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 Post subject: Wednesday's Words of Light - You Are A Beloved
PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 8:16 am 

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Light Omega



June 7, 2023

~ a weekly offering of light from GurujiMa ~

You Are a Beloved

Dearest Holy Ones, 
Your Beloved is the One that has created you,
for whom you are also a Beloved.
That One holds you in the divine Heart 
as an individual expression of itself,
just as you would hold a child of your own.
And yet that One also recognizes that you
carry the Infinite within you,
so you are not just a child needing to grow,
but a divine carrier of the entire universe.
a hologram, with all that was, or is,
or will ever be within you.
Know this about yourself, Beloved,
that even while you may not feel loved
by the universe due to circumstances
that cover feeling,
that you are loved, so greatly loved.
You are a Beloved, nothing less.

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 Post subject: New Visions: June 9, 2023
PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2023 9:00 am 

A finding of one’s cornerstone on the holy Body of Mother Earth
in the presence of the instability of climate changes.

* * *

Earth Changes Retreat:

Living in harmony with your neighbors and nature. ... ight-2023/

In A Time of Judgement:

Be mindful of generating sorrows and pain onto Other.

"Remember Love".

* * *

Multiple, Historical Timelines Emerging:
Render all ism’s to the transformative potentialities of Love.

* * *

Coming Clean:

The truth redemption tour.

All Blessings.

* * *

War Room Punisher’s:

Fearless in the application of manipulative technologies.

Lies for the eyes.

* * *

Cruel and Unusual:

The posturing’s of ominous Neo-political saviors.

* * *

For Profit Climate Ventures:

When the response to calamity holds greater profitability than preventive measures.

* * *

A Separation of Effect From Cause:

A time coming forward of the gilded seeking for hire hardship stand-ins.
All visions:

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 Post subject: Altar of Remembrance - A Message From GurujiMa
PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 5:02 pm 

Altar of Remembrance

Dearest Beloved Ones,

I have just lit a candle this week in remembrance of those from Africa who, during the last year, risked their lives crossing the Mediterranean Sea in the hope of finding a better life for themselves in Europe. Of the twenty thousand or so who made the journey this past year, 2500 of them drowned at sea.

The candle lit on the Altar of Remembrance is also for those who attempted to enter this country from Central and South America, who, similarly, risk their lives in order to escape from conditions that often threaten their very life itself. Many of these also fled with the same sense of desperation.

May we hold these souls in our hearts and remember them this week with this candle, or one that you may light on your own altar.


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 Post subject: Remember Love In The Presence of the Energies of Opposition
PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 8:13 am 

...This is an important question for our time, as this phenomenon has increased on a collective level and on an individual level. ‘Darkness masquerading as light’ creates false spiritual beliefs that seem true, that take a person away from the valuing of love either for others or for themselves. They often exert their influence without our even noticing that we have left behind our desire to embrace or manifest love. This is the seduction, namely, the numbing of our moral sensibility so that we do not even know that we have left the landscape of love or that love is important to remember.

The Origins of Self-Betrayal ... -darkness/

Hello Dear Readers,

As the energies of separation which would seek to separate us - humanity as a whole - are increasing in intensity, these two Teaching by GurujiMa came to me to share with you.

For many years, I have been writing, as well as sharing Teachings of GurujiMa, of what is coming forward, and how, to remain in your light, in your love, in the presence of the energies which oppose both. I have given name to that which is coming forward both of the realms of the energies of separation as well as the Light.

These energies seek willing hearts to not only betray the needs of individual as well as collective embodied souls, these energies seek willing hearts which would betray their safety and the safety of all, these energies seek in the end, to eradicate that which is of Light, Love, integrity and compassion.

"Remember Love" - GurujiMa.

Remember love not only for thyselves, remember love for one another and this planetary Garden of Life we are all born into.

with love,

Energies of Opposition: An Inversion of Love ... arts-love/

This “inversion of love” must be seen for what it is — not the truth of reality but a covering of the truth of reality, a covering that creates meaninglessness where there was once meaning, and distance where there was once love and warmth.

