As my embodied experience has evolved in time and space, the issue of 'protection' has less to do with armouring myself and more to do now with discernment, boundary's, and recognizing my limitations and humility. I have, over the years, slowly but surely, taken off my armour, put down my sword, and allowed my heart more reign - in the presence of great sorrow, suffering, and pain.
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Since being attacked by opposing forces is fairly common in my embodied experience, especially as taking in/containing through my heart, or transmuting negativity is part of my service work (which I, to this day, struggle with not identifying with that which I take in) - 'protecting' myself or fighting the darkness would be counterintuitive.
I do not seek opposing energies. Rather in my case, for example, those who carry suffering or darkness, usually through meeting and interacting with me, may feel their hearts more or their light, and the darkness within them will be drawn out - or the darkness that they may carry will be activated and the attack may come consciously or unconsciously. As the Light increases on the planet, so much negativity and lower vibrational energies have been activated for release and healing so many like myself, have been especially busy these last few years in service to the Realms of Light.
When it comes to opposing energies or lower vibrational energies, I seek, as I have learnt in not only the Process of Purification, but in the teachings of From Light to Light, to disengage with the energies.
The act of disengaging can look as different as the energies and vibrations I am taking in.
The common denominator I strive for in my disengaging (mentally) with oppositional energies moving through my physical body, my heart, or my energy body, - is love, compassion, and nourishment.
Over the years, my ability to contain and/or transmute lower vibrational energies of darkness or opposing forces, has gotten better. I once heard Beloved Julie say in a Gathering to a beloved community member that the oppositional energies they were taking on and going through, were providing them with an 'immunity' to those very energies in the future. The building 'immunity' has really stayed with me since then. Especially when I am taking in extra strength versions of oppositional energies.
In the early days of the Purification Process, I believed in the thoughts resonating with lower vibrational energies and align with them. Aligning with them means that I would take my free will choice and use it in believing the negative energies that I was purifying - the negativity which I heard in my mind. In the beginning, long held negative beliefs about myself were being purified and seeking to be healed, often enough, I would take back, through my mind, the energies being released and then act them out! Yikes!
I have gotten much better, and there is, in my case, still work to be done - as I find, depending on the intensity and level of energies I am transmuting or containing - my ability to stay fully conscious varies as well as my ability to contain and not 'spill it all out' through my actions or words.
Now I am sharing this, for those who are much like me in spiritual nature and energetic temperament, who in reading my words, may relate, and in turn, have more compassion for themselves - or, feel the joy of being seen - of having the experience of relating, diminishing feelings of isolation.
In the early days, as I processed the energies - I would, as I said, 'align' with the oppositional forces (negative energies) and be very hard on myself. (Ironically, 'the being hard on myself', was another layer of aligning…). My work with Beloved Julie and the countless hours she spent sitting with me, teaching me, with incredible compassion, firmness, and love, especially when I went through the most intense attacks - began to sink into my brain and I began over time, loving myself more. I was also supported tenderly by the Light Omega community and their love, with Beloved Julie's love, created a bridge for me to be able to go through the darkest nights of the soul and as the depth of my calling expanded, to do my work. Thank you, Beloved Julie, and those of the Light Omega community who were there for me, each of you, in your own tender, dear, and loving ways…thank you.
Over time, I began a more earnest process (I am a sloooow learner here dear readers) of setting boundaries, loving myself more, nourishing my body and spirit. (Slow learners as even after years of living a sacred life surrendered in God, eating organic, I began smoking organic cigarettes…so you see, my journey of awakening has been of progress not perfection…and yes, I quit).