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 Post subject: The Density of Negtivity
PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:34 pm 

Hello Dear Readers,

I experienced a bit of an epiphany today. An insight which had come to me before, came to me again, this time with greater clarity.

I was at the dog park socializing my four pawed friends, engaging with other humans as they played. I had some really lovely interactions with people I was meeting for the first time. Then before leaving, I interacted with someone which left me feeling unpleasant without knowing why. I felt negative energies even tho the conversation was quite neutral.

Later as I was driving home, I was revisiting experiences of the day, and the negative interaction was surfacing and re-surfacing in my mind, and I wondered why the lovely experiences did not take up more of my head space, rather than the negative experience.

And it came to me so very clearly as I asked myself -

"Why do negative thoughts and experiences linger in the consciousness?"

Because these energies are of a denser nature.
These are heavy energies which take longer to clear and transform.

Note too, that negative energies will attach themselves to unpurified aspects of the self which resonate similar frequencies.

This clarity is a gift of the Purification Process. ... on-process.

with love,

...Darkness is both a cosmic energy and a specific force that can affect individual motivation and feeling. It tells us that we are real and that our feelings are real, but that God is not real. From one perspective, darkness may be thought of as the energy of separated intellect that causes doubt. From another perspective, it may be thought of as that which separates us from an experience of God’s love and from love in general.It does this by creating a ‘perceptual filter’ that causes us to believe that only what we perceive with our five physical senses is real, and that all else is an illusion. It persuades our mind to consider Divine reality as a fabrication that we make up in order to comfort ourselves.

The energy of darkness creates a sense of isolation within individuals, between people, and among nations. It fuels the negative emotional states that interfere with peace, and leads humanity toward despair, hopelessness, and fear. Even if at other moments we remain faithful to the vision of the sacred, in moments of darkness we turn away from this vision and lose touch with our basic truth. The reversal of this movement is often difficult thought possible, namely, to choose trust with our hearts, even in the presence of our mind’s doubt.

Light and Darkness, Part I: Energy ... f-reality/

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 Post subject: Profiles Of Courageousness
PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 11:00 am 

For weeks now, tens of thousands of Israeli citizens have been protesting the dismantling of their Democracy.

With courageousness they have come out to the streets to protest in service of saving that which they believe in - the ideal of Democracy.

They are not alone, the people of France as well as other nations have courageously taken to the streets to uphold legacies of the same ideals.

All blessings for the embodied souls planetary wide standing up and together, in the presence of authoritarian maneuverings.

I see, I witness, I stand, I bow, in solidarity.

with love,

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 Post subject: A Man Of Integrity - President James Carter
PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 11:30 am 

President James Carter
Man Of Integrity

Hello Dear Readers,

As the news reaches us that former President Jimmy Carter is receiving hospice care at his home in Plains, Georgia, I felt immense sadness in regards to the upcoming loss of former President Carter's embodied presence on this planet.

I was blessed to be alive during the time of the Presidency of Jimmy Carter.

For my heart, I witnessed President Carter to be a man of immense integrity, courage, and bearer of the Teachings of Christ in his walk through life.

I also witnessed how President Carter was blocked, mocked, and in order to remove the possibility of another four years in service, arms were secretly traded, and promises made in exchange for keeping the American hostages in Iran imprisoned until after his defeat.

President Carter stood in the presence of these actions and energies with integrity.

When President Carter left the White House, the solar panels he erected to help the Nation move forward in response to climate changes we are now enduring, were dismantled.

As President, Jimmy Carter sought to bring peace and negotiations forward for Israel and Palestine.

President Carter was a man of integrity who was known worldwide as a trusted individual when it came to overseeing elections and human rights, earning him a Nobel Laurette.

President Carter went on to create with his beloved wife Rosalyn, Habitat For Humanity, which I saw in action in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.

In all my years of being alive, never have I witnessed a President with greater moral clarity and integrity than President Carter.

In my heart, I see and believe him to be a living embodiment of the Teachings of Christ Jesus.

President James Carter may not have been a perfect President, yet for me he is an inspiration - a good man, a living witness to love, peace, and integrity.

How blessed we all were, and are, to have such an illustrious embodied soul as our President.



