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 Post subject: Accepting Reality In The Sacred Moment
PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:48 am 

I choose to accept my reality in the moment-JohannaRaphael-OEA Forum.jpg
I choose to accept my reality in the moment-JohannaRaphael-OEA Forum.jpg [ 52.2 KiB | Viewed 2309 times ]

Video Teaching by GurujiMa
Causality and You: You Are the Creator of Your Life
Watch the teaching here: ... ator-life/

There is no such thing as a solid external reality. Nevertheless, it becomes very difficult to take back the principle of causality into oneself. You are the Divine Creator of your life, not solely through your conscious intention, but through your whole being. What you are receiving belongs to you because of what you are bringing forth in the world.

Last edited by Johanna on Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: The Condition For Truth
PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 9:35 am 

The Condition For Truth

“The condition for truth is to allow suffering to speak.”

Dr. Cornell West

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 Post subject: $2000 - Helping We The People
PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 9:46 am 

$2000 - Helping We The People

I have noticed ever since the President challenged both Houses that the amount allocated in service to the dire needs of We The People, calling it a “disgrace” to give We The People $600 after months of suffering, that on the radio stations in service to the “public” and online much obfuscation and word play ensues in the not mentioning the amount of $2000, nor does there seem to be discussion of the merits when it comes increasing the amount from $600 to $2000.

As a Nation, We The People are being abused and harmed. Compare what is payed for by the People which is spent on the profitable mechanisms of war - $740 billion - about 2+ billion a day. The tax cut for the wealthiest United States citizens - 1.7 trillion. The great bailouts of 2008 and 2020 include the 4.1 trillion dollars given to corporations, many of which were wealthy corporations and businesses, not small businesses. But when it comes to the People? Austerity.

The People are starving, millions lost their incomes months ago, many are now homeless and there are more evictions to come, as they endeavour to survive the ravages of the pandemic. Yet the People are offered an inadequate, meager, ungenerous, a stingy amount of $600 in financial help with an increase of $300 (not $600) in benefits, state governments and municipalities are left out in the cold.

It tis the rare admirable publication or program that speak to these discrepancies, the suffering, the need. They are out there Dear Readers but one must take time to find them.

I bow in gratitude to Representative Nancy Pelosi for taking up the measure to allocate $2000 for those in need.

I write and advocate for those in need. I am saying, repeating the amount - $2000 per person to help those in need. An amount that has actual meaning to it. An amount that begins to help those who are suffering.

* * *

I find myself in a state of astonishment as I witness the actions of a fallen master.

Mixing into deceptive behaviors are true statements of suffering with meaningful gestures.

Pardoning friends of crime whilst an execution spree unfolds before the Nation's horrified eyes.

Prayers for the upliftment of We The People.

At a feast set upon gold, the full of belly bemoan the wealth of the starving.

Vision received: December 31, 2020

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 Post subject: Pardoning Is Not Redemption.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 9:50 am 

Pardoning Is Not Redemption.

Pardoning is not redemption.

A pardon does not undue spiritual destruction.

When the soul truly heals actions for that which were not of Love and Light, only then, does the soul redeem itself.

What does this fallen master build? What force does the king embolden?

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 Post subject: Prayers for Uplifment - Sikh Farmers In India
PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 9:57 am 

Prayers for Uplifment - Sikh Farmers In India

"Farmers in India have shut down swaths of the country’s transport, shops and markets as they escalated their protests against new agriculture laws with the launch of a national strike.

Hundreds of thousands of farmers blocked all roads into the capital Delhi for most of the day, and across the country demonstrated on railway lines and highways and called for a shutdown of shops, in a effort to pressurise the government into repealing new agriculture laws they say will leave them poverty stricken and at the mercy of corporations.

For over a week, thousands of farmers, mainly from Punjab and Haryana, have been camped out around the periphery of Delhi, sitting along police barricades on the three main roads going into the capital, saying they will not move until the three agriculture laws are repealed and they are given assurances of a minimum price for their crops. A meeting last Friday between farmers and the government went on for seven hours but failed to end the deadlock..."

To learn more: ... arts-india

Prayers for the strengthening and upliftment of the Sikh community of farmers striking injustice.

with love,

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 Post subject: Kindred Energies Conjunct In Time - 1623 To The Present
PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 10:28 am 

Kindred Energies Conjunct In Time - 1623 To The Present

Hello Dear Readers,

When I became aware of the Saturn and Jupiter conjunction on December 21, 2020 I read too, that this conjunction had also occurred in 1623 something was stirring in my consciousness that I could bring forth, yet for days the stirrings continued. I asked for guidance and the following is what came forth.

