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 Post subject: Dream Before Awakening - House On Fire
PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2025 6:41 am 
Dream Before Awakening
House On Fire

Hello Dear Readers,

Before awakening this morning, I had a dream which lingers in my consciousness with crystal clarity.

I came unto this grand house and saw it was on fire and went within it to warn its residents of the dangerous approaching flames.

In this dream the house which was like a mansion in scope and size, had many apartments with many groups of peoples living in it. I was going to each group of people and warning them of the approaching fire within the house. I showed them how the 3 cedar trees to the right of the house which were engulfed from within with flames and the fire was spreading to the house. Oddly, everyone kept about what they were doing paying no heed to the fire.

Make of this what you will Dear Readers, for dream interpretations are in the inner eye of the beholder.

with love,

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 Post subject: Energies Of Menace In A Time Of Increasing Light
PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2025 10:00 am 

Hello Dear Readers,

I was looking for a specific vision related to the vibrational energies of the What is A Soul? series I feel guided to present when I came across these visions.

In these many years of engaging with the energies of darkness, one thing I have held as an inner truth is to the best of my abilities in any given moment, to not to give into the presenting energies of darkness by aligning with the energies of fear and to keep ones mind open, eyes open, and heart open.

One can both look the energies of darkness in their proverbial eye, and not collapse into fear. This is how courage is borne within.

We are collectively thru this together as one planetary family of embodied souls having human expereinces, no matter the forces seeking to separate us thru chaos and cruelties.

with love,

When Fascism Came For Democracy:

When fascism came for Democracy,

the people, unaware that the emotional release

which came with the mocking, name calling,
and desecration of ‘Other’,
would lead to incitement against ‘Other’.

When fascism came for Democracy,

the people, starry-eyed, were unaware
that leadership calls for elimination of ‘Other’,
could and would, lead to actual deaths.

When fascism came for Democracy,

the people unaware,
that populace calls bantered about
for removal, or ethno-cleansing of ‘Other’
would lead to the removal of friends
and family members deemed as ‘Other’.

When fascism came for Democracy,

the people unaware, cheered on silencing's
and imprisonment
not realizing that such cheering,
would lead in the end, to their silence and imprisonment,
especially those seeking to uphold the rights of all.

When fascism came for Democracy
the people unaware, lamented the woke,

whilst leadership prepared the way unseen,
for an unmerciful vanity king,
bestowing upon the people,
military and political expressions
of vengeance and retribution.

* * *

An Entering Into A Period Of Falling Illusions:

Watch for despair.

Stay present in the unknown.

Do not allow the mind to wander with the energies of fear.

* * *

The Energies of Menace in a Time of Increasing Light:

The energies of menace reign in times of the dark night,
advancing upon one’s heart with dread and fright.

The energies of menace separated from the Light,
seek to control movement forward
with obfuscated interpretations of what is deemed right.

The energies of menace releasing into the Light,
seek willing hearts to increase their might.

These energies coming forward at times full of spite,
seek to undermine compassion and love
with righteous claims to inflict smite.

Fear not beloveds for when these energies appear to create blight,
for in the bespoken times to come,

the power of Love shall gather hearts contrite,

giving rise to an epoch of Love and Light.

2023 ... 6/#content

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 Post subject: What Is A Soul? An Introduction
PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2025 10:06 am 

We have within us the capacity for living as a soul upon the Earth. The soul is not the personality which is full of ever-changing thoughts and feelings. The personality is our outer presentation to the world. It is who we have learned to be. The soul is different. As our portion of the Divine, it is unchanging, peaceful, wise, and without fear. Unlike our personal selves, living as a soul frees us from all anxiety, allowing us to be aware of the eternal within us, even as we go about our daily lives.

The key to this is anchoring within our Divine center. If we believe we are our personality, we will not look for this center. It is only when we want more of self-knowledge that we begin to seek that part of ourselves that is our deepest truth, a truth that frees us from the turbulence that has characterized so much of human experience.

