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 Post subject: Wednesday Word's of Light - A Million Kinds of Waiting
PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2023 7:55 am 
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Light Omega



May 3, 2023

~ a weekly offering of light from GurujiMa ~

A Million Kinds of Waiting

If there are a million kinds of sunsets
and yet they are all one,
one setting sun, one explosion of color,
then there are also a million kinds of waiting,
and yet they are all one,
creating a tension in the body and in the mind
that is the literal pulling into being
of that which is waited for.

One waits, longs, hopes, imagines,
cries, reaches out, sits in silence,
tries to accept, trusts, rails against,
becomes weary, asks for mercy,
again tries to accept, releases control,
finds the path of peace.

I magnetize to this body and to this heart
that which I wait for,
pulling it into being through longing
and through the fervent wish that it be so.
I magnetize to this body that portion of
reality that resonates with my own wish,
drawing it toward me so that the outer
and the inner may become one.

When does waiting pass into fulfillment?
Only when it arrives can this be known.


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 Post subject: Trust in the Divine in Challenging Times
PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2023 12:01 pm 

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“…As you grow spiritually, realizing more of the truth of your own sacred nature, this trust in the Divine being present in all of life grows organically. You might wish it would grow faster. You might wish you had more support for being trusting because sometimes holding onto trust or developing trust is not an easy thing to do, especially in a world that exhibits many aspects of mistrust. This is because of past experiences that are influencing the present. Yet, in a historical sense, all is moving forward.

Most human beings are trying to heal past experiences with mistrust. But the progression has been slow, influenced by forces that would maintain attitudes of mistrust and prevent forward movement from taking place. Nevertheless, life can be experienced as more trustworthy because of the presence of the Divine within it. It is because of this that one does not need to seek to control life or control outcomes concerning what happens to you.”

Understanding Energies
The Sacred Process of Purification

Hello Dearest Readers,

I am still with you, with the One Earth Awakening Forum. The energies my body has been containing and transforming have been dense and intense, often fatiguing, leaving less mental energy for writing and posting. When brief energetic windows do open, I am in the garden, grounding on the Earth. Over the years, I have posted on my experiences with intense energies, these latest releases of the energies of darkness in the presence of increasing Light, are the most physically and mentally debilitating yet. Even so, much like the plants in God's Garden, my trust in the Divine grows.

with love,

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 Post subject: The Energies of Menace in a Time of Increasing Light:
PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2023 7:46 am 

The Energies of Menace in a Time of Increasing Light:

The energies of menace reign in times of the dark night,
advancing upon one’s heart with dread and fright.
The energies of menace separated from the Light,
seek to control movement forward with obfuscated
interpretations of what is deemed right.

The energies of menace releasing into the Light,
seek willing hearts to increase their might.
These energies coming forward at times full of spite,
seek to undermine compassion and love
with righteous claims to inflict smite.

Fear not beloveds for when these energies appear to create blight,
for in the bespoken times to come,
the power of Love shall gather heart’s contrite,
giving rise to an epoch of Love and Light.

* * *

The rising power of the gilded, unwavering in conviction that the poor pay their fair share - sans mercy.

These visions can be found at

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 Post subject: WEDNESDAY'S WORDS OF LIGHT - Endurance
PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2023 8:14 am 

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May 17, 2023

~ a weekly offering of light from GurujiMa ~


How brave the human heart! How noble!
that endures through great adversity 
because of love.

How extraordinary the love that emanates
from that heart, for life, for others, for God, 
for an ideal one refuses to betray.

This heart may not know the mysteries of
the Divine in any conscious way,
yet it knows the mysteries of a love
that refuses to give up despite pain and
struggle, that endures because it must.

This heart is active in rich and poor alike,
in learned and in simple alike,
in those who have faced adversities
that others might find impossible to bear.

Let us celebrate and honor this human
heart and its strength, its determination,
its courage, and its love.

For it is the power of love that can hold one
in the midst of pain, in the midst of hardship,
in the midst of extremity of every kind, 
knowing that the goodness of life is real
despite all evidence to the contrary.

It is love that is stronger than death

that allows one to endure.