I was given as guidance this question - "What energies were manifesting during the last conjunction in 1623?"

Through readings and the watching of historical documentaries, I learned that during this period in time, European settlers, mainly Pilgrims and Puritans were arriving on the shores of the America’s.

The peoples who came here to establish a new world order, which included the murder and decimation of the inhabitants who were already living here, had an agenda, and this agenda had energies associated with it that contained zealotry and violence.

I wrote down as I listened to lectures the energies which were manifesting in the actions of the peoples and came to realize that these same energies - consciousness’ are manifesting in the present.

Dear Readers, I had not learnt in history class that the early Puritans had come from Holland not England. They were from England but had moved to Holland, a tolerant Nation, in response to the English civil wars (Reformation) which had brought about an intolerance towards the politics and beliefs of the Puritans. After living ten years in Holland, the Puritans left Holland for the America’s as they began to feel an intolerance for the tolerance of the peoples of Holland.

The Pilgrims combined in their theology an intolerance for those who did not worship in the same pure ways in which they did as well as the desire to commodify the natural resources found in the lands of the America’s.

These energies (consciousness and beliefs) have been well documented. Dear Readers, you too, may find many of the energies and conscious beliefs of the past arising in the present. In order to heal the past, we are called to account in the present, for that which was not healed, as these energies continue as virulently spreading discordance.

Here are a few examples of the commonalities in consciousness (energies) between the past 1623 and the present:

Zealotry and fanaticism.

Intolerance of Other.

Religious intolerance.

Narrowness of mind and hardheartedness.

Imposing austere laws and doctrines.

Political upheaval. Civil unrest.

Establishment of a new capital of governance.

Civil unrest pitting family and friends against one another.

Hatred of compromise.

Energies of spite and vindictiveness.

Alienation through arrogance.

Identifying Other as "evil" (and worthy of death).

Subjugation of women.

Domination and persecution of Other - The Native Peoples of the New Lands, African peoples brought by enslavers.

The belief of divine right to lands, bodies, and properties of Other.

The belief in the divine right to express violence as protecting self/group from Other - victimhood.

Energies of destruction, desecration.

The belief in the divine right to rule as God’s only representatives on Earth.

Promotions of people based on ideology and theology rather than qualification.

Extremism with a justification of the resort to violence.

Desire among members of the populace for autocratic rule.

Belief in the need for an iron fist.

Equal in name only - exclusiveness and selfishness.

Belief that there are only some true ‘patriots’.

Tendency to see life in black and white terms.

The obfuscation of fighting and rules for the benefit of aristocratic rather than the people.

Abhorrence of culture.

Fundamental beliefs that people are lost to God and are required to be ‘saved’.

Seeking religious freedoms whilst actively persecuting Other.

Strict belief systems in managing how reality should be perceived by all.

The most prominent energies of separation then and now:

Intolerance of Other and the belief in the right to persecute and control Other, as well as the belief in the right to resort to violence.

The past is manifesting in the present for healing Dear Readers. Even as I speak to the events unfolding in the United States of America, these energies are manifesting planet wide.

Prayers for the upliftment of the Peoples of all Nations who seek to be free.

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 Post subject: Extrajudicial Executions
PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:42 am 

adjective Law
(of a sentence) not legally authorized: there have been reports of extrajudicial executions.

New Oxford American Dictionary

Extrajudicial Executions

When cameras are turned on, We The People watch bullets fly within moments of an encounter with a police officer often followed by the ritual standing around and talking of the officers amongst themselves whilst the Black man or woman, lies alone, dying, where they were shot without aide.

Murder, assassination, extra-judicial killings whatever name we give to these forms of death Dear Readers, those who commit these crimes in uniform seem to enjoy the benefits of a legal immunity that Black men, women and children, are expressly denied.

In memory of Andre Hill of Ohio and all who have died this year by extra-judicial execution.

Be as the voice of one crying in the wilderness.

Adapted from John 1:23
Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text
Lamsa Translation

2 Cleveland Police Officers Avoid Federal Charges in Killing of Tamir Rice
New York Times   2020-12-29
Two Cleveland police officers will avoid federal criminal charges
for their role in the killing of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old Black boy
who had been carrying a pellet gun when he was shot in 2014.

