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Light Omega Newsletter November, 2023 Light in the Darkness Dear Beloved Ones,
We have witnessed during recent days one of the most heartbreaking of human tragedies as we have viewed the war initiated by Palestine's Hamas and extended into new areas of violence by Israel's reprisals. The searing photos taken of terrified and bereaved people on both sides of this conflict have had and continue to have a worldwide effect, in some producing deep grief, in others, anger, in others, the desire to withdraw because it all seems too much to bear. It is important to understand this as a global event, brought about by the planetary shift we are in, and not just as a localized phenomenon.
In the midst of what we perceive to be 'crimes against humanity' enacted by both sides in this war, we must, if we are not to fall into hopelessness ourselves, hold fast to the vibration of light that is behind and beneath the cycle of world events that appears so horrific to our eyes and to our hearts. This increased spiritual light, now deeply incorporated into the Earth's energy body and into our own bodies, is rooting out from within that energy body all that is not light. Such purification is happening on a global scale and on an individual scale, and it is at the foundation of what we are witnessing in Palestine and in Israel today.
To live in the presence of such events, one must have a heart that can hold both deep sorrow whose source is love, and something else that acknowledges the light that is present in the midst of suffering. This light is releasing the darkness from the Earth's body and from human consciousness so that the Earth can be set free to become a sacred planet of light. Some of this occurs in a more gentle way; some occurs through unprecedented upheaval, causing us as a people to reevaluate how we are living and what we feel must change. We wish that this could happen without the consequence of such great suffering. Yet, what has been hidden within our own psychic structure and within the world's psychic structure must become visible and known to us. It cannot just disappear, much as we would wish it to. Within this perspective, lies hope for the future, and within this perspective lies our capacity to endure the present, to grieve with those who are grieving, to offer what help that we can, and to remain steadfast in our trust in the Divine.
It is trust in the Divine that, for many, is most difficult to retain in the presence of pain and tragedy. And yet this is what we are called to bear witness to, out of our deeper wisdom that knows divine goodness, and out of our soul's knowledge that in order to free ourselves and the planet from darkness, we must go through this time of intensity and often of heartache.
May peace come to Israel and Palestine, and may the hearts of the bereaved, the dispossessed, the frightened, and the helpless be upheld in light. May our love, united with divine love, bring hope and comfort to those whose hearts are deeply in need of both.
GurujiMa___________________________________________________________________________________________ MEDITATION BY GURUJIMA ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Sending Forth Divine Love It is always important for us as human beings to be conscious of what we are sending out into the world. Our feelings, our thoughts, our perceptions of ourselves, all become energy that we contribute or detract from what could be of a blessing for the rest of life. And so when we are in a time of great conflict, strife, or in this moment today of a war that is taking place, with tragedy happening on both sides, we need to know that what gets sent out from us is not just distress, but love. Distress can also be present, when it's held in love, and when it's held in light. By itself though, it just creates a downward motion into a sense of depression and despair. But if you hold your distress wrapped in Divine love for all beings, then that is what gets communicated out to life, to the Earth and to those you would like to help. Listen to meditation online. https://lightomega.org/guided-meditatio ... =874371774 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ WRITING BY GURUJIMA ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Shock and Post-Traumatic Stress — A Spiritual Framework Shock comes as a sudden disruption of the flow of ordinary reality, so that changed circumstances, often of a violent nature, are experienced and have to be adapted to in a very short space of time. One might say that a ‘lightning bolt’ of a changed reality enters the self as an intensely potent current. This current enters the awareness on all levels, and there is a need to process it so that balance and homeostasis can be regained... Read more... https://lightomega.org/writing/shock-pt ... rspective/ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ UPCOMING ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Becoming an Agent of Change: Inner Activism Tuesdays, 7:30 to 8:30pm (ET)
Weekly, beginning Tuesday, Nov. 7th
You will need to sign up in advance using the link below or on the calendar to join.https://lightomega.org/event/becoming-a ... 023-11-07/ *********This series is going to be a deep dive into what ‘inner activism’ means.
The series will involve an 8-week commitment rather than one for individual meetings. It will be alright to miss a day if you cannot be there.Includes:Prayers for the United States of America
An understanding and reclaiming of ‘foundational truths’
The practice of alignment with light in the presence of darkness
Disconnecting from self-doubt and ‘insufficiency’ ********* It is recommended that you attend in person if possible. However, an online option is also available:
Use the link below or on the calendar to join.
https://lightomega.org/event/becoming-a ... 023-11-07/
Donations to Light Omega per meeting in the amount you are guided to are requested.
This series is being supported by the Realms of Light who recognize its importance for all inhabitants of the Earth at this time.
Thank you and blessings.
GurujiMa and Those Who Serve the Lighthttps://lightomega.org