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 Post subject: Emergence - Prophetic Revelations 2021
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 4:30 pm 

Prophetic Revelations Anchored In 2021


With folded hands I bow before the Light and stand as witness to the darkness.

O Holy God which brought thee forth, Your humble servant awaits Thee.

* * *

The line between the reality we know and the reality coming forward is shifting.

* * *

Eschew not truth for transient moments of happiness or peace.

* * *

The well intentioned deception agitates the soul even as it pacifies the mind.

* * *

How long? How long will humanity continue to be deceived?

* * *

The profits of false salvation weave webs of deception.

* * *

A passage exists in which embodied souls may free themselves from their sufferings.
In this passage, hidden in the heart, the soul awaits the Light to shineth the Way.

* * *

The kings of death and sorrow deliver false hope to the bleeding without staunching their wounds.

* * *

A forked tongue endeavours to speak plainly, truthfully.

* * *

Through the hearts of the humble, the servants of Love, shall the One Creator speak.

* * *

The divestment of joy from embodied life, in service to the embellishment of wealth of the stony-hearted.

* * *

The serpent arose, drew its fangs, and bit the people. And in their madness, the people proclaimed the serpent their salvation, their saviour.

The darkness, hidden in the heart's of deceivers, watched with wide-eyed awe, at the upliftment of vanities and cruelties amongst the peoples, and proclaimed for all to see, that they too, had been bitten by the serpent and had come in his name to rule them.

* * *

The children of the Light opened their hearts so that the balm of compassion might anoint the hearts of the crestfallen.

All Prophetic Revelations:

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 Post subject: Emergence - The Light Is Yours To Shine
PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 1:14 pm 

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 Post subject: Emergence In A Time Of Light And Darkness
PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 1:44 pm 

Emergence In A Time Of Light And Darkness

Be not tempted in the dark times to come by the false light.

The darkness will whisper untruths into your hearts, and in your fear, you will long to believe them.

Do Not!

Hear me now before this time and give not the fear any power.

Trust that God will deliver thee.

Trust – even if you are to take your last breath — that you will be redeemed by the Light and by your trust in God.

* * *

The hearts of the pure will face the heart of darkness and be victorious.

* * *

I walk among you.

I see you gather together for righteous causes.

I praise your intentions.

And I warn you against your cynicism and your anger.

* * *

In these dark times, the darkness will present itself as righteous and patriotic.

And you shall know this, for from their mouths words of hate, intolerance, and prejudice shall pour forth.

* * *

Be wary!

For in your unconsciousness the darkness will use you for its own means.

Stay awake! Stay of the Light!

The Book of The Days of the Christ: 2004

And the Lord thy God’s voice rose over the land and the seas.

Proclaim unto all:

“I AM with thee”

“I AM with thee”

“I AM”…with thee.

“I AM.”

Foundation, Rock, Sea.


Blessed be.

Blessed be.

Blessed is thee.

* * *

Hear thou Thy Words.

I AM with thee.


Beyond all time.


And I AM with thee.

The Book of The Days of the Christ: 2011

Bless the souls who have been locked in their dark cells of suffering for so long that the Light frightens them. Harm them not. Bless them and allow them to come to the Light in their own way.

The Book of The Days of the Christ: 2015

The right by Divine Action of all embodied souls to live a free will life upon this planet, shall not be impeded upon by ‘free market’ values, ethics, and authoritarianism’s in any form.

* * *

Even as it seems as if the world is being plunged into mayhem and madness, remember my words:

All are awakening to the inner truth of who they are.

Each process of awakening and being ‘woke,’ is as unique as the soul who brings forth through their lives, their energies — frequencies, the consciousnesses of love and light.

The awakened self, the known self, individualized, unites with the greater whole free to live a reality of unified consciousness which does not diminish the self rather, magnifies the heart, as aspects of separated consciousness are healed.

The road forward will feel as if it is full of strife and pain for many, and for some, agony.

Stay strong.

Bear with, endure.

