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 Post subject: A Joy To Witness: OP Motivation Love
PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 11:41 am 

Dearest Brothers and Sisters,

I see you - my heart feels you.

I see hierarchy free groups of individuals

acting as One heart,

motivated by love,

in service to those who are suffering.

Your service is beautiful to behold.

I bow to the Light and Love within you.

with love,

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 Post subject: Darkness Routed Out By The Presence of Light
PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:27 am 
Darkness Routed Out By The Presence of Light

Hello Dear Readers,

I was meditating on this phrase recently as I was composing an upcoming post on Purification and Self Knowledge.

“…routed out by the presence of light.”

This phrase stayed in the forefront of my consciousness and it led to a memory about the Chinese word for ‘Crisis”.

When I re-read its definition on Wikipedia I saw that the correct interpretation involved not only the word ‘danger’ but the second half of the word had to do with a “change point”.

Planetary Transformation and Trusting

The quotes found in this teaching by GurujiMa best exemplifies how I am seeking to hold the immense sufferings brought about by wars we are all witnessing on the planet:

“…Never before in the history of humanity has the time brought forth such a huge change in the nature of physical/spiritual reality for the people of the earth. There are periods in the past that have awakened the more enlightened — the initiates, devotees, and followers of spiritual paths of various kinds — but the changes present today are affecting all, from those pursuing a deliberate and conscious path toward the Highest, to those for whom a spiritual path is but a distant concept. Everyone, everywhere, is being transformed by the current structural and energetic changes in the physical properties of matter as well as in consciousness, and there will be, in the end, no stone that is unturned.

…These changes that light brings do not uniformly demonstrate love and gentleness, however, because light brings with it the truth-telling function it carries which effects a separating out of all that is not of the light in order to reveal it to both individual and collective consciousness. As it does this, certain aspects of darkness are likely to be given space to be acted out on the physical plane, corresponding to the inner motivations of the heart, mind, and will.

Nonetheless, the time of awakening of humanity to the greater Life of which it is a part has already begun, and shall continue to infuse human consciousness with a sense of hope beyond reason, and faith beyond hope, that will let all know, from the lowest to the highest in stature and in status, that there is not one single person on the earth that lives separately from any other, and there is not one single person on the earth who does not emerge from the same divine Source that is the Creator of all.

In the midst of this huge change that is occurring, small streams are already eroding the formerly solid structures of the old, and in the wake of greater light, there are also present energy forces that seek to counteract light’s expansion by both reinstating the old ways and also by inciting consciousness, where possible, toward increased conflict and an undermining of the principle of love. Though these forces cannot have their way ultimately, until they are defeated by the more powerful force of embodied light, they are able to create a great deal of suffering, confusion, chaos, and despair upon the earth, and they continue to be able to persuade many that God is not real and that one only need look after oneself.

The time of transformation is here, and in its wake many will be asked to let go of things that have been held onto out of fear of facing the unknown. And many more will be asked to accommodate to changed conditions in life that will affect the ways in which ordinary activities are conducted. This patterning of our everyday lives which we have come to take for granted, still maintains a common thread of orientation toward a physical reality within time and space that we are familiar with. All such perceptions will continue to change as light intensifies. Within the air that we breathe will come a new breeze that brings forth hidden aspects of the unseen world of Spirit, and these formerly hidden aspects will reveal themselves to have a greater influence on life than has previously been thought possible.

Over and over again, as we face toward the new and let go of the old, the challenge to the heart must be one of learning to stay in the place of love, not in the place of fear, and to remain steadfast in our trust in Divine wisdom and love to guide us through the transformations that lie ahead. The way forward may be challenging in terms of the levels of difficulty it presents both individually and to the planet, but the possibility for making the passage will be given to all who have chosen to be on the earth at this time. On the deepest and most profound level, it is a matter of choosing God’s reality and the reality of love above and beyond all else, and letting all other motives, decisions, priorities and values recede, relative to the importance of this.

With the principle of Divine Love upholding it, mankind will be able to face what must be faced in the times ahead, and will be able to meet each challenge with a force of light and truth that cannot be defeated by any counterforce that seeks to extinguish it.

May all of life take heart from the knowledge that God’s light and love are the most powerful forces in the universe, and that the task of remaining faithful to these is the way through all difficulty toward the passage home.”

