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 Post subject: Happy Birthday GurujiMa! Shiva Shakti!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 6:31 am 

Longing is an arrow of the heart that is directed toward a goal. The longing of your heart to know God, for example, opens the way for you to find your deeper self and the the home that is yours.

Embrace longing.

It is the guide for your journey.

The Book of Blessings

Beloved GurujiMa-2022JPG.jpg
Beloved GurujiMa-2022JPG.jpg [ 62.93 KiB | Viewed 2305 times ]

"The movement toward the replacement of external validation for what s 'real' to internal validation is one of incalculable significance. For it signifies the end of the dominance of the mind over the perception of reality, and the ascendance of the force of soul over the definition of this same reality. No longer can the mind counter spiritual truth with the same force of persuasion regarding what 'makes sense.' for as the soul gains in prominence, it is increasingly accepted that the perceptions brought by spirit will not 'make sense' to the mind. As a result, greater freedom ensues which allows one to pursue spiritual truth without the validation of the mind, and with far less participation on the mental level that may have existed before.

Such a progression is a monumental step that is part of spiritual awakening. As the seat of our knowledge becomes less what the mind declares and more what the spirit reveals, our separated mind begins to play a different role in our life, one that is more subservient to the will of the soul. At this time inner guidance begins to reveal itself more clearly, and our heart, now more fully directed by our soul, becomes our intimate guide as the old ways are let go of."

The Joy of Surrender

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 Post subject: Ideological Culture Wars: Weaponizing Emotional Energies
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 11:53 am 

Ideological Culture Wars:
Weaponizing Emotional Energies

Many years ago Dear Readers, political and in some cases, evangelical religious leadership of different denominations, discovered the power of uniting under the banner of ideological culture wars and activating strong emotional currents in an effort to encourage their base of voters to vote for them.

In my personal experience, it could be surprising to meet someone under the influence of these powers as the energies being expressed, especially emotional energies, were intense. These energies were seemingly inviting conversation and reasoning, yet if one paid close attention, what was unfolding was a crusading or mission-like energies entering into the conversation which sought to convert, at times overwhelming the engagement.

After the recent Supreme Court legislation of American law through rulings, I have witnessed how these energies have shifted into the greater population.

Which brings me to the point of this post Dear Readers.

Culture wars are consciously designed to activate unconscious emotional currents around political single issue talking points and laws usually with a basis in religiously based morality, with an outcome always, always Dear Readers, of creating dis-unity, judgement, attack, and the garnering of greater authoritarian power hidden - masked by strong emotional currents intentionally generated to reverberate through the populace.

This has been and is, happening in Hungary, India, the United States of America, Turkey, Israel, France, and many other countries.

I was meditating upon how those in political power along with the 'selected' religious ideologies and leadership that the authoritarian leaders use as a form of control upon populations focuses, with laser like clarity, upon 'Other", usually those who are not in moral alignment with the ideologies of the authoritarians - weaponizing the freedom to be as your Creator or the Universal Force of Creation made you to be, and laws in order to make nations in their image and likeness.

What is being energetically unleashed in the United States of America has been at the root of mass human suffering, torture, oppression, death and horrors noted in history, once thought to be relegated to the past.

If you find yourself musing politically on a single issue, trying to clarify your morality with another without respecting their own moral compass and truths, you just might be under the influence of the emotional energies of the Ideological Culture wars.

Bear with Nation.
Bear with each other with love.

with love,

Teachings by GurujiMa on Emotional Energies:

...It is a great learning to understand that choice is possible in relation to feelings. Such learning comes from a threefold awareness:

First, that negative emotional states can be amplified by habits of the past that create easy access to certain feelings. It is therefore more likely to feel such feelings in many different situations, even when they are not warranted. This is the ‘karmic picture’, and it heightens certain emotions, even when they are unwanted. Such well-worn pathways are often what the body and personality inherit at the time of birth.

“I am not the emotion passing through me. I am my inner being, connected with God.”

Second, negative emotional states can be amplified by oppositional energies operating within the self or coming from outside the self that seek to separate one from their spiritual center, the center of truth and light. Such energies intensify the sense of depression, discouragement, hopelessness, etc., creating a sense of entrapment within the emotional field, accompanied by the perception that there is no way out. Energies of opposition can also create emotional states, bringing up feelings and thoughts that are not really one’s own, or amplifying the habitual feelings that one is most familiar with. (See ‘karmic picture’.)

