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 Post subject: Solstice Blessings 2020
PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 7:37 am 

Solstice Blessings 2020 Johanna Raphael.jpg
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 Post subject: The Spiritual Nature of Planetary Bodies - GurujiMa
PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 9:18 am 

The Spiritual Nature of Planetary Bodies

"...The essential vibration of each planetary body anchors a life-force within the cosmos that enhances the harmonic of the whole, bringing to it a greater amount of one feature or another of Divine origin for the benefit of all. This is God’s manifestation within the universe of planetary bodies, as it is among the population of individual souls.

The consciousness of the planetary body is of a different nature than that of the human consciousness, however, housing more of an awareness of its cellular structure and its physical components, each of which has a consciousness of its own. It also holds the emotional and mental awareness that comprises the collectivity of its inhabitants. Because each planetary body is attuned to the larger galactic or universal harmonic, one cannot say that it exists independently and could decide to develop along different lines than those that have been pre-ordained. Nevertheless, each has, within itself, a will that urges it to move forward toward its appointed destination, and when this is not possible due to energetic deviation or to the deliberate or unconscious movements of its sentient inhabitants, a planetary body can suffer as greatly as a human body, and can experience sorrow and pain for the deviation from its essential unfoldment that is being forced upon it.

Planetary bodies relate to other planetary bodies in the manner of a family, if we are speaking of those that are relatively close to each other as in a solar system., or more in the manner of distant cousins where they are further away from each other. But even then, there is a relationship of vibrational correspondence between the two, and a network effect so that one planet is energetically aware of what another is sending out or communicating.

The universe of interplanetary life is alive with energies and consciousness that is part of the fabric of Creation. Some of this life occurs within the embodied souls that live upon the planetary spheres, and some occurs within the material and energetic body of the planet itself which houses the consciousness of the great being who is the physical Mother of all other beings that are its citizens."

The Spiritual Nature of Planetary Bodies
GurujiMa ... l-systems/

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 Post subject: Multi-Dimensionality
PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 10:04 am 


Multi-dimensionality involves the understanding that reality is composed of more than the physical universe and that the physical universe is but one of many. These universes are not 'parallel' to the physical universe; they are within it and around it.

There is a promise that was made to mankind at the beginning of time, and that is that a path of return would be provided for souls to once again know their place within God’s being after a time of individuation and separation. This promise is coming due now and it has to do with the possibility for souls to realize their individual identity as separate and unique while experiencing themselves as fully joined to the All that is God. The completeness of this union has not been possible before for most souls but the drawing together of the spiritual dimensions toward the physical, today, and visa versa, is what is making this possible.

Multi-dimensionality involves the understanding that reality is composed of more than the physical universe, and that the physical universe is but one part of many universes that exist at different levels of vibration.

Multi-dimensionality involves the understanding that reality is composed of more than the physical universe, and that the physical universe is but one part of many universes that exist at different levels of vibration, most of them not of a physical nature. These universes are not ‘parallel’ to the physical universe; they are within it and around it. In other words, they exist simultaneously as other expressions of the same reality that is taking place within three-dimensionality, raised to a different level of consciousness and awareness. It would be as if you could take a beautiful setting or a particularly lovely landscape and look at it as you would see it through different filters, each filter creating a different perspective. In the case of multi-dimensional reality, the filters are the states of consciousness that human beings are capable of and the perception of the same reality will be altered in keeping with that state of consciousness.

Multi-Dimensionality ... universes/

The Earth is awakening to the multidimensional reality of which the physical dimension is a part. This new consciousness will forever link the spiritual and physical worlds.

…Multi-dimensionality is like this — that the same phenomenon can be perceived from very different perspectives. The lower ones are included in the higher. However, the higher perspectives cannot be included in the lower until a way has been prepared for them within the consciousness of the one who is perceiving. That way is the way of vibrational affinity or ‘resonance.’ It is created by light that opens doorways for the embodied soul to the higher planes of existence.

These doorways are being opened now, and they are being opened for all who inhabit the Earth and who are receptive to light. They are being opened because it is time for human consciousness to be reunited with its origins and essence. As a result, there will be many who begin to experience changed perceptions of things that were once familiar that now appear different. These changes may come about spontaneously and without explanation. They will happen simply because the higher dimensions are now closer to the physical plane, and more communication between the two is therefore possible.

For the inhabitants of the Earth and for the Earth itself it is a time of transition into a new level of consciousness — one that represents a quantum leap forward for mankind into a higher level of awareness. This great leap forward is being prepared even now as the Earth acclimates itself to the incoming energies of spiritual light that are gathering and intensifying on a global level. As light intensifies, a large change will take place for many people as their bodies take on this new vibration, and as their consciousness is affected as well.

Though this evolutionary advance has been prepared for in in the course of human history, with accelerated preparations being made during the last fifty years by those who watch over and guard the Earth’s spiritual progression, it will nevertheless feel unfamiliar to many. For this reason, there will need to be a period of adaptation in order to become accustomed to the new perceptions and feelings that arise as part of the new reality.

This is the time that many souls have waited for throughout time, the one that has been spoken of in various forms of prophesy throughout the ages. What the Earth is preparing for is a new birth, and what all souls will simultaneously experience is a new awakening within themselves to a reality that has heretofore been largely hidden from awareness.

This great movement of consciousness will be a movement of great blessing as well. For the souls who inhabit the Earth will finally come to recognize themselves as one with each other and one with the One who dwells within all. The Divine and sacred reality that underlies the physical will finally be made known, and the Earth will become radiant and new as it ascends into greater light.

Multidimensional Reality ... ach-other/

Each event in life exists on multiple levels of reality that affect the unified Whole of which we are each a part. What seems localized is more than that.