Planetary Transformation — The Time We Are In ... ed-in-all/

“I Am Safely Held In The Unknown”*

In truth Dear Readers, I find my self at times, struggling with my own Purification issues in regards to holding steadfast in trust in the Divine Love in the presence of widespread energies of death and desecration.

My heart feels anguish so often now. I experience in my humanity, my powerless, my limitations, my grief. One can donate, pray, and hold the Light with others with great intention, and yet, and yet, the heart weeps, the heart weeps.

Prayers for the Suffering.

with love,

“…experiences that were never healed or only partly healed in the past have never been integrated by our conscious selves. These become available during purification, routed out by the presence of light.

Making Personal History Conscious
Part I. - Basic Attitudes
Chapter 3. Pages 47 and 48
From Light to Light


* Link to the Meditation “I Am Safely Held In The Unknown”: ... =521950563

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 Post subject: Energies Coming Forward: The Zealotry of the Punishers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 9:10 pm 

Energies Coming Forward: The Zealotry of the Punishers

One may well think, “I have nothing to worry about, I am not an immigrant, nor an asylum seeker, nor a pregnant woman, nor am I of Asian ancestry suffering violent beatings and attacks, nor a Person of Color dying from authoritarian and racist violence, nor do I read the books which are being banned, nor do I live in a state where a rapists family can sue me in a vigilante law-suit, nor do I live in an area where voting is a series of gauntlets to be overcome, nor do I follow the Muslim faith or wear a headscarf, nor am I a Sikh who wears a turban, nor am I effected by price gouging by those who have far too much upon those who have much less, nor am I told to hide the fact that I am gay or transgender, nor do I need to worry about being called a 'groomer' for being LGBQT, nor do I need to worry about being 'outed' as a youth before I am ready to share my truth, nor am I a spouse in a same sex marriage…”

Whilst others are enduring the first pains of the ever-increasing laws criminalizing their right to live their lives in freedom, and express themselves how their Creator made them - it is easy when one lives within a life of privilege to say, “well it is not me, or, they must have deserved it, or they are sinful and I am not.” When one is not labeled as “Other” to be humiliated and identified for harm for being true to themselves, it is easy to fall into a trap believing, “I have nothing to worry about because I am not like those whom the punishers are criminalizing and attacking.”

Oh, ho, ho! Here is the thing, this type of zealotry as it builds in power and energy, will blindly and zealously destroy, desecrate, burn, beat, and hound all who are not made in their image and likeness.

There is no boundary of compassion and human decency the zealous will not cross in order to satiate their lust for power and control, more often than not in the name of their Deity.

In the end, even those who consider themselves to be ‘in the image and likeness of those who would rule us”, will find that they too will be accused of falling short as the punishers, persecutors and oppressors are in constant need of "Other" to project their inner prejudices, hatreds, and biases upon.

When anyone’s freedoms are taken away and criminalized because of the few seeking to rule the many, no one, in the end will be free. No one.

We are moving forward in this Democracy with religious nationalist zealots determined to make this Nation in their image and likeness.

May God’s Love bring mercy to those whose have been hounded by the self appointed zealots seeking to “Save” the Nation, its people, proud traditions, freedoms, and tolerances towards diversity and Otherness.

with love,

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 Post subject: Update 2022: On Posting and Registration
PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 8:18 am 
Hello Dear Readers,

Well, it seems that I am the sole active poster here on the One Earth Awakening Forum. A very unusual experience indeed.

Last year, it became at times, unsettling and exhausting, deleting the posts whose energies were primarily focused on selling products, and lastly, desecrating this sacred forum. It was agreed to close registrations.

Guidance from the Realms of Light has not come forth concerning movement towards a new forum/format or whether it is time to close this forum.

My heart's calling to post remains the same as well as my motivation - love, and respect for your readership.

If I feel that this calling has ended, I will let you know Dear Readers.

Until then, we are in our respective ways, holding this sacred space together for the future.

A very unusual experience indeed, and one which fills my heart with love.

with love,

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 Post subject: Shield of Light - Ukraine
PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 6:10 pm 

Shield-of-Light-for-Ukraine-with-Love-JohannaRaphael.png [ 51.16 KiB | Viewed 1521 times ]

Hello Dear Readers,

These words “Shield of Light”, came to me as part of January 1, 2022 group of visions and prophecies.

At the time I had no idea of the meaning of this phrase. It wasn’t until Russia attacked the Ukrainian peoples and I began reading their words, how they comprehend their situation, and what they are standing for, that I understood in a deeper way, who these embodied souls are.

