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 Post subject: Day One - Creation Of The Heavens - Universal Love
PostPosted: Wed Feb 12, 2025 10:54 am 
Day One - Creation of the Heavens
Universal Love

I am an expression of the Divine moving thru me.
What is there to fear?

New Earth Meditation | 2.6.2025

Hello Dear Readers,

When I perceive the energies of human drama’s encroaching into my embodied self, seeking to cover the truth of the light of my soul, seeking as an energy to cover the remembrance of who I am as a soul and how I AM created me, I find myself drawn to the NASA website to gaze upon the magnificent photos being sent back to Earth thru various telescopes, of Galaxies, Nebula’s and aspects of the Universe.

When my eyes gaze upon these photos, I see many things. I see The Creator Source, I see Archetypes of the Creator Source, I see the Beauty of the Creator Source, I see the Love of The Creator Source.

Along with these awesome photos, I would like to share with You, Dear Readers are a few quotes I collected in 2001 from the mystic Meister Eckhart which conveys in words, what I am perceiving.

with love,

Naza Hubble Galaxy photo - Sea of Love.png
Naza Hubble Galaxy photo - Sea of Love.png [ 558.27 KiB | Viewed 10242 times ]

The eye in which I see God,
is the same eye with which God sees me.

Meister Eckhart

File comment: When I gaze upon this photo I perceive the Divine Feminine giving birth to stars and planets from Her Divine Mind.
Cone Nebula NOC2264 - Divine Mother Archetype birthing planets and stars.png
Cone Nebula NOC2264 - Divine Mother Archetype birthing planets and stars.png [ 323.49 KiB | Viewed 10242 times ]

When we return to our first origin
which is our primal purity
we discover freedom and are free.

Meister Eckhart

Cosmic Hand Reaches Towards Light NASA photo 2009.jpeg
Cosmic Hand Reaches Towards Light NASA photo 2009.jpeg [ 127.34 KiB | Viewed 10242 times ]

God is like a person who clears
his throat while hiding
and so gives himself away.

God lies in wait for us with nothing
so much as love.

Meister Eckhart

For those Dear Readers who feel uncomfortable with the word God, I will share with you what I learned from an Atheist thirty five years ago in terms of the energies of God - Good, Orderly, Direction.

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 Post subject: Collectivo Aquilarum 5 - Vision of Betrayal
PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2025 9:09 am 

Collectivo Aquilarum 5  Betrayal.jpg
Collectivo Aquilarum 5 Betrayal.jpg [ 115.13 KiB | Viewed 10212 times ]

Collectivo Aquilarum - Collection of Eagles
5 - Betrayal

The Sphere of Mirages


As one becomes familiar with spiritual energies and how they manifest upon the Earth and within one’s individual body and consciousness, it is easy to learn about light since spiritual light is expansive and is something that most people hope to feel as it offers clarity, peace, love, and a way through many difficult situations. The same cannot be said about the energy that we refer to as ‘darkness,’ that has nothing to do with skin color, but only to do with its opacity to light and, in fact, its opposition to the expansive movement of light.

Despite the challenges that darkness presents to consciousness and despite its deleterious effects, the energy of darkness is still a part of Creation, and in its truest sense, is there to serve a useful purpose, the purpose of allowing human beings a free choice of how to act. Nevertheless, as it operates on the human level, the energy of darkness, also known as the ‘energy of separation’, or of ‘opposition,’ can present many difficulties for those growing in energetic awareness and sensitivity. Not least among the difficulties is the dilemma of discerning what messages, internal promptings, or directives that seem to come from divine guidance, are actually doing so, and which are not, but are examples of the capacity of darkness to simulate light.

This capacity for deception in which darkness simulates light is known as the ‘Sphere of Mirages,’ or the ‘Sphere of Illusions,’ and it operates in a widespread way at the current time in the history of our planet. Its purpose is to create a barrier of separation between the embodied self and the deeper layers of divine truth that it carries, and in this way to lead astray especially those who are intent upon pursuing the divine center of their own being and the divine center of all being.

I. The Sphere of Illusion

…There is a ‘Sphere of Mirages’ within the planes of darkness that many souls who seek guidance have contact with, and thus are brought into the plane of illusion, believing it to be truth.

