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 Post subject: Energies Coming Forward
PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2024 9:00 pm 

Energies Coming Forward:

Carnaval de méchants et de fanatiques.

Bear with and endure. ... 5/#content

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 Post subject: Prayers for the United States of America - 11.22.24
PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2024 7:18 am 

Prayers for the United States of America
that She May Live from Her Heart

Friday, November 22nd, 7:30pm (ET)

Online and in person -

Prayers for the elimination of the use of land mines, now planned for the U.S. to supply to Ukraine

The Ottawa Mine Ban Treaty* is against this

The human heart in its respect for life weeps about this

The parents, children, and wildlife that might traverse
this land in the future are afraid of this.

Please join us in prayer that the United States and all other countries
will abandon the idea of winning at any cost.


*The Ottawa Treaty, also known as the ‘Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention’ came into force on March 1, 1999. As of 2024, 164 nations have signed this Treaty. The U.S. has not. It bans the use of land mines such as the ones now being supplied to Ukraine.

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 Post subject: Wisdom On Offer
PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2024 7:30 am 

100 year history of US meddling coups and wars in the Middle East UNAPOLOGETIC.png
100 year history of US meddling coups and wars in the Middle East UNAPOLOGETIC.png [ 220.62 KiB | Viewed 1097 times ]

100 year history of US meddling, coups and wars in the Middle East

Hello Dear Readers,
After watching this discussion, teaching, wisdom offering, I felt uplifted as a human being, strengthened in the wisdom and knowledge brought forth. There were a few minor points of which I perceived reality/history from a different perspective from the esteemed Professor Casagranda, yet on the whole, after watching this video presentation, I felt enriched intellectually whilst also perceiving this interview was from the heart.

with love,

Bunker buster bombs on apartment buildings.png
Bunker buster bombs on apartment buildings.png [ 235.99 KiB | Viewed 1092 times ] ... L%20v2.pdf

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 Post subject: The Light Embodied Coming Forward
PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2024 10:34 am 

Dear Readers,

Anchored in time with the hope that one's soul feels as fed as mine when I listen to these discussions and the beautiful music of Light.

with love,

The Hebrew Canaanite.png
The Hebrew Canaanite.png [ 272.46 KiB | Viewed 1092 times ] ... wCanaanite

The Hebrew Cannanite youtube Musical Prayer for Palestine.png
The Hebrew Cannanite youtube Musical Prayer for Palestine.png [ 196.37 KiB | Viewed 1092 times ]

From the heart compassionate grappling with reality.png
From the heart compassionate grappling with reality.png [ 189.21 KiB | Viewed 967 times ]

The East Is A Podcast -

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 Post subject: Energies Emerging - November 2024
PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2024 12:43 pm 

Energies Emerging
November 2024

A selection of visions from November 2024 giving voice to rising energies seeking to align themselves in the hearts and consciousness’ of humanity. Visions on resistance to the energies of darkness.

* * *

Domination Consciousness:
Thou shall bow down in servile obedience.

* * *

Dark realities vibrate at a denser level of consciousness, feeding off of both the human energies which inflicts the cruelties and the human energies of sorrow, terror, fear, confusion and the longing for death which experiences the manifestation of the expressing energies aligned with hatred, vengeance and cruelties.

* * *

Resistance To Darkness:
How does one resist the darkness?

By refusing to yield to corruption and domination.
By refusing to participate in cruelty.

By choosing to love and aide one another.

* * *

The Youth Knew:

The youth new
and tried to tell you

that what is done unto “Other’
will also, come to you.

* * *

Nation Of The Free, No Longer Free:

Imagine bearing witness to war crimes and being silenced by law or violent enforcement for saying anything critical about what you’re witnessing or the nation perpetrating the crimes.

* * *


In the sixtieth year of the prophets life, a witnessing of babies and small children amputee’s bereft of medicine, hospitals, food and water being bombed in tents and shot at by snipers.

* * *

Spectacles Of Cruelty:

The dark id empowered.

Resist the impulse to fall into fear.
Resist aligning with the energies of cruelty.
Resist aligning with the energies of dominance.
Embrace love, embrace Love.

* * *

Zealots on the rise cruel spectacles enacted to make humanity cry.
Even as this is true, ground in your heart the Light, within you.

* * *

Privilege In Service:

It is time to put privilege into service, rather than shivering in fear of what may come.

* * *


Revenge keeps the soul locked into cycles of karmic suffering, lifetime after lifetime.

* * *

Numerical Conjunctions:




* * *

Those who inflict with the sword of vengeance desecrate, desecrate, destroy, one aspect of their heart’s innocence each time the embodied soul participates in these denser expressions of energy through their actions.