I don’t know about you Dear Readers, but I cry a lot lately. My mind can’t comprehend how one man can decide to destroy the lives of millions of people, their partings horror filled, and yet, this same man gets away with these actions, for years. And yes, I am aware that the 'one man' syndrome of death and destruction of millions of embodied souls has been going on for millennia.

We keep ‘watching’ massacres.

The scenes from Bucha are so heart wrenching, I have not turned my eyes away. Maripoul and Kharkyiv we have yet to witness.

Prayers for the fearful, the mourners, the survivors. Prayers for the courageous. Prayers for those who suffer profoundly.

with love,

P.S. The red edges are symbolic of the blood of the innocents shed. The shield remains intact.

Shield of Light ... formation/

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 Post subject: Vision of the Pillars of Democracy.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2022 9:08 am 
Vision of the Pillars of Democracy.

Political Speech In A Time of Prolific Profits:

Price gouging as political speech.

* * *

Punisher’s Creed:

“Freedom for me but not for thee.”

* * *

Vision of the Pillars of Democracy.

In a vision I saw the Capitol being upheld by pillars being pulled away by hands of gold.

* * *

Point of Pride:

Fallen Masters will unabashedly, reveal who they are.

* * *

In Times of Widespread and Turbulent Darkness:

Anchor your heart in gratitude and humility. Anchor your heart in readiness to forgive with the wisdom of remembrance.

* * *

Is It Awakening?

Check for the presence of love and tolerance.

* * *

On Avoiding the Abyss of Despair and Anger:

Being able to acknowledge pain or having experienced hurtful actions opens a door in the consciousness to numerous choices and outcomes. Denying pain can keep an embodied soul locked in repetitive cycles of separation and suffering.

Acknowledgment can set the heart free.

* * *

In an oligarchic or aristocratic society, norms and laws violated with nary a move towards accountability or responsibility.

* * *

I write to you from the future, as you visit from the past.

All visions and prophecies can be found at:

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 Post subject: God’s Timing: Visions and Dreams
PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2022 7:08 pm 
God’s Timing
Visions and Dreams

Vision-sleeping-Buddha-Sri-Lanka origins-Kannathi Muthamittal.png
Vision-sleeping-Buddha-Sri-Lanka origins-Kannathi Muthamittal.png [ 336.47 KiB | Viewed 1514 times ]

Hello Dear Readers,

Many years ago, perhaps twenty years ago, I had a vision in a dream of a sleeping Buddha.

I shared this vision in a dream with GurujiMa, and drew what I had seen.

Tonight, whilst watching a Tamil movie where one of the scenes was filmed in Sri Lanka, I saw the vision I had in the dream. The movie this screenshot comes from is called Kannathi Muthamittal.

So many things have fallen into place. My love of Buddha’s, my love for Shiva, my love of Indian culture and Indian movies, and the sacred music of India, especially by Tamil artists.

In God’s Reality, visions and dreams are portals in time. The revelations of their meanings always comes forward in God’s timing.

Was it a dream in a vision or a memory? God knows. My soul knows. I am so happy to see in waking reality what is was that came to me as a vision in a dream.

with love,

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 Post subject: Light Omega Newsletter - Birth Of A Sacred Planet
PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 9:11 am 
Light Omega Newsletter

Birth of a Sacred Planet

Dear Beloved Ones,

What is the realization of the new time we are in? It is the knowing that what you thought was ‘your’ life is part of a greater Life in which all of Creation lives, and that this greater Life seeks to express through you as YOU. This realization is like that of a fish learning that it is swimming in water, and that there is something else that exists, namely, air. We have been swimming in the illusion of separateness and now find out that there is something that binds us together that is not the space between us, but a ’substance’ of connectivity that makes of us one body. The mind does not learn this. The body experiences the Divine substance that connects all that is. May all beings be blessed with this knowledge.




Space, Time, and the Freedom to be Oneself

The freedom to be you in your unique individuality is intimately tied up with our physical senses and with space-time. If we looked with inner eyes we would know that nothing is solid. Everything is energy and everything is Divine gift.

Watch this talk online. ... m-oneself/




Rebalancing in the New Time

In this new time, those who have been hidden within themselves need to come out of themselves to express their formerly concealed deeper truth and being. Those who have come too far out of themselves to live in the eyes of others are being thrust back into themselves so they can realize their own internal wholeness.

