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March, 2025
E Pluribus Unum, "Out of Many, One"
Dear Beloved Ones,
Let us aspire to the ideals by which we are meant to live, for they form the fabric of our life together as a people and the quality of our days. They are not political or spiritual ideals that govern our society, but a combination of both.
This month we are celebrating Victory’s birthday and arrival among us (see note below), and in keeping with this both personal, communal, and cosmic event, it is fitting to share with you a reading of something I wrote concerning the past, present, and future, of the United States of America which he holds so dear to his heart. This writing from 2013 called “What is a Republic?,” seemingly a political concern, is also a spiritual one, for the answer to this question embodies the deepest spiritual values that we may hold as human beings concerning the ways in which we choose to live and to relate to each other.
GurujiMa Listen to GurujiMas reading of "What is a Republic?" https://lightomega.org/audio/what-is-a- ... f-america/This writing from 2013 called “What is a Republic?,” https://lightomega.org/writing/moving-t ... Additional Note: As part of this time of darkness, what was written about in 2013 as the intensification of polarization and distrust among people with different beliefs, has now extended itself into a punitiveness toward those people with different beliefs, and an outright rejection of diversity. The principle of ‘e pluribus Unum’ ("out of many, One,” seen in the Great Seal and on our dollar bill) is being opposed in its most basic meaning. ____________________________________________________________________________
An End to ‘Winning’:
Movement into Unity We are moving from assumptions and beliefs and motivations of the past that no longer fit what is trying to emerge in our collective consciousness. We are moving from that to the future - a future in which we can help the world to establish peace and a sense of trust among nations. This may seem very far away right now. But the paradigms of the past are shifting. We are seeing them very vigorously today, but they are shifting. And one of them has to do with the idea of winning.
Winning means somebody loses. Winning means you are better than somebody else. Winning means you have your way and somebody else doesn't have their way. It means all kinds of things to us. This is a paradigm of the past, where somebody gets to be better than somebody else. And we are trying in our consciousness, to move past the paradigm of winning, to the paradigm of love. Love doesn't determine itself on the basis of who's better and who's worse. Love is a feeling of oneness, of kinship, of a foundational unity that we feel, sometimes with just a small group of others - but we are meant to feel that with all others, with all of life. So, Beloveds, we have to pray for this government of ours, and for our own collective awareness, that we can extricate ourselves from the paradigm of winning over somebody else.
This video is from the "Prayers for the United States of America" series, that can be found in the "Meditations & Prayers" section of the Light Omega website.
Watch online... https://lightomega.org/guided-meditatio ... nto-unity/ ____________________________________________________________________________
What is Democracy?
A Message from Those Who Serve the Light
It behooves those for whom the welfare of this country and its people is an important goal, to remove the barriers that have kept them feeling separate from the common life of a nation.
Read the entire Writing by GurujiMa: https://lightomega.org/writing/what-is- ... he-future/ ____________________________________________________________________________