* * *

Without Love, Without Regard:

The embittered, enjoying the pleasure of publicly hurting others.
Recognize humanity, that these frequencies are not the truth of who we are, these are the fabricated truths of wounded shadows within the self, aligning with the energies of cynicism and intentional cruelty, and then expressing them outside of the self.

* * *

Suzerain - Embodied Divine Rulers:

When one embodied group with immense power appoints themselves as stand-ins for God (divine rulers) and the people become the subjugated.

* * *

Give attention to the words of your heart,

the soul speaks to the heart and the mind, through the heart,
the soul perceives the world from the eyes.

To view all of the prophetic visions: ... 5/#content

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 Post subject: Sister Light
PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2024 12:54 pm 

Christina Thurston artwork 2024.png
Christina Thurston artwork 2024.png [ 338.59 KiB | Viewed 1091 times ]

This deeply inspiring work of stained glass was recently gifted to me by my beloved sister of light. I've modified this graphic as there is much more to this sacred artwork, with permission, as to show this stained glass artwork online.

The thoughts which came forward when gazing upon this stained glass body of work, brought to my heart was that this very well could be a manifestation of an aspect of how I envision my embodied holy self and holy work. Seeing that both the sacred hexagram star and the sword are anchored upon the girdle brought to a sense of spiritual strength - as in these symbols which represent death, destruction, and despair, are being held, anchored in holiness and Light. The leaf (original) becomes the sacred portal in which Light itself flows into Life (Light added).

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 Post subject: You Are the Path You Walk Upon
PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2024 5:33 pm 

You Are the Path You Walk Upon ... he-divine/
GurujiMa | April 29, 2020

The glamorization of spirituality goes on as second-nature for human beings. We think we’re leaving the world’s standards of success or failure, all those ego-trappings of ‘how am I doing in life?’ And then we take them along with us, right into our spiritual life.

Hello Dear Readers,

Thoughts concerning my path. this spiritual journey, most especially, learning the lessons about the difference between spiritual glamour and spiritual authenticity have been rising in my consciousness today.

In particular, I was remembering how GurujiMa has patiently and compassionately taught me over the years, the ways to move out of the illusions of glamour, and to find the truth of who I am. The journey has been difficult and, oddly awesome as I reminisce on how I thought that my authentic self was something that should be subdued.

Life itself and the Process of Purification has taught me that by embracing and expressing who I am, how I AM made me, how ever different that may look to another, brings forth an inner confidence and sense of inner grace which my younger self would have never guessed was possible.

With gratitude and love Beloved GurujiMa, all blessings Beloved.


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 Post subject: You Are The Path
PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2024 7:12 pm 

You are the path GurujiMa lightomega.jpeg
You are the path GurujiMa lightomega.jpeg [ 198.29 KiB | Viewed 967 times ]

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 Post subject: The Covenant, The Sacred Hexagram and The Sword
PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2024 8:44 am 
The Covenant, The Sacred Hexagram and The Sword

Who among you can reckon time as I have,
Standing proudly in the morning sunrise for
thousands of years.

Calmly waiting as mankind grew from childhood
into its next step.

I have watched the sun rise and set from
millennia to millennia,
Solitary, proud, alone,
Waiting for the day of my triumph as I guarded
the Earth.

Sending forth my light across the planet -
The light of my mystery.

I, the lion-hearted, the lion-willed,
The mighty one in my strength, in my protection -
in my love.

Gave forth the will-to-purity which brought me
through matter into light.

Always my Father rising before me called me into

Always He met me and led me to the next day.

Therefore, I have come at the end of time
to speak the wordless words that will
Raise the children of the Earth to their destiny.

And I have come at the end of time
To praise the One Whose glory knows no end.

The Sphinx (2)
The Book Of The Covenant

* * *

Hello Dearest Readers,

In a previous post - Sister Light, I shared how the stained glass vision gifted to me resonated with strength " Seeing that both the sacred hexagram star and the sword are anchored upon the girdle brought to a sense of spiritual strength - as in these symbols which represent death, destruction, and despair, are being held, anchored in holiness and Light."

From near the beginning of this sacred journey, visions of the sword and transformation, such as the laying down of the sword, to a sword of Truth (Teaching the Heart To Sing - GurujiMa), the swords of death as the Gaza genocide first began, to many other visions of the sword. A search on this site should bring up a few of the sword references.

Vision of laying down of the sword in the presence of darkness JohannaRaphael.jpg
Vision of laying down of the sword in the presence of darkness JohannaRaphael.jpg [ 46.74 KiB | Viewed 953 times ]

Another symbol which has been deeply anchored in my souls eye as well as my heart, is the sacred hexagram star. Many decades ago, in the early years of being with GurujiMa, when the Book of the Covenant first came forth, it came to me to research and create a treatise on the origins of the sacred hexagram star and its emergence from Egypt.