Stay in your hearts.

Align with heart centered experiences and peoples.

* * *

We, as a planetary family, are moving forward into times of ancient prophecies awakening.

Listen O Nations:

Open your ears, open your eyes, open your hearts.

* * *

Be not afraid for you shall witness acts which will confound and confuse your hearts.

Even so, be not afraid for these times have been foretold to prepare you and to guide you.

Even in the darkest of moments, "Remember Love".

* * *


Be not afraid, for I AM and I AM with you.

So saith the Light.

* * *

The deceived will instruct you to doubt.

Even in the presence of darkness, the deceived will instruct you to doubt the very darkness which horrifies your heart.

* * *

Beloved of My Heart, a new thing comes to pass.

All shall behold My Bounty.

All shall know My Love.

All shall perceive My Light in the dark night.

I AM and I AM with thee.

I AM and I AM with all.

The Book of The Days of the Christ: 2016

An Awakening of the Nation’s Heart.

Hearts longing.

Souls awakening.

The Book of The Days of the Christ: 2017

In The Presence Of Light – A Witness To Pain and Betrayal:

Our beloved Mother cries out, “I can no longer hold your pain beloved’s, you must stop hurting each other.”

* * *

Unrestrained force enacted upon the Peoples of the Nation of the Free.

Those who point the righteous finger of ‘bias’ are often unaware of their own.

Ambitious righteous anger tempered by a wily, pious mind.

Finding a speck in eye of another for ambition, to be ‘seen’. A betrayal.

Anger can take one too far into the fire.

A Time of Betrayals.

Step mindfully around the ambitious.

The Book of The Days of the Christ: 2018

Keeping Faithful In A Time Of Chaos:

A time is coming forward where moments in Time will feel as if one is in a perpetual experience of torment, a ‘hell on Earth’.

These experiences will be worldwide.

Those aligning with the energies of darkness will feel emboldened to take actions which at their source, will inflict great suffering upon the many.

Life will feel at times, a torment.

Life will seem to be filled with chaos and pain.

Even as I share this with you, remember my words – “Keep faithful”.

Keep faithful to each other. Keep faithful to truth. Keep faithful to unity, respect, and honour.

Keep faithful.


Love. Trust. Faith. Thy shield in the presence of the energies of destruction and desecration's.

* * *

A time coming forward where minds manipulated and betrayed, know not where to seek truth.

The heart I call to you, the heart.

Truth will be found in the presence of hearts which bring forth the fruits of love.

Love – unattached, without agenda. Love which seeks to uplift and strengthen.

Love which says, “The truth you seek is within”.

* * *

The Heart.

The heart will be thy portal to the Realms of Grace.

The Book of The Days of the Christ: 2020

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 Post subject: Emergence: Unique Expressions of the Divine
PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 1:53 pm 

Unique Expressions of the Divine

Each soul sees the world in unique ways.

No one sees the world as any other does.

Embrace this. Cherish this.

For you are a unique expression of the Divine and a soul created by God.

Calendar of Discovery
~ Awakening to the Divine Self Within ~
Day 10

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 Post subject: A Message From GurujiMa - January 2, 2021
PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 2:00 pm 

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JANUARY 2, 2021


BelovedGurujiMa.png [ 188.87 KiB | Viewed 2660 times ]

Dearest Beloved Ones,

We have entered a new year and a new vibration and I am writing to wish you a most sacred and auspicious new year. Though the year may bring both energies of light and darkness, your capacity to remain in your heart, faithful to love, will allow you to go through whatever lies ahead. Believe this, beloved ones, that the power of love can serve as the greatest anchor and protection in all situations and interactions, even those of great intensity. May your new year be blessed with radiant love from the Creator of All and from your own sacred heart.

— GurujiMa

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 Post subject: Revelations of the Emergence of Patriotic Deceptions
PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 3:01 pm 

Revelations of the Emergence of Patriotic Deceptions

"Why if you are not with us, you are against us, we shall call you traitor."