Living As A Soul ... as-a-soul/
This page contains many links to a collection of Teachings on Living As A Soul written by GurujiMa.

Hello Dear Readers,

There has been some delay with proceeding with the What Is A Soul?, series as I was unclear as to whether I was to move the above posts - Post subject: Dream Before Awakening - House On Fire  Post subject: Energies Of Menace In A Time Of Increasing Light, as my mind was perceiving a separation (in energies) where there was none. Clarity came forth when I was reading the The Flowering of the Soul, as my mind realized that altho these two posts reveal energies coming forth of a lower density nature, they are an aspect of the collective learning experiences we are going thru as embodied souls, at this time.

This series, What is A Soul? is based on GurujiMa’s Teachings. I adore GurujiMa’s Teachings, my soul experiences a level of aliveness which has not been matched in intensity since I first met GurujiMa in the 1990’s, even after many years of studying Theology and Spirituality. My passion for GurujiMa’s Teachings has never waned. Even as this is true, there is a distinction which is important to share with You, Dear Readers, for what I bring thru in my writings reflects my level of conscious awareness of who I am as a soul and what I have learned as an awakening soul in a body.

This series will contain my workshop notes from the early 2000’s on What is A Soul?, as well as some visions from a children’s book I wrote with GurujiMa’s assistance and Teachings in 1996 (unpublished). I have chosen to include some of these drawings for they represent, even after my many years upon the Earth, an aspect of the innocence of my soul which is reflected in the drawings.

Living On Earth:
Humans are borne to the Earth and leave the Earth.
Humans are all temporary guests.

2024 ... 5/#content

with love,

For the most part unknown to waking consciousness, the soul lives at the center of the life and breath of each embodied being, sending its messages to the physical self in order to maintain the direction of a life where this is permitted, and where soul-access is restricted by the limitations of the personality, allowing the embodied being whatever measure of light and truth can be absorbed.

The inner being which is called the ‘soul’ is that aspect of spiritual identity that has traveled with us through the centuries and eons of embodied life, measuring and absorbing the lessons of each life, transmitting and collecting the combined wisdom of its passage through time for the benefit of each lifetime’s experience. In a sense, no lifetime within the physical body is truly separate from any other, for each houses within itself the accumulated experiences of what went ‘before’ and the essence of what shall come ‘after’.

The soul, at its own level, already knows what it must learn at the embodied level, for it remains connected with the Source of truth and love and it remains connected to the Oneness of which it is a part. And yet the layer of self which enters the physical must realize these truths and this love, for that is the reason for taking embodiment — that the higher truths shall become known to the consciousness within form, and that the consciousness within form shall experience itself as part of the Oneness.

There can be no true separation between the soul and the embodied being, however, for without this vital spiritual connection, no physical life would be possible. The body, indeed, has its own complex way of functioning as a coherent whole. Nevertheless, it is given life by the decision of the soul to incarnate and to maintain itself in physical form for a period of time. It is not the body which decides this, no matter how well it may be functioning. It is the soul which decided this, gleaning the wisdom from its inner being in union with Divine will and subject at all times to that greater Will. The soul, on its own plane, is the director of the drama that takes place on the human plane, when allowed to be so. When not permitted such involvement due to the strength and force of personal need and desire, the soul waits, overlighting the embodiment throughout time.

Read the entire Teaching by GurujiMa here:
The Flowering of the Soul ... died-self/

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 Post subject: What Is A Soul? God’s Creations
PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2025 10:16 am 

What Is A Soul? God’s Creations

Gods Creations:
(Souls) Disembodied
(Birth) Embodied (Death)
(Souls) Disembodied

2024 ... 4/#content

Light of the Soul 1996 Sacred Art byJohanna Raphael.jpeg
Light of the Soul 1996 Sacred Art byJohanna Raphael.jpeg [ 102.5 KiB | Viewed 4757 times ]

…The eternal quality of the soul can become known to the embodied self, but not before a passageway is created between the personal self and its higher aspects. This passageway permits the opening to a deeper level of knowing, feeling, and sensing than has been possible before, based on the thought process of the conscious mind. Though the mind as we know it has been important throughout history in assisting the process of evolution to move forward, today, at the point of maximum expression of the rational, it now retreats into a secondary place in relation to defining reality. It does not do this of its own accord, however, but rather because a new energy that seeks balance begins to infuse the body and awareness — an energy that brings forth new perceptions based on the intuitive and the sacred, rather than on the rational. Now, the soul steps forward into the growing light of spiritual awareness, and what may have made little or no sense to the rational mind, begins to awaken memory, truth, and recognition within the deeper self.