Each event in life is larger than it appears. Each one exists on multiple levels of reality that affect the unified Whole of which we are each a part. That which seems to be a discrete interaction between you and another taking place at a particular time and in a particular location, may have energetic connections with many other events and times that are invisible and unknown to the conscious self.

…Multidimensional reality is a fact of spiritual life, just as visual reality or auditory reality is a fact of physical life. We can know things without knowing how we know them. We can feel things that belong to our soul’s history from other lifetimes, without actually remembering those other lifetimes but simply experiencing the connection with them at a particular moment in time. We can experience the life of plants and trees in a way that lets us know that they have consciousness, and similarly with animals, we can sense their consciousness without knowing how we know this.

We are connected with each other through time and space and beyond time and space, as well as to the Earth and to all its creatures. We are connected on the mental, physical, and emotional levels, and on the soul level as well, where energetic connections can appear to our conscious self then disappear from our awareness, yet feel entirely real for the moments that they are present.

Viewing life in this way allows us to feel the mystery that we are always and inevitably a part of — the mystery of our connections with others and with our own Divine being. It also allows us, if we choose to look at it in its true measure, to know beyond doubt that every action we take in our physical life and every decision we make is of importance, since its effects are much more widespread than may appear to our senses. This is the reality of our human experience — to know and feel that we are here to interact with life from the life within us, consciously, creatively, and with the depth of meaning that we can give to all that we do. This gift of meaning and of choice is one we have been given, and one that we bring to all moments of our life.

The Multidimensional Nature of Events ... re-events/

As the One became many when all things were created, those aspects of the Divine that perceived themselves to be separate from it also came into being.

Dear Beloved Ones, when we begin to think of reality as multidimensional rather than being confined to the dimension of time and space, we can become aware of the differences between dimensions in terms of the consciousness that each holds and in terms of the vibration that corresponds to that consciousness. From this vantage point, we can understand that the qualities of consciousness that correspond to the Intelligence(s) of the highest dimensions would not necessarily be the same as that which correspond to the lower or more dense dimensions that contain relatively less spiritual light.  As we rise in our capacity to hold spiritual light, we also rise in our capacity to connect with and attune to the vibration of the higher dimensions.

Although the Divine One is One, unified, complete, eternal, and self-existent, with nothing outside it or beyond it, there are dimensions within which this is not perceived to be the case, dimensions in which beings perceive themselves to be separate from the Divine.

With this in mind, it is important to understand that although the Divine One is One, unified, complete, eternal, and self-existent, with nothing outside it or beyond it, there are dimensions within which this is not perceived to be the case, dimensions in which beings perceive themselves to be separate from the Divine and do not acknowledge its reality. When this is present in the extreme, we have the phenomenon we call ‘darkness.’

Within our own time-space dimension, that which gives us the capacity to also reject the Divine and to perceive something different within our embodied state is a combination of two things: the illusion of solidity of the physical world and the way in which this has affected our perception of reality, and the presence of forces of darkness which influence our minds and thereby influence our view of reality as well.

A New View of Multidimensional Reality ... -the-soul/

The fifth dimension of Creation is not spatial or temporal. It is a dimension that brings space-time into relationship with the timeless and eternal.

It was not too long ago that scientists spoke about space and time as two separate things. The contributions of Einstein in the first part of the last century changed that. Increasingly since then, space and time have been referred to by physicists as the ‘space-time continuum’.

Whereas space, prior to this, was considered to have three dimensions, Einstein’s contribution gave rise to a four-dimensional concept that included time1. This continuum was likened by Einstein and later by others to a sheet of rubber that can expand and contract, curl or lie flat, affected by the displacement of matter in a way that science is still coming to understand.

The fifth dimension or layer of Creation is not spatial nor is it temporal. Rather, it is a dimension that brings space-time into relationship with the timeless and eternal. Fifth-dimensional ‘space’ and the awareness that accompanies it creates a movement of consciousness rather than a movement on the physical plane.

The nature of space and time or ‘space-time’ is still in a stage of theoretical unfoldment, yet even now, almost a century after Einstein’s revolutionary presentation of the new theory, most people still have difficulty picturing physical reality as four-dimensional, and a five-dimensional reality seems even further away.

…In trying to expand our awareness to this multi–dimensional space in which we actually live, most of us are able to return to early learning, remembering how one, two, and three dimensions operate. The simple description for this arrangement is that one-dimensional space can be thought of as a line, two-dimensionality as a flat surface, and three-dimensionality as a cube that has length, width, and height. To imagine four-dimensional space, we might imagine ourselves moving in time through three-dimensional space, though as stated above, this would not be an exact picture of four-dimensional space which joins ‘space-time’ into one larger whole. Within four-dimensional space, we are at a particular location in physical space at a particular time.

To try to imagine five-dimensional space from this three-dimensional perspective is generally not possible. The fifth dimension or layer of Creation is not spatial nor is it temporal. Rather, it is a dimension that brings space-time into relationship with the timeless and eternal. Fifth-dimensional ‘space’ and the awareness that accompanies it creates a movement of consciousness rather than a movement on the physical plane. This movement allows us to begin to perceive the unity of life and matter because we are moving within a higher plane. And just as we would if we physically ascended a mountain, as we move into higher dimensions, we have access to a broader view of what reality really is. Within this broader view, things are not as separate as they are within three-dimensional reality. The one who is ‘me’ and the one who is ‘you’ are not so far apart, in fact, they may not be apart at all.

