If We Have A Soul, Where Has My Soul Been?Souls are meant to be the rulers in the domain of their individual life.Hello Dear Readers,
As I was meditating and waiting for guidance as to how to present What is a Soul? Pt.2, what came to me was to speak about my soul journey of awakening and my sacred relationship with Beloved GurujiMa. Since 1992 when I first met Beloved GurujiMa and began learning from GurujiMa's Teachings the continuity of the Light and Love has never wavered. If anything, it has grown stronger, in GurujiMa.
Some who have read the prophetic visions I have shared over the years may be surprised, as the voice of prophetic visions can be a times a strong voice which does not sound anything like GurujiMa’s voice. Which is true, because I am not GurujiMa, nor, would GurujiMa want me to be a replica or anything other than my true soul self.
This has been an important aspect of my journey with Beloved GurujiMa. GurujiMa has never asked me to compromise the truth of who I am. In fact, it is from GurujiMa that I have learned how to recognize and move thru the energies of doubt, how trust the voice of my soul, how to trust the visions which come thru me. Over the years, Beloved GurujiMa has taught me the importance of letting go, surrender, waiting, waiting whilst experiencing helplessness, how to be present with limitations, how purify the energies of shame, guilt, and unworthiness, and most important of all, how to trust the Divine One, The Creator Source, whom I identify as God.
Discovering one’s soul purpose takes time, trust, compassion with oneself, and a willingness to take risks even as the ego is clamoring “no, don’t do this, be quiet, don’t be vulnerable, don’t reveal your heart fully”. The ego can lock an embodied soul in cycles of pain, suffering, guilt, relentless remorse and a fear of being the truth of who one is. The soul, as I have learned from GurujiMa, calls for the opposite of these soul crushing negations. The soul, and I only speak to my own experiences here, comes thru my heart, overcomes the fears of my mind, and says, “go ahead, be the truth of who you are, this is why you are here.”
If I may digress a bit. Fear has always been a great barrier for me towards discovering the truth of who I am as a soul. Are you surprised? These energies continue to linger in my consciousness, even as this is true, after many years of experiencing and perceiving their energetic influence on my nervous system and in my mind, I have learned to rise above these dense energies and listen to the voice of my soul rather than the voice of fear. I share this not with bravado, rather with a courage which is borne thru moving thru fear and discovering after such movements, that the energies of fear were just that, energies and not reality.
I bring these meditations from my heart to You, Dear Readers, and perhaps it has been a long way of saying, in all my years of being with Beloved GurujiMa - I can say with certainty that Beloved GurujiMa’s Teachings and my sessions with GurujiMa were always in service to these three Teachings — Love is real, Light is real, and the Divine is real. Essential Questions of Life: Who am I and what am I doing here? Who am I and what am I doing here? I am doing it right now, I have been doing it for thousands of posts on the OEA Forum, I have been doing it since 2003 on prophetic website, and I have been living my soul's purpose in one evolving form and another since meeting and being with, GurujiMa.
In gratitude, and with love, JohannaThe Soul’s Purpose https://lightomega.org/writing/hardship ... -humanity/March 20, 2013 The soul within a human being [could] choose pain as a path of service, in order to further their own expansion in light or in order to manifest a quality of Divine consciousness that will be of direct benefit to others. MEDITATION:Embodying Soul Purpose: I Am the Light of the Divine https://lightomega.org/video/soul-purpo ... ine-light/ Your soul chose to come here to be part of a very large step forward that human consciousness Is taking at this time. No matter what you're doing, no matter what you're going through on a personal, individual level, your soul chose to take part in this planetary shift in consciousness, this movement from the past into the future. 0:
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So If We Have a Soul, where has my soul been?
Who has been been in control of our individual human embodiment?Our souls have been waiting as humanity evolved in time. In part, sure to our desire to enhance our rational minds and its desire to think for itself and by itself. As a result, the soul has been standing in the wings and waiting to be recognized.End part 2. Notes from a workshop hosted in the 2000’s - What Is A Soul? This workshop would not have been possible without GurujiMa's direction and Teachings.