…The historical term for the eternal and unified part of the self has been called ‘soul’ by many traditions and cultures, and so it is today as well. More recently, however, the higher aspects of individual being have also been referred to as the ‘higher self’, the ‘I Am Presence’, and the pure Spirit. Each of these names refers to the soul in its aspect of the Eternal and Infinite — the part that remains one with Divine essence and consciousness. The soul, being multi-faceted, also has a part that can move closer to earthly embodiment and physical awareness. This part contains the memories of multiple lifetimes, as well as the learning gained from each.

By whatever name it is called, the soul speaks to us today with a voice that asks to be heard, allowing those who listen to receive its messages and guidance, often amplified by the additional guidance and loving intentions of expanded souls who live within the realms of light. These beings of light help to uplift and make possible the joining of the human embodied self with its higher aspects, so that soul awareness can increase and life can be lived from the place of God-centeredness.

To live as a soul is to live in the consciousness of Unity and in the awareness of Love which is the central binding force that holds universes together. It is to recognize one’s participation in the immensely complex and textured fabric of Creation that is pure Divine gift, and to seek to live in accord with the universal harmonic that joins all realms of existence.

Read the entire Teaching by GurujiMa here:
Soul Awareness — The Life of the Soul
GurujiMa ... -with-all/

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 Post subject: What Is A Soul? Workshop Teachings Pt.1
PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2025 3:23 pm 

All souls are seeded with an “imprint of truth” that lies dormant in the heart until it is time to awaken. Often when this happens, life changes altogether — for a feeling takes hold of what is most important in life — for both the self and the Earth.

Ascendance of Light

What Is A Soul?

Our soul is an essential part of what makes your physical existence possible.

At the heart of the creation of life, whether of the Universe or an individual being, is the soul or the spirit.

The soul, or what some identity as spirit, is the blueprint for all that will emerge as the embodied human being, plant, animal, or solar system.

Everything that has been created in physical form has a soul or a spiritual blueprint.

The Creators Source’s Consciousness is the Architect of the Soul.

The Soul Architect of the physical manifestation of all things.

This consciousness is also known as the Mother, Mother of Time.

Everything which is Created follows the line of decent from consciousness, to the soul (the energetic blueprint), to matter.

Souls of human beings are highly individualized.

Souls of animals are less so.

Souls of plants, less so.

A complex Being such as the Earth, is a large soul that contains many smaller souls all of whom are part of her being.

A Being such as the Sun of a solar system is co-equivalent energetically, in frequency in many respects with God.

Even as this may be true, God is even larger than the Being of a Sun.

Souls are meant to be the rulers in the domain of their individual life.

End part 1. Notes from a workshop I hosted in the 2000’s.
This workshop would not have been possible without GurujiMa's direction and Teachings.


Originally broadcast on January 6, 2025,
it is in the "Contacting One's Deeper Self" section of "Meditations & Prayers".

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 Post subject: Paradigms And Evolving Consciousness
PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2025 10:38 am 
Paradigms And Evolving Consciousness
A few thoughts on how I perceive the concept of a paradigm.

Hello Dear Readers,

For me, a paradigm is analogous to a layer around the consciousness. One may perceptually see thru it, or one may add things to the existing paradigm or take things away, and even as this is true, the paradigmatic layer remains. And, there can be many such paradigms an embodied soul has layering the consciousness at any one moment in time.

