abriete abriete:
Dear Johanna,
I happened to be on here and realized it was Wednesday between 1-5 so I thought I would write.
Welcome love. Thank you so much for joining us and bring your questions and beautiful heart.
I am currently purifying some big emotions about letting go of Noah, my 18 year old. It feels like a relationship is ending when I don't want it to.
Yes, it is 'transforming' into a new relationship. I perceive that the part of your heart which is frightened of this change and perceives itself to be in limbo, feels as if the relationship is 'ending' and that it can be compared to a death of sorts.
I know it isn't really, but in my heart, I want to go on with the same relationship we always had as mother and child, but he needs to separate and I must let him go.
Although I have not been blessed with children in this lifetime, I can perceive the bond between mother and child. It seems one of the deepest, satisfying and most safest (sometimes until the teen years for some), relationships one human being can have with another.
And, it is easy to forget that those who chose to be parents are the sacred stewards of those souls coming in to fulfill their spiritual destinies.
Noah is moving forward to fulfill his spiritual destiny and your role love, is now transforming and both he and you are leaving the cocoon which you have shared blessedly, for 18 wonderful years.
I am surprised at the intensity of the feelings that happen each time a greater letting go is called for.
Perhaps re-framing the event is needed to help in the process... Noah is moving forward to fulfill his destiny and your relationship with him is now in a state of limbo... Trusting in this state of unknowing is called for so that Noah can move forward and you too, can be guide as to how best steward and guide your son on the next step of his sacred journey.
I feel it is the limbo - the unknowing and the energies which would seek to torment your suffering which can intensify this sacred process of transformation you and Noah are going through.
Perhaps a sacred ritual or ceremony could be created by you, to acknowledge his moving forward and the transition of your relationship?
I am just letting myself feel the feelings without attachment, giving them to God and trusting that they will go, but honestly, it is stronger than I anticipated and I am much in need of grace and support.
For those who do not know this, Abriete and I have been 'with' each other through the Light Omega community for 20 years. I have seen her go through intense and awe inspiring situations of holding and processing intense energies. So that in this case, the intensity of her feelings does not surprise me, because I have seen her cope and deal with intense energies for God as her heart is so enormous and full of the desire to share love.$1:
I am wondering how this applies to the spiritual realm, as it is such a human level experience, yet I trust that being called to share here it will be able to benefit someone else as well.
This is a wonderful question...
I sometime's wonder how our Mother~Father God, the Beloved who Created us, gave us birth, is able to let go of us - especially as life on this planet can be so challenging and difficult. I have wondered when I have been a witness to intense suffering or violence, does God weep? God must... AND everything, absolutely everything, all suffering and joy - is held in God and we are given the opportunity to come here and move forward to fulfill our spiritual destinies..