Third, although emotional states are most often part of the personality structure that one has incarnated with, the personality structure is not, and need not be, what one identifies with, especially during times of trial. One’s connection with God and with the Divine core of one’s being can be what one identifies with, clings to, and trusts, even in the presence of difficult emotions. Here, it is not a matter of denying what one feels, but of knowing that another perception, feeling, or response is possible.  Turning in trust to the Divine core of one’s being can offer the alternative to negative emotional states, and a path to greater freedom.  This is especially true to the degree that one can affirm:

“I am not the emotion passing through me. I am my inner being, connected with God.”

This truth of the soul can be reached for even in the presence of bodily sensations and repetitive thoughts that seem to suggest there is no other way to feel. Its presence lives in the eternal oneness within each soul. Therefore, its truth is always positive.

Separating from Negative Emotions ... as-a-soul/

...If you hold this time that we’re in to be a heightened state of purification, and in some cases a greatly heightened state, it’s not about answering the question in each situation of: Why is this happening? Sometimes, in relation to your own personal life and to the life of the country you might have an answer, at least one that seems plausible. But very often asking a ‘why’ question is not going to produce an answer because there is no answer on the human level as to why emotions get out of control in many people, or why fear becomes widespread through a great portion of the population. So, we have anger getting out of control on one level of the emotional landscape, and then we have fear getting out of control on another level of the emotional landscape, and many people are caught in this upheaval of not knowing where to turn and just being bombarded by those feelings, either fear or anger.

If you don’t go in that direction, then you take responsibility for looking for the place that wants to align with love and peace. Looking for it is the first step toward finding it. And the reason that you can move in that direction is because it already lives inside you.

Global Purification and Its Effect on Our Emotions ... -emotions/

...Suspending identification with particular emotions is often very difficult since emotions are perceived as most real and as who we are. This is based on our long history of identifying with them in order to grow. Releasing emotional identification opens an energetic pathway in which change can occur.

On Separating from Strong Emotions ... -the-soul/

Guided Meditations: Transforming Emotions

Guided meditations with GurujiMa are both a sharing of stillness and of wisdom. They can be joined by anyone of any spiritual background or of no background at all with

Guided Meditations: Transforming Emotions ... -emotions/

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 Post subject: A Tale of Two Forms of Justice in The United States
PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 6:04 pm 

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"When there are no more strangers for us in the world, when we see each other as brother and sister, then the heart can open fully to the day and to all the events within it, for there is no one left to fear and no one left to judge. There is only love to be re-discovered."

Teaching the Heart to Sing

May it be so.

with love,

July 15, 2022 - The Coroner reported today that there were 47 bullet wounds in Jayland's body. I find this to be so shockingly and morally wrong.

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 Post subject: July 4th: Believing In What Can Be Possible
PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 11:11 am 

"[We]... are evolving into what we can be, our deeper nature."

"Trust in the face of adversity."

July 4th, 2022

Dear Readers,

Once available, I will post the link to the talk by GurujiMa from whence these quotes originate.

with love,

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 Post subject: Mass Shootings: The Erosion of Innocence And Safety
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 9:13 am 

Hello Dearest Readers,

Yesterday, I was musing with a family member about when we were children and our Mother would dress all of her children in matching red, white, and blue outfits as we headed off to the community 4th of July parade. We would be standing on the sidewalks waving our handheld flags, joyful without knowing the deeper meaning of the celebration - innocent and joyful.

This morning, I read about the mass shooting in Highland Park, Illinois, at a 4th of July parade.

Prayers for this community in their time of grief and sufferings.

The sadness filling my heart for the children in this country, as well as adults, who now harbor the energies of fear (conscious or unconsious), in their hearts when considering attending public events, going to a grocery store, a Synagogue, Church, Mosque, a mall, a Yoga Center, a nail salon, a 1st Amendment right protest, a school... this sadness is so profoundly lodged in my spirit.

My soul understands that before one purifies the energies of darkness, these energies must be made manifest to bring about transformation. Even as this is true, my heart is so very, very, sad.

Bear with Nation.
Bear 'with' each other.

with love,

To the Beloved Citizens of America, now suffering in the face of violence of one group toward another that seems beyond all reasonable expectation and that feels like it is spiraling out of control. To you, Beloved Ones, I say: Be awake! Be awake to the grief in your hearts. Be awake to your feelings of helplessness. Be awake to your feelings of loss of hope and to your dismay. And let not your awakeness convert these feelings into rage, into hopelessness, into despair, or into polarization which creates even more enmity than that which already exists.