* * *

They shall come and scourge you, beating you with the rod, until you submit to the kingdom of their true god.

* * *

The false of heart incite the People to attack all who will not submit to four more years of the kings reign.

* * *

Oracles of the god-king come before loyal patriots to inciting them to overthrow a Republic for the new kingdom.

* * *

The seeders of deception devoured by their progeny.

* * *

Mark of the Beast:

"I do not recognize you as a true patriot".

* * *

“Real Patriots”. Brought to you by our corporate sponsors.

* * *

“Liberty”. Brought to you by the deniers of the Democratic process.

* * *

Lies and corruption brought to the hearts and minds of We The People by the mendaciously ambitious.

* * *

Intentional stirrings of the inner rage of true patriots in service to the persecuted king.

* * *

Prevaricators and exploiters stand proud accusing all who are not loyal to the whims of the king as being traitors.

* * *

"Alternative Reality". Brought to you by the sons and daughters of domination.

* * *

Enterprising spinners and weavers of falsifications uphold their wares of deception as the foundation for their actions in inciting We The People to overthrow their Republic.

* * *

A frenzied appeal to the true patriots inner hatreds to destroy Other, disloyal traitors.

* * *

The mad of mind incite the angry of heart.

* * *

“Only the true patriot loves our king.”

* * *

Think you this madness in the hearts and minds of the People of the Nation of the Free will depart with the mad king?


The ambitious lords and ladies of duplicity shall never set their prey free.

* * *

“Our truth is the only truth.” Cry the true patriots.

* * *

The lords and ladies of duplicity preach of a land full of demons calling for the destruction of the Republic of the Free.

* * *

The liege lords of the king’s mercy bring incitement to hate to the true patriots.

* * *

Inciting treason and rebellion in the hearts of the We The People, the lords and ladies of the true patriots ask for your continued patronage.

* * *

Liege lords and ladies of the dark night rouse the loyal into feverish states professing their god has sent them to destroy Other who is not loyal to their cause.

* * *

The unreflective reflect to The People inner darkness.

* * *

The lords and ladies of the great lie uphold the king as the deliverer of the Republic.

* * *

The lords and ladies of the dark night stand as anointed spokesperson’s for their god by attacking and desecrating all who are not made in their image and likeness.

* * *

The liege lords and ladies of duplicity request the people to uplift the king so that he may save them by destroying the Republic.

* * *

The lords of the dark night inspire loyal troops to overturn the rule of law to save the Republic.

* * *

The lords of darkness spread venomous teachings amongst the People of the Nation of the Free.

* * *

“Destroy this hellish nation!” Cry out the lords and ladies of the dark night. “Our rule is the only true rule!”

* * *

The lords and ladies of duplicity shall speak to you of darkness and light, good and evil, the saved and the servants of satan, and shall call all who are not loyal, “servants of evil.”

* * *

The lords of darkness raise their arms in feverish praise, thanking their god for the freedom to desecrate the rule of law and the values of a democratic Republic.

Liege lords and ladies of the great lie uphold the king as the saviour of the Nation of Liberty.

* * *

“Why we are here to save you People of the Nation of the Free.”

* * *

Evidence of the non-existent is bombarded into the consciousness of the People of the Nation of the Free.

* * *

“The king is only here to save you!”

* * *

“We are the true patriots, here to save the Nation. And you, Other, are the disloyal traitor whom our liege lords call us to destroy.”

* * *

In a time of chaos and tumultuous patriotic sentiment, dogmatic seeds sown by the fabricators of the god like.

It shall be not the people, but the lords and ladies of the dark night who shall come forth with scythes for the harvest.

* * *

“We demand that you give us our freedom to overturn the government of the Nation of the Free!”

* * *

“The New Kingdom”. Brought to you by the true patriots and the lords and ladies of duplicity.

* * *

The king directs HIS people to the Peoples Houses demanding that the will of the people be overturned for the continuation of HIS rule.

Woe, O once mighty Nation brought low.