I perceive paradigms as the energies/consciousness of collective belief systems. Systems in which we collectively are taught, systems in which inform how we interact with each other, or base our laws on, or base operating systems such as Ai on, business, or even religions on. Paradigms are not always agreed upon collective belief systems. Even as this is true, in some instances, many paradigmatic belief systems have been operating for centuries or thousands of years.

One can have an intuitive sense, or perceptual sense, or a sense in one’s heart, or even thoughts which one knows are there but are not easily accessed, as they are trapped in a layer of paradigmatic consciousness. One knows the paradigm is there, perceives that it may be lacking in truth, or based in a false belief, or based in a consciousness which served humanity at the time the paradigm was constructed, yet not longer does. Accessing truth behind or upholding the paradigm can be an illusive task.

After I had listened to Beloved GurujiMa give this talk (live) -
The Story Of Adam and Eve Retold -, I shared with GurujiMa and those who were there, that for me, my experience in listening to this re-telling of the story of Adam and Eve, was a shattering of a paradigm which has been a part of my embodied consciousness and life experiences, throughout time.

Dear Readers, it felt as if that which I knew in my heart to be true, that God is love, that God loves, God is not a punisher, shattered the (in this case, theological/political) paradigm in my conscious mind of that which had been encased in a belief system. I felt as if something had been released from within me. I had an experience of feeling a freedom of which my soul had longed for, for a very long time, in Time.

I have no expectations that You, Dear Readers, may have a similar experience after watching this video Teaching by GurujiMa, but if you do, you are not alone. We are, awakening and evolving as souls embodied.

Video Teaching of The Story Of Adam and Eve Retold -
to be posted in the next post.

with love,

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 Post subject: The Story of Adam and Eve Retold: Video Teaching By GurujiMa
PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2025 10:45 am 

The Story of Adam and Eve Retold

The Book of Genesis of the Bible is the book of the Father, establishing the omnipotence of God and the need to follow God’s law at a time when monotheism was in its beginnings. The story of the consequences of not following divine will is the story of Genesis, giving rise to the narrative of the Fall from Grace. But what if the story of Genesis were told from the perspective of the Mother. Then there would be no ‘Fall,’ and the serpent of that story would be seen as an assistant who helped individual will come into being. This would be seen as an aspect of the purpose of Creation, namely, the Divine immanent within each individual life-form.
Light Omega Productions
February 18, 2025

* * *

An excerpt from the introduction to The Story of Adam and Eve Retold:

…For every spiritual tradition in the world, there is a Creation story. So the story of Adam and Eve is part of our Abramic religion Creation story. Abramic religion means three religions that came into being with a similar heritage, which is Judaim, Christianity, and Islam. Those three are connected to each other in terms of their origin and development. So on the one hand, there is the beauty and wisdom of the Creation story. And on the other hand, there is something that permeates our culture on a s subconscious level related to the story that we hold about Creation.

You may not think about it, it may never cross your mind. What did Adam and Eve do? And what was the Garden of Eden? …But in the background of thought, there are certain seed ideas that get planted in our collective consciousness. And one of them that has been planted, has had a great effect on our collective awareness, not necessarily individually. Because that’s always your choice, what you believe, what you think is the idea that there is a descent from Heaven to Earth, which involves a Fall from Grace.

That idea has permeated much of Western spiritual tradition. Also, even if you don’t think that there was a fall from Grace, it infuses the picture of the human’s self, or the human realm being less than the spiritual realm. That is not the human realm. It doesn’t portray and image of equality. It doesn’t portray the feeling that God is everywhere equally in Heaven and on the Earth, two different realms.

…And so we lose something by this Creation story to the extent that we interpret it as a fall from Grace. That is initiated by misdeeds, that is also part of the Adam and Eve story. Misdeeds on the part of human beings created a fall from Grace as a banishment from the ideal of heaven or from the ideal life of Heaven.

That’s a very heavy duty kind of mythology or Creation story to live with.