Read more... ... ll-beings/




Uplifting the Planet Through Faithfulness

Everything that allows you to move forward in your faithfulness to the principles of light, to your own deeper self, to your sacred purpose for being here, to your following the path of love – all of that becomes part of human consciousness. Your contribution is more significant than anything that you might presently believe.

Listen to meditation online. ... formation/

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 Post subject: Cosmic Currents of Light
PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 9:14 am 

"...Mind, emotions, motivations, relationships, goals, habits, preferences - all of these are influenced by the incoming impulses of spiritual light. In a very fundamental way, change is in the air and is being incorporated within the body. Even the DNA within each cell is being affected.

It is a time for both patience and for celebration, for the cosmic currents of light are wholely positive and their effect will be the transformation of humanity's consciousness in keeping with the principles of unity, harmony, and love. However, as the purification process which results in the complete integration of the new frequencies of light takes place, difficulties produced by the changes in vibration are often felt. And so one must be patient with these changes while remaining hopeful about their outcome.

As a result of the time we are in, the Earth and all of her inhabitants shall finally become able to join the larger community of light that inhabits the spiritual and physical universe of which the Earth is a part. The last two decades have produced an acceleration of movement in this direction, and there is much more to come."

Cosmic Currents of Light
http://essentials-of-purification.light ... light.html

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 Post subject: Revelations Of The Light: Making Personal History Conscious
PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 9:21 am 

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Making Personal History Conscious
Part I. - Basic Attitudes
Chapter 3. Pages 47 and 48
From Light to Light

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 Post subject: The Purification Process: Containment and Freedom
PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 9:36 am 

The Purification Process: Containment and Freedom

What does the term Containment mean when it comes to Purification and how could containing one’s emotion’s lead to freedom?

It would seem upon first glance that the concepts of ‘containing’ and ‘freedom’ are diametrically opposed to each other would it not it Dear Readers?

And yet, within the practice of ‘Containment’ is a pathway to freedom. Freedom of the bondage of self.

To contain something does not mean to deny its existence. If we feel sadness, grief, fear, or anger, then these are the things that we feel. We can know and feel these feelings without acting them out. We can do this, because we are identifying with our soul-self that believes there is a better way to be in the world.

From experience Dear Readers I can share with you that ‘containment’ is a challenging path of spiritual mastery.

Recently, something I spent years healing, was revealed to be to be as yet ‘unhealed’ and I was amazed, not in the moment, but the next day upon reflection, of how easily I slipped back into old emotional patterns of re-action. The thought never crossed my mind in the presence of the strong emotional currents that I did not need to re-act as I did. Choices were available, and yet, there I was falling unconsciously into an old well-grooved pattern leading to my not ‘containing’.

Amends were made. Love remains strong. Forgiveness received.

Embodied soul-life will bring me similar challenges again, and again, if needed, for all of life is healing.

The times we live in Dearest Readers, are extremely challenging, and will, as we move forward on this path of spiritual growth, feel as if life itself at times, is unendurable. It is at that point, I have learned through the years, that change is coming, it is just rising on the horizon. We can, collectively, and individually do this. We can spiritually change and grow. We can, exit this karmic cycle of suffering an pain.

Containment is one of the first steps in leading us there. Lashing out on one another just generates more karmic pain for all involved.

Trust that a way forward is awaiting you. (This is the message my heart carries from years of being with GurujiMa and her teachings.

with love.

“…When we identify with our personal self or personality it is hard to contain negative energies, first, because we believe in them — we believe that they are us — and second, because there is no reason for doing so. It is only when we see and feel a higher value in not acting in negative ways, ways that are separated from love, that we can begin the hard work of containment. Only then can we strive to find ways to separate from our negative feelings and to eliminate the acting out of these feelings. This is because there must be a purpose for doing so, a purpose that is important to us, a purpose that our soul strives for such as purity, God, truth, love, a better world. We must hold an ideal within us that fuels both the process of purification and the specific effort of containment.

…All that we give to the world, for better or worse, has an effect on the world whether we know it or not. When we send out good into the world through our thoughts, words, or actions, we contribute to the raising of the collective consciousness of our fellow man. When we send out evil or dark or angry thoughts, we contribute to the darkness and fear in which many people live. We are each very powerful, and so the choices that we make about what we are contributing to the world are significant choices whether we perceive their effect or not. It is partly for this reason that containment of negative energies is so important. It is important because as powerful beings, we affect the world not just through our larger actions and deeds, but through our words and even through our thoughts and gestures. To become conscious of this is a great privilege and a great responsibility. To become conscious of our power means that we must learn to use it wisely. Without wisdom, we walk around blindly releasing whatever is within us, not knowing the effect that we are creating.