The Shadow of Violence That Hovers Over America

GurujiMa ... r-america/

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 Post subject: A History Of Gun Violence In The United States Of America
PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:16 am 

A History Of Gun Violence In The United States Of America

Hello Dear Readers,

I came upon this treatise on the history of gun violence in the United States of America.

I am posting it for your contemplation. It is a very long article, and provides deeper insights into why no matter the level of gun violence and mass murders, nothing seems to change. What I discovered is that guns and gun violence are a part the DNA of this country's founding, as well as other countries which have been colonized.

It also answers for me, why we (collectively) are not helping the people of Ukraine. Sure, the United States is sending an abundance of weapons, which is lucrative and profitable for the weapons industry, but in my humble opinion Dear Readers, we are not really helping a country and it's peoples who are being destroyed by the minute.

This article is a deep read in which hope for a new and different future is possible. To know one's history is to open to the possibilities for choice and change both in consciousness and behaviours.

with love,

P.S. This article does contain some frank and at times, salty language use.

"...Every time you hear Democratic politicians talk about how absolutely horrible it is that kids in our schools and on “our streets” are killed by weapons of war, you have to wonder, why is it that so many of these weapons of war are made here to begin with? The flip side of that statement is that these killings are okay if they’re on someone else’s street. And in fact, figures like Pete Buttigieg have explicitly said things like, “Weapons like the one I carried in Afghanistan have no place on our streets or in our schools.” The answer is not to appeal to this elsewhere where those guns belong but rather to recognize that if we’re committed to diminishing gun violence at home, that also means diminishing our apparent lust for committing and perpetuating gun violence abroad."

Gun Control Alone Won’t Suppress the US’s Death Drive
An interview with
Patrick Blanchfield ... lism-freud

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 Post subject: Beware of the Self-Appointed Destroyers of the Satanic
PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 7:01 pm 
Energies Coming Forward:
Beware of the Self-Appointed Destroyers of the Satanic

“Here!” Cry the pious punishers.
“Follow our ways and we shall save you from all who do not follow our creed.’

“Here!” Says the voice of darkness.
“Once again my doctrine of hate shall rule through the zealously righteous.”


At 4 a.m. this morning in Georgia, the Georgia Guidestone’s to some, a satanic and conspiracy laden symbol was bombed by an unknown person or persons. On Twitter, shockingly, (yes, shockingly), many people celebrated the destruction of the stones and claimed it was an act of God to destroy what some felt was a satanic tableau.

What I am perceiving Dearest Readers are energies coming forward increasing in boldness and belligerence with violence against symbols, places, and organizations which are not made in the image and likeness of those who would re-make the Nation into an obedient religious nation.

I am reminded of the history of the early Protestant religion in England, after Henry the VIII robbed the Catholic Churches of their wealth and murdered priests, there were those who came after who destroyed and defaced symbols of Catholicism as ‘satanic’ symbols and idolatry. The energies of intolerance and zealotry manifesting within this nation are of a similar frequency.

I do not hold any opinions either way of the Georgia Guidestones or their content. I do have strong feelings about zealots of any religious or political inclination bombing and destroying what triggers their inner fears or intolerance's.

The energies of darkness once hidden within the hearts of the zealous are accelerating in their expressions of violence.

“Remember Love”. - GurujiMa

with love,

P.S. In the 1980's a time in which I was alive, the growth of population and the changing climate as well as the ensuing suffering was talked about when the world population was at 4 billion embodied souls and growing exponentially. Watch for those who would seek to inflame your emotions with conspiracy theories. I know Dear Readers, I have gotten caught by these energies before I learnt to discern them.

Be not afraid for you shall witness acts which will confound and confuse your hearts.

Even so, be not afraid for these times have been foretold to prepare you and guide you.

Even in the darkest of moments, remember love.


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 Post subject: Who Knoweth The Revelations of Love
PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:30 am 

Who Knoweth The Revelations of Love Shall Carry Forth The Light

Carry these words forth as I have called you to do so.

All truths shall be known.

All shall be revealed.


Hello Dear Readers,

I was meditating this morning whilst weeding in the garden how there might be some Readers who find the above post highly ironic or even comical. That is... warning in a prophetic way that there are embodied souls aligning with energies which seek to destroy the Nation as we know it to create a theocratic Nation of religious obedience. Warnings shared and anchored long before the prolific rise of self-proclaimed prophets for profit and conspiracy groups seeking to undermine democracy.

