Memories of Multiple Embodied Lives:A Karmic Healing Story- Part IHello Dearest Readers,
Perhaps some of you, either through the aid of psychics, past ;one regressions, or through memories manifesting through your inner knowing without intervention, through visions or images, through passages read in books or visuals represented in cinema, may remember living previous embodied lives.
Now for me, these are not lives of being royalty, although as a very small child I was wont to speak of a life in which I lived in a big house with beautiful furniture (Tudor). I was promptly mocked and I never spoke of such memories as a child again even as they stayed with me throughout this lifetime. More often than not, previous (or for some believers - simultaneous) embodied life memories were of poverty, abuse, many have been before death memories, a memory of enslavement and dying of dysentery on a slave ship bound for America, as well a memory of standing on marble steps where myself and others were in white toga’s - the resonance was of Greece. 0:
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This is a vision-memory-prophecy which I drew in the early 1990’s after sitting with GurujiMa. It is the very first vision I ever had. The vision has multiple meanings, one of which is remembering the pyramids of Egypt (This memory was given to me by GurujiMa - I was a Temple cleaner). I have strong resonances with living in the Tudor period of time, as well as the heyday (in my heart), of living in the green pastures of England during the neolithic period of the building of the sacred stone altars to the heavens (and God). When I was first awakening in late 1980’s I was told by a psychic that she had a vision of me as a native woman who lived hermetically in the woods with a crow who was always by her side. I have memories of being a healing woman without intervention, and memories of dying in two different lifetimes accused of witchcraft first, through burning at the stake and in the other, being hanged for the crimes of witchcraft - I was in both lifetimes, a healer. I have a memory of being a frightened little boy hiding from the nazi soldiers who found me in an outdoor latrine, that was my last memory, seeing their two heads and the sky above them. I have a memory which is activated by a sacred friend in the Light Omega community of working in a walled garden with him as monks. I have a memory of being a warrior and one of being a nun in a cloistered community where we sang.Deeper awareness’s coming forward of Divine connections and awareness of our souls. Awareness of the soul as real. Reconnecting seemingly lost connections. That which embodied souls thought was lost or severed – resurrected from the dust and death. My strongest visual memory is of being with Beloved Christ Jesus. Now in this memory, which I have not drawn, I clearly see, as a vision, myself as a cripple, walking and dragging one leg, hoisting myself on a branch fashioned into a crutch which was held under one shoulder. I see, for this memory is as fresh as the time it happened, myself as a part of a crowd of fellow cripples, the sickly, the poor, the broken, walking, and at times, sitting together as a group, just a bit away from those who were the devotee’s and disciples of Beloved Christ Jesus.
We would walk and sit bit off from the holy ones not because we were not welcomed, my sense in this lifetime is that we felt unworthy in our diseased and broken states of being to be closer in proximity to the Pure One and the pure ones who were with Him.
I share these memories for a few reasons. First because we all have the same capacity to remember multi-embodied lives. I believe we all have multiple lives memories. I imagine that these memories are encoded into our DNA. Secondly, because the sufferings we have endured in multiple lives, can manifest through the physical body (as well as through the mental self and emotional self) - in this embodiment.
In this lifetime, I have had many experiences regarding pain in my back. More recently, in my legs. A short time after I sat with GurujiMa in 1994, I experienced temporary paralysis. It lasted for some months and I was unable to take care of myself, walk or stand. I needed to be carried to the bathroom. I eventually recovered to full walking, standing, running, capacity. Then in the early 2000’s, I had the experience of temporary paralysis again. This time the experience did not last as many months, and afterwards I was able to sit in meditation with my legs crossed. After these experiences I began body work, strengthened my body and learned of the mental, emotional, as well as past life memories (and karma) which could effect my physical body. Then in 2015, I experienced a fluke accident in a store testing a stationary bike. This lead to years of cranial-sacral work, and after a few years of walking with a stick, fashioned into a cane, I was able to walk again, bicycle, work in the garden, dance, etc.More recently, these energies, particularly from the embodied lifetime as a follower of Beloved Christ Jesus, have been manifesting. At times, I walk dragging my leg as the pain is too great to lift it, at other times I am unable to stand. At others still, the pain courses through me and only lying down and resting brings relief. What is remarkable, is that when the pain occurs, I have an inner knowing memories which brings a sense of peace in the presence of pain, of the lifetime as a devoted follower, one of the crippled faithful. There is no fear in my consciousness around these experiences, I perceive that a very deep karmic healing is occurring, something of which can not be remedied through traditional medicine and/or technology. Of course, I am taking herbs, nutrients, resting, as well as engaging in physical therapy - body work. I am taking care of myself. What is important to share in regards to all of these episodes is that a purification is occurring through my physical body, a healing in which I have waited lifetimes for. The ability to walk and know that God is upholding my spine, that I am worthy of God’s Love and healing. Most of all, that I am worthy of Christs compassion and love.
I hope this sharing brings forth memories and healing experiences for you Dear Readers.
with love, through time, Johanna Updated: July 22, 2023