To understand movement within a ‘plane of consciousness’, think of dreaming. In dreams, we can do things that are not normally possible in physical life. We can see the same thing from different perspectives. We can be two places at the same time. We can move in ways that are not possible in three-dimensional space, and time itself often has an altogether different quality. Dreaming gives us an illustration of what a ‘movement in consciousness’ might be like.

Multi-dimensional space, like dreaming, is a ‘consciousness-space’ — one which we, for the most part, are not accustomed to unless we have had non-ordinary experiences which have taken us into these other realms. Dreaming, for most, is the closest approximation. The Kabbalah and its Tree of Life, the ten Sephiroth, can be a spiritual guide for us within this multi-dimensional space, as can other holistic models of the universe and of Creation which serve the same purpose. Although the Sephiroth do not correspond exactly to dimensions, they do describe a model of the spiritual-physical universe in which Light and energy descend progressively from the Godhead into the world of matter. In doing so, they create pathways through which forces of Creation emanating from the Godhead can direct energy toward lower states of expression and manifestation. The route or passage of this energetic descent results in the divinization5 and layering of the spiritual-physical universe into gradations of spiritual energy and Light.

We, in our three or four-dimensional doughnut are at the lowest end of the spectrum of Light and energy. We have lived within this frame of reference so long that we are accustomed to thinking that it is all there is. But it is not all there is. We have access in our consciousness to all that is ‘above’, for what is ‘above’ is also within. The metaphoric doughnut-layers containing higher-order dimensionality penetrate the layer we exist in at all times.

Similarly, the emanations of Divine light coming from the Godhead penetrate every layer of Creation and infuse our life without our knowing it. And whether there are ten layers as the Kabbalah indicates and as String Theory suggests, or a different number of layers (dimensions) as other theories would have us believe, we, in any case, are evolving in consciousness along with the earth into a greater capacity to experience what has previously been inaccessible to our awareness.

This evolution of consciousness will inevitably take us into five-dimensional awareness and beyond — beyond the confines of our bounded ‘doughnut’. For five-dimensional awareness is nothing less than the loss of the sense of separateness from others and from the universe in which we live. This loss of separateness takes place in the presence of expanding light and creates an experience of the Divine within all — a perspective in which distinctions between self and other, between matter and spirit, and even between life and death can fade into the background. Within fifth-dimensional awareness, individualized consciousness still remains, but the sense of estrangement and isolation from life does not.

Linked with this shift in awareness is a movement away from exclusive reliance on our mind and five senses to define reality, toward a new awareness of infused Light linking all within a vibration of love. It is the physical senses and their biological structure which have supported and made possible the perception of subject and object, self and other.

Fifth-dimensional consciousness is already present for some, and there are many others who are awakening to it even now while the greater shift has not yet occurred. Yet for most, the sense of separation between ‘me’ and ‘you’ and the need to protect ‘me’ from ‘you’ still predominates in an atmosphere where the experience of unity has not yet directly been felt.

Fifth-dimensional awareness will change this situation and the morality that accompanies it. When all is seen to be connected with all, then a morality that is based not on self-preservation but on concern for the welfare of the whole will prevail. When there is no difference between ‘your’ interest and ‘my’ interest, then the foundation for peace can be laid within each individual consciousness.

The advent of this shift has already arrived, creating a foreshadowing of a way of being on the planet that is based in love, not self-protection — one that seeks to serve the good of all, rather than the desires of self. Such a movement has God at the center by whatever name God is called, for the movement itself does not belong to any nation, religious tradition, or group.

As we, collectively, move into fifth-dimensional awareness, the possibility for resolving the dire conflicts that have beset the world will, for the first time, become credible, and hope for a peaceful future will, for the first time, become a real hope, based in a foundation of truth.

1. Einstein, Albert. Relativity: The Special and General Theory. New York: Henry Holt, 1920.
2. Scholem, Gershom G. Kabbalah. New York: Quadrangle, 1974.
3. Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi (Warren Kenton). Tree of Life: An Introduction to the Kabbalah. York Beach: Samuel Weiser, Inc. Originally published 1972.
4. Wolf. Joachim. Understanding the Grand Design — Spiritual Reality’s Inner Logic. Trafford Publishing’s Web Bookstore at Also, “Revolution in Common Sense” or “Quantum Metaphysics” at
5. ‘Divinisation’ — the infusion of matter with spiritual Light which comes from the single source we call the Godhead or ‘Central Sun’.

Moving Toward Fifth-Dimensional Awareness ... -timeless/

If we adopt a multidimensional point of view, then a ‘higher’ dimension’ would give us access to a wider range of interpretation and understanding of what anything really is. Our three-dimensional reality would not be untrue, but it would be more limited in its scope.

In seeing more of reality as it is, we become more of who we are, and can relate to our life in the world as much more complex, more beautiful, and more mysterious than our ordinary interpretation of reality would have us believe.

What is your concept of multidimensionality? There are different ways of viewing this word. On the Earth, today, what most people understand as ‘dimensions’ are the three associated with physical reality, namely, height, width, and depth, to which many add the dimension of time which may be called a ‘fourth’ dimension.

But what if we open our minds to consider that ‘dimensions’ are infinite, corresponding to different perceptions of the reality of what IS, some more restricted, some more expansive, containing a larger segment of reality. If we adopt this point of view, then a ‘higher’ dimension’ would give us access to a wider range of interpretation and understanding of what anything really is. Our three-dimensional reality would not be untrue, but it would be more limited in its scope.

Our Multidimensional Reality, Part 1 ... ciousness/

The key to attuning to Divine Flow is surrender. Yet, surrender must become unconditional, taking place in the absence of knowledge concerning why or how things will be. Love and trust are the basis for surrender rather than understanding.