Energies of opposition to the expansion of light affect awareness in a variety of ways, one of them being to create a covering over the energy of the heart which gives us a direct knowing of what we feel and what we love. Such energies can influence consciousness with different degrees of intensity, creating an “inversion of love” so that where once we felt the warmth of our own heart as it conveyed meaning to us concerning situations and people, now, with the energy influencing awareness, the situation or person feels distant, less connected, and the meaning of an event or situation can disappear for a time from our awareness altogether.

When such energies operate to a mild degree, one can continue on with relationships and outer situations by not noticing them and not giving them importance, while focusing on the love and warmth that have been present. When the energies operate more strongly, it is important to remember that the sudden disappearance of feelings of love, or the feeling of detachment or aversion can be based on the sudden loss of meaning with respect to a relationship or situation, and not on a change in the situation or relationship itself.

Part of this masking effect is based on the phenomenon of “inversion,” that is, the reversal of what was warm and full of positive feeling to what is empty and cold. Another part has to do with the movement of energy to the mental level so that we look at a situation or person solely from the mind, thereby removing it from the warmth of the heart and creating a sense of observation rather than involvement.

Energies creating the “inversion of love” are present in great measure at this time on the Earth, due to the expansion of light taking place globally. It is important to remain steadfast in their presence, knowing that one can remember what is true, and know what is true, even if one cannot feel what is true. Steadfastness in relation to aligning with the deeper truth of the soul, whether feeling is there or not, is the way to move through such energies of inversion, which will ultimately reduce in intensity so that a degree of connection with the heart can again take place. This is to say that if one remains steadfast in relation to the place of truth, whether felt or not, oppositional energies will ultimately diminish in their potency, due to the greater potency of light.

The deeper heart of each of us is connected with our Divine self, our soul self, and so at the deepest level such energies cannot touch the place of our knowing. However, they can create doubt on the more surface levels of awareness that love is what we really feel. Steadfastness in relation to the knowing of truth must become a mantra in this time, so that we can walk through this energetic influence until its effect is no more. This outcome is part of the Divine plan for the Earth, namely, that the energies of opposition may have their day, but the ultimate outcome for individuals and for the Earth is the outcome of love and light.

* * *

The Origins of Self-Betrayal ... -darkness/

Today, we need a new vocabulary to discuss a phenomenon that many recognize as the experience of ‘not acting in their own best interest,’ but rather acting in ways that are not in harmony with one’s deepest values or beliefs. Although we can call this phenomenon ‘unconsciousness,’ and it is, some recognize it as a willingness to go along with others when it is known that such ‘going along’ does not feel right, or to permit expressions or actions even when alone that emanate from the lesser self. Many observe themselves doing this, yet fewer understand that self-betrayal involves an abandonment of the truths of one’s own heart, sometimes persuaded by a falsehood that looks like truth, and sometimes persuaded to accept indifference instead of the innate morality of one’s own conscience.

These manifestations of self-betrayal can be and often are influenced by energies of darkness, separation, and opposition. Such energies, held within the energy body and also emanating from our collective moral and spiritual environment, can cause us to say about important decisions of conscience: “It doesn’t matter if what I do is less than honest, less than kind, less than fair. It’s what everyone does.”

Self-betrayal, which involves the abandonment of one’s most deeply held values and moral principles, does not come about easily. It comes about through fear and through succumbing to the temptation to give oneself away, to give away the firmness of our standing within our own sense of rightness.

We are given a heart that knows the difference between what feels right and what feels wrong. It is an innate tendency toward what Buddhism refers to as ‘right action.’ There may be nuances of perception that create doubt about this, for example, about what is truly harmful, yet, in general, our heart follows the principle of love which leads to respect for life, not dishonoring life, not harming life. Despite this, we often find ourselves tolerating attitudes within ourselves, and actions that stem from these attitudes, that do not meet our own heart’s standard of right conduct. Why is this? Why do we abandon what we know to be right without anyone else having to tell us that this is so?

