The Purification Process and A New Reality of Energies.In relation to the inner life, the action of God’s light illuminates consciousness and purifies the body where hidden emotions are often held. As a result, attitudes, motivations, and feelings that were formerly concealed are now exposed to the light of awareness, and things one may have suspected about oneself but never perceived clearly are increasingly revealed.
As part of this revelation, the body itself may also begin to release both physical and emotional impurities, often in a way that allows consciousness to know for the first time the intimate connection between the emotional and the physical. The releasing of formerly bound energies in many cases allows one to sense the positive purpose served by a particular physical limitation or symptom, which is often chosen on the soul level prior to incarnating in order to serve one’s embodied life. One of the first things people share with me who are new to the Purification Process is the seemingly ‘sudden’ experiences of emotional or mental energies. When one invites the Divine Light into one’s life, energies which had been suppressed, or hidden within the self, begin to emerge in the consciousness. Often, but not always, there are also those who suddenly find that they are also more sensitive to the energies around them.
Both experiences are not unusual as a part of this sacred process of becoming more conscious.On the physical level, the intensification of spiritual light causes a separation of energies within the body which allows God’s light to be perceived more often and with greater awareness, even while healing is still taking place and unhealed portions of the self are being brought into consciousness. As to the perception of ‘outer’ energies, someone who begins to feel energies coming from outside of themselves - mental or emotional in nature, has more often than not, had a history of being able to perceive or feel these energies. There have been many embodied souls over the years who have shared with me that they ‘knew’ they were sensitive, but punted away the perceptions that were coming to them, or shut themselves down emotionally or mentally in their presence. Others have spoken of feeling as if they were jumping out of their bodies. Intense energies and the energies of fear can be difficult to contain, and can cause an embodied soul in the presence of intense energies, ‘to jump out’ of their bodies, metaphorically speaking.Purification is a multilevel phenomenon whose domain can involve every aspect of one’s being — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Which aspect will gain prominence in the course of individual experience cannot be determined in advance or by comparison with others. The relationship between the outer self or personality and the soul-self and between the personality and the subconscious or unconscious self is a hidden one for the most part, and so what light will reveal as areas in need of healing or directions for growth and expansion will be unique to each embodied being. What is common to all, however, is the integration that purification furthers, namely, to bring the identity and consciousness of each embodied being into a unity of wholeness within itself and with God. This unity is based on the harmony of love, and no longer contains those inner elements that create separation from the Divine or from one’s true self. Dearest Readers, when one can face the energies of fear coming up into their consciousness, a great leap towards spiritual growth occurs. Although an embodied soul can be encouraged and helped by another in the presence of the energies of fear, it is ultimately only within the realms of one’s heart and the calling upon the Divine (how ever one defines Divine Presence in their lives) that the step across the divided self can be taken.
And what a glorious step this can be! To be free (er) in the presence of the energies of fear. Yet this step forward in spiritual growth does not always happen in one leap. In the Purification Process, one faces similar experiences until ultimately, the energies may manifest, and in their presence, the embodied soul perceives the energies, asks for help, meditates or prays, waits, and then… moves through the energies. Energies do not disappear yet they can be transformed. What can occur in time is that the self becomes able to face the energies, and move through them.On the emotional level, expanding spiritual light brings one from a more surface awareness of thoughts and feelings to a deeper and more refined perception of the emotional energies that influence behavior. Increased awareness has great rewards, but it also carries great responsibilities. It requires disciplined attention to one’s feelings and motivations so that a choice can be made regarding which feelings or attitudes one is willing to express, and which need to be contained because they are not in the highest light. The positive benefits of fuller emotional awareness are many. Feeling more allows a deepening of relationships with others, removes the obstacles to greater love, and nourishes and deepens one’s relationship with God. Now, when it comes to emotional or mental energies coming into the consciousness, this experience also, can, for some, bring forth the energies of fear or agitation. Especially if the embodied soul has been suppressing or ignoring their emotions or painful mental thoughts for some time.
Let’s create an example. Let’s say that one has had karmic or lifetime issues around patience, waiting or helplessness. When one has these issues often the energies of anxiety, fear, anger, frustration, anguish, and impatience will come into the consciousness in the presence of situations which seemingly stimulate the release of these emotions and thoughts into the consciousness.
On the mental level, purification discloses the underlying attitudes by which each embodied soul lives. In the presence of greater light there is greater clarity. As a result, thought patterns become more apparent, and whereas before one may have believed one was perceiving ‘reality’ as it is, it soon becomes apparent that much of what one sees is perceived through ‘perceptual filters’ — lenses that shape reality according to our inner needs, fears, or desires. These ‘filters’ were originally created by human beings long ago to serve the purposes of the ego in its protective function. As spiritual reintegration takes place, a true relationship with the Divine begins to replace this ego-function, and that which has served the individual as a mechanism of self-protection or defense is no longer needed or wanted. Sometimes, however, these habitual ego-mechanisms do not let go immediately, and patience is needed while the new ways of relating to God and life are emerging. In those moments, compassion for the self, and later, writing about your experiences in a journal can help bring greater awareness to a self stuck in cycles of repetitive patterns. Light and life affirming outcomes can be achieved when one can be in the situation seemingly stimulating the emotions and thoughts which are difficult, and in the moment recognize, “Oh, I am here again. This is how I have historically reacted to situations which involve patience, waiting, or helplessness.” When one reverts to anger or allows oneself to engage with the energies of fear, one can get stuck in the cycling of these energies in the body and the mind. “Well that is how I have always been!” Is a phrase I have heard often from those suffering in karmic cycles.
By learning and engaging with new behaviours such as becoming compassionately aware for the self, in the sacred moment, of what you are feeling, what you are thinking - in the presence of the situation you are in, a new pathway of awareness is created. By journalling one’s experiences, one can “see” the patterns. When they emerge, one can write about what behaviours they witness themselves engaging in, what is one feeling, how does one unconsciously set up repetitive patterns, etc..
When it comes to ‘outer’ energies, one can over time, as one grows in self care and soul-belief, create healthier boundaries. These experiences can be challenging and they are also, achievable.
When it comes to the inner energies, one can with love and calling upon the Light, move through the most difficult of emotions or mental thoughts. Again, Dear Readers, this is not an effortless path of spiritual growth, yet it is life changing. To feel the freedom within ones own mind, ones own emotional self — to not regress into painful repetitive patterns is beyond description. Words such as joyful and freeing are helpful and will suffice, but until one is freed from the prison they have experienced within themselves, perhaps these words will bind your heart to hope. As GurujiMa's link indicates - "the expansion of light reveals darkness and sets all beings free."
with love, JohannaAll quotes - Read the entire teaching here: What is Purification, Part I: The Expansion of LightGurujiMa ... ings-free/