Hello Dear Readers,
Recently, in the last few months, I have been processing energies which are bringing about many of the physical symptoms being amplified by the energies of Light. (see list below) I was speaking with a friend who is not part of the Light Omega community about the pain and the experiences I have been experiencing. Their response was along the lines of, "what a burden". I was surprised to hear this perception of the pain I experience as burdensome. Mentally nor emotionally, do I frame the intense pain experiences as a burden, (even as it does create barriers and burdens). Rather, in my consciousness, I hold the pain as an experience, as part of the sacred in my life which has to do with my giving my life to God. My surrender, of the mental and emotional energies which would include the energies of self-pity, despair, anger, or depression - in the presence of pain, is an offering of the self which in the process of surrendering my will to God's Will, I am willing to endure, even though my mind would rather it not happen, often without knowing why, or when it will end. (Of course Dear Readers, guidance's are received in regards to supporting the body through these experiences).
This is a prayer called the 3rd Step Prayer from the 12 Step Program which I have been reciting and practicing for many years:God, I offer myself to Thee to build with me and do with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self so that I may do Thy Will, take away my difficulties so that victory over them, may bear witness to those that I would help, of Thy love, Thy power, and Thy way of life. May I do Thy will always, Amen. This prayer reminds me that many years ago, I gave my life to God, to do with my life as God wills. That means painful experiences with the pain free. Joy and sorrow. Challenging and Grace-filled. What some may call the positive's in one;s life and the negative. What ever comes forward, it is God's Will for me, and as Beloved GurujiMa has shared with me time and again, "A way through will be made." Previous experience with suffering and pain have shown me that if I stay faithful, if I let go, if I wait, if I monitor the energies of despair and hopelessness on my consciousness, a way through does come forward. I am not in control of how, when, or why, the way comes forward, only of being open enough to see it when it does. Influence of Energies on Physical Symptoms Within the Body GurujiMa | May 19, 2023 Energies whose purpose is to obstruct the flow of light within the body are often magnetized to those on a spiritual path, amplifying areas of vulnerability that one has come into this lifetime to heal.
Medical sciences have produced many treatments for physical symptoms of all kinds, and yet there are still, for many people, symptoms that occur for which no diagnosis or explanation is possible, not according to science and not according to one’s own intuition. This can be attested to by almost everyone at some point in their life. We simply do not know when a given physical event occurs, what is causing it or what its treatment should be.
Among the factors that create symptoms, there are genetic predispositions; imbalances within the body that are environmentally introduced; karmic causes that create various vulnerable areas of physical functioning, and so forth. We are familiar with these categories of potential causality. Less known is the influence of energies of opposition to light whose presence is invisible but whose effect can produce symptoms of various kinds that would not seem possible or likely to come from this source. With respect to this influence, there are a vast array of physical symptoms that can be caused or amplified by energies that are opposed to spiritual light:
• Skin inflammation and rashes • Intestinal dysfunction • Inflammation of muscle tissue • Sores, blisters, hives, and skin abrasions • Headaches • Numbness in various body parts • Extremes of heat or cold not weather related • Taste disturbances • Smell disturbances • Swelling of hands or feet • Localized pain in a particular organ or body part
These energies, whose purpose is to obstruct the flow of light within the body, are often magnetized to those on a spiritual path, amplifying areas of vulnerability that one has come into this lifetime to heal, or they may create temporary obstructions such as irritation around a cut or mosquito bite that takes longer to heal than one might expect.
Energies of opposition to light can operate at an interface between the energetic and physical layers of one’s being. The energies are not physical, but their effect can be felt and seen physically. In their production or amplification of symptoms, they have the capacity to create what appears to have a full-blown medical diagnosis, with many of the corresponding symptoms that such a diagnosis entails, and yet the diagnosis would only be partly correct as it pertains to the symptoms themselves, not to the cause. This ‘mimic-ing’ of medical clusters that look like a disease or an event of some importance happens quite commonly, causing a great deal of anxiety in persons unfamiliar with the capacity of energy to produce physical changes. What might one do in this situation, when it is difficult to know what is happening?
First, if one is alarmed, it is right and prudent to seek medical help from whatever authority one feels trusting of. Second, and depending on the severity of the symptom, it is common sense to want to reduce its impact on the body, whether it is energetically caused or not. Third, since taking medication of any kind may have additional consequences for the body, it is wise to consider the usefulness of this as compared to simply waiting longer to see if an energy-based symptom will resolve itself on its own. Fourth, it is possible in the presence of any symptom to hold the affirmation: “My body is a divine body, whole and perfect in every way.” This affirmation helps the body to find its own way of healing itself most effectively.
There is much yet to be discovered about the interface between the energy body and the physical body, and as this understanding progresses, new sciences that are partly physically-based and partly spiritually-based will emerge. They will make it possible to treat physical symptoms energetically with great effectiveness, and will be able to monitor changes to the body’s circumstances even before symptoms develop. In the meantime, and given the current picture of what is possible, one needs to hold an open mind about what is happening when symptoms occur and to incorporate the spiritual perspective into the physical perspective so that one has the widest range of choices about how to proceed.
Influence of Energies on Physical Symptoms Within the Bodyhttps://lightomega.org/writing/energies ... al-energy/