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Collectivo Aquilarum - Collection of Eagles
5 - Betrayal
The Sphere of Mirages
IntroductionAs one becomes familiar with spiritual energies and how they manifest upon the Earth and within one’s individual body and consciousness, it is easy to learn about light since spiritual light is expansive and is something that most people hope to feel as it offers clarity, peace, love, and a way through many difficult situations. The same cannot be said about the energy that we refer to as ‘darkness,’ that has nothing to do with skin color, but only to do with its opacity to light and, in fact, its opposition to the expansive movement of light.
Despite the challenges that darkness presents to consciousness and despite its deleterious effects, the energy of darkness is still a part of Creation, and in its truest sense, is there to serve a useful purpose, the purpose of allowing human beings a free choice of how to act. Nevertheless, as it operates on the human level, the energy of darkness, also known as the ‘energy of separation’, or of ‘opposition,’ can present many difficulties for those growing in energetic awareness and sensitivity. Not least among the difficulties is the dilemma of discerning what messages, internal promptings, or directives that seem to come from divine guidance, are actually doing so, and which are not, but are examples of the capacity of darkness to simulate light.
This capacity for deception in which darkness simulates light is known as the ‘Sphere of Mirages,’ or the ‘Sphere of Illusions,’ and it operates in a widespread way at the current time in the history of our planet. Its purpose is to create a barrier of separation between the embodied self and the deeper layers of divine truth that it carries, and in this way to lead astray especially those who are intent upon pursuing the divine center of their own being and the divine center of all being.
I. The Sphere of Illusion…There is a ‘Sphere of Mirages’ within the planes of darkness that many souls who seek guidance have contact with, and thus are brought into the plane of illusion, believing it to be truth.
Within this sphere, the illusions can be many. They can affect the mind, representing themselves to be guidance coming from the realms of light or from God, when in fact they are coming from darkness-masquerading-as-light. They can also affect the body, creating sensations and perceptions that are both physical and energetic. Their purpose is to create mistrust in God or in those from the realms of light who are helping and guiding. Their medium is through the mind or the body, and their effectiveness is such that they can create both large and small dramas that involve the embodied self in complex ways, sometimes for long periods of time. Dramas of an inner kind can, for example, convey to the emotional/mental self that the force of light is battling encroaching darkness with the feeling being created that it cannot hold it back or prevent it from encroaching. An entire battle between light and darkness can be constructed on a large scale or on a small scale, with the goal of creating fear that light is not strong enough and that darkness will win the battle or that the battle will go on indefinitely. Within this battle, darkness-masquerading-as-light can play a significant role.
In addition, there are sensations like shadows that appear and disappear within the plane of illusion, whose purpose is to create discomfort and the perception that they are real. They are not real, but are perceivable as physical sensations.
II. The Sphere of Illusion: Grandiosity…One of the effects of the capacity of darkness to imitate light is to create a flood of what feels like spiritual energy of a creative sort that produces an inflated sense of what is possible. This grandiosity of thought which zooms ahead, fueled by the false energy of darkness seeming to be light, leaves the groundedness of what is, and can distort situations and expectations so that they are no longer respectful of either collective reality or of that which might pertain to an individual person.
III. The Conversion of Reality…Within our ordinary waking consciousness, in the background of our mind, we carry a remembrance of who we are, who we are related to, what are goals are in life, what things we have felt were wrong to engage in, and what we wish to commit ourselves to in terms of principles by which we live.
The ‘energy of deception’ within the Sphere of Mirages can, without our noticing it, cause a forgetting of each of these remembrances, so that a new idea, value, aspiration, or moral sensibility that was not there before can take its place without our knowing that we have left something behind. In this way, we can feel numb or indifferent toward the things we once cared deeply about, and though we might notice that a shift has taken place in our sense of values, we would not think there was something amiss with our current view of things, for we would accept it as natural and true.
