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February, 2025 ____________________________________________________________________________
TEACHING BY GURUJIMA ____________________________________________________________________________ The History of Entitlement and the History of Freedom Dear Beloved Ones, To look at history, whether it be that of an individual or of a nation, we must view it through the eyes of truth and through a heart of compassion. This applies whether we look at the individual or at the collective that is a country. Some may feel that spirituality has nothing to do with the evaluation of a nation's history, but this could only be the case if what we mean by spirituality is withdrawal from the world. If we see spirituality as belonging to the world and forming its sanctified basis when human beings can truly come to know themselves, then spirituality has everything to do with history, for it is the means by which both individuals and nations come to know themselves. History is a reflection of the evolution of consciousness and where human beings are in relation to their sense of separation from the Divine. With this in mind, we can look at the history of the United States in relation to its noble ideal of freedom for the individual, something that both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution strive to protect, and ask how history reflects this ideal. We do this not with the idea of discrediting the ideal or diminishing the importance of all efforts this nation has made toward supporting it. Each effort, each document, each guarantee of individual rights and protections has been important. Rather, we do this to narrow the gap between the ideal and the real, so that the former can become part of our embodied life as a people, and of our relationships with all other peoples. With this idea of the further integration of the ideal and the real in mind, we can look at the history of these United States and those who governed her. In many ways, entitlement toward others and freedom for ourselves has colored the history of these United States of America ever since its founding. Along with the pursuit of individual freedom to practice one's chosen religion, to define one's form of taxation, to declare thirteen colonies to be freed from the bondage of Great Britain, and to create and pursue one's destiny, has been the simultaneous willingness to deprive others of the very same freedoms – the freedom to shape their own path toward the future; the freedom to choose a way of life different from our own.
GurujiMa Find the Teachings here:https://lightomega.org/writing/history- ... f-freedom/____________________________________________________________________________
VIDEO BY GURUJIMA ____________________________________________________________________________ Cultivation of Awareness and the Practice of Integrity "We use the word integrity, generally to refer to a good person, someone who is honorable, who keeps their word, who is trustworthy. Integrity also has to do with integration... the capacity to remain oneself in all circumstances, and not one's superficial self but one's deeper self. Integrity is to be integrated. When you are swept away by something, whether it's an emotional current from inside you, or one from outside of you, you lose your integrity, you lose the integration of all parts of yourself and ride on a wave that's carrying you someplace. This is why it's important to know who you are. At any moment in time, you are the monitor and the steward of your own awareness. The greater your awareness, the greater your intention to notice, to be present, to see and hear - the greater your capacity to choose, and the greater your freedom." Watch online... https://lightomega.org/guided-meditatio ... integrity/ ____________________________________________________________________________
WRITING BY GURUJIMA ____________________________________________________________________________ Above the Law: The Purification of America Today, instead of America’s power residing in her virtue, America’s virtue resides in her power.
This time of the self-aggrandizement of a nation that was established on the principle of the inherent equality of man can only come about because the motivations of those in power are being fueled by energies which amplify and lend credence to ideas that would not be tolerated were these energies not present. Such ideas as the entitlement to be above the law because it is necessary to serve the nation’s need for security, or that it is necessary to protect the nation from experiencing another attack by terrorists, belies a deeper motivational truth. This motivational truth informs a perspective that holds that America is all-powerful and must remain all-powerful. Indeed, today, instead of America’s power residing in her virtue, a reversal has occurred among many in positions of high authority. Now, America’s virtue resides in her power.
The implicit ideological and emotional need to maintain the dominance of America on the world stage at a time when the needs of nations for respect, equality, recognition of individual identity, and a share at the table of planetary resources is increasing, cannot occur in a peaceful way. Given this ideological motivation, America will need, in the name of preserving her own ‘freedom and security’, to suppress the identities and freedoms of other peoples which are growing more forceful and being strengthened by the day, in order to assert her own continuing dominance. This movement is not, of course, only occurring out of ideology or theology, (and within some, the two are blended), but also as a result of economic pressure caused by the diminishing pool of available fossil fuels from which to create an ongoing energy supply. Such reliance on the earth’s resources that are controlled by other nations makes it, according to the views of some, additionally imperative for America to remain dominant over others rather than in a cooperative relationship with them.
In this display of dominance, we see coming into the open once again, tendencies that were present at the founding of this country that are the reverse side of its ideological purity as expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution.
