Energetic MasteryAn Embodied Journey From Trauma To TrustThe energies of Light releases that which has been hidden.
The amount of spiritual Light that can transform consciousness is accelerating day by day.New Earth Meditation August 14, 2023https://lightomega.org/calendar/ Hello Dear Readers,
In the blessed long days of my embodied life, I have encountered many energies of separation of which I would inwardly think, “If I am just loving enough, people please enough, give up my truth and be quiet, go along with…, well then I will be accepted as who and how I AM made me. I will be loved as I am.” It never worked. In my youth, more oft than not, I choose the path of rejecting that which I believed was rejecting me - I rebelled and became less of who I was as a protective means of surviving. (Yeah, that did not work either.)
The energies of darkness/separation have followed me as the Earth follows the Sun. Each day the rising Sun promising light and hope, and oft times, new experiences bringing forth more purification issues on trusting God, my self whilst experiencing the energies of darkness. These energetic interactions are difficult, they hurt the heart, effect the body, numb the mind and are full of lessons as well as healing's on growing in strength in the presence of that which is not Love, nor Light. Sometimes in their presence I reverted into old patterns, at others, I rose above that which limited me into new strengths of an evolving being of Light.
Now I share this history with you Dearest Readers because these lessons, the trauma’s and healings are bringing forth a new level of energetic mastery which I see on the horizon of the rising energies of Light, whilst at the same time, I find my self in a state of confusion as how to be in the presence of the energies of hatred, rejection which seeks vengeance, and energies of obfuscation, cruelty, abuse of power, lying, and gaslighting. Energies which would seek to punish, control, and harm — to destroy.Be still and know that I Am God. Psalm 46:10 I understand that these energies of separation and darkness are rising because that which is not of the Light may be purified, transmuted, redeemed and united once again in Light. And, as an embodied soul who has experienced (yes, lifetimes) of trauma, oppression, abuse and repression, as well as the energies which seek invalidate and destroy that which is innocent and pure, I find my embodied self called to stillness.
Sometimes I am horrified and shocked at what is unfolding in many nations as well as our nation. I am aware that these energies of separation which are seemingly so freely aligned with and put forth as a new alternative to truth are being accepted with the energies of both passion and nihilism. As a visionary, I AM has brought forth much awareness and awakening and yet, as I live and breathe, I can only be still and wait upon God as I understand I AM, to show me the way through this new level of the dark night of the collective embodiment of souls.
I envision my self standing metaphorically on a bridge to the Light. At the same time, under my feet are, burn the fires of hatred, cruelty, and horror. The Light has not yet infused and transformed me to the point where previous experiences with these energies has been fully healed, and I know that cowering in the presence of darkness just leads to alignment with the energies of darkness. Yes, my feet are in the proverbial fires.
I have a feeling within my heart, that I am not alone Dear Readers.Over the years, I would muse and wonder how so very many embodied souls of Germany, Italy, and other nations aligned with the precepts of nazism and fascism and wonder how these embodied souls could, would, and did - align with the leaders who brought forth so much death, horror, and sufferings. I am living in a reality where the truth of how this could happen is unfolding. I too, would read about the bravery of ordinary people who would serve in the woods, or the bringing of intelligence or messages as children or young adults, or hiding in their homes and businesses those seeking to escape the horrors, and wonder how they found the courage in the face of the energies of unmitigated darkness. I hold the ‘belief’ in the power of Light over the energies of darkness, but as of yet, it is not an inner ‘knowing - truth’. I am waiting for this truth to emerge from within.
My heart harbors little doubt that this answer will be coming forward - for many of us. My feet may be in the proverbial fire Dear Readers, but as of this moment, they are not burning.
Bear with. Bear with each other with Love, Johanna