The Impact Of Light On Darkness Is Transformative"The impact of light on darkness is transformative since light is inherently stronger than darkness."
~ GurujiMa The universal mission of the Christ is undertaken in order to nullify the effect of forces of darkness upon the expansion of light. The energy of the Divine Mother brings about the unification of All within All. Both energies must come together in order to accomplish the transformation of the Earth into its next stage of evolution, namely, the vibration of love and unity.
Some souls are more part of one mission than the other. Some have come with particular sensitivities to energies of darkness which they take into their own energy bodies, often during the process of incarnation, so that within their own embodied lives they may help the great work of planetary transformation through a portion of that transformation within their own body. Energy that is held within an individual energy body is transformed not through an act of will or force, but through the interaction of darkness with light. Even when such a soul does not feel or perceive the light they are carrying, the dark energies, held within the energy body, interact with the intent and capacity to remain faithful to the light.
Souls who take on energies of darkness often do not remain conscious of their path of service, believing themselves to be weak rather than strong, and vulnerable rather than purposeful.
Such intent characterizes many souls who struggle with energies of darkness on physical, mental, and emotional levels. These souls often perceive the struggle to be all of who they are. Yet, in the presence of that struggle and at its foundation is a strength of soul that has agreed, on a soul level, to interact with energies of darkness by remaining faithful to light. Such an interface effectively transforms whatever current is held within the energy body. However, since that current is often connected to an entire dimensional frequency in which such an energy operates, a soul who is in service in this way often does not feel that they are accomplishing anything. Rather, that the darkness remains.
This is never true. The impact of light on darkness is transformative since light is inherently stronger than darkness. Though the overall effect of this change may not be witnessed by an individual experiencing the darker energies, it is the willingness to act as an embodied ‘interface’ between the two energy fields that provides the point of embodied contact so that energies on the Earth plane, as a whole, may be transformed.
Souls who take on energies of darkness often do not remain conscious of their path of service, believing themselves to be weak rather than strong, and vulnerable rather than purposeful. It is only after light and the effect of light has manifested to a sufficient degree of intensity, that an individual soul may feel the greatness of their accomplishment.The Mission of the Christ and the Energy of the Divine Mother, Part II: Those Who Serve ... ss-part-2/ 0:
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"...On the global level, the effect of increased light is to release into collective awareness, impulses of a negative nature that were more deeply buried and more tightly bound. These impulses can also become amplified by larger energies which seek to turn the process of purification to their own ends. Such a pursuit could not be successful if such energies and motivations were not already present within the human heart. Yet, impulses such as those that give rise to terrorism in its many forms, to genocidal behavior, and to all practices of cruelty of one individual to another, are all aspects of darkness which the larger energies can capitalize on.
As purification continues, light and darkness will continue to separate and energies of darkness will continue to make themselves known. On a planetary level, no matter how much this may appear to be the result of the actions or intentions of any one nation, it is more importantly happening because it is mankind’s time of release from bondage — the beginning of a process of being set free from all that prevents the expansion of greater love. Despite the painful effects of this process as we witness them today, what is being released into consciousness will ultimately be freed from the personal self and the world’s self. What will remain is a changed humanity, capable of experiencing greater freedom to love."Global Purification: The Separation Between Light and Darkness ... d-nations/ "The transformation of the physical body by higher frequencies of spiritual light does not have a homogeneous path of expression, but differs from individual to individual. While it is often not possible to ‘do’ anything about the physical aspects of the transformational process except to try to get as comfortable as possible, it is always possible to align our responses with the deepest level of truth we can access. One can choose trust over fear, and acceptance over denial, holding that something positive is happening, even if unexplained. Such a choice is made by the heart and the will, rather than by the mind, for it is the heart that seeks to trust the invisible world of the future that is emerging out of the present, and it is the will connected to the heart that can say ‘yes,’ allowing what the mind does not yet know or comprehend to be."Awakening of the Energy Body ... formation/ "...Energies of opposition to light that have been dormant for some time, as a result of activation by greater light on the Earth, often create symptoms through a direct influence upon the physical body. (Remember that the energy body and the physical body are not separate from each other, but rather interpenetrate each other). As a result, it is sometimes difficult to tell whether a physical symptom that arises should be approached as a physical-level problem or as one that has been introduced from a different level, the level of energy. Such energies of opposition are not personal, though they may be experienced as such. They are part of Creation and of the drama of light and darkness interacting on the physical plane. Energies that are not light influence far more of our individual and collective functioning than we have heretofore been aware of."
…Our human bodies are vulnerable to energies of different kinds. Yet the effect of oppositional energies will not always remain at the level that presently exists. As we each strengthen our alignment with light and experience more deeply the truth of our own Divine essence, the stability of the light that we are will effectively counteract all the vulnerabilities that presently exist, and we will be free to remain in the light of our own being, without external influences and without the creation of symptoms as part of our healing. It is toward this goal that all of humanity is moving, and it is this goal that we may hold for ourselves as we engage with our own healing process.Energetic Influences on the Creation of Physical Symptoms ... n-process/"...Energies creating the “inversion of love” are present in great measure at this time on the Earth, due to the expansion of light taking place globally. It is important to remain steadfast in their presence, knowing that one can remember what is true, and know what is true, even if one cannot feel what is true. Steadfastness in relation to aligning with the deeper truth of the soul, whether feeling is there or not, is the way to move through such energies of inversion, which will ultimately reduce in intensity so that a degree of connection with the heart can again take place. This is to say that if one remains steadfast in relation to the place of truth, whether felt or not, oppositional energies will ultimately diminish in their potency, due to the greater potency of light.