Self-betrayal, which involves the abandonment of one’s most deeply held values and moral principles, does not come about easily. It comes about through fear and through succumbing to the temptation to give oneself away, to give away the firmness of our standing within our own sense of rightness. It can be based on the belief that ‘it doesn’t matter’ if our thoughts or behavior are less than good, or right, or pure. It can also come about through falsely held spiritual ideals or ideas whose root lies in ‘darkness masquerading as light.’

What is ‘darkness masquerading as light’ and how does it affect our sense of truth?

Continue reading at the Light Omega website: ... -darkness/

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 Post subject: Wednesday's Words of Light - Song of Your Inner Being
PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 8:18 am 

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Light Omega



June 14, 2023

~ a weekly offering of light from GurujiMa ~

Song of Your Inner Being
 Hear the song of your inner being,
that song that celebrates your life
and the holy light that gave rise to it.
A hundred doubts may beset you
and a hundred fears,
yet, these pale in comparison to the strength
of your soul and the magnificence
of your heart, if you could feel them. 
You are so much more than you imagine.
You are a being from the stars,
here to live and learn and bless 
the rest of life.


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 Post subject: New Visions: June 16, 2023
PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 5:47 am 

New Visions Anchored: June 16, 2023

Embodied Transformation:
Love as salvation.
Love as grace.

Visions of the Daughter of Light 2023 ... ight-2023/

The drama of kings endured.

* * *

The Polarity of Self-Absorption:


* * *

Worshipfully, did the elect look upon their king

giving thanks and singing song.

* * *

For One, For All:


* * *

On Your Behalf:

“Why I am your liege as I live and breathe.”

* * *

A rising coming forward of harsh piety.

* * *

A Shock So Great:

Paradigm reality timeline shifts.

* * *

Investment Strategy:

Invest love in thy heart.

* * *

Shall thee push away, reject, thy own Mother for her supposed shame?

* * *

Self-induced Fall from Grace:

Patriarchal theocratic prepotency.

2023 -Arising in Light

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 Post subject: Juneteenth 2023 Message - GurujiMa
PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 6:44 pm 

Newsletter Update:

Juneteenth (June 19th), 2023 

Dearest Beloved Ones
As with all marker dates that celebrate and honor the emancipation of slaves from bondage within this United States of America, let us do so together in one consciousness this June 19th, each in our own way, while recognizing that the legacy of slavery has not ended with the Emancipation Proclamation of 1865. Instead, the legacy of slavery lives on in a great many ways, even as we hold an ideal of a multiracial democracy, one that would truly bring equality to persons of color, allowing them to equally create their own destinies.
How do we liberate ourselves and others from the limitations of our past and embrace a new consciousness as we bring it into being?
There are many streams of change needed to answer this question, but one involves rooting out those places within our hearts where we have been taught things that we no longer believe in a conscious way, today called ‘implicit bias.’ Equally important is our willingness to be responsible for how we love each other.  This learning about love must go on day to day, hour to hour, and minute to minute, as we separate ourselves from thoughts and beliefs that separate us from others.
Therefore, beloved ones, let this Juneteenth, this year, be about embracing love in all its forms, and eradicating from our hearts the prejudices and judgments about others who look, think, or act differently from ourselves. In this way, we move not only those we know personally, but our entire collective awareness toward the fulfillment of the ideal of freedom and equality for all, a foundational belief that lives at the center of the Heart of this nation. May this belief and its fulfillment shine like a star before us, leading us on our way.
With deepest blessings - GurujiMa

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 Post subject: A Sacred Perspective on Autism and Neuro-Diversity
PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 7:48 am 
A Sacred Perspective on Autism and Neuro-Diversity

The value of a spiritual view of autism is that it enables the pain of limitations and helplessness suffered by those who experience significant impairment and those who care for them to be held with a sense of purposefulness and meaning. This can support individuals and families with a sense of truth and love, even during times of greatest challenge.