…Where does a flow come from, and where does it mean to go with it? In order to understand that, we have to think of ourselves and of reality as multidimensional. So, what flows is the energy that comes through all dimensions from God the Source. The Source is the Divine Oneness that infuses all things. That Source transmits itself across various planes or dimensions that have different levels of vibration. And so, the flow that we try to go with, is Divine intentionality. What is it that the universe wishes in order that it be most in harmony with itself? What is it that God who is the universe embodied, wishes, to harmonize all of Creation? That’s what the flow is. It’s the harmonic vibration that moves through all planes and dimensions, endeavoring to bring them all into unity.

So, we who are on the physical plane have a choice about this. We can choose not to be in unity. We can choose not to respond as if there’s a Divine harmonic, as if there’s something to pay attention to. In other words, we can choose to follow personal will rather than Divine will. But we know from various spiritual traditions that conceptualize this, that there is a Tao to the universe. There is something that moves throughout all things, the Breath of Creation, and in a way every spiritual tradition has a word for this. ‘Tao’ is one word. ‘Ruach’ is another. But there are many words for it.

So, the Divine Oneness seeks to infuse itself within all of Creation, and what limits that is only the choices of those who have free will, to pursue a different direction. That doesn’t mean that was a mistake, because those of us who have entered this fear of duality — that plane of experience — chose to be here in order to experience our own individuality. That wasn’t a mistake. But, in order to be part of the Divine flow, we have to then bring our individual essence and expression back into harmony with the harmonic of the universe.

The universe, starting from whatever we conceive of as God the Source, the Divine Oneness, the Source of all, transmits itself vibrationally and in consciousness through all planes of Creation. And we who desired to be part of the flow, need to tune ourselves to the Divine harmonic. Now, in simple terms what that would mean is if we move consciously and unconsciously — because we have to be unified in our direction — consciously and unconsciously in the direction of surrender, that is we surrender all parts of ourselves, not just a portion. If we move in the direction of love and trust in each moment, then, we are opening the way to perceiving what the Divine flow is. Because the Divine harmonic of the universe is love. And to access that, one must be part of it. So, without opening to love there can’t be surrender, because what would you surrender to? And there would be fear and resistance on the part of many.

Divine Flow and Being Fluid ... f-knowing/

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 Post subject: Science, Spirituality, and Our Changing View of Reality
PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 1:24 pm 

Science, Spirituality, and Our Changing View of Reality ... ove-unity/

If you allow yourself to be influenced by this strong underpinning of energetic unity across all distances, bodies, purposes, sizes, and dimensions, you might emerge into a world where everything has wonder and life in it.

It is known by physicists as the ‘field of quantum fluctuations,’ the unified field of energy that pervades the entire universe. Whereas before we thought that celestial bodies were separate from each other, floating in an empty space, now, according to the New Physics, we have come to understand that space is not empty but full. It is filled with tiny squiggly energy particles that are a million times smaller than an atom that are called ‘quantum fluctuations.’

This is a monumental advance for theoretical physics, and it is part of our human consciousness shift as well. For we have thought of ourselves as separate bodies with space in between us and every other. This premise now needs to be revised, partly due to the understanding of the unified energy field that scientific understanding is arriving at, and partly due to our own deeper knowing that we are part of one human family, and, indeed, one family with all of Creation.

The convergence of scientific theory with our subjective spiritual understanding is both exciting and profound. It is an understanding that even the staunchest advocates of separateness can be influenced by if they choose to be. It turns out that nothing on a physical or energetic level can really be separate from anything else, and that Creation’s plan for the birth of each individual life-form does not involve the separation of these individual forms, but their constant relationship with each other through a universal field of energy.

What does this have to do with me, you might ask? The new findings exist as a strong invitation to let go of the illusion of separateness and to look at the world with new eyes. These new eyes might see that the world is pulsating with little squiggly packets of energy, and that everything, everywhere, is an expression of Divine life.

We have come to understand that space is not empty but full. It is filled with tiny squiggly energy particles that are a million times smaller than an atom that are called ‘quantum fluctuations.’

You came to the Earth to experience the freedom given to you to choose your own destiny as well as the perception of reality that you will hold. Though you cannot change the fundamentals of Creation, your view of what it contains and how it was formed can certainly change. And so, if you allow yourself to be influenced by this strong underpinning of energetic unity across all distances, bodies, purposes, sizes, and dimensions, you might emerge into a world where everything has wonder and life in it.

Even the most ordinary of physical objects is, at the sub-atomic level, pulsating with Divine life. All living beings are even more so, for they not only contain this life at the sub-atomic and cellular level, but within their consciousness and intelligence as well. You can choose which reality you subscribe to. It is why you are here. You came to learn about yourself as a unique manifestation of the Divine Oneness – a singular grouping of quantum fluctuations that spun itself together as ‘you.’ You also came to know, beyond doubt, that you are one with all.

At this moment you may not know what ‘one with all’ feels like, even as you hold it to be true in principle. Yet, the learning about oneness proceeds from intention and longing. Therefore, if you long for a greater sense of unity with others and with all, this longing will open a door for you into the experience.

In this season of darkening days and diminished light before the Winter Solstice, let the search for the light of unity be a conscious choice on your part, so that where you find yourself separating from others with a desire to see them as ‘other,’ a reversal can begin to take place so that you know that they are part of you as well.

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 Post subject: The New Unified Physics - Teachings by GurujiMa
PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 1:47 pm 

Hello Dear Readers,

I felt called to share with you a few notes that I took whilst watching the second video in the series of teachings by GurujiMa
The New Unified Physics ( Part II: The Universe as a Divine Network)

There is so much more within this video teaching, as well as all three video teachings on the New Unified Physics Dear Readers.

