Vacillating: Helplessness, Anger, and Prayer "...The problem of helplessness, in addition to the original mental, emotional, or physical pain it seeks to alter, is twofold. On the one hand, it is challenged on an ego level as a result of the ego’s not being in control in the ways that it has been accustomed to. On the other, it is also challenged by dark energies that seek to interfere with the purification process through amplifying thoughts that are self-denigrating or self-accusatory. These thoughts imply that there is no point in surrendering to Divine will in this way and that what is really needed is action in a different direction.
Thus, the persistence needed during the purification process is challenged both by the voice of one’s own ego which chafes against having to submit to conditions it would rather not endure, and by energies of darkness which amplify feelings of impatience, doubt, and frustration, and support feelings of foolishness or failure that result from not being able to ‘do something’ to make things better.
In the course of the purification process, it becomes evident that what on one level appears as helplessness, is, at another level, the opposite, namely, the empowerment of the soul to take charge of one’s life in a whole new way — a way that was not possible before. Therefore, what one gives away in the way of authority on the level of the smaller self, also becomes what one receives from the higher levels of one’s being in the way of guidance, help, support, and light."Purification and the Principles of Helplessness ... he-divine/ Hello Dear Readers,
From the first moments I became consciously aware of the violent attacks on the peoples of the Ukraine, I have felt my heart in two places.
I will admit that first more immediate place is one of helplessness and anger.
The second is helplessness and prayer.
Being of two hearts, there are moments where I can hold that all is in the Divine, that God is with the Ukrainian peoples. In the next moments when I see a tank intentionally run over a civilian car, an orphanage bombed, hospitals bombed, children’s schools bombed, neighborhoods destroyed - in these moments, this is where my heart aligns with the energies of helplessness and anger.
Then my heart feels glimmers of hope when I witness the man whose car was run over by the tank was rescued, by people who left their homes to help him, when I see photos of people gathering together with great courage to protest the warring actions of their leaders - in Russia - knowing the consequences. My heart is filled with great admiration and respect for the President Zelensky of Ukraine who when offered an airlift by the United States government to leave the conflict and avoid being killed, he stated that he would stay to be with the people he serves, knowing that death stalks he and his family. The courage of the Ukrainian peoples gives my heart strength for the future, and their sorrows and sufferings inflicted upon them brings such sorrow and pain to my heart which feels so helpless. I find my heart vacillating from prayer-fullness, sorrow, helplessness, anger, prayer.
This is not the first conflict I have witnessed where this same dilemma of the heart which wants to trust in the Divine plan and the heart which witnesses in the moment embodied souls aligned with the energies of darkness at work and my feelings of anger and helplessness.
And so I vacillate, I pray, I light candles, I hold the suffering in my heart knowing that we are all connected and that energies can travel from one soul to other souls, and I cry, and I feel helpless. Sometimes I can hold the experiences of helplessness, and sometimes I just can’t. My anger comes forth and even then I am aware that I must surrender my anger to the Divine.
So round and round I go. Watching the West Bank being destroyed, Ukraine being destroyed, Syria being destroyed, homeless settlements destroyed, the planet destroyed.
I would like to be a teacher who reflects to you, Dear Readers consistent strength and trust in times of darkness but I am in these moments in time, I am of two hearts. And both of them are so very, very, sad.
I am also aware that I am not alone, and so this posting is for all embodied souls who are moving forward in a time of great darkness, seeking to stay on the path of Light and trust.
Glory be to the Peoples of Ukraine.
With love, Johanna
Holding helplessness on one’s own often creates distress, anxiety, and a fear of the future, especially when energies of opposition and separation amplify these feelings. This is not the case when one brings helplessness to God, for then one can receive the strengthening that comes from holding helplessness in love, in return for one’s gift of trust, hope, and surrender.
Many, however, do not yet trust this arrangement. They fear helplessness and feel alone with it. They do not remember how to bring helplessness to God and so they enact the only defense they know which creates a greater feeling of empowerment, namely, to become angry. Beloved Ones, this defense is not a real defense. It is a cover over fear of the flimsiest kind. For even if one is angry and in one moment reduces the sense of fear and helplessness, in the next moment these feelings will return when life presents one with similar conditions, causing one to feel helpless again.
The way of bringing helplessness to God is the way of bringing one’s pain to that Divine Heart that can hold it along with one’s human heart. At the same time, one can ask to feel held and upheld through the experience, knowing that no experience comes to the self that does not have a greater gift of learning in it. Anger and Helplessness: A Divine Reordering ... he-divine/ Listen: Giving Helplessness to God ... hway-home/