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 Post subject: Prophecies of the Old King and the New Master
PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 5:00 pm 

Prophecies of the Old King and the New Master

Behold, the sons and daughters of the hard of heart.

These sons and daughters request that you bow before them for they have come to save you.

* * *

Whilst the charismatic old king entertains and regales his adoring subjects, the new master brings forth his righteous rage and fearlessness to punish all who are not made in his image and likeness.

* * *

Once the Beloved Master walked this Earth humbly, in sandals bringing forth the Teachings of love, compassion, humility and love for one another.

The new master, wiley in all the ways of guile, manipulations, and corruptions, brings for the good news of unmitigated control of ‘Other’ and power.

* * *

A rising of the warlord States of America.

* * *

The new master — bringing forth the command of the art of insult and divisiveness.

Slick of phrase, quick of offense, the new master corrupts the innocent of the ways of political powers to become one with destruction and irreverence.

* * *

The hordes are coming!

The hordes are coming!

Instructions to the populace to be afraid of the poor, the suffering, the homeless, the widow, the orphans, the meek, and the migrant.

* * *

No longer deemed opponents of political parley, opponents of those who come to save are condemned as evil, to be punished as they endeavor to save the Homeland.

* * *

The new master, scholarly in the ways of power instructs the youth that ‘Other’ and all who support 'Other’, shall be punished without mercy.

* * *

A time of the indoctrination of the youth to save them from the indoctrination of ‘Other’.

* * *

Yea! Hear thee – you shall not mention the sins of our Fathers for you insult our American pride.

* * *

A promising of an ideal which has roots in hatred and division.

* * *

Freedom of Speech:

“Freedom for me – insults for thee.”

* * *

The doctrine of ‘the American way of life’ brought to you by the new master.

* * *

Imagine a master who cares not one wit for anyone who does not follow strict adherence to his visions and ideologies. Charming, charismatic, friendly and insulting, cruel and punishing – calling all who would heed his words to crush “Other”.

* * *

A man who secretly lusts for the ultimate position of power in his Homeland targets and desecrates the man and his name who sits in the sacred seat of service.

* * *

Aye, the new master drains the heart.

* * *

“Only I shall be on a pedestal!” Cries the new master. “None are above me!”

* * *

The new master shall speak to you of what you may believe, think, and speak whilst claiming he comes in the name of freedom of speech.

* * *

Remember, remember, the crimes and cruelties of Fallujah.

May God have mercy upon their souls.

* * *

The new master classifies insults, falsehoods, and fear mongering as 'freedom of speech'.

No quarter.

* * *

“Why I do not care what you or anyone thinks of me”, declares the new master. “I lead with the true convictions of a man who has donned the armour of God.”

* * *

Intentions of the New Master:

“I am coming for America”.

* * *

“Yea, it is I who shall determine what is right for you”, claims the new master.

* * *

The New Master Brings the Good News.

My America, my principles, my ways, my laws, my visions – my kingdom come, my will be done.

* * *

Gilded hands gather to anoint the head and uphold the new master who wears the armour of God as he promises to take America with his shield of faith.

* * *

The Missionaries of Freedom:

Coming forward to tame the heathen ‘Other’ and save America.

* * *

New rulers rise in the free Republic, lauded and funded by the Gilded in the name of their God and coin.

* * *

The Good Samaritan.

Good Samaritan’s lay down their lives, not take them by the barrel of a gun.

* * *

A Time Of Great Woe and Sufferings:

A forgetting of the Teachings of the Beloved Master Christ Jesus by those who claim a mandate to ‘save’ America.

To view all the prophecies and visions visit:

To view the prophecies and visions received in 2022: ... formation/

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 Post subject: Personal Insights On The Energies Of The New Master
PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 10:35 am 

Dearest Readers,

These insights came to me in a sacred discussion concerning an embodied soul coming forth who seeks to take the place of the one who sought to be king of America.

This is what came to me me - of course with all visions and prophecies, they are given not to induce fear, rather to bring forth a recognition that the Creator of All, is aware of all, and is always with embodied souls on this blessed Earth.

Time itself will prove the veracity of what has been given to me to share with all Dearest Readers.

They introduce the energies of a new leader coming forward.

A man who is more formidable than the man who seeks to be king of America.

This new leader is charismatic, younger, and may well fall under the radar of caution as he gains power.

I perceive the energies of a false saviour in him.

I perceive many falling under his charismatic influence to the detriment of the Nation.

I perceive this man seeking to bring the kingdom of God to the American Republic.

Bear With and Stand in Love,

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 Post subject: The Despair of ‘Unfair’
PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2022 8:00 am 

The Despair of ‘Unfair’

Trusting-in-the-face-of-despair-photo-JohannaRaphael c.JPG
Trusting-in-the-face-of-despair-photo-JohannaRaphael c.JPG [ 97.61 KiB | Viewed 2589 times ]

It has been my experience Dear Readers that when one is aligning with the energies of despair regarding the unfairness of one’s suffering, that the embodied soul is like someone who is flailing in the water, asking those around then who are struggling to stay afloat, to save them. Without stillness and trust, both can go under.

