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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna (7-17-2013) Closing Prayer
PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:14 pm 
Dearest God -

You Beloved, have upheld me through the stormiest of seas. You have brought me the experience of Your LOVE in ways I could have never imagined in my darkest times, in my loneliest moments, in my times of suffering.

My life is so rich in this moment. In this moment I can perceive You which is the greatest gift of all Beloved Creator.

Blessed am I.

Blessed am I.

Blessed am InI.

with love,
Your daughter, Johanna

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 Post subject: Teachings of Julie: STAR POEMS - MILKY WAY GALAXY CENTER
PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:06 am 
File comment: Milky Way Galaxy Center
Image Credit: Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech,

SP-MWGalaxCtr-top1024.jpg [ 34.71 KiB | Viewed 5667 times ]

I am surrounded by a million stars that sing to the night,
That glow with the radiance of unforgotten glory,
That hold together in an embrace of intimate knowing,
of intimate belonging,
Each one of this million separate and unique,
Each one the guardian and redeemer of all.

Star Poems - MilkyWay Galaxy Center

Milky Way Galaxy Center
Image Credit: Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech,

Last edited by Johanna on Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna (Opening Prayer) 7-24-13
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:01 am 
Dearest Mother~Father God,

Beloved, Most High, Guide I.
Guide I in all that I write and share from my heart today.
Guide I meditation so that I might perfectly serve you.

Blessed LOVE.
Your daughter,

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 Post subject: Teachings of Julie: Child of Wonder
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:07 am 

Welcome! It's Wednesday! Welcome to Wednesday's with Johanna. Come join the conversation.

Bless UP!

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There is a place when all is still,
an inner space both fair and mild,
and sitting there one sees the world
with eyes of wonder, of the child
who lives within, who longs to view
the small events that pass us by,
the leaves that fall from gentle trees
and dance their way down from the sky.

This wondrous child of graceful days
knows nothing but a world of peace,
and cannot know why those who fight
would rather lose the lovely ease
of living from a child's pure heart,    
and seeing with a child's new eyes.
In keeping faith with wonder's gifts,
this child remains forever wise.

Photo credit: Martin Talbot -

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 Post subject: Teachings of Julie: Calendar 100 Days - Another Day in God
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:21 am 

Celebrate today, for it is another day in God's life.
In God's life nothing is ordinary.
Everything is significant, whether pain or joy, good or bad.
Be part of it, for your own sake and because God has given it to you.

Seeds of Light for Daily Meditation

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 Post subject: Teachings of Julie: The Rose and the Thorn
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:38 am 


Julie Redstone


The history of man's spiritual evolution can be depicted as a relationship of rose and thorn, traversing a line between sweetness, beauty, and love, and the pangs of hardship and unexpected loss and pain that always seem to counterbalance the sweet fragrance of the rose. Never understanding why the thorns of life had to accompany life's beauty, mankind has always had to find ways of dealing with its heavy burden of suffering, both individually and collectively, trying always to focus on the smell of the roses and to minimize the sharp stabbing intrusion of that which was unwanted or unexpected


…The thorns of life have been necessary because of the degree of separation of human consciousness from the truth of its own being and from the truth of the Divine nature of all of life – a gift from the one Creator of all.  Had there not been such a separation in awareness, it would not have required the sudden stabbing pain of reality to wake one up to something. For this has always been the service of pain – that it awakens within consciousness something that has been asleep, and yet that has been necessary for the further development of wholeness of the self. It does not come into being gratuitously, but rather as a force for healing, to bring the self back to the path of truth and growth toward the light of wholeness


...Imagine, now, a world in which roses exist without thorns. This is the world of the future. A world in which spiritual growth and the movement toward wholeness no longer needs the kind of prodding that has existed before – a world in which the separation of consciousness from the light of sacred reality no longer requires the vast leap over mistaken ideas and notions of reality which create a chasm to be bridged in order to institute a path of return. Under these circumstances, the thorns would no longer be necessary.

…Painful prodding would no longer be necessary, for the path of growth could be held in light and the corrections that might be needed would be small corrections, ones that could be instituted gently and progressively without a sharp blow to one's awareness.

…This is what lies before us in the unfolding evolution of the earth's story and of the story of her inhabitants as we move into the next level of spiritual understanding and evolution.

…Before this time comes, there shall still be thorns that pierce the heart and soul – thorns that result from mankind's indifference to man, thorns of mankind's indifference to the sacred life of the earth, thorns that come from cruelty and disdain, from pettiness and greed, from fear and from the desire to seek advantage over others. These are the thorns that human beings create through their own misguided actions, and before they leave the landscape of human consciousness entirely, they will make their presence known. 

But in the end, those aberrations of consciousness which lessen the humanity of one to another, which lessen the caring of the human heart of one to another, will progressively disappear. And in their place will be the awareness of oneness that allows all to answer the question: "Am I my brother's keeper?", with a full and unequivocal "yes."

Blessed be this time of transition and of the earth's flowering into a new day.

Read this Teaching of Julie in it's entirety:

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 Post subject: Teachings of Julie: Emptiness and Waiting for the Divine
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:47 am 

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From the audio which comes with each day of the Emanations of Healing Light Calendar:

"All that you wait for must be given… it cannot be created by you, but only by the Divine.

"…For the emptiness that you allow, will draw to it, the response of the Universe, it will create a space in which God can enter.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:51 pm 
Blessings, dearest Johanna and all who are led here!