The deeper heart of each of us is connected with our Divine self, our soul self, and so at the deepest level such energies cannot touch the place of our knowing. However, they can create doubt on the more surface levels of awareness that love is what we really feel. Steadfastness in relation to the knowing of truth must become a mantra in this time, so that we can walk through this energetic influence until its effect is no more. This outcome is part of the Divine plan for the Earth, namely, that the energies of opposition may have their day, but the ultimate outcome for individuals and for the Earth is the outcome of love and light."Energies of Opposition: An Inversion of Love ... arts-love/ "…The emotional body is composed of energies in continual motion. There is not a day that goes by when many, many emotional energies are not passing through us. They may be very gentle currents — even too gentle to be registered as emotions, per se — or they may be intensely upsetting. In either case there is a continual flow of emotional energies moving through, day and night. The key to stabilization through the ups and downs of emotional life is, first, to have a direction to point toward that corresponds to a sense of higher purpose, and, second, to have a means of sustenance so that we can feel balanced at all times. This means of sustenance is God’s light and breath.The Nature of EmotionThe currents of energy which form the emotional body are parts of the Divine blueprint for each human being which gives to each soul the capacity to experience Divine consciousness while yet in a physical body. This gift relates to the awareness of beauty, of joy, of tenderness, of peace, of gratitude, of blessing, of generosity, of love. The knowledge of all of these things can be felt through the emotional body when it joins with the higher aspects of the self, for these are attitudes of soul that are meant to belong to the embodied human being. Such attitudes are intrinsic to the soul’s perception of reality and are not colored by any other energy that would distract the soul from its awareness of these qualities. The line of connection or ‘line of light’ which links the higher self with the lower, transmits these energies of higher emotion to the embodied self and allows the energies to translate into the conscious perception of feeling.
It is often thought, today, that emotion is ruled by brain chemistry and by changes in neurotransmitters and synaptic functioning which generate particular emotional states. While this is true on the level of description, it is not true that changes in brain chemistry or in neurotransmitters are the ‘cause’ of such emotional states. Rather, the functioning of brain chemistry is itself governed, in large measure, by the energy bodies which send their directives to the functioning portions of the brain, energizing aspects of consciousness and changing physical elements that affect mood and motivation. Without energies of a particular kind being present in the mental and emotional bodies, the cerebral fluids and neural transmitters would not be produced that govern emotional responses, states, and behaviors. When aspects of these physical elements are depleted, it is because there is an energetic depletion within the mental or emotional body which can no longer sustain the brain’s ordinary level of functioning. Emotionally dysfunctional states of various kinds can result including depression, anxiety, and an inability to tolerate intense stimulation. These states are more than a function of serotonin1 or norepinephrine2 levels. In fact, these levels are maintained by the energy that is filtered to the brain through light frequencies that correspond to feelings of hope, buoyancy, joy, calmness, or peace."The Nature of the Emotional and Mental Bodies ... -the-aura/ Two views of ‘Rapture:’ an act through the Christ that lifts the faithful into heaven; or an act of Christ-light that uplifts all to a new consciousness."...Opportunities for the growth of spiritual consciousness may be sought deliberately as, for example, through study, prayer, meditation, and spiritual practice. However, even without seeking out such activities, consciousness can and is being affected by the light itself which is the light of God, the light of the Christ, becoming more potent now on the physical plane. This light is beginning to alter us in visible and in not-so-visible ways.
• It alters our perception of time, at first speeding it up, and ultimately bringing us to a place beyond time, where co-creation creates a presentness at each moment.
• It alters our perception of separateness — creating at first a longing for unity and a sense of its possibility, and ultimately a sense of oneness with all around us and with the universe itself.
• It alters our awareness of our own inner workings — the pains, struggles, and darkness we have carried for lifetimes, bringing these to the surface of consciousness in order that they be healed, and ultimately separates the light from the dark within, reawakening our original remembrance of the freedom-to-be.
• It alters our sense of attachment to the emotional plane of experience, largely induced by the karmic learning we have needed to go through, and takes us past karma to the experience of unconditional love as the ground of all being.
• It alters our longing for God — increasing the search for deeper meaning and for the truth of who we are, and ultimately brings us to a sense of participation in an illuminated universe in which God is everywhere.
This, then, is the meaning of a ‘dimensional shift’ to the fourth dimension. It is a shift engendered by the changing frequencies of light interacting with the physical plane, which changes our consciousness. Does it affect everyone in this positive way? No, it does not. For some are immersed to a greater degree in energies that seek the limitation of the expansion of light, and these individuals, during this time, may be more completely aligned with forces of hate and destruction that seek power over others — justifying this, through rationalizations that claim authorization by God. This, of course, is never true. Nevertheless, in the presence of these energies it seems, to some, to be true."‘End Times’ Perspective: A New Look at the ‘Rapture’ ... e-rapture/