These three video teachings are a banquet of knowledge, more importantly, knowledge of the sacred.
I offer these notes as an invitation to partake of what is held within these video teachings on the New Unified Physics.

The Holographic Universe.

Within the Holographic Universe everything is interacting and communicating with everything else.

Within physics much is theory built on equations.

What is a holographic universe?

First of all physics talks about the relationship of energy to matter. Energy creating matter, energy creating consciousness.

It does not address the meta level of consciousness creating energy. The meta level of consciousness creating energy, would be to talk about the Creator of the Universe creating the dynamic patterns of energy that we see in the New Unified Physics.

So physics doesn’t not go there. Physics examines the interactive plane of energy.

In this new Unified Physics we are asked to let go of the idea, completely, that there is any such thing as a separate identity. Because we are moving in the direction of understanding that we are part of a unified field, and it is the unified field that is generating us. We are the expressions of the unified field of quantum fluctuations. And we are not more than that, we are that.

That which arises out of the quantum fluctuations will produce matter here that has a certain coherent pattern, and it’ll produce matter there that has a certain coherent pattern. And in one place it will produce let’s say a galaxy, that’s matter, or that’s a physical structure, a galaxy. In another place it will produce a planet. In another place it will produce a proton. And in another place it will produce a you.

You are part of the pattern that coalesces within the quantum fluctuations that gives rise to the physical reality that is you and the physical reality that is everything else.

And in giving rise to you or to anything else, what happens is that you arise as a physical structure, a physical reality that may perceive yourself to be independent, but you’re not, you perceive yourself to be because of your sensory equipment, but you are not.

Everything that’s you is projected into the physical structure that you’ve become, but its still just energy protecting itself into matter. You are still just quantum fluctuations.

Out of this picture comes the realization that you and all human beings have the potential of realizing the universe within themselves.

Love is an important part of the spiritual universe.

That which created the quantum field of quantum fluctuations is also the quantum field of fluctuations.

There is a link that hasn’t been made yet, and because the excitement of the revelations of physics are so engrossing, they’re so profound in terms of what it would be like if we actually lived according to this new level of responsibility. What would it be like if we understood that we didn’t have a separate identity. What would we feel about it if we really understood it. Not just use the words for it.

The unmanifest unity of spirit coming into manifestation.

We are the projections of a quantum field of energy.

The New Unified Physics, Part II: The Universe as a Divine Network ... ic-theory/

The video teachings are presented on the Light Omega website:

The New Unified Physics, Part I: A Universe of Energy ... to-matter/

How does energy create matter? Those who are looking at this postulate an organizing principle – that all of physical reality is not happening randomly, that there is an intensity of coalescence or coherence of energy that comes together and begins to spin, creating a vortex, and the vortex that’s created is the way that matter is ‘pushed’ into existence.

There is nothing empty in the universe. Energy is continually producing matter. Creation is ongoing. The Mind of God is still operating in time and space and beyond time and space. This is the wonder of it – that the evolution of theoretical physics toward an understanding of how energy creates matter is moving it in the direction of articulating ‘God is creating.’ Or, within the Hindu perspective, ‘Brahman is creating.’ ‘Shiva is creating.’ These things are very real for those who can put together the spiritual and the physical underpinnings. The ‘dance of Creation’ is going on continually, and that’s what this New Physics is about. It’s about the unmanifest Brahman coming into physical existence.

The New Unified Physics, Part II: The Universe as a Divine Network ... ic-theory/

Within the holographic universe that we live in, everything is interacting and communicating with everything else. What you say makes a difference. What you do makes a difference. How you are in the expression of your life makes a difference. The New Physics is the physical-energetic underpinning of the idea that everything is interacting with everything else.

The New Unified Physics, Part III: Quantum Fluctuations, Black Holes, and the Evolving Universe ... and-unity/

The universe is connected like an internet network. Everything is communicating with everything else all of the time. On an energy level, everything is informed about everything at the same time. No matter where you go, the information about the entire universe is held in each small container. This is the holographic theory of the universe.

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 Post subject: Stars and Star Poems
PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 6:01 pm 

Star Poem-AndromedaSW-LightOmega-photoNASA.jpg
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...The heavens are populated by millions of stars whose reality and beauty have been brought home to us through the magic of the Hubble telescope and others like it of recent vintage. These extraordinary instruments have enabled those of us on the ground to be in the sky as well — to see what no human eye has ever seen before. Because of this gift, we are offered an opportunity to experience the vastness of the universe and the beauty of Creation in a way that was only possible to imagine before, not to see or to feel.

To become one with the star-formations is to participate in their aliveness, to feel how they were created, to rejoice in the light that emanates, to move with the interstellar clouds that make up the many variegated nebulae, to feel the inner activity within the womb and belly of gestating star-clusters as they form new stars — all of this is to feel part of the immediate life of the universe.

New images of the heavens have brought us new information. They have given scientists material to work with and unravel for years ahead. Yet these same images can offer more than information — they can offer spiritual truths to those who seek them, truths that can only be obtained through communion of an inner kind with what one wants to know.