Within this sphere, the illusions can be many. They can affect the mind, representing themselves to be guidance coming from the realms of light or from God, when in fact they are coming from darkness-masquerading-as-light. They can also affect the body, creating sensations and perceptions that are both physical and energetic. Their purpose is to create mistrust in God or in those from the realms of light who are helping and guiding. Their medium is through the mind or the body, and their effectiveness is such that they can create both large and small dramas that involve the embodied self in complex ways, sometimes for long periods of time. Dramas of an inner kind can, for example, convey to the emotional/mental self that the force of light is battling encroaching darkness with the feeling being created that it cannot hold it back or prevent it from encroaching. An entire battle between light and darkness can be constructed on a large scale or on a small scale, with the goal of creating fear that light is not strong enough and that darkness will win the battle or that the battle will go on indefinitely. Within this battle, darkness-masquerading-as-light can play a significant role.

In addition, there are sensations like shadows that appear and disappear within the plane of illusion, whose purpose is to create discomfort and the perception that they are real. They are not real, but are perceivable as physical sensations.

II. The Sphere of Illusion: Grandiosity

…One of the effects of the capacity of darkness to imitate light is to create a flood of what feels like spiritual energy of a creative sort that produces an inflated sense of what is possible. This grandiosity of thought which zooms ahead, fueled by the false energy of darkness seeming to be light, leaves the groundedness of what is, and can distort situations and expectations so that they are no longer respectful of either collective reality or of that which might pertain to an individual person.

III. The Conversion of Reality

…Within our ordinary waking consciousness, in the background of our mind, we carry a remembrance of who we are, who we are related to, what are goals are in life, what things we have felt were wrong to engage in, and what we wish to commit ourselves to in terms of principles by which we live.

The ‘energy of deception’ within the Sphere of Mirages can, without our noticing it, cause a forgetting of each of these remembrances, so that a new idea, value, aspiration, or moral sensibility that was not there before can take its place without our knowing that we have left something behind. In this way, we can feel numb or indifferent toward the things we once cared deeply about, and though we might notice that a shift has taken place in our sense of values, we would not think there was something amiss with our current view of things, for we would accept it as natural and true.

… Sphere of Mirages presents itself as truth, and causes us to loosen our hold on our own innate sense of truth. It does this through multiple subtle means:

• through causing the ties of memory to weaken,

• through the invalidation of positive feelings as unreal or as not as believable as negative ones, and most importantly,

• through creating a ‘web of illusion’ which presents itself to the mind like a veil or covering, activating the belief that there was never a different reality that we felt. Indeed, that we have always viewed things the way we currently do.

IV. Creation of a False Persona

…Once a conversion of reality has taken place, so that a new set of beliefs and values have replaced the old, a false persona can come into being that supports these new beliefs. This can happen in certain areas of one’s life, or it can act like a cover over the entire personality. Such a covering is more likely to happen if the substitution of the new for the old has been extensive, and if he old beliefs were central to one’s life.

The false persona is not created by the person who is being influenced. It is created by the ‘energy of conversion’ which amplifies the reality of the new set of ideas, while making the former ideas recede in memory, or disappear altogether. Often, the new beliefs find roots in the willingness of an individual to accept them as most real, accompanied by a willingness to think that how they perceived things previously was incorrect or not as real.

To the person undergoing this conversion, the false persona may feel entirely real or like they have always been that way, or that they have outgrown the way they used to be. However, to the person who is sensitive to energies who observes this transition, the false persona can feel like an empty shell, with access to the individual’s heart and to their true self severely covered over. In such instances, even when words are used that seem normal enough or pleasant enough, there is the feeling that the words are part of the shell, and that the heart is disconnected.

Read this Teaching of GurujiMa in its entirety:

This writing is also available in book form through the Light Omega Bookshop
The Sphere of Mirages

The Sphere of Mirages

The Origins of Self-Betrayal

…Today, we need a new vocabulary to discuss a phenomenon that many recognize as the experience of ‘not acting in their own best interest,’ but rather acting in ways that are not in harmony with one’s deepest values or beliefs. Although we can call this phenomenon ‘unconsciousness,’ and it is, some recognize it as a willingness to go along with others when it is known that such ‘going along’ does not feel right, or to permit expressions or actions even when alone that emanate from the lesser self. Many observe themselves doing this, yet fewer understand that self-betrayal involves an abandonment of the truths of one’s own heart, sometimes persuaded by a falsehood that looks like truth, and sometimes persuaded to accept indifference instead of the innate morality of one’s own conscience.