… Sphere of Mirages presents itself as truth, and causes us to loosen our hold on our own innate sense of truth. It does this through multiple subtle means:
• through causing the ties of memory to weaken,
• through the invalidation of positive feelings as unreal or as not as believable as negative ones, and most importantly,
• through creating a ‘web of illusion’ which presents itself to the mind like a veil or covering, activating the belief that there was never a different reality that we felt. Indeed, that we have always viewed things the way we currently do.
IV. Creation of a False Persona…Once a conversion of reality has taken place, so that a new set of beliefs and values have replaced the old, a false persona can come into being that supports these new beliefs. This can happen in certain areas of one’s life, or it can act like a cover over the entire personality. Such a covering is more likely to happen if the substitution of the new for the old has been extensive, and if he old beliefs were central to one’s life.
The false persona is not created by the person who is being influenced. It is created by the ‘energy of conversion’ which amplifies the reality of the new set of ideas, while making the former ideas recede in memory, or disappear altogether. Often, the new beliefs find roots in the willingness of an individual to accept them as most real, accompanied by a willingness to think that how they perceived things previously was incorrect or not as real.
To the person undergoing this conversion, the false persona may feel entirely real or like they have always been that way, or that they have outgrown the way they used to be. However, to the person who is sensitive to energies who observes this transition, the false persona can feel like an empty shell, with access to the individual’s heart and to their true self severely covered over. In such instances, even when words are used that seem normal enough or pleasant enough, there is the feeling that the words are part of the shell, and that the heart is disconnected.
Read this Teaching of GurujiMa in its entirety:This writing is also available in book form through the Light Omega Bookshop The Sphere of Mirageshttps://lightomega.org/book/the-sphere-of-mirages-book/The Sphere of Mirageshttps://lightomega.org/writing/the-sphere-of-mirages/The Origins of Self-Betrayal
…Today, we need a new vocabulary to discuss a phenomenon that many recognize as the experience of ‘not acting in their own best interest,’ but rather acting in ways that are not in harmony with one’s deepest values or beliefs. Although we can call this phenomenon ‘unconsciousness,’ and it is, some recognize it as a willingness to go along with others when it is known that such ‘going along’ does not feel right, or to permit expressions or actions even when alone that emanate from the lesser self. Many observe themselves doing this, yet fewer understand that self-betrayal involves an abandonment of the truths of one’s own heart, sometimes persuaded by a falsehood that looks like truth, and sometimes persuaded to accept indifference instead of the innate morality of one’s own conscience.
These manifestations of self-betrayal can be and often are influenced by energies of darkness, separation, and opposition. Such energies, held within the energy body and also emanating from our collective moral and spiritual environment, can cause us to say about important decisions of conscience: “It doesn’t matter if what I do is less than honest, less than kind, less than fair. It’s what everyone does.”
Self-betrayal, which involves the abandonment of one’s most deeply held values and moral principles, does not come about easily. It comes about through fear and through succumbing to the temptation to give oneself away, to give away the firmness of our standing within our own sense of rightness.Read this Teaching of GurujiMa in its entirety: The Origins of Self-Betrayalhttps://lightomega.org/writing/origins- ... -darkness/ Energies of Opposition - An Inversion of Love
Energies of opposition to the expansion of light affect awareness in a variety of ways, one of them being to create a covering over the energy of the heart which gives us a direct knowing of what we feel and what we love. Such energies can influence consciousness with different degrees of intensity, creating an "inversion of love" so that where once we felt the warmth of our own heart as it conveyed meaning to us concerning situations and people, now, with the energy influencing awareness, the situation or person feels distant, less connected, and the meaning of an event or situation can disappear for a time from our awareness altogether.
This "inversion of love" must be seen for what it is – not the truth of reality but a covering of the truth of reality, a covering that creates meaninglessness where there was once meaning, and distance where there was once love and warmth.Read this Teaching of GurujiMa in its entirety:Energies of Opposition - An Inversion of Lovehttps://mail.lightomega.org/Ind/Pure/En ... -Love.html