so that we feel frozen in life and in relationships. When this occurs, our hearts need to be kindled again by the strength of love, so that what is cold and hard within us can melt and come to life.


Inner authority - the capacity to believe in ourselves and our experience - gives to us the firmness which allows us to take a stand for things. 'Taking a stand' is a way of saying that we are able to stay vertical within ourselves, upright and erect in our mental or emotional posture so that we do not fall down, cave in, or collapse.

Inner authority is the source of both strength and firmness. In addition to taking a stand, it allows us to define boundaries, to set limits, to say "no" when we must, and to clearly define our own views, even if these put us in a solitary position which others disagree with. Firmness is based on our capacity to remain upright in the truth of ourselves, no matter what forces may be contradicting that truth. Firmness is the basis for 'verticality'. It is what it means to have 'backbone'. Therefore, it may also be said that firmness is necessary to the development of righteousness.

These four qualities or pillars of being are the emotional analogs of the four elements - air, water, fire, and earth. To manifest our being is to be able to encompass these four elements within ourselves - to become them, and to let them become us. When we can do this, we have achieved part of the purpose for which we have taken embodiment: to become fully human in the way God intends us to be. When we have integrated this human part with a oneness with God, we achieve the other part - to join our humanity with our divinity in the full expression of one within One. Thus is integrity made.

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 Post subject: RE: Living with Integrity
PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:40 pm 

Dearest Meg -

I often feel how closely our spiritual paths reflect each other when you post or when we chat with each other.

Thank you so much for posting these Teachings of Julie as what you have posted so perfectly aligns with the posting I have ready next.

Love you!

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 Post subject: Teaching of Julie - REACHING TO THE ONE WHO IS ALL
PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:42 pm 

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 Post subject: Teaching of Julie - RETURN TO INNOCENCE (podcast&transcript)
PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:45 pm 

Each day in God's life can bring about the unexpected.

Each day in God's life can bring about the unexpected, can bring about events, people, thoughts, emotions, bodily changes, new perceptions, visions. Things that the conscious mind would not have been prepared for. And, the way to greet this as we don't know whether what comes in a day is going to be filled with joyful greetings or something difficult that awakens a challenge in us, we don't know that. So the requirement is to be in a state of innocence.

To be in a state of innocence means that we are willing to hold our own agenda for what a day brings lightly.

We are willing to trust that what needs to happen will happen.

And that God is at all times, creating the sequence of events in conjunction with the purposes of our own soul, that bring about the greatest good in our individual life, and in the life of the earth.

This is what innocence is, to hold and trust the goodness of life, and to feel the willingness to not know what the day is going to bring; and to greet it with a sense of expectancy - no matter what it brings. No matter if it brings hardship and difficulty or it brings something wonderful. To know that all is held in God.

Now children have an attitude of innocence and anticipation. They innately, because they are not far from the point of their origin, they have innately, when they're very young, a sense of acceptance of life. They don't have the ego structure and the mental capacity to think ahead or " well this is going to happen next", or "I have to do this in order to get to the next step."

So young children, have that as their inherent nature, to be joyfully connected with life.

And even though in some children who deal with unfortunate circumstances, that sense of joyful trust is lost because of tragedy or because of extreme difficulty in the parental environment, it can be lost. But, barring the unforeseen tragedies or severe circumstances, children know how to be in innocent joy in relation to life. And adults who have lived through more and who have acquired an identification with the mind this is particularly important. It is not just what you lived through, it is also what you think and how we relate to our minds and our plans and our expectations and our need to be in control of life. All of which comes through the mind.

It is that, more than other things, that creates a loss of innocence.

So, when you hear these things, especially when you relate to the word innocence, try to feel inside yourself where you are, with your own willingness to let go of your mind and its judgements, about what you think should happen, needs to happen, is going to happen. And to be, open and empty, like a child.

Feel within yourself whether you are willing or unwilling to do that. And be without judgement about that because each individual soul who has been on the earth, has a long history of feeling, often times, separated from the source of support which is God. And so because of that feeling of separation, there has been a need of feeling to be in control, and a need to think through things and to plan things. But we are being called because of the light that's growing, to return to a state of being and to return to a state of innocence that has never left us, even though we may have left it. We haven't left it deliberately, we've left it because of fear. The fear that we were alone. That's what caused the leaving of the state of innocence.

So now, today, is the day, to see, if you can let go of that fear and become childlike. And some things may help you to do this, walking, breathing, feeling the air, smelling things, being simple, touching things. Doing things that take you away from mental processing and evaluating things around you.

Everybody has a sense of touch. Everybody can put their hands on a tree. Everybody can take off their shoes and walk on the earth. Everybody can do this, if you wan't to. Everybody can feel warm or cold. You can feel the sun on your skin, or on your face. Or you can feel bundled up in clothing and feel warmed that way. Everybody has a sense of touch, and what touches you comes from God as much as, what you think, what you feel, what touches you, what your hands touch, comes from God.