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 Post subject: What Is A Soul? Pt 2 - Where Has My Soul Been?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2025 12:44 pm 
If We Have A Soul, Where Has My Soul Been?

Inner Depth:
What is more real about me?

Quote from New Earth Meditation with GurujiMa
March 8, 2025

Souls are meant to be the rulers in the domain of their individual life.

Hello Dear Readers,

As I was meditating and waiting for guidance as to how to present What is a Soul? Pt.2, what came to me was to speak about my soul journey of awakening and my sacred relationship with Beloved GurujiMa. Since 1992 when I first met Beloved GurujiMa and began learning from GurujiMa's Teachings the continuity of the Light and Love has never wavered. If anything, it has grown stronger, in GurujiMa.

Some who have read the prophetic visions I have shared over the years may be surprised, as the voice of prophetic visions can be a times a strong voice which does not sound anything like GurujiMa’s voice. Which is true, because I am not GurujiMa, nor, would GurujiMa want me to be a replica or anything other than my true soul self.

This has been an important aspect of my journey with Beloved GurujiMa. GurujiMa has never asked me to compromise the truth of who I am. In fact, it is from GurujiMa that I have learned how to recognize and move thru the energies of doubt, how trust the voice of my soul, how to trust the visions which come thru me. Over the years, Beloved GurujiMa has taught me the importance of letting go, surrender, waiting, waiting whilst experiencing helplessness, how to be present with limitations, how purify the energies of shame, guilt, and unworthiness, and most important of all, how to trust the Divine One, The Creator Source, whom I identify as God.

Discovering one’s soul purpose takes time, trust, compassion with oneself, and a willingness to take risks even as the ego is clamoring “no, don’t do this, be quiet, don’t be vulnerable, don’t reveal your heart fully”. The ego can lock an embodied soul in cycles of pain, suffering, guilt, relentless remorse and a fear of being the truth of who one is. The soul, as I have learned from GurujiMa, calls for the opposite of these soul crushing negations. The soul, and I only speak to my own experiences here, comes thru my heart, overcomes the fears of my mind, and says, “go ahead, be the truth of who you are, this is why you are here.”

If I may digress a bit. Fear has always been a great barrier for me towards discovering the truth of who I am as a soul. Are you surprised? These energies continue to linger in my consciousness, even as this is true, after many years of experiencing and perceiving their energetic influence on my nervous system and in my mind, I have learned to rise above these dense energies and listen to the voice of my soul rather than the voice of fear. I share this not with bravado, rather with a courage which is borne thru moving thru fear and discovering after such movements, that the energies of fear were just that, energies and not reality.

I bring these meditations from my heart to You, Dear Readers, and perhaps it has been a long way of saying, in all my years of being with Beloved GurujiMa - I can say with certainty that Beloved GurujiMa’s Teachings and my sessions with GurujiMa were always in service to these three Teachings — Love is real, Light is real, and the Divine is real.

Essential Questions of Life:
Who am I and what am I doing here?

Quote from New Earth Meditation with GurujiMa
March 8, 2025

Who am I and what am I doing here? I am doing it right now, I have been doing it for thousands of posts on the OEA Forum, I have been doing it since 2003 on prophetic website, and I have been living my soul's purpose in one evolving form and another since meeting and being with, GurujiMa.

In gratitude, and with love,

The Soul’s Purpose ... -humanity/
March 20, 2013
The soul within a human being [could] choose pain as a path of service, in order to further their own expansion in light or in order to manifest a quality of Divine consciousness that will be of direct benefit to others.


Embodying Soul Purpose: I Am the Light of the Divine ... ine-light/
Your soul chose to come here to be part of a very large step forward that human consciousness Is taking at this time. No matter what you're doing, no matter what you're going through on a personal, individual level, your soul chose to take part in this planetary shift in consciousness, this movement from the past into the future.

Where Have You Come From book cover GurujiMa Light Omega 2001.png
Where Have You Come From book cover GurujiMa Light Omega 2001.png [ 99.65 KiB | Viewed 2346 times ]

So If We Have a Soul, where has my soul been?