Trusting in That which Created All - for some God as they understand God - does not imply that a life without challenges, limitations, or difficulties won’t incur.

Rather, this form of trusting requires an anchoring in the self in times of great suffering that the I AM Presence which holds all is with us. It requires a conscious choice to believe that we are not alone, and we are being called to rise above our despair and thoughts of unfairness.

This is not an easy spiritual task. That is why is is known as spiritual mastery. It is the mastering of thoughts and emotions which are aligned with fear and doubt, and choosing to face one’s limitations with courage and hope.

with love,

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 Post subject: On Retreat - August 1 to September 12, 2022
PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 4:09 pm 

On-Retreat-photo-JohannaRaphael-OEA-8-2022.jpg [ 133.79 KiB | Viewed 2587 times ]

The free soul moves from one unknown to another,
trusting the Divine, holding on to nothing,
allowing oneself to be led.

The ego, by contrast, seeks control and certainty.

May you see this choice before you, and meet it with wisdom.

The Book of Blessings

Hello Dear Readers,

I know with certainty it is time to Retreat within and connect deeper within with the Divine when the inspiration for my Retreat photo comes to me.

The inspiration came to me today.

I will be back in September.

Prayers for the suffering, in the now, and in the now's to come.

with love,

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 Post subject: Understanding Energies: The Process of Purification
PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 9:10 am 

Understanding Energies: The Process of Purification

Series of 3 - Sept. 9, 16, 23, 2022, 7:30pm

with GurujiMa

Suggested donation: $10-$15 per class or what you are guided to

[center]Energies of light and darkness exist on cosmic, planetary, and individual levels. They have nothing to do with skin color but act as forces. Light is the primary activating force that moves one toward the further integration of the human and the Divine through a vibrational shift in body and consciousness. Darkness, in its essence, is that which is opposed to the expansion of light. One might wish that only light would be present, guiding the way toward the Divine. However, opposing energies are very common, at times making progress more difficult and creating challenges that need to be overcome. Yet, at the same time, these very challenges enable the self to grow.

To wish something were not present is understandable. To deny its reality, however, limits one’s free choice as to how to navigate through difficult times. This class will illuminate the world of energies and create a foundation for moving through periods of darkness, whether internal or external. It will teach the way of navigation through ancient principles of light and of purification, now brought into their modern form for all to learn from.

There is only One here, only One,
And it lives inside you as You.
Om namo Bhagavate, Om namo Namaha.

- GurujiMa -

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 Post subject: With God: Transformation, Suffering and Grace
PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 7:46 pm 

With God: Transformation, Suffering and Grace

"The sacred passage of time brings to you that which you need to encounter."

Morning Meditation with GurujiMa
August 10, 2022

With-God-Transformation-and-Suffering-JohannaRaphael.jpg [ 231.23 KiB | Viewed 2334 times ]

Hello Dear Readers,

It is good to be back writing to you again.

This photo is from a vision I received in 1994. Somewhere on this forum is the original.

What is different in this photo of this vision I received in 1994?

Many things. Such as in the original, there are another set of hands reaching up to my head symbolizing what to do - the mental aspect of seeking to control that which feels, and at times is, uncontrollable.

Also, one might notice that the boundaries of the self are disappearing. Beloved GurujiMa mentioned in a Morning Meditation about “entry points’ for the energies of darkness. I do not believe that this was GurujiMa’s intention in the teaching, but the phrase stuck with me as I am becoming even more porous as my body is changing and transforming.

And then there are both the lines of darkness, and the angels uplifting my heart.

First the lines of darkness. They represent energies which bring forth outer chaos, pain, intense suffering, fatigue, and for many, feeling sick. They are darker in this form of the vision as these energies, being released by the increasing intensity of the incoming Light, are stronger.

Secondly, the Light of the angels is brighter, there is more Light around my heart, and the inner eye in the vision of my heart is becoming more light filled. These symbolize to me that Light coming into my embodied being, and the Light supporting me are getting stronger.
This is Grace.

Recent events are enlightening the more fear prone aspects of my embodied self that the Light which surrounds me is with me, and those I love.

As I was working on this vision, a dear sister of my heart was hit literally by as we euphemistically used to say in the 1980’s when we were feeling terrible - “a Mack truck”. The truck did not see her in the middle lane when it was merging onto the highway, hit her car, sent her car spinning out so that she was now in front of the truck, and pushed her car with her still in it, down the highway, sideways. She told me she could have reached out of her broken window and touched the grill of the truck. Not only did she survive, her only injuries were minor. Some bruising, a sprained arm, and some soreness.
This is Grace.

I drove to her home to pick up her puppy after she called me from the hospital. The roads to her home are full of hills, and two bridges. I drove there and back safely. In the morning when I went to get into the car I noticed a clear fluid on the ground. When I turned on the car and put my foot onto the brakes they went to the floor without any resistance. There was a problem with the brake line and the brake fluid had leaked out. The brakes had failed — after I had parked the vehicle. This is Grace.