These manifestations of self-betrayal can be and often are influenced by energies of darkness, separation, and opposition. Such energies, held within the energy body and also emanating from our collective moral and spiritual environment, can cause us to say about important decisions of conscience: “It doesn’t matter if what I do is less than honest, less than kind, less than fair. It’s what everyone does.”
Self-betrayal, which involves the abandonment of one’s most deeply held values and moral principles, does not come about easily. It comes about through fear and through succumbing to the temptation to give oneself away, to give away the firmness of our standing within our own sense of rightness.

Read this Teaching of GurujiMa in its entirety:
The Origins of Self-Betrayal ... -darkness/

Energies of Opposition - An Inversion of Love

Energies of opposition to the expansion of light affect awareness in a variety of ways, one of them being to create a covering over the energy of the heart which gives us a direct knowing of what we feel and what we love.  Such energies can influence consciousness with different degrees of intensity, creating an "inversion of love" so that where once we felt the warmth of our own heart as it conveyed meaning to us concerning situations and people, now, with the energy influencing awareness, the situation or person feels distant, less connected, and the meaning of an event or situation can disappear for a time from our awareness altogether.
This "inversion of love" must be seen for what it is – not the truth of reality but a covering of the truth of reality, a covering that creates meaninglessness where there was once meaning, and distance where there was once love and warmth.

Read this Teaching of GurujiMa in its entirety:
Energies of Opposition - An Inversion of Love ... -Love.html

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 Post subject: The Widows Penny
PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2025 10:53 am 
The Widows Penny

Hello Dear Readers,

A few days ago after hearing about the proclamation by Executive Order to stop the printing pennies, a US currency - legal tender, four visions came to me which I would like to share with you after listening to a story on public radio this morning about pennies.

The narrator, salaried on a national public radio program, shared how they just keep pennies in a jar and never spend the currency.

Allowing that generations younger than me have a tendency to swipe cards, send money online to each other, and use plastic more commonly over US currency, there is still a gap in the narrators story of presenting the needlessness of the penny. Also, for the poor, getting the credit needed for swiping is negligible, often they need to resort to predatory pay day lenders to meet large bills before their next paycheck.

Those experiencing poverty also put their change in a jar, to save it for the end of the month, and hard times. The Dollar stores are no longer a dollar, now everything is $1.25 and then tax is added. Now everything will be rounded not down - rounded up, another burdensome increase.

By eliminating the penny, another challenge is being placed on the poor, those who cannot afford to donate to public radio but depend on it for national and local news listening to those who have, who claim to be liberal in their politics, speaking of being able to just throw pennies in a jar and never look back. That this will be a cost cutting measure because those who have the pennies keep them out of circulation by storing them as superficial to their needs and more pennies need to be printed for those who rely on the penny to keep up with ever growing inflation.

Tariff's are the latest burden of increased financial penalties on We The People, which will be the most painful on the poor, taxes on things that the poor buy will increase without the penny, prices will increase. All these burdens are easily overlooked when one can just throw their change in a jar and forget about it.

I know personally from experience how important loose change is to being able to afford a basic need and not.

I notice at my local co-op (because I put change in it and have taken change out when I was short) that there is a change cup for those amongst us who are a penny or two short, the same at some gas stations. If not a cup, then the cashier keeps loose change others leave for those who might literally be a few cents short, sometimes dimes and nickels.

When we forget about the poor, we in essence, forget about ourselves - our hearts, our humanity, and most of all being aware of what is happening to the least amongst us.

Lastly, for those unlucky enough to live a life experiencing poverty, and I believe, but don't quote me as I do not have the statistics at hand, many are (not entirely) - African Americans. I believe this is where the vision and the energies I was perceiving as I received the vision was originating, the penny is a tender at hand for the poorest amongst us which bears witness to the Emancipator of the enslaved of empire - President Lincoln.

There is no greater example of the wealth gap than a billionaire declaring the elimination of currency depended upon by the poor, the penny. By the way, this was done at the same time our government pledged 7 billion dollars of the People's monies for more weapons for a foreign country.

Again, those who do not or have not experienced poverty might be saying to themselves, "well the $5 bill has the image of President Lincoln on it", indeed it does, and the saying "not having two nickels to rub together" is a colloquial euphemism of what the reality is like to experience poverty. Bill currency is gone the fastest on bills, groceries, gas, and other essentials. At the end of the month, when the hard times are upon those living in poverty earning poverty wages, it is the loose change and the proverbial widows penny which adds up as currency to meet a need. (Such as a $1.25 can of beans or veg).

with love,

Widow’s Penny:
Saving money, by increasing by pennies, thru the elimination of the penny, the cost of everything for the poor.