The return to innocence, and the willingness to be in the moment or in the day, with a day of God's life, is open, it's a choice, it's not far from you, but their needs to be a willingness to let go of fear, and to just be. And you can find your own way of doing this -- if you want to, you can find your own way.

There may be something that is an activity that takes you out of your mind into something else. Constructing something, sewing something, traveling some place, walking somewhere, hearing a song, reading a poem. These are the things that can take you into a different part of yourself, if you are willing to go there. But the willingness has to be there, because the need to be in control has been so long, and so longstanding.

Today is another day of God's life in which anything is possible.

We don't know what will be possible, we don't know what will be possible in the next minute or what will be possible after I stop speaking. (This is a transcript of the live Teaching of Julie). We don't know what will be possible with somebody we meet that we did not expect to meet. We don't know who will call, we don't know what we will think. It all can be held in God out of a willingness to be in innocent trust. It all can be held in God, including the thought process itself.

You can be in a state of non-judgement about your own thought process, just say, "Oh, this is what I am feeling again", or "this is what I am thinking again". And if it is not what you want to be thinking or feeling…breath. Breath and let it go. "I am not my thoughts, I am not my mind". Breath and let it go. So you can choose that. And then maybe you struggle between the part of you that insists on thinking more about things and the part of you that is willing to breath. And maybe you struggle, but in each struggle, there is a choice, 'breath', 'be simple', 'be innocent', 'let go'.

This is how you allow your life to join with God's Divine Plan for your life. This is how, in the state of innocence. And in the state of innocence, you allow things to come to you without grasping them. They just come to you. Sometimes as events, and sometimes as thoughts, and sometimes as impulses to act in a certain way - just come to you.

Then of course, you need to be in a place of trusting yourself and the goodness of your impulses, because you can feel, as many has come to feel about themselves, that they are not inherently trustworthy. Or you can feel, especially, when you are praying and asking for God's will to be made known to you. Especially then, when something comes to you that feels like an opening, you can walk in that direction. But you need to choose to.

There is a choice involved in all of this, the choice to allow innocence to 'be'. The choice to allow the heart and soul to be in their rightful place of importance - every moment of the day - no matter what you're doing. Every moment of the day, which is God's life expressing through you.

When you feel in the moment you are into some obsessive pattern, again, again and again… 'breath', let it go. Walk, touch, smell, hear, sing, do what you can do, that takes you into the simplicity of yourself, of your own childlike state. "Do" what ever you can do.

Human beings have to rediscover what they were born with, innately, which is their childlike innocent receptivity to Divine impulses of Light. This is how human beings were meant to live.

Innately receiving Divine impulses of Light, that allows the self to know, without obstruction, "this is what I am meant to be doing right now". It doesn't get obstructed because it feels like what you wish for yourself. It doesn't feel like something different from what you wish, it feels like what you wish for your self. And so it feels like God's life and your own life are joined.

Being called, being asked, being pulled, that which you would wish for yourself. Most of us are not there yet to feel that alignment all of the time, but the state of innocence, and opening to that, allows that to happen much more. Much more, because the mental processing, that is constructed out of fear and the need to be in control, can be released little by little, or by some people, can be released quickly.

The willingness to be in innocence takes us out of that processing of observing life and judging our self and judging life, into feeling the goodness of "what is". And feeling God's presence in "what is".

So I invite you, in this moment, to breath more deeply and to allow your self to feel like the child that you are. No matter how old you are, you are a child of the Universe, and inside of yourself, you will never stop being that, no matter how old you are.

You are a child of the Universe, a Creation of God.

May all beings be blessed to find and to feel and experience, their own innocence and trust; to know that it is alive and well within them, to be able to live from that place of innocence. May all be blessed with this truth.


Listen to the Podcast

Return to Innocence

Becoming like a child, trusting, accepting, open, involves the release of fear and a willingness to live in the unknown, beyond the mind's understanding. This choice can be made in each moment. (Aug. 25, 2013)

CLICK to LISTEN: or through ITunes

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 Post subject: Teaching of Julie - THE TRUE WONDER OF WHO YOU ARE
PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 3:09 pm 

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 3:25 pm 

For some, separation has meant protection, safety, control.

Now, control must be let go of…
in favor of love,
in favor of truth,
in favor of life.

We must learn to trust love.

JOHANNA: Now I can hear some of you saying, "No way am I letting go of control, look what happened to me when I did before, or look at those suffering in war zones, how can they let go and trust love…" And I tell you this, each of us that CAN, must let go, preparing the way, CREATING an energetic track of love and trust, for those whom are suffering to be able to follow. The energetic tracks that we lay for them, can contain enough hope, light and love, that no matter the depth of their scars and sufferations, that Light and Love can carry them home.

Love is not just a feeling.

It is the spiritual truth in which we live.

How do we learn to trust love?

This is the question for our time, the question that must be answered to create a new world.