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 Post subject: A New Level of Light
PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2023 8:18 am 

Newsletter Update:

A New Level of Light

Dear Beloved Ones,
As the cosmic light from the Source is penetrating more and more fully into the physical plane, there is an awakening of hearts taking place so that the truth within each one can be known, and the fulfillment of each one’s individual and unique soul purpose can be revealed and lived. This is the divine mechanism of setting all beings free to be themselves, and it is happening now on a planetary level.
At the same time, as this light strengthens, so, too, do forces of opposition to its expansion strengthen, separating one from truth, and especially from the truth of one’s own deeper most sacred being. These oppositional forces are activated by the light that is expanding, in order to reveal them and in order to release their hold within human consciousness.
In the presence of this planetary upheaval, what is most important is to separate from energies of negation. One does this by remaining optimistic, trusting in the divine unfoldment, and being loving toward oneself and others. No matter what pressures you face or what forces are moving through you, you may claim your inner authority to be the supreme ruler over your own heart, and to choose what to give power to and what not to give power to. This includes most especially not giving power to self-doubt, as this is one of the most frequent tools of energies of negation. Such a claim is a holy claim, for the freedom to choose is your birthright, and when held in your prayer for alignment with your own deepest divine nature, it is not prideful but a sacred affirmation.
Pray for the ascendance of love, optimism, compassion and hope in this time, even while other forces may be more visible. This is your most sacred task, beloved ones, and why you have come here. 
With deepest blessings,

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 Post subject: Purifying The Energies of Privilege
PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2023 8:18 am 
Purifying The Energies of Privilege

In order to ‘contain’ unwanted negative energies and to bring them to the light of awareness which is God’s light, it is necessary to surrender. Surrender involves the absence of entitlement to feel a particular way, and a willingness to place these emotions in God’s hands. “Thy will be done” is then applied to the emotions themselves. This is the seventh principle of light.

Ancient Teachings of Light
GurujiMa ... d-healing/

The energies of privilege in need of Purification have a tendency to be at first, a part of the fabric of one's reality of interacting with each other. Often unconscious in its expression, privileged like behaviors taken in by other embodied souls as an energy can often bring forth reactions based on past familial or karmic roles, with expressions of fear, anxiety, confusion, or astoundment in its presence.

The energies of privilege are an antithesis to the energies of Grace. The energies of privilege have a tendency to overwhelm and override the boundaries of others. Privilege says in word, action, or deed, “I deserve this, I deserve this now, what right have you to deny me what I want?” The energies can manifest in bullying, anger, demanding, whining, entitlement, stalking, laws against autonomy, and at times, arrogance. The energies of privilege effect not only individuals, they effect all forms of relationships, and in particulate family dynamics. The energies of privilege infect and effect, civilizations and cultures, leading to wars, predatory behaviors, dictators, despots, theocracies, and authoritarians leading their faithful believers and individuals who believe in their innate rights of privilege, to commit acts of abuse, degradation, onerousness, and horror.

To contact the light within you, remove what stands in the way and allow it to pass through your consciousness. This is not done through an act of will, but through the action of holy light.

Ancient Teachings of Light
GurujiMa ... d-healing/

For the energies of privilege to be purified there first needs to be a recognition of the energies themselves infusing one’s consciousness and then, a willingness - humility, to observe how the energies manifests in one’s life. The experience of learning how to be with one another in ways that express love, community, sharing, giving, without engaging in the energies of privilege may feel for some embodied souls to be be painful or humiliating, often with projections of anger coming forth towards those who would seek with integrity, boundaries of autonomy, self-identification, fairness and equity as a part of relational aspects with one another.

In my experience Dear Readers, the energies of privilege are insidious, the expresser expressing the emotional energies of shock and/or anger when their needs are not being exclusively met in ways they feel either they have historically been met through the culture or met through roles engaged in through family lineage.

Privilege says to other embodied souls, “it is my right to__________________.” Fill in the blank.

with love,

In order to change negative emotions into positive, light-filled ones, one must bring them to the Source of light. This involves three things:

• First, the belief that it is possible to make such a change.
• Second, the willingness to let go of the emotion in question.
• Third, access to light through prayer and alignment with the Source of light.

Ancient Teachings of Light
GurujiMa ... d-healing/

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 Post subject: WEDNESDAY'S WORDS OF LIGHT - Song of Worthiness
PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2023 8:27 am 

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May 24, 2023
~ a weekly offering of light from GurujiMa ~
Song of Worthiness

We come from the Earth 
and are made of Her flesh,
bones of Her bone,
tissues of Her tissue,
blood of Her blood. 

We come as diverse shapes, missions, 
and callings of the heart,
and still we are of one Mother,
and still we are one.

Sing the song of worthiness, 

of respect for all of life in its beauty

and in its limitation.

Sing the song of worthiness, 
in the presence of that 
which you have blamed or rejected,
including yourself.

The song of worthiness is a song 
of blamelessness.

It is a song of universal love 
bestowed upon all

from a heart that sees the Divine within all –

even in the greedy,

even in the selfish,

even in the misguided,

even in the presence of limitation.

Sing the song of worthiness 
and surround all who seem unworthy 
to you with your love.