…To see those who are diagnosed as ‘autistic’ as forerunners of a new generation of capable souls who will emerge from these very limitations is a perception that requires a deep understanding of the sequence of lifetimes and how they contribute to and enhance one another. With such a perspective, this context for viewing autism makes no sense. Within such a perspective, however, it may seem that what has limitation on one side may have advantage on the other, and that souls may have choses to experience both limitation and the advantage because of their desire to quicken their spiritual development.

The problem of autism is indeed a problem for individuals, for families, and for society as a whole, with much hardship involved on the personal and familial level where the emotional and physical challenges are very great. However, as with any other physically manifesting problem, it can be considered to be an avenue of growth as well as difficulty.

One way of looking at the problem in its present context is to find ways of supporting the positive qualities of functioning and of life that are present within autistic individuals, and to know that these are always there, no matter what outer behaviors may suggest. Such support can go a long way toward affirming the value of a lifetime in which great limitation is present. It can also acknowledge the soul within that has chosen the limitation and can accord to that soul equal dignity and equal opportunity to live to the limits of their capacity, rather than seeing the diagnosis as a detriment to life. Such a view is optimistic and supportive, and allows families and society as a whole to view the sacred life within the limitation, rather than viewing the person as the limitation, thus enabling that person to live a fuller and more fulfilled life.

Excerpt from:

Children, Mental Health, and the Soul
Conversations with Guruji-Ma
by GurujiMa with Diana Catherine Bella ... ification/

The Entire Conversations with GurujiMa series:

The Transmutation of Emotions
Conversations with GurujiMa
by GurujiMa with Diana Catherine Bella ... -emotions/

Following the Divine Path
Conversations with GurujiMa
by GurujiMa with Diana Catherine Bella

How We May Help Each Other
Conversations with Guruji-Ma
by GurujiMa with Diana Catherine Bella ... th-others/

The Psychic and the Spiritual
Conversations with Guruji-Ma
by GurujiMa with Diana Catherine Bella ... awareness/

Addiction as a Spiritual Quest
Conversations with Guruji-Ma
by GurujiMa with Diana Catherine Bella ... e-reality/

The Prison System and Redemption
Conversations with Guruji-Ma
by GurujiMa with Diana Catherine Bella ... e-justice/

Aging and the Closing Years of Life
Conversations with Guruji-Ma
by GurujiMa with Diana Catherine Bella ... and-light/

Light and the New Spiritual Senses
Conversations with Guruji-Ma
by GurujiMa with Diana Catherine Bella ... ing-heart/

A Spiritual View of Depression
Conversations with Guruji-Ma
by GurujiMa with Diana Catherine Bella ... -the-soul/

The Soul and the Body
Conversations with Guruji-Ma
by GurujiMa with Diana Catherine Bella ... ciousness/

Changing Realities
Conversations with Guruji-Ma
by GurujiMa with Diana Catherine Bella ... er-divine/

Our Relationship with Pain
Conversations with Guruji-Ma
by GurujiMa with Diana Catherine Bella ... ciousness/

On Light and Darkness
Conversations with Guruji-Ma
by GurujiMa with Diana Catherine Bella ... -energies/

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 Post subject: New Visions: June 23, 2023
PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 8:56 am 

New Visions
June 23, 2023

A rising of the policing of the autonomy of citizens with military precision.

* * *

The innocent called to support the corrupt.

* * *

A rising of the sons of the Father of Sorrows.

* * *

The will come a time when the darkness we traversed together as embodied souls will be a memory of a time before the Advent of Light.
All Blessings.

* * *

Robes of Darkness:
Lo and behold!
You shall be in awe of our riches and gold.
Innocence betrayed this time foretold
when all is lost to those who will not release
their fevered hold.

* * *

Money Matters:
A rolling out the carpet of red and gold,
Yea, a feting for an autocratic Fathers audacious and bold.

* * *

Welcome aboard this tin can.
Your money, we shall take, as much as we can.
Your safety, no thought has been given.
Yea, there is no safety plan.

