TEACHING: In the course of purification, many experience the helplessness of being unable to immediately alter the circumstances and conditions of energies that are purifying. This helplessness, so intrinsic to the process of purification, offers a choice between protesting, denying, or rebelling against such conditions, or placing them in the embrace of Divine light and love and asking for help with the further clearing out of unwanted energies, thoughts, and emotions.
Johanna's Experience: One of the experiences I am currently going through has to do with energies entering my body and the side effects being either extremely fatigued (dense oppositional energies) or an inability to sleep (can occur with uploads of Light or transmuting dense energies). In turn, these energetic experiences cause at times distress from the lack of sleep in the night, and the inability to function by day.
I am finding that I am particularly susceptible to energies creating 'stimulation' the night before writing on the OEA Forum's Wednesdays With Johanna. Last night was no exception. Actually, it was the first night that I did not sleep at all. Usually by 5 a.m. I am able to sleep for a few hours. So for me, at this point in the time space continuum - 'helplessness' is a 24 hour, night and day, daily experience. On today's Wednesday with Johanna, I will highlight and share on my personal experience of helplessness in relation to Beloved Julie's Teaching on PURIFICATION AND THE EXPERIENCE OF HELPLESSNESS. $1:
TEACHING: The premise involved in such turning to God is that there is only a certain amount that one can do on one's own in order to alleviate certain internal conditions that are not self-chosen on a conscious level, and that for the rest, one's relationship with the Divine is the central axis around which all change needs to occur.
Experience: This morning, when I became aware of the light coming through my windows, I went out into the early dawn, before the sun rose, to sit with my friends the birds. At first I was worried, distressed, how was I going to write on the OEA Forum today without sleep? It was about then, my singing friends began making their presence more known by flying close to me, first a black bird who often watches me, then the robins, then a hummingbird came right up to me within a foot, and finally our lovely red cardinal sat on an apple tree branch, chest expanded, in a blaze of colour, staring at me. In those moments of connection with everything which happens with the wildlife in the dawn hours, I was able to remember helplessness, and to give my suffering and limitation to God. Blessed LOVE.
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I began watering the flowers, the birds came closer to play in the sprinkling water, the songs of the birds seems to increase, I visited all my plants, watering each, and let go of my distress and entered the 'moment' of all that is. I found peace and moments of joy in the presence of my limitation and suffering.
TEACHING: Such surrender to the Divine for help, guidance, and grace is at the heart of the purification process and also at the heart of man's Covenant with God. (See: Becoming a Holy People -http://lightomega.org/Ind/Holy_People.html). It does not eliminate the need to do what one can to alleviate pain and suffering or to work with existing patterns of thought and behavior that are negative, unwanted, or self-destructive, but it places within the context of Divine and holy light, all that needs to be changed and transmuted.
Experience: Surrendering and 'doing' what I can during times of helplessness and limitation. For those who would ask about health concerns, I am a trained and certified Natural Healer with experience with herbs and nutritional supplements, as such, I am able to nourish my body as needed AND to be able to discern when it is energy related and to let go of finding solutions and work within the limitations I am experiencing - 'with' God. I have been seeing an acupuncturist regularly for treatments (which help for the night of the treatment) and then the experience I am meant to go through, with God, returns.
TEACHING: The willingness to surrender control in this way is a necessity built into the circumstances of purification, for these circumstances are largely internal rather than external, and cannot be altered by an action that affects outer reality. Rather, they are emotional and mental responses to inner and outer reality and, as such, can be ignored, denied, blamed on others, or avoided as best one can through substitute activities, gratifications, or through a process of numbing, but these are all ways of masking their truth, not ways of dealing with them.
Experience: I will admit, that I am, at times, when my ego feels it cannot endure, susceptible to numbing or using black tea or coffee when I feel grief and pain of another day passing in which, embodied, I cannot 'do'. At one time I would be so harsh on myself for not being perfect - thereby driving everyone around me - away from me! Then I went to the other extreme and began smoking organic cigarettes for CNS energy and to lower my vibration so that my experience would not be so intense. Today, I am learning, through the ongoing experiences, that I have needed to go through what I have, for my transformation, and I continue to seek to humble myself and allow my body to do what it needs to do in that particular moment with compassion.
TEACHING: The only effective means of dealing with the helplessness that arises during the purification of internal conditions that are in need of change is to bear the truth of their existence and to transmute them through turning the process of healing over to God with the desire to participate in the expansion and expression of Divine light, will, and wisdom. This transmutation can dissolve negative energies in the light of consciousness and turn what was limiting into something that is expansive and light-filled.
Experience: Now turning over my experience to God can be at times, difficult. The reason being that I can take in for transmutation, intense levels of dense, oppositional energies, that I cannot perceive the Presence of God. I cannot pray, I cannot sit by my altar, I cannot meditate. And knowing this for me, is an act of surrender in itself. For I cannot "do" these things I would like in expressing my relationship with God or asking for God's help. I am learning through time and experience, that in those moments, my life is my prayer. This level of transmutation came about because I was willing, and continue to be willing, to surrender my life to God in service and love, in the early years, my focus was oriented more towards purifying my karmic history.