Who has been been in control of our individual human embodiment?

Our souls have been waiting as humanity evolved in time. In part, sure to our desire to enhance our rational minds and its desire to think for itself and by itself. As a result, the soul has been standing in the wings and waiting to be recognized.

End part 2. Notes from a workshop hosted in the 2000’s - What Is A Soul?
This workshop would not have been possible without GurujiMa's direction and Teachings.

Wholeness and the Soul ... wholeness/
Wholeness depends not only on what our minds think or what our hearts feel, but also on what our inner being or soul knows to be true.

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 Post subject: What Is A Soul? Pt3: What Is Needed To Live From Your Soul?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2025 2:34 pm 

Dream, baby, dream,
Let light through you stream.
In the lands where dreams are bright,
Go rest there for the night,
God is watching, all is right,
Dream baby dream.

Fly, baby, fly,
Way up in the sky,
To the place where stars are born,
There you shall find your true home,
Laughing, singing, not alone.
Fly, baby, fly.

Ancient Lullaby - by GurujiMa
Where Have You Come From?*
Songs for Newborns and for a New World

What Is Needed To Live From Your Soul?

A. First we need to meet our soul which can be found in the deepest heart of ourselves.

B. Our soul is in need of tending, as a plant, in order to grow into a full state of consciousness.

C. Our soul will not force itself into conscious awareness, rather it will ‘wait in the wings’ off stage so to speak, to be recognized by the self.

D. An example of a spiritual awakening is often the experience of waking up consciously to the fact that one is a soul, in a human body, having a human experience.

E. Our souls can flourish and expand when an individual is in touch with their deeper nature and gives this deeper nature room to grow. Do you know what your deeper nature is?

F. Soul-fullness is experienced in the reality of the moment.

G. The soul will communicate through our heart’s concerning its needs for growth, healing, and evolving. We need to listen.

H. It is when these soul communications are not listened to that one begins to feel empty, lost, or experience life as without meaning. What would give your life meaning? What would it mean to you to live a meaningful life?

I. The unattended soul does not sleep, it cannot sleep for it is a layer of our being.

J. Our souls have been waiting for chances to express themselves, waiting for the right conditions to emerge. Some souls have waited a long time to come out, this is not the souls choice but the choice of the personality, or the ego self.

Keeping Track of Your Socks excerpt GurujiMa 1997 Light Omega 1.png
Keeping Track of Your Socks excerpt GurujiMa 1997 Light Omega 1.png [ 46.65 KiB | Viewed 2301 times ]

Why Has This Been A Human Pattern Of Existence?

For many, the self, has felt safe in the world as it was to make its deeper self known.

Sometimes, the qualities of the souls such as softness, gentleness, vulnerability, and an unwillingness to compete, a desire for peacefulness above ambition have put the soul at odds with the values of the world.

A soul which has longed for the supremacy of love and has found it hard to find in the world, will go into hiding, or the individual places its soul and these qualities of Love into hiding.

Has your soul been in hiding? Why?

Some souls hide so well that they cannot be found by the person’s conscious mind even when they are seeking to find their soul, making the process of awakening somewhat more challenging.

This is because the layers of pain that have accumulated around the soul and its memory have become built upon in tiers, so that it becomes increasingly painful for the person to risk having their more essential self emerge again with all the pain that it is still carrying, lest that pain becomes conscious.

It is for this reason that individuals often choose non-feeling over feeling, isolation over closeness, superficiality over depth.

It has become a way of protecting the vulnerability of the deepest heart that does not want to feel its own pain.

Keeping Track of Your Socks excerpt GurujiMa Light Omega 1997 2.png
Keeping Track of Your Socks excerpt GurujiMa Light Omega 1997 2.png [ 56.22 KiB | Viewed 2301 times ]

So How Do We Move Beyond This Pain That’s Limitations, Our Persona’s Have Constructed To Protect Our Soul?

By Finding Our Soul’s Purpose

The soul has a life (eternal life) which goes beyond a particular incarnation.