The universe of stars is part of the glory of God’s creation. It is the Word made manifest. Created in the beginning as an example of radiance that would show God’s splendor to all who could see, stars are radiant beings that shed forth perpetual light during the long cycle of their life. Eventually, their life cycle completes itself and they die, at which time they return to pure energy and dissipate. The glory of the stars is part of the seed-thought in the mind of God that would display to human and other souls an understanding of infinity. Each star is en-souled by a being that has the stature of its star body which is simultaneously larger and more radiant than a planetary body. These star-beings are not like human beings in their consciousness, for their purpose within the stellar system is to communicate light and to interconnect points of spiritual light throughout the manifested universe. The radiance of physical light is but one dimension of radiance that stars emanate, however. The more powerful stars radiate along invisible and visible dimensions, and the quality of light differs from one star to the other. Here, we are not talking about red stars, or blue stars, or white stars and which are hotter. We are speaking of the inner fire which is the source of the radiance and how powerful that is. There can therefore be a smaller star that is quite powerful and a larger one that is not. The radiance of light throughout the universe(s) is, in the mind of God, a way of holding the fabric of manifestation within a harmonic of spiritual light in a way that preserves a tonality of peace and love. It is for this reason that when people look up at the stars at night they feel tranquil and also small, because the stars convey in their vibrational frequency, both tranquility and infinity. There is much yet to be learned about the spiritual essence of star formations, for each has a purpose that it serves within the manifested universe. What this purpose may be differs from star to star and constellation to constellation, but the specific frequency of vibration that each holds within the overall vibration of tranquility and unity within infinity, depends on the quality of consciousness that is at the star’s core.

Read the entire teaching here:

Stars and Star Poems ... -universe/

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 Post subject: Star Poems
PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 6:04 pm 

Star Poems
GurujiMa of Light Omega

Star Poem: NGC604 Firestorm of Starbirth in a Local Galaxy ... cal-union/

Star Poem: Milky Way Galaxy Center ... e-beloved/

Star Poem: Sharpless 140 in Cepheus ... e-beloved/

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 Post subject: The Cosmos and Creation
PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 6:15 pm 

The Cosmos and Creation

Alpha and Omega ... -as-omega/

Alpha and Omega, the Divine Word manifesting above and below — this is the time we are in — the time of the manifestation of the Covenant that all souls are part of and that is part of all souls. And if there are greater difficulties and challenges that abound now, it is because all that stands in the way of this greater manifestation must be released and dissolved in the holy light of God.

This is the role and function of the Word — to bring forth the new within the plane of matter, within matter itself, so that all can find within themselves the Divine being that they seek and that they are.

Many have written about this time, many have hoped for it, and yet because difficulties still abound and appear in certain instances to be getting stronger, there is not the confident joy that would be present if all could feel and know that the Divine Word is manifesting in the Earth and upon the Earth. The difficulties must manifest, because what has been hidden must become open, what has been concealed, must reveal itself to the light of day. It is in this way that all darkness that remains shall make itself known and shall be dissolved in the greater light of God, for this has been ordained from the beginning and from before time began — that all flesh would come to know the Divine Presence dwelling upon the Earth, and would gather together and bow before the majesty of what God had created.

Pain and suffering still remain for many, and so this has not yet become visible in its fullness. And yet the light-shift that is before us will bring forth a manifestation of what is ordained in a way that is knowable to all. And it will be for those who are open as if their hopes and dreams had finally been given an avenue of expression, and it will be as if all that had been waited for had finally arrived. This is the time that beckons — the time of the Divine and holy Word of God manifesting upon the Earth. May all blessings flow to the blessed Earth and to all beings who live upon Her, for her time is coming and has come.

The Holy Breath of God ... awakening/

…The holy Breath of God emerges from the Oneness which it is part of and from which it came. It emerges and it enters into the corporeal substance of all things in order to enliven them and in order to bring them back to unity with the One. No solid matter is too hard or opaque to be impermeable to the holy Breath, for its essence is transformative. It transforms the inner structure of what may seem solid and opaque to one of porousness and permeability to Divine life. This Divine life is more powerful than the forces that might choose to resist it. It is more powerful than the forces that live in fear of it, created by illusion.

Such is the nature of the holy Breath that it seeks to unify all beings, all of Creation, within the Oneness that is All. It is brought forth by the Christ in manifestation and signals to each living being of its Presence through the action it performs of quickening, awakening, and transforming.

There are those who would deny that the miraculous is real or that the potency of the holy Breath can overcome all obstacles, no matter what their size.

This perspective is based on an overestimation of the potency and pervasiveness of physical reality which, for some, is all there is. It is also based on an underestimation of the forces which have created that physical reality, which precede it in a causal way as the sun precedes the rays that emanate from it.

Almighty God has decreed that the holy Breath shall be given to the Earth to transform it at a particular moment in time — at a time when the transformation of the great Return will be aided and supported by the holy Breath, at which time all bodies will be more capable of supporting its presence within their physical structure. This time is now, and all of physical reality, no matter what form it takes, is being made more permeable by the Divine life which is now present on the Earth and which now has the potential for transforming the life of the Earth as it is presently constituted.

The Divine Matrix ... wholeness/

We live and move and have our being in a Divine Matrix that is God, the Divine Oneness, the Holy One. It is as if we are fish swimming in water which is our natural environment without knowing that the water is there or that we are swimming. We live and move in God without knowing that God is there.

 Time is of Divine origin, and is the medium through which all things unfold into greater wholeness. Its movement is not only from the past to the future, but from the less real to the more real, and from the less whole to the more whole.

Time is an expression of this Divine Matrix. Time is the fluid substance that moves through life and that we move through that brings about events for us to interact with. Some of these events we like, some we dislike. Some we think are positive, some we think are negative. This perspective which operates according to the pleasure-pain principle is true on the level of our experience, but it is not true of the wholeness and holiness that is the essence of Time. For time is of Divine origin, and is the medium through which all things unfold into greater wholeness. Its movement is not only from the past to the future, but from the less real to the more real, and from the less whole to the more whole. Time unfolds the potential of all things — events, situations, purposes, and people. It unfolds the deeper being of who we are.