Then, too, the implicit acknowledgment of the equality of man and the right of each to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” was boldly stated for all to see in a document that will resound through the ages. Nevertheless, at the same time, the institution of slavery was given full support within America’s borders, and the rights of Native Americans were disregarded almost entirely as if they were merely an ornament to the landscape rather than human beings who had as much right to equality as the white man who took over the land belonging to the tribes that had inhabited it. This dark side of American life has been with this country since its founding and creates a dichotomy between idealism and practice, a dichotomy that is being healed at this time. Once again, the ideals of the Constitution and of the Bill of Rights which guarantee to America’s citizens certain rights and liberties that governments have agreed not to violate, have become separated from the actual practice of maintaining ‘liberty for all’. Once again, in the name of certain ideals or certain ideological phrases such as ‘the protection of freedom’ or the ‘need for security’, a departure is taking place which moves behavior out of congruence with the very ideals that are being articulated.
It is a time of increasing darkness within the land of America, and many citizens are rightfully concerned about the direction things are taking both in terms of foreign policy and also within the nation herself. What is important at this time is to look at the painful or difficult aspects of what is currently happening as government claims to be ‘above the law’, as part of the purification of tendencies toward darkness and duplicity that have always been part of the American character and of her history.
This is not something to be turned away from because it is painful to see. It is something to be held within the context of purification so that it can be known, and understood, and trusted. Trust lies in the perception that just as there is a plan for the earth that is held in the mind of God, so, too, is there a plan for this country that is held in the mind of God, and that plan involves the purification of the dark tendencies that have been part of America’s history and character since the very beginning.
The nature of purification of America involves the rooting out or bringing to the surface of impulses of disregard for human life, of superiority of one segment of the population toward others who are deemed to have less value as human beings, and of the willingness to depart from the primary principle of liberty and equality for all. These things must be seen for what they are — as the behavioral manifestation of darkness purifying, not randomly, not with a sense that they will be victorious in coming to dominate the future of an entire nation, but with clarity and trust that the darkness can be held within the light that is also present within this nation — a light that is expressed in the caring of its citizens that the rights of all be maintained, that the people of New Orleans and surrounding areas who have been dispossessed as a result of hurricane Katrina of property, livelihood, loved ones, and especially of hope, be not placed on the sidelines of consciousness because a large proportion of these people are of African-American heritage. There are ways of disregarding populations within this country that have continued unabated, even while lip-service has been given to not doing so, and even while laws have been put in place to prevent the prejudice and unequal treatment that creates extreme hardship for a particular group. Read the entire Writing by GurujiMa: https://lightomega.org/writing/above-th ... and-force/ ____________________________________________________________________________
UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS ____________________________________________________________________________ To Access Events:https://lightomega.org/calendar/event-descriptions/ Stabilizing Light Within You Class
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 8:45 – 9:30am EST
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
8:45 – 9:30am EST
& Village of Light Ashram
Online Onlyhttps://lightomega.org/calendar/ New Earth Unity Group
Friday, February 14, 2025
4:00 – 5:15pm EST
Online & Village of Light Ashram
New Earth Unity Group
Friday, February 28, 2025 4:00 – 5:15pm EST
Online & Village of Light Ashram https://lightomega.org/event/new-earth- ... 025-02-14/
https://lightomega.org/calendar/Update Note 2.27.2025 Dear Beloved Ones,
I am sending you this excerpt in anticipation of the meeting of the New Earth Unity Group this Friday at 4pm when it will be read in its entirety. This is a message from Those Who Serve the Light that was written years ago in anticipation of the time we are presently in. I urge you to hear this call and to feel its urgency, beloved ones, for the times ahead and even the times now will call for great courage, trust in the Divine Plan for the Earth, and faithfulness to one’s inner truth.
Here is the excerpt:
------------ "The changes to come will be strong, and will cause many to become lost in the realms of fear and doubt. For this reason we ask and pray for all lightworkers, faithful servants of God, and all children of God to come together, to join hearts and hands, thoughts and prayers, to strengthen the vast network of light that is present.
This network of light on the Earth that has been built faithfully by so many courageous and loving servants of God is presently invisible to most, but is vast and stretches between dimensions of reality beyond the physical realms to the source of all creation. This network of light is strong, and needs to be made stronger by the conscious attention to its presence, and by the sacred intention to hold God's light within yourself and upon the Earth.”
--------- I urge those reading this message to take part in the New Earth Unity Group which holds this goal and the love and and unity that are part of it as its central purpose. New Earth Unity Group
Friday, February 28, 2025 4:00 – 5:15pm EST
Online & Village of Light Ashram https://lightomega.org/event/new-earth- ... 025-02-14/
https://lightomega.org/calendar/ ____________________________________________________________________________
RECURRING EVENTS ____________________________________________________________________________