* * *

Eliminating Tender – Currency:
Eliminating the penny the People are told, to save the government money whilst giveaways of the Peoples monies of billions of dollars of arms sales to corporations and foreign nations.

* * *

Penny Saved:
Bearing witness to the image of the beloved President Lincoln who freed the enslaved.
Vengeance reaching back into time.

* * *

Eliminating The Currency Of The Penny:
When one has a vested financial interest in crypto-currency then eliminating actual tender, most notably important to the poor, becomes a concern for the nation.

Penny Vengeance ... 2/#content

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 Post subject: Priced As A Luxury Good - Eggs
PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 3:25 pm 

Egg as a luxury item.png
Egg as a luxury item.png [ 206.94 KiB | Viewed 10028 times ]

A short reflection recent experiences seeking to purchase affordable, healthy eggs and local egg pricing and competitive consciousness.

I had two very different experiences sourcing eggs recently. The first experience involved learning how a local national grocery store, in an effort to keep egg prices low for their customers, are penalized thru how many eggs they may order at any given time until such time they raise their prices to reflect competitive local big market inflationary prices.

The other experience was a with my local co-op. The cashier shared with me last week that she was encouraging our local egg producer to raise her prices because they are not competitive with the prices of the local big markets. Angrily, and with a militancy, she informed me that she encouraging the local chicken farmer to raise prices for no other reason except they were not getting the same dollar value as the national chain stores. I left the store seeking to clear energetically, repeatedly saying to myself aloud, ‘that was a deeply unpleasant experience’. When I went back in a few days ago, the prices for the eggs are now near $8.00 a dozen.

I bring this up Dear Readers, because when on is on a fixed income, or has very little income, or are on food stamps, or experience a life of survival existing on a low wage earning job, eggs can be the sole protein source for a family. They are breakfast, they can be used for sandwiches for lunch, omelettes for dinner, a Sunday morning treat with bread as French toast, and with some flour, a baked treat.

Prayers for the suffering.
Always, in my heart.

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 Post subject: Teaching by GurujiMa - Experience Is A Spiritual Teaching
PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 3:30 pm 

All of human experience is a spiritual teaching GurujiMa.jpg
All of human experience is a spiritual teaching GurujiMa.jpg [ 176.84 KiB | Viewed 10028 times ]

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 Post subject: Beloved Humanity Amongst The Rubble
PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 3:40 pm 
Beloved Humanity Amongst The Rubble

Hello Dear Readers,

I received this vision within days of hearing the President speak of Gaza as a demolition site, as well as seeking to ‘move’ 1.8 millions survivors of genocide to other nations. The rebranding of Gaza as the Riviera of the Mediterranean was sorrowful for my soul to hear, and it also brought forth in the vision a recognition that only the Indigenous peoples can heal their lands of colonizing violence.

A few days ago, I came upon this cartoon, as I have shared before, I perceive an ability to express the zeitgeist through the works of certain cartoonists, their ability to translate realities presented to us as ‘normal’ into what they are actually conveying. The bottom half of this cartoon depiction conveys what I was seeing in the vision:

Beloved Humanity Amid the Rubble:

Haunted lands, the Rivera on the Mediterranean.
Screams and wailing's of the tortured, tormented, murdered, anchored in the grains of sand.
Only the people indigenous of the land can heal their lands.

February 2025 ... 2/#content

The Riviera of the Middle East editorialcartoons reddit.png
The Riviera of the Middle East editorialcartoons reddit.png [ 383.43 KiB | Viewed 10028 times ]

What I saw in the vision below as an energy expressed was the energies of glamour, money, glitz, fancy homes, avarice and greed. Energies totally devoid of the connection the Palestinian peoples thru time, have towards the sacredness of their lands.

Investor Alert!

Beach front properties available for development soon.
There will be no right to return.

Colonization Consciousness ... /2#content

With love,
Prayers for the suffering.
All blessings to the steadfast.

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 Post subject: Can I Get A Witness? Updated February 2025
PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 3:59 pm 
Can I Get A Witness? Updated February 2025

Can I Get A Witness?
Wed Mar 09, 2022

Hello Dear Readers,

A re-posting update from the 2021. What is Christian Dominionism or the 7 Mountains Mandate? As the theocratic power dynamic has increased, I thought I would update the circle of religious control to reflect the theocratic gains in our Republic. Our Democracy.