The soul has a life and a destiny to fulfill which extends from incarnation to incarnation, and shapes the course of human embodiments.

This destiny is the fulfillment of its own special purpose for existence, the reason it came to be, the reason the soul cam into being.

Do you have a sense of your destiny - the reason you incarnated, you came into being?

While the individual embodiment (personality-ego self) may know nothing of such a purpose of being, The Creator Source’s Consciousness, which formed the spiritual blueprint — created each individual soul as some aspect of Itself.

Aspect of The Creator Source, or God - the image and likeness of God.

Each soul therefore has its own destiny, the expression in some fore of some aspect of the Divine, The Creator Source or God.

This is a truism no matter what the outer personality may look like, be interested in, believe in, or define as its own purpose, because the souls purpose is Divinely ordained and is a part of the blueprint for Creation. This blueprint is an aspect of the Eternal.

Keeping Track of Your Socks excerpt GurujiMa Light Omega 1997 3.png
Keeping Track of Your Socks excerpt GurujiMa Light Omega 1997 3.png [ 54.78 KiB | Viewed 2301 times ]

The Souls Purpose Being Divinely Ordained

As the souls purpose is Divinely ordained, it becomes the embodied souls reason for being, originating in the Mind of the Creator, our essence, and its expression involves the deepest fulfillment of what each embodied soul would long for if they could feel the truth of who they are.

What do you long for?

What do you long to do?

What give you a deep sense of fulfillment?

End part 3. Notes from a workshop hosted in the 2000’s - What Is A Soul?
This workshop would not have been possible without GurujiMa's direction and Teachings.

Related Teachings on the Soul by GurujiMa:

The Glorious Radiance of Your Soul ... vine-unity

Soul Purpose ... ationship/
Your deepest heart knows what your soul purpose is. It is connected with the you that you wish to be. It is embedded in the place of joy within you.

The Soul’s Unique Expression in Form ... mbodiment/
Your inner being contains an aspect of the Divine that is utterly unique and absolutely your own. You have taken embodiment to learn how to give form to this Divine spark.

Pathways of the Soul ... r-factors/
Do not compare yourself with this one's journey or that one's journey. You cannot know the inner experience of anyone but yourself. Trust this experience, embrace it, immerse yourself in it. Beyond thinking, beyond knowing, it will carry you home.

From Traditional Concepts to a New Soul Awareness — The True and False Self ... -the-soul/
Movement toward soul awareness can take place in stages, with concepts that are more familiar giving rise to the new levels of focus and attention.

Keeping Track of Your Socks excerpt GurujMa Light Omega 1997 4.png
Keeping Track of Your Socks excerpt GurujMa Light Omega 1997 4.png [ 41.53 KiB | Viewed 2301 times ]

*Ancient Lullaby - by GurujiMa
Where Have You Come From?
Songs for Newborns and for a New World
Originally published under Julie Redstone.
2001 - Light Omega

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 Post subject: When The Student Is Ready The Teacher Appears
PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2025 9:27 am 

When The Student Is Ready The Teacher Appears

There is a saying amongst those on a spiritual path which observes. “When the student is ready the Teacher will appear”. The Light within this saying is that the Teacher comes forth as part of a sacred relationship between the Divine and souls. Souls embodied, and for others, Teachings of souls no longer embodied.

I share this with You, Dear Readers as my sharing in a recent post, of my personal journey of finding my Teacher, was shared as a revealing of my heart, not a form of testimonial proselytizing of GurujiMa. If one is meant to connect with GurujiMa, their soul will guide them to do so, there will be a resonance, soul to soul. And if one does not experience a resonance with GurujiMa, for me, it is a sign that there is another soul connection waiting to manifest for the student and Teacher coming forth.

Spirituality as I understand it, is about letting go, waiting, and allowing the soul to determine which spiritual path it is seeking, The soul, whose knowledge of what is needed in its unique embodied life, will manifest the experiences and Teachers according to its needs for growth and awakening.

With love.