* * *

Which God Do You Serve?
Shall thy voices of proclamation bring forth
the words of love or of war and hatred of ‘Other’?

* * *

Is It Love?
Test the validity of the negative thoughts moving through your neural networks.

* * *

Legacy of Colonialism:
Settler rage rampages.

All visions can be found at:

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 Post subject: “High Off The Thrill” - The Energies of Dehumanization
PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 9:00 am 

“High Off The Thrill”
The Manufacturing of the Energies of Dehumanization

2004-A-Time-of-Great-Weeping-and-Suffering.jpg [ 67.61 KiB | Viewed 2471 times ]

Hear you not?

See you not?

The dark forces of war build around you. ... suffering/

At first, the energies of dehumanization came forth and enthralled - the thrill, the rallies, the costumes, the merchandise, the new friends, the rhetoric, the promises of the salvation of war and vengeance against other. Once these energies were anchored in the heart, the energies, through repetitious enforcement, sought through enticement, to express themselves, a fervored desire to do "God's will", in an effort to save themselves, their children, their religion, their beliefs, their politics, their nation, their identities, their way of life.

Johanna Raphael

Hello Dear Readers,

This weekend, I found my self reading snippets of speeches, witnessing a photo of middle class women enthralled whilst taking photos of former President Trump as he gave a political speech in a religious-political gathering.

I witnessed the gleeful cheers, applause, and chants of attendees in response to the speeches which were given by two of the political front-runners at this faith and freedom rally. This morning, intuitively, I began to read the transcripts of these two front runners, which then led to another intuition calling me to research more about the Rwandan massacres, which then led again, intuitively, to a paper on the dehumanizing of the Iraqi and Afghani people during the illegal invasions Iraq which began in 2003.

I believe what started this meditation on the dehumanization of “Other” was the sight of the adoration and enthrallment, and the sounds of the gleeful cheering and chants of “USA” by Christian evangelicals, a deeply faithful community within Christianity. It was the sounds of clapping and joy which disturbed my spirit whilst witnessing a front-runner speaking to religious folks about the justifications of bringing war upon fellow citizens.

What followed an experience of shock. I was shocked that there is the widespread rhetoric of a war promoting a ‘Us versus Them” theme being circulated within our nation. This rhetoric is quite violent and I did not realize that there were citizens within this nation who believed we were at war with each other - that their leaders, religious and political, were the agents of the rhetoric. I was shocked at the emotions of joy and glee in the presence of such violent rhetoric, and I was shocked, that after thousands of years of violent and vengeful rhetoric being used to bring harm and destruction in the name of “God” through the marriage of political and religion, that these energies are back, they are here, in the United States of America, and they are being anchored in hearts and minds in an effort to create foot soldiers of vengeance within families, circles of friends, religious environments, work environments, and political and media environments.

Yes, even I, as someone who has been given visions of what is coming forward, still registers the energies of shock as I witness the energies of hatred, violence, and 'Othering' manifesting in hearts and minds, in the humanity, of Americans who are being called forth to destroy a nation and create a new nation in their image and likeness.

Bear with each other with love.

Ripping Out the Woke

“I can promise you this on day one, as Commander-in-Chief, we will rip the woke out of our military, we will get its focus back on the mission and we’ll make sure that it is something that people are proud of again. (Applause)

“…We’re not going to sit by and let them mobilize power against people of faith, with people with whom they disagree, for far too long this bureaucracy has imposed itgs will on us. It’s about time we impose our will on it and that’s what we’re going to do.” (Applause)

From the speech given by candidate Ron DeSantis - June 2023 ... conference

"Our Enemies Are Waging War"

"As we gather today, our beloved nation is teetering on the edge of tyranny," Trump told the Road to Majority 2023 event Saturday night in Washington, D.C., which aired live on Newsmax.

"I believe that, and you believe that, our enemies are waging war on faith and freedom, on science and religion, on history and tradition, on law and democracy, on God Almighty himself. They are waging war.

"That's not a war they're going to win."