We are being called to this vision of a new and sacred world

JOHANNA: How can this possibly be true when we see all around us, new levels of violence, torture, hate, chemical attacks, poisoning of Mother Gaia, her waters, her earth, her skies?

How can we learn to trust love when most of what we see on our t.v.'s and in the media is about violence, death, destruction for pleasure and gratification?

And I will tell you this, that those of us who have been given this vision of a new and sacred world, must LIVE IT in the presence of all that we see and experience each day. WE MUST LIVE THE REALITY OF A NEW AND SACRED WORLD as we have been given the vision to do so in our hearts and souls. In this way, as we let go of the fear and choose to follow the path of love - we create an energetic pathway for the souls who have not awoken to their souls visions yet. We create an energetic pathway in time and space for those souls so horribly tormented in their minds and bodies through violence and oppression - an energetic pathway of love and light for them to follow, when they can.

This is our work light workers - to LIVE THIS TRUTH - in the presence of darkness, chaos and pain. To live this truth grounded - not oblivious to the sufferations and pain of our planetary brothers and sisters (including the animal and plant kingdoms!) - we must live the TRUTH that a New and Sacred World is possible and we are the first to carry this vision forth - we are creating the future and now, more than ever, the Sacred Cosmic Light, is stronger that ever for this vision to unfold. We know this. We feel this. At times it is so strong - these energetic impulses of Divine Light, that we struggle - and we move forward. Strong in the vision of InI - God and I - You and I - InI. We are One.

We must trust the Divine within us and Life

JOHANNA: For those embodied souls with issues with the word "GOD". Try using Good Orderly Direction. This most especially for those who have been hurt in the 'name' of God - just hold GOD as Good Orderly Direction until you can feel the LOVE of GOD again and know that anything else is darkness seeking to cloak itself as an agent of light in the name of GOD - you know the difference - you can feel it.

This is Our Time - WE ARE NOT ALONE!

Because of fear, we could not believe in a world in which all could be recognized as children of the DIVINE.



"I am a child of God".

"I am a child of God".

"I am a child of God".

As a child of God… "it is time to reclaim the truth of our heart", it is time to reclaim our innocence, "to reclaim the truth of love's presence.

A new reality is being born.

The reality of Oneness.
The reality of Love.
The reality of Trust.

Throughout the universes we are many and we are… ONE.

We have come from love and we are returning to love.

It is time


LightOmega12 - Becoming One. Music by Miten ... 5DB62AD9C6


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PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 3:58 pm 

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Join us wherever you are...

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 Post subject: Wednesdays with Johanna - A Few Closing Words...
PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:13 pm 

Well my planetary brothers and sisters, I am feeling pretty fatigued and will not be able to share with you this week as promised, at the beginning of today's postings, my experiences related to hearing the Teachings Return to Innocence -, and why my heart has renamed this Teaching by Julie - "This Embodied Lifetime: My Divine Blueprint for 'Being' in the World".

I hope to be able to do so next week.

I was especially blessed this week, as I was practicing this part of the Teaching from a Return to Innocence -

This is how you allow your life to join with God's Divine Plan for your life. This is how, in the state of innocence. And in the state of innocence, you allow things to come to you without grasping them. They just come to you. Sometimes as events, and sometimes as thoughts, and sometimes as impulses to act in a certain way - just come to you.

When I received the "Divine Impulses of Light" which I love so much, I was guided to begin writing an outline and transcribing the podcast on an evening when I would not usually do so. As such, I was able to share much more with you today even in the presence of energies which were heavy and dampening.

So next week! Because for me, this topic isn't going anywhere. I have waited lifetimes for this moment - to return to my 'self' as the Child of God that I am.

Have a blessed week dear readers until we meet again.


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 Post subject: Wednesdays with Johanna - (Closing Prayer) 8-28-2013
PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:26 pm 

Blessed Mother and Father of all Creation -

It is your child here... Thanking You for this blessed day. Thanking You for the work of InI together on this forum. Thanking You for those moments when I can feel You - Your Divine Impulses so clearly and vibrantly that I shout out with joy my love for You for all to hear with abandon.

Blessed Am I.

Blessed am I.

Blessed am InI.


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 Post subject: Wednesdays with Johanna (Opening Prayer) 9-4-2013
PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 11:03 am 


Blessed and Divine Mother and Father Creator,

Joyously I kneel before Thee and give thanks
for the awesomeness of the moments
in which I can perceive Thee.

Blessed LOVE,

InI Daughter.

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 Post subject: Messages of Light - All is Given by the Hand of God.
PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 11:08 am 

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 Post subject: My Spirit Longs for Conscious Contact with God - Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 11:21 am 

My spirit longs for,

in an embodied state,

to be in constant conscious contact with God


For my soul remembers.

My soul remembers and informs my heart,

that there is a great peace to be had in this alignment - I in I.

My soul and my heart, ache... long...

for sacred embodied alignment with God.

And this longing

and the 'reality' of my embodied life...

haven not yet reached this alignment.

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