Six Pointed Star a historical multi-cultural symbol of Light.png
Six Pointed Star a historical multi-cultural symbol of Light.png [ 259.43 KiB | Viewed 953 times ]

The ancient hexagram star has been upheld as sacred by numerous cultures throughout history. Only in the last decades has its symbology been associated with death, despair, and destruction. May it be redeemed in Light.

with love,

* * *

That which is opposed to the Covenant is limited in its power. It is limited within the level it manifests according to its supply of energy. Though it can call upon reinforcements from higher levels, if it operates on its own it must be extinguished within the level of operation because it does not possess infinite supply. Only Light possesses infinite supply.

Therefore the principle of containment within the Circle of One - whether it be one person or One Universe, is the principle of the victory of Light over darkness. For in truth, no matter how high are the reinforcements that the darkness calls upon on its own behalf, the Power of Light is ultimately sovereign as It and only It is the Source of Creation, and therefore only It is capable of drawing upon the Light from which all emerges.

Within the level of the human, therefore, and upon the plane of Earth, darkness must be met at its own level - the level upon which it manifests. Yet the victory of Light over darkness is assured by the principle of containment.

For where one can draw upon the highest Light, where the alignment is sufficient for the purpose thereof, then darkness must dissolve into the greater Whole.

This is the Power of the Christ to be victorious over all evil. This is the testimony of God's faithfulness - that no matter how difficult the battle on the planes of manifestation, no matter how powerful the opposing forces appear, the victory of Light is assured.

Light and Darkness
The Book Of The Covenant

Update: 11.28.24

An aspect of the intention of this post was to show the transcending nature of both the Covenant which is for all of Creation, and the sacred symbol of the six-pointed Star, which is and was, an inclusive imaginative and spiritual representation, transcending political ideology. In a reality devoid of historical context, claiming a sacred symbol which is and has been, embraced historically, and then politicizing it as owned solely by one nation over all others, can lead to the desecration of the sacred symbology as humanity witnessed with the appropriation of the Hindu swastika of peace and prosperity in the 1940’s by an authoritarian nation committing genocide against ‘Other’.

“You shall be my people and I shall be your God. You shall have no other gods before Me.”

“This was the Covenant of God and His Chosen Ones - the righteous ones of all nations*:

Birthed beside the Nile -
Founded at Mt. Sinai -
Anchored in the life of Jesus -

“Sacred Spirit and Sacred Matter - God’s Covenant with Creation.”

The Book Of The Covenant

* * *

Suffering creates opportunities to be in Covenant with God.
circa late 1990's

*Italics mine

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 Post subject: Celebrating Thanksgiving
PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2024 10:39 am 

Indigenous American Tribes Population Estimates nativetribe dot info.png
Indigenous American Tribes Population Estimates nativetribe dot info.png [ 262.21 KiB | Viewed 934 times ]

Colonization And Celebrating Thanksgiving

What is it actually that we are giving thanks for on Thanksgiving?

Have we evolved in our consciousness to honestly extrapolate the history of not only how we came to be the rulers of these lands, but at what cost to the Indigenous population? Have we evolved enough consciously to question what it is we are actually giving thanks for on Thanksgiving?

with love,

Colonial Apologies And Pardons:

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 Post subject: Normalizing Conquest Consciousness
PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2024 10:43 am 

Normalizing Conquest Consciousness:

Questioning what's 'normal'.

Norsemen, Northmen, Norman, norm, normal.

A consciousness of supremacy and conquest normalized in historical time.

Normal as a consciousness of supremacy and the perceived right to conquer and rule over those deemed as ‘Other’.

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 Post subject: Stone Circles And Embodied Consciousness
PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2024 11:00 am 

Stone Circles And Embodied Consciousness

Hello Dear Readers,

Another joyous moment in time sharing more on the history of Stone Circles and our history embodying sacred consciousness. We are, as sacred embodied beings of Light, so much more than the current paradigms of war, and profit inducing suffering would have us believe.

with love.


Stone Circles of Gobekli Tepe .png
Stone Circles of Gobekli Tepe .png [ 582.73 KiB | Viewed 934 times ]

Karahan Tepe unique winter solstice alignment.png
Karahan Tepe unique winter solstice alignment.png [ 130.61 KiB | Viewed 934 times ]


Egyptian Stone Circle Nabta Playa.png
Egyptian Stone Circle Nabta Playa.png [ 229.96 KiB | Viewed 934 times ]

Fall Of Civilizations

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