“…"The radicals are setting fire to our Constitution, abolishing free speech, attacking religious belief, erasing our borders, corrupting our elections — and we have corrupt elections — and trying to impose their blasphemous creed and woke communism on every American man, woman, and child," Trump continued. "And that's what they're doing, and they're trying so hard. We've never had a situation like is going on right now in our country, but the people in this room will never let them do it. They'll never let them get away with it."

Trump: Our 'Nation Is Teetering on the Edge of Tyranny' ... d/1124804/

“Us versus Them”

The perception of “us” versus “them” was transmitted through generations and became institutionalised. Solutions suggested by one group to resolve mounting tension were considered by the other side as a way for “them” to gain more power over “us”. In the decades to follow, these perspectives, strongly influenced by the colonial period, became reinforced and deeply entrenched in the fabric of Rwandan society. The seed for protracted social conflict, leading to the eventual genocide, was sown and the Rwandan media was well aware of how to use it to its advantage.

Exploiting Division With Hate Speech Propaganda

“…These media sources portrayed extreme ethnic distinctions, defining Tutsis as ‘the enemy’ and Kangura published the infamous Hutu ‘Ten Commandments’, a widely circulated, militant ‘Hutu Power’ doctrine. Sometimes popular music was mixed with incitement to murder. Propaganda fuelled hysterical fear of Tutsis and blurred the line between the RPF and domestic Tutsis. Consequently, Tutsis in general were identified as an ‘invading force’ and in emphasising the ‘alienness’, cleverness and deceitfulness of Tutsis, propaganda established them as a ‘permanent threat’.”

“…Propaganda played an active, supportive role in facilitating the atrocities, as well as an influential role in establishing the pre-conditions for mass-killings. The lessons for the international society are twofold. Whilst a free press is sine qua none to hold those in power accountable and represents the very foundation free societies rest upon, it needs to be emphasised that freedom comes with responsibility. The abuse of the freedom of speech to create division through hate speech that in turn leads to large scale violence is an indicator of an arising conflict. Such hate speech needs to identified and acted upon. Increased pressure by the international society is required to halt such speeches and resources need to pour in to solve tensions between groups.”

The Media as a Tool of War: Propaganda in the Rwandan Genocide ... -genocide/

"Too High Off The Thrill"

“…Investigating the rhetoric used to dehumanization led me to question what to call a person or persons who endure another person of depriving them their human characteristic and dignity: and metaphorically, perhaps, physically too, casting them outside of a community, ultimately denying them membership. My investigations leads me to that a person who suffers dehumanization is reduced [to] only pieces of them self that are hated, feared, misconstrued, or in advertising, lusted over.”

Dehumanization in War and Combat: Rhetoric and Practice
Olivia Ann Oliver ... sequence=1

In the Times to Come:

Many shall weep and say, “Why us? What have we done? Our children are innocent, our mothers are innocent, our fathers are innocent.”

And this I say to you:

They shall not see that as a nation, their integrity and innocence had been lost, that they had allowed the blood of innocents to cover their hands and contempt to enter their hearts. ... suffering/

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 Post subject: Wednesday's Words of Light - Walk In Truth
PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 6:53 am 

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Light Omega



June 28, 2023

~ a weekly offering of light from GurujiMa ~

Walk in Truth

Walk in truth,
for your truth is what you alone

have to give to the entire universe.

It is part of your creation.

It is who you are.

The expectations of others may arise,

the desire to please them.

The fear of being alone may grow stronger.

Be courageous!
Be faithful!

It is your precious life that you are leading,

not someone else's.

Only you can know where this life will truly

lead you, for its directives come

from the depths of your own being.

Walk in truth, beloved,

and let the world do what it will,

for it is learning in a similar fashion,

to be a truer, more sacred expression

of its very own self.

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 Post subject: Ripples in Space Time - Ocean of Conscious Energies?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2023 12:11 pm 

Ripples in Space Time - Ocean of Conscious Energies?