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 Post subject: Christmas Blessings - Light and Love
PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:48 am 

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judah, in the days of Herod the king,
there came Magi from the East to Jerusalem.

…When they had heard from the king, they went away; and behold, the same star that they had seen in the east was going before them, until it came and stood just above the place where the infant boy was.

When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly.

St. Matthew 1: verses 1,9,10
Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text
Lamsa Translation

Roerich-Star of the Mother of the World-wikiart.jpg
Roerich-Star of the Mother of the World-wikiart.jpg [ 65.93 KiB | Viewed 2293 times ]

I have spoken these things to you that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be full.

This is my commandment: That you love one another just as I have loved you.

You are my friends if you do everything that I command you.

John 16 verses 11,12,14
Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text
Lamsa Translation

Last edited by Johanna on Sat Dec 26, 2020 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Hope for 2021
PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 10:00 am 

Hope for 2021


We are seeing, now, amidst all that is not light-filled, the sacred purpose of this time — the birth of a new America as a land in which all people can find a place to live in love and respect.

The world is waiting, now, for the multiple vaccines that will put an end to the pandemic that has characterized this past year and irrevocably altered our lives. The world is waiting with fatigue, with hope, with fear, and with a desire to resume life as it was before. Yet, the world cannot go back to what it was before. It is irrevocably altered, and we have yet to see the full results of this alteration.

The choice before us, beloved ones, is not just whether we believe that the world is forever changed by what we have lived through and are still living through. It is based on how we view this change, and whether we can flow with it into the future.

Hope for the future depends upon our awakening to what is taking place, now, in the Earth and in our hearts. For it is not just a pandemic that is taking place. It is a collision between the values of the past that have led to conflicts, wars, oppressions, and separation of one group from another, and the values of the future based on love and cooperation among all. Some are aware of this collision of values. Many are not. Some see only the injustices that human beings continue to heap upon each other that are now more clearly set before our eyes.

Today, in addition to the pandemic that we are living through, there is also an epidemic of disillusionment taking place in this land. The premises of safety and security upheld by what we considered to be the ‘structures of democracy’ are now being called into question. Where there was trust in these time-honored systems and structures, there is now doubt and mistrust. Where there was confidence in what people and institutions claimed to be true, claimed to be ‘facts,’ there is now confusion about what can be believed and who can be believed. There is also the growing sense that what we have believed in, in relation to the practices of democracy in contrast to its ideals, may have been more myth than reality. Democracy is being challenged, today, not just by acts that contradict its basic values, but by our own disillusionment with its possibilities.

However, and it is a large ‘however,’ what we are witnessing within our collective life, today, is not the destruction of democracy, but the history of this country and of our collective past being revealed to us with new intensity, and being received by us with new eyes. We are growing in our understanding of racial injustice, gender injustice, climate injustice, social injustice, and so forth, with a great need to rectify things through a sweeping movement of collective change. Such a movement is building now, and shall build even further in the time ahead.

The challenge of this moment is to not believe in the disillusionment being evoked by external events, but to believe, instead, in the light that shines in the darkness. This is the light of truth and love that shines in every heart and in every soul. It is the light that lights the way to our spiritual home. We are seeing, now, amidst all that is not light-filled, the sacred purpose of this time — the birth of a new America as a land in which all people can find a place to live in love and respect.

The place of hope within us is always there if we do not give power to disillusionment, anger, or despair, but trust and cling to the values we hold most dear: love, unity, honesty, peace, freedom, gratitude, humility. These are the values that live in every heart, for they are the values of the soul within. If we hold to these and do not get involved with energies that separate us, we will be able to deal with whatever 2021 brings without fear, and with the knowledge that we are helping to create a new and sacred future for this country and for the world.

Let us hope, then, for the light within us to grow stronger in 2021, allowing us to embrace the new. Darkness may appear to have power for a while. It may seem threatening and may create a sense of fear. Yet, the truth of light can be held like a banner within our hearts so that we can remain faithful to it under all conditions and circumstances. If we do not empower disillusionment, if we do not judge others but instead embrace them all as part of our human family, we will be able to feel the Divine unfoldment that is currently taking place, creating a new world, based in love, that is emerging out of of our own deepest hearts and souls. ... f-america/

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 Post subject: Energies Of The Past Manifesting In The Present
PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 10:23 am 

Energies Of The Past Manifesting In The Present

“…However, and it is a large ‘however,’ what we are witnessing within our collective life, today, is not the destruction of democracy, but the history of this country and of our collective past being revealed to us with new intensity, and being received by us with new eyes. We are growing in our understanding of racial injustice, gender injustice, climate injustice, social injustice, and so forth, with a great need to rectify things through a sweeping movement of collective change. Such a movement is building now, and shall build even further in the time ahead.”