Reawakening to the Divinity of the Five Elements ... -elements/

…We are in need of reclaiming the divinity of the five elements, each of which emerged from the Source of Creation in order to manifest the physical universe. To reclaim the divinity of each of the elements (earth, air, fire, water, space) would be to perceive the link between Creator and Creation more fully, the link between matter and spirit. What is central is the shift in perception from seeing each element as an object, to seeing it as an emanation from the Mind of God that is instrumental in allowing the world to come into being.

Akash or spae, in particular, holds this mystery. For it is the malleable space which contains the physical universe like a bubble within timelessness. Akash is the space which holds everything in its place and allows the world to be a world without re-merging with the infinite and timeless. Akash is the container for time and space.

Yet, beyond this is the need to reawaken reverence for the substance of Creation, that which allows it to be. Each of the other four elements in addition to space contains a portion of this substance, even that which appears to have no substance at all such as air. Air is not solid, but it is part of the physical world of Creation and has physical properties that cause it to interact with each of the other elements.

How can the consciousness of divinity be reawakened in relation to what is solid and material?

…The reality of the Earth’s being must reawaken within each of us so that we know that She is real and is infused with the Source of of All. Now, the consciousness of water is reawakening. We can feel, however dimly, that water is a physical substance on one level, whose quality is fluidity. Yet, on another level it is an essence that exists within the Mind of God and within all things. We must learn once again to bow to the Divine Source that created water on all levels of its manifestation.

Creation ... s-in-form/

More than a billion years ago, the earth was formed out of molten lava, lava that had condensed from a gaseous state that preceded its formation by approximately 4 billion years. This condensation of form which became the earth, grew out of an idea in the mind of God to create a physical dwelling place whose density would permit and encourage the degree of individuation of consciousness, and therefore of freedom of choice, that would allow created beings to participate more fully in Divine consciousness. It was as it has always been, a matter of thought preceding creation, and creation preceding the manifestation of form. Yet in this case, the form was also to be adapted specifically to the functioning and needs of a race of people — the human race — who would embody in their essence, the capacity to refrain from choosing light. The permission to make the choice away from light existed in the original establishment of the blueprint for the creation of human souls, with the degree of freedom present that would allow each soul the capacity to turn away from its Creator. This would be a possibility because of the identity that would grow out of identification with solidness and three dimensionality, so that people would perceive themselves to be separate in time and space from others and from the things around them. The desire of Divine mind was to permit the degree of separation to occur in order that the soul could choose, at the end of a long period of growth and learning for most, or of a shorter period for some, to combine individual freedom with unity within God.

The purpose of Creation is and was for God to manifest the totality of Divine consciousness within form, and for form to become one with the Divine, completing a ‘circle of creation’. The meaning of this intention, however, is not a simple understanding of oneness as most would discuss it today. It has to do with the tension between individuality and unity that would be present once the greatest degree of individuality or of separation were to take place. This tension would produce the magnetic energy between ‘poles’ that would create the deepest and most profound absorption of the capacity to embody God consciousness. It would be similar to the electricity, on a different level, of being in love. The electricity of being in love allows for heightened perception of the loved one, of oneself, and of life in general. So, too, does the tension between individuation and unity produce the heightened capacity to enter into a relationship with God.

For most souls, the history of embodiment has been a long journey of separation in which choices were made both toward the light and away from it, and in the process mistakes needed to be corrected, wrong turns needed to be righted. For some souls, freedom was not used in this way. The gravitation toward the light and toward God remained central despite three-dimensionality, and so there was very little immersion throughout that soul’s history in darkness. But for many this was not the case.

According to the Bible, what took place at the beginning of mankind’s conscious experience of the Divine was a premonition of the reality of the one God that became covered over by a need to populate the heavens with gods that could be appealed to at different times for different reasons, with some assurance that this appeal would affect the conduct of everyday life. This kind of magical thinking existed within human consciousness for a very long time, not because human consciousness was unevolved spiritually, but because this thinking was needed in order to establish greater control over physical reality — a control that could be gained and felt by the active participation of gods who had a more humanlike quality. It was only after the survival of the species of man had been more or less stabilized through the relationship with the earth, through the continuity of family life and structure, and through the development of economies which affected people in a cooperative way, that the broader understanding of who and what God was could come into being. The earth did not participate in this new perception of who God was. For unlike the more ‘primitive’ varieties of religious belief that could see, feel, and know that God dwelled within the trees, the forests, the animals, and the mountains, the new perception of God removed God from the earth, even while expanding human understanding concerning God’s power and presence as Lord and ruler over all that happens on the earth plane.

Disillusionment about finding and experiencing the presence of God in a more intimate, more real way, over time became the primary source for fueling addictions of all kinds in which the primary motive, whether conscious or unconscious, was to fill the void created by the absence of an intimate relationship with God.

The earth based religions then, became increasingly separate from the transcendental religions. They had different purposes, attracted different groups of people, and served as the foundation for different forms of cultural expression. Over time, the gap widened between the two — between the earth-based religions and the transcendental religions, not for everyone, but for most within the developing world. However, as this trend widened, there was more of a longing for what had been lost. Among those who pursued the path of Nature and of the expression of the Divine within nature, there was a longing for the other half — for the assurance of the unity of life within something larger. And for those who pursued the path of the transcendent, there was also a corresponding longing — for a relationship with God that could be more intimate, more directly experienced in the affairs of everyday life and within the surroundings of everyday life. These two longings became part of history. They became part of mankind’s evolving consciousness.  They may not have been expressed. They may not even have been experienced by most. But the longing for an experience of God on one plane or the other was behind both the seeking that many became involved with and also behind the disillusionment and disappointment that many became involved with. This disillusionment about finding and experiencing the presence of God in a more intimate, more real way, over time became the primary source for fueling addictions of all kinds in which the primary motive, whether conscious or unconscious, was to fill the void created by the absence of an intimate relationship with God.