Theocracy not Democracy - Dominionism updated February 2025.jpg
Theocracy not Democracy - Dominionism updated February 2025.jpg [ 67.07 KiB | Viewed 10021 times ]

I have been receiving visions for years concerning the energies of theocratic dominionism, domination, now, much is coming to fulfillment, more will be revealed thru actions, acts, and laws.

If you can Dear Readers, remember this is unfolding because perhaps going the this experience is a re-learning we need to go thru about religious freedom, sovereignty, and the right to worship or not worship as the conscience decides. This is about the separation of religion from politics, there was a reason this was important enough to be the 1st Amendment of the United States of America’s Constitution. Many remembered the bloody wars and crusades fought in the name of religion. The inquisitions, the burning's at the stake, the torture of unbelievers and heretics, the torturing and murdering women as witches and concubines of the devil. Mass killing of Catholics, mass killings of Protestants, mass killings of Muslims and Jews, all in the name of religious ideologies and will to power rather than will to the Holy and the Divine.

Loyalty tests are no longer to the Constitution and swearing to uphold the constitution. Rather, these tests are in service to loyalty to the President and his agenda, or the agenda he is forwarding, the project for a new America, project 2025 - the end goal of a theocratic take over of American government to bring forth a nation of God.

Bear with each other.
It is in our unity and diversity, that we experience our strength as a nation.

With love,

A guiding energy in which embodied souls who have lost trust in God’s Plan for the Earth, deem it necessary, and godly, to control God’s Creation’s.

September 9 2023

Energies Coming Forward:
Disorder, Domination, Chaos, Rigidity

Tue Jul 13, 2021

Dominionism IS Domination
Sat Jun 06, 2020

Visions: Architects of Domination
Thu Jan 31, 2019

Chris Hedges: The Empire Self-Destructs

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 Post subject: Collectivo Aquilarum 6 - Vision of Domination - Triumph Of P
PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 4:17 pm 

Colletivo Aquilarum Vision 6 Domination Triumph of Power.jpg
Colletivo Aquilarum Vision 6 Domination Triumph of Power.jpg [ 121.04 KiB | Viewed 10021 times ]

Collectivo Aquilarum - Collection of Eagles
Vision 6 - Domination - Triumph Of Power

Rex Non Potest Peccare
The king can do no wrong, sovereign immunity, governmental immunity.

Rex non potest peccare

“Rex non potest peccare” is a Latin phrase that means “the king cannot sin.” This phrase represents the concept of the divine right of kings. It suggests that monarchs obtain their authority directly from a higher power like God. Therefore, their actions are inherently righteous and beyond reproach. This idea has historically been used to justify absolute monarchy. It has also discouraged opposition or rebellion against the ruler. However, it is important to note that this concept has been heavily debated and criticized throughout history. This is especially true during periods of political unrest and the emergence of democratic ideals.

The Will To Power:
The forceful desire to aggressively overcome, conquer, and dominate others.

* * *

When Conversions Fail:
The egoism of my kingdom consciousness.
The elevation of the covenant of politics and theocracy.

* * *

A re-rising of the disunity consciousness of ‘only our religion is the true religion’.

* * *

The New Master:
Bringing forth a new vision of unity minus the E. Pluribus Unum.

2023 ... /7#content

Imperial Sway:
A coming forward of the dispelling of the illusion of the imperial rule as sacred or divine.

* * *

If a government seeks to enforce that a citizen must believe in God, then the government and its events become in essence, god. God has no need of humans forcing other humans to worship or believe in God — otherwise, God would not be God.

2025 ... 2/#content

And the new master looked upon the sufferings of ‘Other’ yea, not to lift them up in the love of the Christ,
but to cast them out and wield them as Caesar’s cudgel.

* * *

The duly elected in service to spectacle
as the dismantling of the Nation of the Free continues unbound.

2023 -Colonization Consciousness ... /2#content

I show links out of respect, and often will not hot link out of the same respect.

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 Post subject: The Nobility of E. Pluribus Unum
PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 4:23 pm 
The Nobility of E. Pluribus Unum

The Nobility Of E Pluribus Unum photo Buffalo Soldier Funerial procession 2010 New Orleans.JPG
The Nobility Of E Pluribus Unum photo Buffalo Soldier Funerial procession 2010 New Orleans.JPG [ 110.72 KiB | Viewed 10020 times ]

The Nobility of E. Pluribus Unum

E unum pluribus- "out of One, many" - the story of Creation giving birth to life throughout the Universe.

E pluribus unum - "out of many, One" - the path of Return, the rediscovery of unity through diversity.