For you are the love that can hold all,

redeem all, uplift all, transform all.

You are the Heart of the Mother,

the radiant Heart of love.


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 Post subject: Influence of Energies on Physical Symptoms Within the Body
PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:55 am 

Hello Dear Readers,

Recently, in the last few months, I have been processing energies which are bringing about many of the physical symptoms being amplified by the energies of Light. (see list below) I was speaking with a friend who is not part of the Light Omega community about the pain and the experiences I have been experiencing. Their response was along the lines of, "what a burden". I was surprised to hear this perception of the pain I experience as burdensome. Mentally nor emotionally, do I frame the intense pain experiences as a burden, (even as it does create barriers and burdens). Rather, in my consciousness, I hold the pain as an experience, as part of the sacred in my life which has to do with my giving my life to God. My surrender, of the mental and emotional energies which would include the energies of self-pity, despair, anger, or depression - in the presence of pain, is an offering of the self which in the process of surrendering my will to God's Will, I am willing to endure, even though my mind would rather it not happen, often without knowing why, or when it will end. (Of course Dear Readers, guidance's are received in regards to supporting the body through these experiences).

This is a prayer called the 3rd Step Prayer from the 12 Step Program which I have been reciting and practicing for many years:

God, I offer myself to Thee
to build with me and do with me as Thou wilt.
Relieve me of the bondage of self so that I may do Thy Will,
take away my difficulties so that victory over them,
may bear witness to those that I would help,
of Thy love, Thy power, and Thy way of life.
May I do Thy will always,

This prayer reminds me that many years ago, I gave my life to God, to do with my life as God wills. That means painful experiences with the pain free. Joy and sorrow. Challenging and Grace-filled. What some may call the positive's in one;s life and the negative. What ever comes forward, it is God's Will for me, and as Beloved GurujiMa has shared with me time and again, "A way through will be made." Previous experience with suffering and pain have shown me that if I stay faithful, if I let go, if I wait, if I monitor the energies of despair and hopelessness on my consciousness, a way through does come forward. I am not in control of how, when, or why, the way comes forward, only of being open enough to see it when it does.

Influence of Energies on Physical Symptoms Within the Body

GurujiMa  |  May 19, 2023

Energies whose purpose is to obstruct the flow of light within the body are often magnetized to those on a spiritual path, amplifying areas of vulnerability that one has come into this lifetime to heal.

Medical sciences have produced many treatments for physical symptoms of all kinds, and yet there are still, for many people, symptoms that occur for which no diagnosis or explanation is possible, not according to science and not according to one’s own intuition. This can be attested to by almost everyone at some point in their life. We simply do not know when a given physical event occurs, what is causing it or what its treatment should be.

Among the factors that create symptoms, there are genetic predispositions; imbalances within the body that are environmentally introduced; karmic causes that create various vulnerable areas of physical functioning, and so forth. We are familiar with these categories of potential causality. Less known is the influence of energies of opposition to light whose presence is invisible but whose effect can produce symptoms of various kinds that would not seem possible or likely to come from this source. With respect to this influence, there are a vast array of physical symptoms that can be caused or amplified by energies that are opposed to spiritual light:

• Skin inflammation and rashes
• Intestinal dysfunction
• Inflammation of muscle tissue
• Sores, blisters, hives, and skin abrasions
• Headaches
• Numbness in various body parts
• Extremes of heat or cold not weather related
• Taste disturbances
• Smell disturbances
• Swelling of hands or feet
• Localized pain in a particular organ or body part

These energies, whose purpose is to obstruct the flow of light within the body, are often magnetized to those on a spiritual path, amplifying areas of vulnerability that one has come into this lifetime to heal, or they may create temporary obstructions such as irritation around a cut or mosquito bite that takes longer to heal than one might expect.

Energies of opposition to light can operate at an interface between the energetic and physical layers of one’s being. The energies are not physical, but their effect can be felt and seen physically. In their production or amplification of symptoms, they have the capacity to create what appears to have a full-blown medical diagnosis, with many of the corresponding symptoms that such a diagnosis entails, and yet the diagnosis would only be partly correct as it pertains to the symptoms themselves, not to the cause. This ‘mimic-ing’ of medical clusters that look like a disease or an event of some importance happens quite commonly, causing a great deal of anxiety in persons unfamiliar with the capacity of energy to produce physical changes. What might one do in this situation, when it is difficult to know what is happening?