For all Revelations of the Emergence of Patriotic Deceptions
The Book of the Days of the Christ - 2021

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 Post subject: I Wept Today - January 6th, 2021
PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 9:45 pm 

I Wept Today
January 6th, 2021

Hello Dear Readers,

I was typing out the most recent Revelations this morning wondering because of the energies which they contained, if I should post them.

Whilst watching the President speak at the rally first and then watching the House and Senate going through the verification process to certify the Presidency of Joseph Biden it came to me that yes, the energies that have been at work without most of the people of this country being aware of their nature, these energies needed to be held in the Light.

Then the violence in D.C. manifested and I experienced shock, felt giddy and wobbly in response to the shock of what I was witnessing.

Being honoured as a holy scribe is not easy task. Nor is it an easy task to take in and describe the energies of separation, not because I am susceptible to them, on the contrary, it is because these energies are so antithetical to who I am as a soul.

Today was a grievous day. A sad day. I wept when watching the news casts later in the day after posting the Revelations of the Emergence of Patriotic Deceptions.

I pray that what happened today will give birth to the changes which are needed for us as a republic of free peoples to live up to the mandate first given to us as citizens of a free republic. I pray that we learn to live in true unity, to live in truth, to respect each other as We The People first honoured in the establishment of this beloved nation, we have been waiting over two hundred and forty five years (1776 - 2021) for the vision of what America can be to come true for all. May we emerge from this long dark night into the Light

with love

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 Post subject: Prophetic Warnings
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 12:21 pm 

Prophetic Warnings

Hello Dear Readers,

Since the year 2004 I have been posting prophetic warnings in regards to the energies of separation manifesting in our nation and many nations. Mostly, the prophetic warnings have been focused on this nation, the United States of America, a nation which many peoples of this planet looked towards with hope as they experienced repression and injustice, even as those who governed us and those who participated as voters and enablers, engaged in repressive and unjust actions.

The dream of collectively living together without “Otherness” is a dream that continues to live on in the presence of energies which seek/sought to thwart the growth and expansion of all embodied souls.

There will come a time in the future when we will awaken to the fact that we are many expressions of the One Creator and that living in truth and harmony, living lives of health and shared wealth and resources is the divine right of all embodied expressions of the One Source of all life.

Until then, I will continue my work as sacred scribe of the energies of Light. Shining light into all the dark recesses of consciousness which continue display through actions and words, energies of separation and darkness. Shining light into the darkness which seeks to make humanity one with it.

with love,

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 Post subject: Two Steps Forward - One Step Backwards
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 12:45 pm 

Recognition Of The Extraordinary
Two Steps Forward in the Presence of One Step Backwards

Two Steps Forward

Last week something extraordinary happened. In a state with a dark history of death, repression, transgressions, lynchings, racial biases and hatreds, in a state where for hundreds of years the rule of law leaned towards the oppression and desecration of Other - Raphael Warnock, Pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church (an American of African heritage) and John Ossoff (an American of Jewish heritage) were elected as Senators in the State of Georgia.

Coming forward is another, for this nation, extraordinary event, the inauguration of a woman - Kamala Harris, an American of African and Indian heritage as Vice President of the United States. Steps forward manifesting in a time of energies which seek to divide embodied souls based on the heritage and color of their human body.

One Step Backward

Ever present with these steps of expansion of consciousness were the energies of the lie. It’s an old lie. The lie that speaks of one group of embodied souls who are superior to an ‘other’ group of embodied souls based on the color of the body of their human embodiment or how they choose to worship God as they understand God.

When I was given the Revelations of the Emergence of Patriotic Deceptions* I wondered of the phraseology “the lords and ladies”. Whilst this by no means is a comprehensive understanding of why these particular phrases were given to me to transcribe, I did find this article (see below) in The Conversation which began at one level, to fill in one meaning.

These energies continue to manifest in escalation and deescalation practices as well as for profit behaviors and legislation that favors the lighter color human embodiment over any darker color of human embodiment. Until we heal this distortion of vision then the presenting lie will continue sow and reap havoc.