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 Post subject: New Prophetic Visions - February 2023
PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 5:18 pm 

Hello Dear Readers,

I posted prophetic visions which I had received some weeks ago, today, at

I had waited as I had found that some of the energies in various prophetic visions were challenging for my heart to bear.

After sitting with GurujiMa yesterday, I felt the presence of more Light as well as strength uplifting my heart.

Both the Visions of the Return of the Christ 2023 and the Visions of the Daughter of Light 2023 have new entries.

with much love,

1/23/23 - Point of clarification. At the time I was sitting with GurujiMa, GurujiMa had no knowledge of the content of the visions I have posted.

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 Post subject: Ukraine One Year On - 365 Days of Terror and Horrors
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 9:48 pm 

Ukraine-Shield-of-Light-2-24-23-prayers-for-strengthening.jpg [ 44.03 KiB | Viewed 2803 times ]

Hello Dear Readers,

Friday, February 24, 2023, will mark a sad and grievous anniversary of 365 days of horror, terror, cruelty, and aggression against the Ukrainian peoples by the government of Russia.

On this anniversary, I am reminded of the Vietnam war. I was in my teens at the time, and witnessed many men and boys who were being drafted, sent to that unnecessary war - to die - who did not want to go. They did not want to die. I am reminded of peoples lives being destroyed, their lands destroyed by chemical aerosols. I am reminded of embodied souls who did not wish to die, forced to give up their lives, sent off to fight wars to keep the hubris of their leaders intact.

The plight of many of the Russian men and boys being sent into a war against the Ukrainian people, forced conscription, those who do not want to be there, who do not want to die, is similar in my heart as well as the unnecessary destruction.

Prayers and blessings to the many Ukrainians who have suffered horrors of which my mind can only imagine with the assistance of media coverage.

Prayers to the Mothers and Fathers whose children are being killed.

In this past year my eyes and heart have witnessed such courage, bravery, and fortitude of President Zelenskyy and the people of Ukraine. In the midst of their terrible suffering, teachings of how to embody Grace in the face of dire adversity, with dignity, come forth.

May your daily horrors and terrors cease so that you may mourn your dead, rebuild your country, and grown your nation.

with love.

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 Post subject: Prayers for the Compassionate Release of Leonard Peltier
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 9:56 pm 
Prayers for the Compassionate Release of Leonard Peltier

".... Leonard Peltier has been imprisoned in the United States for over 46 years, some of which were spent in solitary confinement, serving two life sentences for murder despite concerns over the fairness of his trial. He has always maintained his innocence."

USA: After 46 years of imprisonment, it’s time to free Leonard Peltie
r ... d-peltier/

Dear Readers,

We haven't even scratched the surface of the racism and unfair bias shown to Native American peoples to this day. Prayers for the compassionate and mercy release of Leonard Peltier.

with love,

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 Post subject: Visions of Light: The Divine Light Within Us
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 9:59 am 

Hello Dear Readers,

Recently, I went through a profound spiritual breakthrough. It was both painful in the admittance of soul energies which were creating separation and sorrow and freeing in the admittance. The energies of Love surrounded me, and reminded me of the truth of who I am. Much like a recent vision I posted about Soul Friends.

In this Morning's Meditation, GurujiMa spoke of the Light which was Created in the beginning as described in the Christian Bible, the Old Testament - Genesis, - paraphrasing - the Light from which we were also created.

The mantra was:

" I am the Divine Presence within me.
I am the Light of the Universe."

Literally, in the Light of these Teachings of GurujiMa, I will be bringing forth visions expressed through sacred art reflecting both GurujiMa's Teachings and the visions I have been gifted to bring forth, which I will be posting, on the website. These are the Visions of Light.

with love,

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 Post subject: Visions of Light: Awaken Children of the Light
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 10:07 am 
Visions of Light:
Awaken Children of the Light

2003-Awaken-Chidren-Of-The-Light-ReturnoftheChrist-org.jpg [ 107.31 KiB | Viewed 2794 times ]

For each of us, this is the journey — to be able to stand securely,
joyfully, and with confidence, in our own sense of truth,
and to offer it to the world with gratitude.

Understanding Energies
The Sacred Process of Purification

Available on Amazon

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 Post subject: 30 Million Americans - Prayers For The Hungry
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 4:20 pm 
30 Million Americans - Prayers For The Hungry

Prayers for the opening of politicians hearts which if they chose to do so, could compassionately, extend the SNAP program benefits for the 30 million Americans living in poverty.