Dearest Readers, the website Return of the Christ, since its launch in the year 2003 has been warning of events which are unfolding in the present, and continue to unfold. At that time, when the actions and energies of those who seek and sought to create a Nation in its image and likeness were still hidden from view, I am sure I was thought of as either crazy or a conspiracy theorist. It was a lonely road and burden to bear without the loving support and encouragement I received to trust that God and the Realms of the Holy. My mind - my ego would rail against my heart, “who would choose someone like me, a flawed nobody really, to receive prophecies and visions”?

I did, and to this day, doubt what comes through me. “Should I share this?” “Is this my ego or personality speaking?” ”Wait, this is really frightening should I share this vision?”At the same time, I have learned that not sharing what is given to me, unbidden, brings greater pain to my spirit, and sometimes my body, than the fears of my ego.

I am by my own admittance, a reluctant prophet. This holy gift is a heavy burden to bear, isolating, bringing forth to my heart and body, energies and visions which I would rather not perceive. Words of sorrow and suffering which I would rather, if it was up to my ego, not share. Who wouldn’t want to be a prophet of news which is uplifting and joyful? Whilst there are plenty of prophecies which do share comfort, compassion and hope, there are even more which share warnings. Warnings which are given, as I humbly understand, to show by their very presence in time and space, that God - the Divine Creator, is always with us, is aware, and that all is unfolding and will unfold is held in Love.

The website containing prophecies called the Return of the Christ has never been monetized. Seeks to collect no data, contains no advertising. It is a gift of love which has been a sacred platform for anchoring prophecies and visions of warning and love for the last nineteen years.

Personally, I feel so saddened in my heart to see many embodied souls taken in by other embodied souls proclaiming to speak for God, creating and spreading energies of hatred and cruelty, energies encouraging punishing and the taking of liberties and freedoms in the name of their God or whatever their theology, creed, or political leanings.

It matters not to me who comes and reads what I say, for I am in service to God as I understand God. It matters not to me how popular I am, if people like or believe in what I share. I do this holy work because my soul commands me to and betraying my soul is a betrayal of my heart, my very life. I am here to anchor the prophecies and visions. If as a result of this work, there are those who feel the truth in what I am given to share, this truly is a blessing. Even so, the energies of Light that come through this embodied being in service, are anchored and my soul will rest easily when I am to leave this beloved Earth. For I followed through with what I was called to do.

with love,

Daughter, your pen falters.

(Yes Beloved. For these words I write carry such sorrow and pain. How shall we bear these sorrows to come?)

Daughter of My Heart, I forsake none.

As a branch is of the tree all are of Me.

For I AM


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 Post subject: The Stillness of Unity Inside of You - Morning Meditations
PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 7:38 pm 

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Morning Meditations:

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 Post subject: If You Want The World To Change...
PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 7:00 pm 

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If you want the world to change GurujiMa July 2022 .jpg [ 99.61 KiB | Viewed 2252 times ]

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 Post subject: Choosing How We Live with Our Beloved Earth
PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 7:47 pm 
Choosing How We Live with Our Beloved Earth: A Conversation

Wednesday, July 27, 2022
7:00 – 8:00pm EDT
Online Only ... versation/

“Our house is on fire. I am here to say, our house is on fire….. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. I want you to act as you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if the house is on fire. Because it is.”
— Greta Thunberg

In this “Conversation,” we will move into our hearts to discover what gets in the way of change. We will ask what the heart wants to do, what it is afraid to do, and what it doesn’t know how to do. In particular, we will seek to speak openly and vulnerably about our motivations that lead to choices for comfort — as compared to the willingness to be uncomfortable for the sake of the Earth. We will look at what our choices could be — and, we will look with compassion at the internal and external obstacles to changing how we live.

We welcome you to join us.

This event is hosted by the Driving Cars, Planting Trees Committee of the Village of Light Ashram: Diana, Jim, Kristen, Michaela and Robert — with GurujiMa

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 Post subject: Sacred Art of the Heart - Meadowing
PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 8:00 pm 

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Hello Dear Readers,

I have more rabbits this year, who eat the clover in the meadow area of my yard staying away from the food I grow.

Now the chipmunk population explosion in the rock ledges are another story... sigh.

Climate change is effecting the behaviour of wildlife.

with love,
Let's get growing!

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