My heart fills with gladness, each Wednesday, as I anticipate the unfolding spiritual lessons from Julie and the Realms of Light and brought forth through you with blessed love. Your choices, Johanna, delight my soul and treat me with some of Julie's writings I have not read before and so I am blessed again!

When I listened to today's Emanations of Healing Light audio..I thought, "Oh my gosh,Everybody really needs to hear this & Voilà! Here you have posted it.. Thank YOU!!! Much love to you!

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:02 pm 

Hello Meg love -

I felt the same way! It was such a powerful teaching for my heart.

I am glad you are here. Thanks for joining in and sharing.


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 Post subject: Teaching of Julie: The Perfume of the Soul
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:41 pm 
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The soul is that part of each being that transcends time and space, living on a plane of its own in a timeless state in which it gathers the fruits of embodied experience and casts them into a shape of its own making, determined in part by the essence of its own nature, and in part by the shape of the learning that has gone on during physical life. 

Each soul contains within itself a quality of God-in–manifestation that it concentrates within itself more than any other.  In fact, it may have several such qualities that are its own particular manifestation of the Divine Source of all.  When fully manifested, these bring the soul into a heightened state of perfection in unity with the One.  There is no soul without such a quality of perfection, for each has been designed to reflect the beauty, wisdom, love, and glory of the One Being who is beyond all attributes.

The perfume of the soul is that aspect whose fragrance, when met, pierces the heart with joy to see and feel. It forms an eternal bond in love with all other souls, for such perfume is the heavenly vapor of the soul's expression as part of Infinite Love, and its desire is to spread this heavenly scent to the rest of the Universe as a reflection of God's divine beauty and majesty. 

The perfume of the soul is also that part of it that engages in the beauty of creation, embarking on lifetime after lifetime of expression so that the embodiment may come to know itself and God in a fuller way.  This desire to spread its sweet knowledge to the embodied aspect of itself and to the earth as a whole is an eternal component of the soul that has, as a central desire, the greater manifestation of God's being and love throughout the entire universe.  In this sense, the soul is in partnership with God in a very immediate way, seeking to extend Creation into the infinite.

Every soul comes into being with a fundamental desire to manifest itself more fully, that is, to bring into complete expression the great beauty it feels inside.  For this to happen, the soul must be able to enter the human sphere as well as remaining within the higher dimensions, so that God's essence can be transfused down to the very cells that make up physical matter, both within the human body and within the elements of nature as well.

When it happens that the soul is capable of finding the means to reveal itself within the plane of time and space, there is great joy that can be felt and the outflow of the perfumed scent that is the essence of the exquisite beauty that the soul contains. All souls are endowed with this beauty, from the most cherished and outwardly beautiful, to the most lowly in the world's eyes.  All are beautiful.

The perfume that emanates from the soul bends to the earth to grace it with its blessing and to bring the eternal fragrance of the Divine to an otherwise dry and thirsty land.  Always, this perfume suggests realms beyond time and space that are not yet visible to human eyes, and always, it brings with it the eternal love of the Father-Mother God for all of Creation.  This is the mission of the soul, and in its realization shall the earth be made whole.   

Read this Teaching of Julie in it's entirety:

Beloved Mother of Joy -

Last edited by Johanna on Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Teachings of Julie: Light of the Presence - God the Mother
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:00 pm 

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 Post subject: Teachings of Julie: The Christic Seed
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:53 pm 

The Christic Seed

Buried within each individual consciousness is the Christic seed – that aspect of the Christ-consciousness that is God's love, fully present within the center of being to be called upon when the embodied self is ready to allow love to expand and separation to be erased from awareness. This seed of truth is the knowledge that all are held within a universal context of infinite love that lies at the heart of Creation. It is based on the disappearance of what has been historically present as the fear of harm and the need for self-protection that come from feeling separate and alone. Within each psyche, however, lies the knowledge that this is not true. That it has never been true. That instead of fear being the formidable ruler governing human action that it has been, love and cooperation can become the equally powerful means by which humanity engages with each other upon the earth and builds a new society.

The seed of Divine love implanted within the heart is coming further into awareness now, held lightly by some and more potently by others as that which generates new behaviors and a new, unfolding outlook on life. These new orientations toward life and toward relationships need to blossom as a flower does after it first emerges as a bud. They need to effect change on all levels of society and within all levels of each individual being. For love that has been born within the human heart today is meant to become the firm foundation for a new society and a new way of relating to the world. It is not an event that can be postponed any further. It is an event whose time is now and whose practicality will seem ever more possible as the old ways of doing things seem less realistic and less successful than before.

Over and over the human heart must repeat to itself when fear of any kind arises – I am not the fear that separates; I am the love which joins. I am not the self that seeks its own way in life; I am the self that seeks to prosper the ways of all. These affirmations, held deeply within the heart's consciousness, will begin to shower upon the outer self new possibilities for converting former behaviors that have been limiting, into actions that can be more open and expansive. For in all things, love can show the way if it is not limited and constrained by self-protection and the sense of endangerment.

The Christic seed within each heart is waiting to be born. It is waiting to be given permission to come into the light of day and to operate as the precious and beautiful flower of Divine love that each human has the right and the power to express. When the day dawns that all of mankind shall have unfolded this seed that has lain dormant for so long, then the world will know itself to be a place of peace and beauty – one in which God's mercy and abundant love can find a home.

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