I have been in similar circumstances in my past, and I can share with you Dearest Readers, the hurdles to receiving help to have enough food to eat since the laws were changed under President Clinton's administration regarding receiving food assistance, can not only be difficult, but at times, it can also be demeaning, and soul crushing. (If you were born after this time, this is when the political message of the time was that the poor amongst us, were abusing the system, somewhat like the voting restriction rhetoric.)

The pain, the angst, of hunger is something that is hidden. I remember I felt shame and guilt that I could not support myself and needed to ask for assistance. I remember before even asking for assistance, how the lack of nutrition effected my energy levels, my ability to make sound decisions, and how it effected my mood and outlook. I also remember, that the food assistance, as generous as it was, always ran out a week and a half before help arrived again. When I shopped, I walked, and took buses, to find the cheapest foods to stretch out my budget. The last week was spent eating hard-times meals. This was some time ago, how difficult it must be during these times of inflation.

So, if you feel moved to do so, pray for the hearts of politicians who can help The People who continue to need the SNAP assistance, to open. Pray for those who are hungry, the men, women, children, elderly and those who are challenged with limitations. These prayers will not alleviate their hunger pains, but perhaps, well something miraculous might happen.

And if you can afford it, support, your local food bank, or toss in some extra groceries in the baskets by the front door of your grocery stores.

My heart is so sad when I think of the hidden suffering coming forward for 30 million of my brothers and sisters in the richest country on the planet.

with love,

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 Post subject: I Never Felt Guilt - I Felt Profound Grief
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 8:44 pm 
I Never Felt Guilt - I Felt Profound Grief

When I served in New Orleans after hurricane Katrina, I had the honour of speaking with many of the elders of various communities - wards.

These are few of the history's I remember being told, and the profound grief I experienced. I was told by an elder about a house he and his wife wanted to buy and that on the deed it stated that the house “shall not be sold to a black person”. I listened with grief to an elder share about his Father being a runaway slave and his Grandfather whom he was raised with, who was a slave freed after the war. I offered cooked food once, and an elder let me know that in their community, in the early 1900’s their family members had died from eating poisoned food given to them by Caucasian folks, they politely declined. A young person spoke with me about using the word ‘picnic’, and how the word brought up traumatic family memories of members of their family being picked up by Caucasion men who at the time, used the slang “We are going to pic ni_____”. One family member was beaten, another found dead on the roadside in a ditch. These are powerful and painful remembrances that were shared from the heart, with me. I never once felt guilty as I sat, listened, and learned. I did feel profound grief that these lovely souls before me and their ancestors, had to endure these indignities, cruelties, and horrors.

May our nation find the strength and integrity to heal our past, with respect, acknowledgement, compassion, reparations, shared grief, and love.

March 5, 2023 update: I have been reflecting upon this post for some days. And I asked myself, "Why would you write that you are not feeling guilty, but feeling profound grief?" Yesterday whilst shoveling snow it came to me, "Guilt is a focus on my feelings about events I was powerless to intervene or help i. Profound grief, or grief, is the heart opening to another's heart, to another's experiences, it is the acknowledgement with presence of another's suffering and being with them in their experience."

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 Post subject: Remain A Source Of Light - Teaching by GurujiMa
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 9:00 pm 
Remain A Source of Light

Remain-a-source-of-light-GurujiMa-lightomega-OEA-forum.jpg [ 368.71 KiB | Viewed 2789 times ]

"One must be diligent to remain a source of Light."

Morning Meditation’s with GurujiMa
February 1, 2023

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 Post subject: The Divine Harmonic: Coming Together in Unity
PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 2:02 pm 
The Divine Harmonic: Coming Together in Unity
GurujiMa  |  January 29, 2023 ... for-earth/

What is my sacred purpose for being here now? That is the question of this time, not only ”what’ is my purpose,’ but how can I best fulfill it in each moment?

You have come here to take part in a transition of the Earth’s being. You may not know that, but someplace in you, you know that this is a time of great change. You know that there are things happening that are creating an upheaval, a questioning of existing structures of reality, a questioning of the structure of government, a questioning of the way we relate to each other.  Someplace in you, you know this.

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