There is a popular idea today in the psychological realm that concerns the beneficial effect of catharsis — the free release of emotional expression. The gist of this idea is that we will feel better if we give vent to something. This idea has truth in it at a certain level, but it is a limited truth with specific limitations. It is better to give vent to feelings than to deny them or to suppress them. It is better to be ourselves than to not be ourselves. However, giving vent to something has more consequences than we presently hold ourselves accountable for. Our emotions affect all those most intimately connected with us, and even if we don’t express ourselves forcefully, our feelings get inside those we know.

What would we be like if each of us lived in our truth? We would relate to each other as souls. We would love each other as children of Creation, children of God. We would help each other at times of separation from that love to find the way back to God. We would not justify our feelings based on the external circumstances that we happened to be dealing with at a particular time, but would know that we had within ourselves the means to remain steady and faithful to God’s presence within us. In a word, we would perceive the sacredness of our life and the lives of others, and would steer ourselves emotionally in whatever direction was necessary to maintain that sacredness.”

The Principle of Containment
GurujiMa ... -energies/

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 Post subject: Containment and Energy Work
PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:27 am 

Hello Dear Readers,

After posting yesterday on "Containment", I was reading the news of innocent New Yorker's on a subway who were attacked violently by, I learned later, a man who self-identified as a prophet in his facebook posts.

More often than not, to be one who sacrifices in service to anchor the Light within for healing, is to be an embodied soul who feels everything.

LightWorkers, WayShowers, Energy Workers, Empath's, Sensitives, all whose bodies were Divinely designed to hold the energies of Light, also, with great intensity, perceive and hold in their bodies the energies of the darkness.

Speaking for myself, I feel it all. I feel the rage, the anger, the pain, the ungrounded fears, the sufferings, the anguish, the sorrows, the cynicism, the greed, the desecration's, the disregard for the life of the planet, these as well as all the energies which are separated from from the energies of Love and Light. This is an aspect of my journey of becoming one with the many and one with the One.

It is not easy to perceive these energies and contain them. At times, it hurts. At times, I just want to shout out and express the separated energies coursing through me so that it will go away and cease causing pain within. These energies are intensely fatiguing, and there are days where the fatigue is stronger than the will, and so I must wait until the energies pass.

It hurts my heart to watch other embodied souls being treated unjustly, unfairly, being destroyed on a whim or a sincere belief, this is natural and yet, getting angry only adds to the separated energies which are the root of the suffering. It is painful to feel my powerlessness and helplessness in the face of the energies of darkness which embolden some embodied souls to harm and hurt the innocent in the name of trolling, blind-rage, bullying, or authoritarianism.

It's painful to feel the energies of darkness in one's consciousness, coursing through one's nervous system, filling one's mind with thoughts that are separated from Love. It is not an easy task taken without a commitment to love, to feel the darkness, to hold it, to contain it, to wait and trust in the Light to purify these energies.

This is why, for me, Purification has been essential. To become conscious of what is mine, to heal that which is mine to heal, so that when these separated energies of darkness come into my body and my consciousness, I am able to identify them, observe them, and by the Grace of God, not act them out.

I contain them. I feel the energies without expressing the energies. My heart, my body holds these energies for the purposes of transformation. Through Grace embodied, the Light clears me, and then I move forward in time, remembering with ease and joy the wonderfulness of the Light within, and then the energies build once again, I contain them, and they are transformed and cleared.

I am not alone in this work Dearest Readers. Chances are if you are reading this post, you too, are very familiar with this sacred process of holding the Light in the presence of the energies of darkness.

Containment is holy work. It is challenging work. It is a sacrifice of love, love for humanity most especially, to allow these energies to pass through you, or if I AM made you like me, to contain them for healing.

Our work, if you resonate with what I am sharing, is to be aware of the energies of darkness without acting them out when they pass through our bodies, minds, and hearts as energies.

To, as GurujiMa has taught me, "Remember Love".

This is the context of Containment I speak to in this post.

with love,

I Choose to Be Awake – A Meditation ... =676618789

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