First, if one is alarmed, it is right and prudent to seek medical help from whatever authority one feels trusting of. Second, and depending on the severity of the symptom, it is common sense to want to reduce its impact on the body, whether it is energetically caused or not. Third, since taking medication of any kind may have additional consequences for the body, it is wise to consider the usefulness of this as compared to simply waiting longer to see if an energy-based symptom will resolve itself on its own. Fourth, it is possible in the presence of any symptom to hold the affirmation: “My body is a divine body, whole and perfect in every way.” This affirmation helps the body to find its own way of healing itself most effectively.

There is much yet to be discovered about the interface between the energy body and the physical body, and as this understanding progresses, new sciences that are partly physically-based and partly spiritually-based will emerge. They will make it possible to treat physical symptoms energetically with great effectiveness, and will be able to monitor changes to the body’s circumstances even before symptoms develop. In the meantime, and given the current picture of what is possible, one needs to hold an open mind about what is happening when symptoms occur and to incorporate the spiritual perspective into the physical perspective so that one has the widest range of choices about how to proceed.

Influence of Energies on Physical Symptoms Within the Body ... al-energy/

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 Post subject: In A Tme of Hardship
PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 8:36 pm 

June 1, 2023
In a Time of Hardship

Dear Beloved Ones,
Many, today, are experiencing increased difficulties either from within or from without. From within, areas of emotional or mental vulnerability that seemed less apparent in the past are now becoming more activated and intrusive, presenting challenges in feeling stable, peaceful, or even in getting through a day. This phenomenon which appears to be producing more 'symptoms,' needs to be held in a larger context. What is personal to oneself is real, but it is also part of the planetary shift that is taking place now as a result of light expanding. This shift is rooting out those vulnerable areas so they may release whatever they have been carrying that is not of the light. This is true emotionally, and it is also true physically. Your cells as well as your psyches, beloved ones, are taking part in this sacred process.
Changes to one's outer life may also be occurring; changes to relationships; obstacles or complexities that are not what one would desire; and situations that configure themselves so that they present new difficulties in carrying out one's intentions, goals, or plans.
In such a time it is important to remember that what is personal is planetary, and that you have chosen to go through this at this time for your own sake and for the sake of the Earth.
What does one do in the presence of ongoing hardship or suffering? This is a question that many are asking today.
We pray for the awareness of divine connection that guides, upholds, comforts, and conveys an ever present sense of its intimate reality. We ask for help, for healing, and for the strengthening of the capacity to endure. This inner connection is of the greatest importance during a time such as this. We seek the comfort of others who are capable of understanding what we are going through and of holding it in the larger planetary context. We treat ourselves lovingly and with great compassion for what we have chosen to endure as part of being here at this time, and we allow as much love as possible to enter our lives, both giving and receiving it.
Self-blame and blame must be let go of. No one is at fault as the 'cause' of what we are going through. It is our planetary existence that is the 'cause.' In the face of this large scale movement, we rest and seek to breathe deeply during periods of the day in which there are no distractions, periods in which silence can be present.
In all this, and even if difficulties remain for a period much longer than we would wish, we recognize that it is a divine process that is happening. It is not self-created. Therefore, divine action and the action of spiritual light is needed so that true help and healing can be found.
Forgive all doubts that you may have about this, dear beloved ones, and accept your holy self as you are, doubts and all. It is not necessary that you be more perfect or more spiritually 'evolved' than you are. Be as faithful as possible to the callings of your heart, following the pathways of love in the directions they may lead you. Listen to them carefully and all will be well. 

With deepest love and blessings,



The Altar In Your Heart
This altar is the holy place of communion between the Divine One and the embodied self. It is not different from the embodied self, for it is part of it. Yet it is also a passageway where the Divine Presence can be felt more strongly, and where Divine nourishment and divine rest can be found.  One can sit by it as one would sit by a flowing mountain stream... ... art-flame/

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 Post subject: Food Assistance Past and Present - Vision
PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2023 7:21 am 

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Clip Art of loaves and fishes:

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 Post subject: Vision Updates
PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2023 10:00 am 

Time accelerates.
Wisdom opens.
Confusions of the mind abound.

* * *

Redemption as a limitless path of embodied soul expression.

From Visions of the Daughter of Light 2023 ... ight-2023/

Relief as an aspect of the redemptive process of Love.

* * *

Profitable Engagement:
Politically derived hysteria as theatre for the masses.

* * *

The establishment of compliance controls as to not offend the eye of the sincere believer.

* * *

Extracting Advantage:
From colonialism to authoritarianism.

From Arising in Light 2023:

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 Post subject: Uplifting Meditation
PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2023 3:30 pm 

Be in the presence of your own essential goodness.

I Am Wisdom, Beauty, and Goodness Everlasting

Originally broadcast May 18, 2021,
in the "Contacting One's Deeper Self" section of Guided Meditations. ... =552235350

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