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TEACHING: A degree of comfort in surrender is required in order to uphold this perspective that those who need strongly to 'do something' may find difficult to endure. This may especially be true at first, when the experience of the presence of Divine light and love has not yet become a fixed reality. Nevertheless, persistence in continuing with purification means continuing to place all that needs changing within the hands of the Divine, and learning more and more effectively to align with the Source and to make oneself an instrument of that Source.
Experience: My various experiences of helplessness can go on for months at a time. There are days in which my mind and ego feels so frustrated that I cannot function, that I will begin crocheting or knitting as a way for my ego to feel a release in the intensity of the experience. At times, I can feel the creative force wanting to move through my body, and my body, is unable to move. That dichotomy is particularly difficult to endure. AND I endure for I am especially blessed, as I have been able to be 'with' Beloved Julie during these years of purification and service. To be 'with' her, to be caressed on my cheek when I am in pain, to be 'seen' by her when I am suffering, to be comforted by her voice, her teachings, her presence - these are the sacred and sanctified means by which I am continually spiritually nourished by LOVE.
TEACHING: The problem of helplessness, in addition to the original mental, emotional, or physical pain it seeks to alter, is twofold. On the one hand, it is challenged on an ego level as a result of the ego's not being in control in the ways that it has been accustomed to. On the other, it is also challenged by dark energies that seek to interfere with the purification process through amplifying thoughts that are self-denigrating or self-accusatory.
These thoughts imply that there is no point in surrendering to Divine will in this way and that what is really needed is action in a different direction. Thus, the persistence needed during the purification process is challenged both by the voice of one's own ego which chafes against having to submit to conditions it would rather not endure, and by energies of darkness which amplify feelings of impatience, doubt, and frustration, and support feelings of foolishness or failure that result from not being able to 'do something' to make things better.
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Sacred Process of Healing: Drawing #1 (top left) The experience of suffering. Drawing #2 (bottom left) Surrender, praying for help. Drawing #3 (bottom right) Waiting. Transmutation. Drawing #4 (top right) Conscious embodiment of the soul - Light Body.
This diagram which came to me as a result of my experiences with the Purification Process, portrays a circular process with many experiences of moving to and fro during the course of the healing process. For examples: #2 In a moment one can be PRAYING and in the next the consciousness or body is experiencing #1 Suffering, then back to #2 Praying, then stabilizing the Light which came in response to the Prayers, to #3 Waiting, until in time, the Purification Process is fully completed #4 Pure Light body. One can feel over time - the soul embodying the self more, and the body transforming into a light body.
TEACHING: In the course of the purification process, it becomes evident that what on one level appears as helplessness, is, at another level, the opposite, namely, the empowerment of the soul to take charge of one's life in a whole new way – a way that was not possible before. Therefore, what one gives away in the way of authority on the level of the smaller self, also becomes what one receives from the higher levels of one's being in the way of guidance, help, support, and light
Experience: This has been unfolding as I have persisted on my path of purification. Yes, this promise of the 'empowerment of the soul' is coming true. Blessed LOVE.
TEACHING: The process of purification is often chosen by souls that have already come to understand the principles of light and of the transmutation of negative energies and who desire to serve God. Yet, especially today, it can also come upon people unawares as a result of the greater presence of light on the earth. As a result, those who have no particular spiritual background and no articulated concepts about the process may, at this time, also find themselves involved in a purification process without calling it such.
Experience: There are two things I wish to speak to here. Firstly, my beloved partner Elijah is going through the Process of Purification without even reading a book on it. His soul, although not articulating through his words as having an understanding of the concepts of Purification - articulates its understanding through his going through, often with great humility, the changes and experiences of Purification and sacred healing.
Secondly, "The process of purification is often chosen by souls that have already come to understand the principles of light and of the transmutation of negative energies and who desire to serve God." At times, I can just imagine myself in heaven jumping up and down from the back of the line saying "pick me God, pick me", "I will go and do this!" Then I got here and had the embodied experiences! Yikes! AND I would do it again and again, for I love God that much, I love Mother Gaia and all who live upon this earth that much, and I love Beloved Julie, that much. Amen.
TEACHING: In the presence of the arrival of greater light on the earth, all souls will eventually be thrust into their own process of purification and transformation and will, as a result, encounter what has been hidden or concealed within themselves. In the face of this collective event affecting human consciousness, the earth is and will be changed, and the foundation for a new way of life will be created.
Experience: I am coming to see more and more each day, why my soul surrendered to the Purification Process with Beloved Julie 20 years ago, so that I could serve now and in the future, as needed. Blessed Be.
TEACHING: May the blessings of light and understanding be with all who have chosen to be on the earth today in order to undergo this very process. And may the experience of Divine light and love which surrounds each and every soul with an aura of blessing, be an ever-present support to this undertaking.
From my heart to yours...Amen.
Would you like to learn more? TEACHING OF JULIE: PURIFICATION AND THE EXPERIENCE OF HELPLESSNESS http://lightomega.org/Ind/Pure/Purifica ... sness.htmlTEACHINGS ON THE PURIFICATION PROCESS: http://lightomega.org/Ind/Purification.html