Purification is a multilevel phenomenon whose domain can involve every aspect of one’s being – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Which aspect will gain prominence in the course of individual experience cannot be determined in advance or by comparison with others.
The relationship between the outer self or personality and the soul-self and between the personality and the subconscious or unconscious self is a hidden one for the most part, and so what light will reveal as areas in need of healing or directions for growth and expansion will be unique to each embodied being.
What is common to all, however, is the integration that purification furthers, namely, to bring the identity and consciousness of each embodied being into a unity of wholeness within itself and with God.
This unity is based on the harmony of love, and no longer contains those inner elements that create separation from the Divine or from one’s true self.
File comment: Artwork by Meganne Forbes
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In relation to the inner life, the action of God's light illuminates consciousness and purifies the body where hidden emotions are often held. As a result, attitudes, motivations, and feelings that were formerly concealed are now exposed to the light of awareness, and things one may have suspected about oneself but never perceived clearly are increasingly revealed.
As part of this revelation, the body itself may also begin to release both physical and emotional impurities, often in a way that allows consciousness to know for the first time the intimate connection between the emotional and the physical. The releasing of formerly bound energies in many cases allows one to sense the positive purpose served by a particular physical limitation or symptom, which is often chosen on the soul level prior to incarnating in order to serve one’s embodied life.
Read the entire teaching here: http://lightomega.org/Ind/Pure/What_is_ ... ation.htmlArtwork by Meganne Forbes www.meganneforbes.com