It troubled my spirit Dear Readers to hear our statesmen say on the day of the violent riots that “This is not who we are.” Yes it is. This is our history. This is who we are and have been and until there is accountability, until there is recognition, until there is remorse and real change, then platitudes such as “This is not who we are” is just another empty political slogan.

‘Gentlemen of property and standing’

"Then, as today, white supremacists received encouraging signals from powerful leaders.

In the 19th century, “gentlemen of property and standing” often led or indirectly supported anti-abolition mobs, slave patrols, lynch mobs, or klan attacks.

Federal investigators in Kentucky in 1867 found that “many men of wealth and position” rode with the armed groups. One witness in the federal investigation testified that “many of the most respectable men in the country being in the “Lynch” party. Future South Carolina Governor and U.S. Senator “Pitchfork” Ben Gilman reflected on his participation in the Hamburg massacre of 1876, arguing that “the leading men” of the area wanted to teach black voters a lesson by ‘having the whites demonstrate their superiority by killing as many as was justifiable.” As least six black men were killed in the Hamburg attacks on the black south Carolina militia by the Red Shirts, a white rifle club.

White supremacists knew they would not face consequences for their violence."

US Capitol protesters, egged on by Trump, are part of a long history of white supremacists
hearing politicians’ words as encouragement. - The Conversation

*Revelations of the Emergence of Patriotic Deceptions
The Book of the Days of the Christ - 2021

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 Post subject: Visions Of The Remorseless
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 1:09 pm 

Visions Of The Remorseless

The Daily Hate.

The daily hate has not been tempered.

Yea, no remorse.

The perfectly coifed lords and ladies of the great lie recommence the sowing of malfeasance.

* * *

Threatening violence is not acceptable opinion.

* * *

“My God, remove their speck!”

Instructs the beam filled eye.

* * *

The attractively vexed brought to you for your entertainment are “just asking Questions”.

* *.*

“Why we have a right to incite violence and hate!” Cry those inciting violence and hatred.

There is no right to hate.

* * *


“Why our hate and threats of violence are not as bad as “Other’s”. “Why we are justified in the sight of our God in our hatred!” Cry out the victims of special honors and exploitation. A cashing in on the emotional instabilities of the manipulated.

* * *

The hate of the lie continues to brew.

People speaking freely of their right to express their hatred and inner violence, bemoan and wail their lack of freedom to express their hatred and inner violence.

* * *

“Now that we have divided the nation - if you dare to hold us accountable - it is you who will be the cause of the division of the nation!” Cry out the enablers of discordance.

* * *

Prepossessing, winsome women and men enunciate the energies of malfeasance and divisiveness. For entertainment purposes only!

* * *

Visions of the king signing decrees and looking lovingly upon HIS peoples flash across screens as choreographed dialogues disregarding the violence upon the People of the Nation of the Free fill the hearts of the desecrated and exploited.

* * *

A reassuring of the Patriots brought to you by our corporate sponsors.

* * *

The amorally glamorous persist in scripted deceptions as hidden sponsors exploit the resources, health, and wealth of the People of the Nation of the Free.

* * *

“Look” Say the mannequins perpetuating the great lie, “We only say these things because we care about YOU”.

* * *

“Why let’s just pull together!” Cajole the enablers of divisive insurgence. A shrewd intent to lull the People of the Nation of the Free back into somnolence.

* * *

“Fear, fear, fear!” The commodification of the emotions of the People of the Nation of the Free.

* * *

The kings men and women retreat so that they, the elect of The People, may evade holding the king accountable for the desecration of the Peoples House.

* * *

If those who have been elected by the People are never held to account when acting with impudence, then the People will commence to internalize that impudence is an implied call to order.

* * *

In a time of plague, billionaires and millionaires proliferate. The People weakened by suffering, mass death, poverty, homelessness, and hunger cry out for relief whilst the wealth of the Nation converges in the pockets of the few.