I recognize the reality of this Grace and am feeling incredible gratitude. This does not mean that the energies of darkness are suddenly not tormenting my body or my mind. This does not mean that my life is going wonderfully. A recognition of being protected, of experiencing the energies of Grace, informs my embodied self that the Light is getting stronger within, and that no matter what, no matter how challenging life is in any given moment, that God is with me. This is Grace.

with love,

Prayers for the suffering in Pakistan and Mississippi. Prayers for those enduring the ongoing sufferings in Ukraine.

In times of change, the roots of your trust are challenged.
When you reach the fork in the road will you choose fear or trust?

Morning Meditation with GurujiMa
August 10, 2022

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 Post subject: In The Sacred Moment: Time and Transformation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 11:37 am 

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“…the soul establishes a relationship with listening that replaces the relationship with time, so that all that is important is the divine Word which instructs, guides, and whispers from moment to moment concerning what needs to be paid attention to. “

“The perception of time in transformation is a function of Light moving through consciousness. It is measured not in terms of linear increments, but in terms of quality, intensity, and meaning.”

Time and Transformation
Published in 1997 (No longer in publication)

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 Post subject: Transformation: The Energy Body and the Physical Body
PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2022 5:23 pm 

A new science that describes the relationship of the energy body to the physical body needs to come into being. It exists in potential now, but has not been fully articulated. What it will demonstrate is that the organs of the body contain karmic memories and messages, and that they exist in a variable frequency, without a huge separation between energy and matter. This combined energy-matter field is the quantum field of energy that we understand to be the foundation of the physical universe. However, it exists within the physical body as well, with all kinds of energies interacting at multiple levels.

What we think of as the physical body is physical, but it is not separate from all the other energy layers of a human being. The karmic messages are implanted in the physical organs during the incarnational process for each individual, creating a body that is full of emotional intelligence. All the organs carry the intelligence of emotion. All have something that they are there to communicate.

Read the entire Teaching bu GurujiMa here:
The Energy Body and the Physical Body ... elligence/

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 Post subject: Judicial Wisdom
PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 8:03 am 

" immoral war against morality in America."

Lies, Politics and Democracy: J. Michael Luttig (interview) FRONTLINE

Dearest Readers,

I recently watched all the in depth interviews from a FrontLine series called Lies, Politics and Democracy. This particular interview of former Judge Michael Luttig, was so sincere and concise in the offerings of explanations of the Constitution, the meaning of Democracy, and the Constitutional laws regarding the election of 2020, that I felt guided to share it with you. Former Judge Luttig speaks slowly, balancing his insights with years of judicial wisdom. This posting is for your reflection if you feel so moved to watch it.

with love,

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 Post subject: Eternal Being
PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 8:08 am 

"Once you exist, you exist for all time, forever.
You're an eternal being."

Quote from Morning Meditation with GurujiMa
September 21, 2022

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 Post subject: The Aspritational Process of Purification
PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 8:41 am 

Hello Dearest Readers,

I was meditating yesterday on how challenging most moments of my embodied life are right now. The energies in which I am called to contain and purify are rooted deeply in chaos. The mantra I find the most supportive is found in Psalm 46, line 10 - "be still, and know that I AM God."

The energies of chaos are permeating all levels of my embodied existence, and I find that staying as still as possible, with a quiet mind, and releasing inner expectations related to the word "should' are helping immensely, as well as my anchoring in the Morning Meditations with GurujiMa.

"What about prayer?" One may ask. This level of purification of energies of chaos and negation is effecting not only my body and its functioning, but also my cognitive abilities. My prayers are found in my faithfulness, surrender, and waiting.

During a recent Purification talk, GurujiMa shared with us about the importance of "dis-identifying with negative energies, letting go of whatever impulse comes up within us and not letting these energies go out into the world". The last aspect, is why I choose not to write about the details of this particular phase of purification I am going through. I perceive that to do so, would be a releasing of the energies I am to contain out into the world.

There are moments during these experiences where I reflect back to years ago when I went through similar experiences of outer chaos, experiences in which I was unable to control what was happening around me and through my embodied self. During those times, I now see how deeply immersed I was in the energies of fear. These moments in time are different. I feel God 'with' me even tho it does not always register mentally, I feel it in my embodied being.

Rather, as I am going through these intense experiences, I remember or have flashbacks of how terribly afraid I was of collapsing in the presence of such intense energies in the past, and then in the next moment, I reflect upon how my inner self is quieter, reminding my overwhelmed self, to be still, to wait, to let go of problem solving and finding solutions, to surrender, to lie down, to take a walk, to remember that "this too shall pass".

My personality is being purified and aspects of my soul are coming forward.

with love and gratitude,

Update 9/24/22: I want to thank GurujiMa for the Purification talks. It was so very helpful to have a sacred platform in which to share with you, Dear Readers, with greater depth, the unique to my soul, purification experiences I undergo in service and love.


Trusting is a Divine action that can heal you.

Understanding Energies: The Process of Purification

September 16, 2022

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 Post subject: New Prophecies and Visions - September 2022
PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 8:47 am 

Re-imagining Embodied Reality:

Every embodied soul has the potential to transform themselves.

An important requirement is the willingness to move in the presence of oppressive and repressive energies from a “I can’t” consciousness to a “I can with You.”

Days of the Christ - Transformation ... formation/

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