Hope for 2021
GurujiMa ... f-america/

Energies (experiences, events, emotional currents, and so forth) of what embodied souls hold in their consciousness as the past, do not cease to exist. Through the Process of Purification* embodied souls can transform energies through a sacred and conscious process of healing. An integral aspect of this healing process involves making choices which encourage as well as affirm, love and healing in the presence of the energies which create suffering and pain, separation and despair.

"...In this new Unified Physics we are asked to let go of the idea, completely, that there is any such thing as a separate identity. Because we are moving in the direction of understanding that we are part of a unified field, and it is the unified field that is generating us. We are the expressions of the unified field of quantum fluctuations. And we are not more than that, we are that." GurujiMa

The New Unified Physics, Part II: The Universe as a Divine Network ... ic-theory/

Energies of what many embodied souls believe are of the past - if we understand that there is no past, no future, only the present moment where all consciousness’s and energies reside, can infuse the hearts and minds of those who are either pre-disposed to or willing to align with these currents of consciousness which inform these minds that the superiority of their cause and/or their belief systems gives them the right, often believed to be bestowed upon them by the god of their cause/belief system, to bring harm and pain to those who are deemed as Other, as evil. Sadly, these same energies also infuse minds and hearts with the false belief that they have an obligation to express violence in the furtherance of their cause.

What I speak of Dear Readers, is not new, what is new is the holding of these thoughts and beliefs which are anchored in separation as energies which are separated from unity, life, love, and Light. Energies if acted upon which can bring forth destruction, suffering and pain.

I spoke of these energies manifesting in a previous post - Kindred Energies Conjunct In Time - 1623 To The Present
viewtopic.php?f=12&t=117&start=708. I perceive these energies which are manifesting in the present, as being connected to a consciousness anchored in the mindsets and behaviours of ancestors, which were never healed and now are being embraced in the present moment by those embodied souls who are receptive to their influence.

All prayers for the suffering connected to the Nashville bombing. Blessings to the brave men and women, the police officers who risked their lives to save those in the path of destruction. Prayers for upliftment for those who on the day of the blessings of Christmas, lost everything and are now homeless.

Prayers for the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan, who have lived for far too many years with this type of terrorism which they endure with much suffering and sorrow.

* The Purification Process - visit

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 Post subject: Meaningfulness In A Time Of Death
PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 10:28 am 

Meaningfulness In A Time Of Death

Dear Readers,

I was listening to an interview with David Kessler who worked with Elizabeth Kubler-Ross who wrote on death, dying, and grief and brought to us seminal teachings on the five stages of grief and how to hold grief. The program was The Best Of Our Knowledge.

During these times of mass death and grieving, David Kessler has written a new book on the sixth stage of grief - finding meaning.

The website contains resources for those who are dealing with experiences of grief - grief (dot) com.

Not everyone perceives reality as I do and such, I have chosen not to hot link to David Kessler’s website. Even so, it should be relatively easy for you to find your way there.

with love,

Recognition Of The Holy: During the same program, I also listened to an interview with a mortician from New Jersey, he is known in his community as Mohamed the Mortician, whose experiences serving the dead during the pandemic are so profound and intense, that I immediately lit a candle in prayer for the upliftment of his soul and the souls he serves. If you find it in your heart to do so Dear Readers, will you light and candle and pray for him and the souls who have passed in his care with me? Thank you.

The Pouring Forth

Grief held at bay in the heart exhausted
by sorrows and negligent cruelties,
breaks as a dam, flooding and pouring forth.

Woe, once mighty Nations. Woe.

The Pouring Forth received: December 31, 2020

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 Post subject: On Retreat
PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 10:47 am 

Nicholas Roerich - Agni Yoga - wikiart.jpg
Nicholas Roerich - Agni Yoga - wikiart.jpg [ 58.66 KiB | Viewed 2271 times ]

Hello Dear Readers,

I will be on retreat until after the new year as I prepare to receive the prophesies and visions for 2021.

All blessings Dearest Readers.

with love,

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