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 Post subject: Al Green - Let's Stay Together
PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2025 9:36 am 

United We Stand.
Divided We Fall.

The Four Oxen And The Lion
fablesofaesop (com)

Monarchy Or Republic?
Unity by its very nature includes the right to disagree with, express differing opinions, veto, protest against, not corroborate nor endorse, the right object, and renounce when the conscience calls for objection.

In appreciation of Congressman Al Green’s love, integrity, and belief in a nation of We The People.

All blessings to those who have been standing for the promised rights and freedoms for all, in memory of John Lewis, and the Selma, Alabama's Voting Rights March of 1965.

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 Post subject: Silence And Depth - The Purpose of Silence
PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2025 9:45 am 

The Purpose of Silence
GurujiMa ... e-the-way/

The purpose of silence is to expand individual consciousness so that the human being can be nourished from a deeper source. The source is always there. Without the silence, it is often difficult to hear what it has to say because outer voices are clamoring for attention and are much easier to hear.

Long ago, in the days before telephones and wireless communication, there existed a zone of silence in the world that covered the earth with a blanket of peace and quiet. It carried in it the wishes and prayers of those who sought to lead a good life, a holy life, and it helped allay the fears of those who were concerned for the future. This zone of silence allowed communication between heaven and earth to proceed more smoothly since it was uninterrupted by earthly communication, and individuals related more to the surrounding world of the invisible, rather than to the voice at the other end of a telephone.

This is no longer the case. The noise of human affairs has replaced the silence of the spheres for humans to listen to. It has replaced the quiet of an afternoon spent sitting under a tree or by a stream with the busyness of working at a computer. It has created the fear of being alone because one is out of communication with everyone else. The idea of communing with oneself and with God has been replaced by the need to be in constant touch with others, with work, with world events, with the latest trends on the stock market, etc. The list goes on indefinitely.

The purpose of silence is to expand individual consciousness so that the human being can be nourished from a deeper source. The source is always there. Without the silence, it is often difficult to hear what it has to say because outer voices are clamoring for attention and are much easier to hear. Avoidance of quiet has become endemic to a whole way of life for people who pride themselves on keeping busy. It has become endemic to a culture that prides itself on getting a lot done and rising on the ladder of outer success, merit, education, accomplishment, fame, etc. But there is an inner ladder of accomplishment that can never be located in this way, for it goes not up, but down — down into the depths of one’s being, down into the core elements out of which one is composed, down into the subsphere of thought to the place where thought no longer matters and only ‘being’ becomes real. This ladder contacts the depths of the soul and brings one closer to the realm of purpose in life, and, indeed, the purpose for which each one was created. This ladder takes us away from the distractions of outer life to the quiet zone of eternity.

Silence needs to be regulated into one’s life so that depth can be maintained. It needs to flow like a secret river between one’s soul and the outer expression of that soul. Taking time to be silent comforts the heart, enlivens the mind, gives liberty and joie de vivre to whatever actions will be taken at other times, and brings an individual out of a more shallow existence, into a deeper knowing of themselves.

Silence translates the language of the soul into a sense of purpose and direction for one’s outer activities so that meaning in all things becomes enhanced, and random gestures or actions become minimized. In this way, silence contributes to the deepening of meaning in life.

There is no way for a society to emerge into a higher state of consciousness without individuals becoming more conscious of themselves — of who they really are, not who they have been taught they are or who they imagine themselves to be. Infusing a time of silence into the atmosphere of one’s life is essential to the healthy growth of the total being, just as food is essential to the healthy growth of the body. Both are needed so that the spiritual can be connected with the material, and so that all that exists within as Divine gift and talent can find a means of outer expression.

Until such time as individuals come to value themselves enough so that they preserve an element of silence within their lives, life will continue to edge toward the frivolous and superficial and away from the deep and profound. Silence is the road toward spiritual growth, whether through quiet contemplation, meditation, or sitting by a river and watching the sky, silence reconnects man with his soul and restores the needed balance to life as it is meant to be lived.

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