* * *

Love expands.

Hatred inflames.

False righteousness desecrates.

* * *

Equity Lost - Vision

A recognition of equity lost.

A time coming forward - the disavowal of the for-profit paradigm of governance.

Visions of the Remorseless
The Book of the Days of the Christ - 2021

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 Post subject: Unity Is An Experience Of The Heart
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 1:15 pm 

Unity Is An Experience Of The Heart

Unity is an experience of the heart.

Unity is not a political slogan.

Unity is not a logo.

Unity cannot be foisted.

Unity manifests when those who have experienced the pain and suffering of ‘Other’, begin to perceive through outward expressions of remorse, accountability and demonstrative evidence of redemption, the safety to trust embodied souls who share embodied life with them. Unity manifests organically when embodied souls who have been “Othered’, perceive as real, the energies of regard, compassion, respect, and truthfulness.

Unity is an experience of the heart.

As long as the energies of denial and justification - energies of separation - continue to manifest, Unity will continue to be elusive.

Unity is an experience of the heart.

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 Post subject: A Prophetic Warning From 2006
PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 3:43 pm 

A Prophetic Warning From 2006

I remember when the word terrorist was promulgated in the press in the build up the war upon the Iraqi peoples in response to the 9/11 attacks on America. Attacks on America in which no Iraqi’s were involved. Zero - None.

I would cringe with pain when the word terrorist was used and it was broadcasted often. The use of the label of terrorist seemed to me to be used as a justification for the reneging of the Geneva convention with war prisoners, the justification of Guantanamo Bay indefinite detentions without trial, abuse, torture, massacres in Fallujah and Haditha, rape, murder, and other heinous war crimes as well as loss of freedoms and liberties for the people of the United States. The word collateral damage was used repeatedly as well - “but” we were told, the Iraqi peoples were terrorists.

So too was much damage done to lives and reputations for Muslim American's, Americans of Arab heritage, Indians, Sikhs, anyone who resembled the caricature (often race and religiously biased) of "Other" presented as terrorist. This hatred was brought forward in 2017 with the Muslim ban. That is the dark power of this label Dear Readers.

And lest you may be a new reader, and may harbor any thoughts that I am writing of this prophetic warning because I am of a Caucasian heritage especially after 99% rioters and insurrectionists against the legal Presidential vote and those who were certifying the vote looked much like myself, may I introduce my self?

Firstly, I am a soul who has embodied in this sacred vehicle of consciousness and has chosen to utilize any and all privileges this embodiment may bring forth in sacred service for all embodied souls, but most especially for embodied souls who have been disenfranchised from their rights, freedoms, and fair equity based on longstanding racism, white supremacy, all forms of greed, and the desecration of integrity, service, and humility in exchange for the accumulation of power. Secondly, this prophetic warning comes forth because I perceive those to be targeted and labeled as terrorist will most likely be African Americans and those who openly support Black Lives Matter, Latino Americans, Muslim and Arab Americans, and Indian Americans as well as Caucasian Americans.

Once again I am hearing the word being used again by Democratic lawmakers to label those who violently attacked the Peoples House. I believe we have laws to address the crimes of those who broke the law and committed murder as well as other crimes.

This prophetic warning from the year 2006 came to me when I began hearing the word/label terrorist being used recently, this time in regards to federal crimes. Dear Readers, I am concerned that we are engaging with a dangerous precedent which was set in the past with horror filled results. If we are not careful and mindful, those who feel in good conscience that the use of the word terrorist and new laws for domestic terrorism are needed to address seditious acts, may bring about the end to freedom as we have known freedom.

To the People of the Nation of the Free:

When they come for you, when they arrest you - on charges of being a terrorist,
how shall we know if it is true?

The People of the Nation of the Free …no longer free.

The Book of the Days of the Christ - 2006

Atrocities and Criminal Homicides in Iraq
Global Policy (dot org)

Edited January 13, 2021

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