Imagination is everything.
It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. ... in-quotes/

Hello Dear Readers,

I have found myself feeling rather elated over the news of the discovery of gravitational waves causing ripples in space-time.* After briefly reading an article or two, I began to have intuitions or imaginations in this case, coming to my consciousness resonating with this sense of elation. I don’t know why, as per my path, so I sat down and began composing what was coming through my consciousness. What fun!

Imagine events in the Universe such as the rippling or warping of space time as macro events reflecting that which happens with energies, in this instance, here on planet Earth, as well as within all matter, as the micro.

Imagine that energies, especially those associated with powerful collective events of emotional releasing of energies such as wars, crusades, inquisitions, plagues, massacres, Earth related upheavals or changes, even lore attributing to a time when in our colloquial - tech bros - may have taken technology too far and destroyed a continent called Atlantis.

Embodied-in-Divine-Time-frequencies-of-Love-JohannaRaphael.jpeg [ 60.54 KiB | Viewed 2407 times ]

Embodied Consciousness - Resonant Frequency Receptacles for Energies

“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”

“Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”

“Matter is Energy ... Energy is Light ... We are all Light Beings” ... out-energy

Great cosmic ocean of energies coming in and out of time.
- Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein discovered that energies never disappear instead they are transformed. In my imagination I perceive energies (consciousness)(frequencies), can be suspended or held in space-time (Divine Time - dimensional/multi-dimensional) and when certain space-time events happen in the Universe, the energies which were suspended, or seemingly inactive, can become activated resonating with like frequencies found in human hearts and minds.**

Of course this does not mean that energies resonant with negation need to be expressed. But when they are collectively, we have seen through history a repetition of patterns and events which have similar qualities of emotional resonance and frequencies.


“We stand as a collective humanity on the brink of a new realization regarding what it means to be human. The realization that is dawning among us is that we are more than our personal histories, more than our personalities with their thoughts and emotions. Indeed, that our thoughts and the emotions they give rise to are only relatively real. They are energies that come from many places beyond ourselves, even while seeming to be our own.

…Thoughts come to us from many different places: from our past history as souls upon the earth and the legacy this has left within us; from other people whose thought-energy we take in, often without knowing that we are doing so; from energies of a cosmic nature that create feelings of separation, negation, and self-invalidation, their purpose in a cosmic sense to foster within us a separation from the truth of who we are. These energies of separation and negation can operate within us without our even knowing they are there. Each of these sources influences the content of our thought-life, and so we can rarely say that any particular thought is our own, except that which comes from our own soul. Soul ‘thoughts’ are generous, loving, compassionate, peaceful, and life-affirming for ourselves and others. These are the polar opposite of thoughts that are self-critical, judgmental, contemptuous, angry, belittling, harsh, jealous, and fearful. Of this latter group, one would be wise to say that no one of these thoughts are ‘real.’ They are real as experience only. They are not real in their content.”

Dimensions of Consciousness: The Nature of Thought ... -thoughts/

Emanations-of-Healing-Light-Day84-Child-of-the-Universe.jpg [ 70.98 KiB | Viewed 2407 times ]

We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos. We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.

Albert Einstein

* Astronomers have been able to “hear” the celestial hum of powerful gravitational waves, created by collisions between black holes, echoing across the universe for the first time.

Their observations reveal that the waves — including some that slowly undulate as they pass through our Milky Way galaxy — occur at different frequencies and oscillate for decades. ... index.html

** In the teachings of the Purification Process, these energies become active for the purposes of transforming the energies. What is Purification, Part I: The Expansion of Light ... ings-free/

When I share that 'energies are back', I may not understand the mechanism or how energies ebb and flow through time, what I can do is perceive frequencies, or vibrational resonances regarding era's. There are also 'portals' opening (in space-time) which were an energetic feature of the visions especially in the early 2000's. (Not to be confused with the evangelical Christian usage of the word portal which projects demons onto fellow embodied souls.)

P.S. - Quotes were sourced after composing this post - resonance before the realization of resonance!

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