May all beings be blessed with the truth of their oneness.

http://essentials-of-purification.light ... -unum.html

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 Post subject: Questions Which Were Coming To Me - Answered
PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2025 7:11 am 

All souls are seeded with an “imprint of truth” that lies dormant in the heart
until it is time to awaken. Often when this happens, life changes altogether,
for a feeling takes hold of what is most important in life,
for both the self and the Earth.


Ascendance of Light

Planetary_Awakening_One_Earth_Awakening_sacred art_Johanna Raphael.jpg
Planetary_Awakening_One_Earth_Awakening_sacred art_Johanna Raphael.jpg [ 67.94 KiB | Viewed 10002 times ]

Hello Dear Readers,

These questions, both related, were coming to my consciousness:

"Johanna aren't you critical of theocracy and/or organized, traditional forms of religious organization, because of your work, or history, related to religion or God"? Or, "Aren't you bringing forth something different from what is the current paradigm, and so you are critical?"

And this I will tell you, unless all may freely choose to worship or choose not worship, any God, any concept, any belief, any Faith, with complete sovereignty and freedom - as in the absence of infringing on innate authority of any other embodied soul's belief's and faith - then there will be a continuation of historical sufferings and sorrows in service to power, to theocratic dominance and control, using the self appointed authority as God's representative on Earth, as a weapon of said control.

Freedom, the freedom to be as free as one longs to be.

The freedom to be as the Creator Source of the Universe, made thee.

This freedom to be without imposing one's beliefs on anything outside of one's heart or mind on another embodied soul.

Freedom to be is an essential aspect of my core spiritual principles.

I have no attachment as to whether someone believes in what I write or not.

On the prophetic website of my holy service, there are no analytics, trackers, advertising, outside links*, anything that involves control in any manifestation. This has been intentional from 2003. The intention is anchored in the divine consciousness which informs my heart and mind - "if God, The Creator Source, Divine Flow, intended for someone to read or find this prophetic work, they will as is it resonant with Divine Flow.

* Outside links meaning social media, etc., sites. There is a link connection with Light Omega, which is intentional also.

with love,

P.S. When the 'This I shall tell you voice' comes thru in my writings, it is my soul at its most active in vocalization.
Not the energies of the ego, bossiness.

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 Post subject: Divine Momentum - Moving The Wheel Of Awareness
PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2025 12:47 pm 
Divine Momentum
Moving The Wheel Of Awareness

Living in the Present: The Fluidity of Divine Unfoldment.
Sunday Satsang, Jan. 26, 2025

Here are a very few highlighted quotes from this video Teaching by GurujiMa:

The spiritual realm is not governed by past experience. It’s governed by Divine momentum, that unfolds beings into greater wholeness.
That’s its intention on all levels to generate experience and opportunities so that something new can come into existence.

There’s more happening now in an accelerated way because of the presence of greater spiritual light.

…We are living in a fluid universe and it’s up to us to match it in terms of fluidity, if we can have the courage to do so, Because that mechanism of trauma that wants to repeat old patterns in order to get it right, that’s very deeply ingrained. It wants to keep the engine going in the old pattern.

So there has to be a willingness to shift channels, to have the courage to look at the pattern that’s repeating of withdrawal,rejection, anxiety, fear, whatever it might be.

Posted with love,

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 Post subject: Workshop Teachings From The 2000's - What Is A Soul?
PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2025 1:11 pm 

Hello Dear Readers,

I recently came across workshop notes from a course I gave in the early 2000's called What Is A Soul?.
I am in the process of typing them into documents for online to share with those of You, Dear Readers who may be interested.

I feel a long awaited shift beginning to manifest, in which some of the denser energies of which I have been aligned with* in service to Revelation, may be receding in my work? Some aspect of my weary embodied self hopes for this intuition to bear fruit - to be true. Even so, I must wait.

Whilst waiting, I will be bringing forth the teachings from the workshop on What Is A Soul?, from my spiritual perspective, based on GurujiMa's teachings over the years, as an awakening soul herself.

with love,

*aligned with - This is the most accurate description I can offer as an explanation of what it feels like to perceive the denser energies of darkness/separation. I do not become one with the energies, rather, within my neural wiring I have been given a gift of perceiving the the denser frequencies which are then translated into visions, words, phrases, or songs. These frequencies, vibrations, energies, do and have, caused strain, intense fatigue, and nervous system agitation especially in the presence of the higher frequencies of Light translating the consciousness or conscious intention.

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