The price that has been paid by the earth for the process of human beings moving progressively into behavior and strategies that expressed separation and disillusionment rather than behavior that expressed oneness and trust in God, has been a large one. Even though the need for individuation of consciousness has been part of the plan for Creation, nevertheless, the earth has paid a high price for actions taken as a result of this individuation and separation and as a result of the darkness that emerged from it. The earth has been the recipient of all that refuses to recognize the oneness of life, of all that has been questioning and doubting of the transcendent, of all that has sought to replace a true morality that emerges from the sacred nature of human consciousness with an artificial morality that is constructed according to the psychological, emotional, and economic needs of a particular age and culture. The earth has paid the price dearly for this degree of separation, and for the immoral behavior toward relationships within the human family, toward relationships with the plant and animal kingdoms, and toward relationship with the bio-ecological system of the earth that have arisen from it.

Such a price has been a willing price, however. The being of the earth has willingly taken on the consciousness of those who dwell upon and within her structure. She has willingly participated in human history in the way of absorbing its excesses and of holding the energies of excess within herself, as best she could, in order that the fundamental support which gave continued life to people would be able to continue. She was, and is, the nurturer of the human race, both through conscious intentionality and through biology — a biology which allowed the excess of separated energy — energy translated into actions separated from the vibration of light — to be held within her physical body until such time as it would be right to release it.

This time has arrived. The signal has been given….

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 Post subject: The Cosmic Moment - Earthlight
PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 6:33 pm 

The Cosmic Moment - Earthlight

The Cosmic Moment ... the-earth/

Not since the beginning of time and the formation of the Earth itself have the planes of matter and Spirit come together in the way that they presently are.

The Alpha and Omega of creation are manifesting now as the cycle of the Earth’s movement through the plane of duality and darkness is completed and a new cycle begins.

…On an inner level, the cosmic moment brings together the inner unfoldment of the Divine heart of the world within the hearts of each embodied soul. It activates new perceptions arising from new and spontaneous intuitions of truth, and brings about change on all levels of action and perception.

On an outer level, the cosmic moment comes in large and small alternating waves of light and darkness cascading about the events of the day — the force of growth, love, reverence, and unity stirring one set of emotions, the force of separation, fear, and conflict stirring another.

Alpha and Omega — the beginning and the end — these words have a meaning that is folded into the passage of time itself. Their relationship creates the movement forward that gives rise to the force of creative evolution and to the forward motion of human consciousness. For consciousness is drawn forward as surely as the flow of spring water is drawn from greater mountain heights to the valleys below. It cascades through the rivers and streams of human vulnerability and idealism, and shapes the passage from the past to the future. Thus, inspiration, intuition, creative discovery, and the flow of life emanating from the heart all play a part in the establishment of the new. All of these are built into the human experience and form the foundation for its unfolding expression.

The original divine Word, spoken in the beginning to bring about the transformation of Spirit into matter, now becomes the resurrected Word, born out of matter itself which now reunites with its Divine Essence and core to become a fusion of light and life.

In the case of the original Word, light becomes the dust of the Earth and the fabric of each embodied soul.

In the case of the resurrected Word, the Earth and its material forms become the light of the Cosmos.

Those who are inhabiting the Earth at this time are here to celebrate and participate in this cosmic event….

Star Poem-ConeMonceros-Light Omega-photoNASA.jpg
Star Poem-ConeMonceros-Light Omega-photoNASA.jpg [ 34.03 KiB | Viewed 2638 times ]

Earthlight — The Emergence of ‘Gaia’ ... ergy-grid/

…Ideas about the earth as a living being are as old as the myths and legends of ancient times. Ideas about the ‘planetary grid’ which holds the earth in harmony and balance, are held by some to be as old as the writings of Plato, but are more typically viewed as being of recent vintage. Such ideas are becoming ever more popular now as ‘ordinary’ people find themselves attracted to the sacred places of the earth — to Stonhenge, Macchu Picchu, Glastonbury, Mt. Shasta — and as they begin to experience the spiritual energies liberated at these different points. Whether the grid energies are perceived as fact, story, or myth will depend on our individual experience. Certainly, myths and legends have always acknowledged sacred places on the earth. They have just not been called parts of a ‘planetary grid’. Certainly, too, there are many today who seek to participate in the evolutionary changes that the earth is and will be going through — who already sense, intuitively, a truth that the mind cannot quite fathom but that the heart knows.

…And what of the earth’s consciousness?

It has been said of the earth that it is a ‘sentient being’. To be ‘sentient’ means to be conscious and to be aware of oneself. All forms within nature have consciousness, some more so than others. All forms within the entire physical universe are ‘ensouled’. Manmade creations also have consciousness, but of a more limited kind. Since they are not created out of the organic processes of nature, their consciousness is reduced to the life within the atoms and molecules of which they are composed. That is why what is ‘natural’ or ‘organic’ that we eat, wear, or live in, may feel like it has more life in it. It feels that way because it does have more life in it — the greater life of trees, plants, air, water, and sunlight in which each form had its creation.
The consciousness of the earth includes all that lives within its physical form, and all that is part of its physical form — humans and animals, insects and trees, rocks, and desert sand.

It also includes all that resides within its auric field — a field which contains astral, mental, and causal planes, similar to those that surround each embodied human.

The consciousness of the earth also includes those souls who have departed their bodies yet who have never fully left the earth plane and who remain within the energy body of the earth.

Finally, the earth’s consciousness includes the consciousness of beings and forces within the ‘inner earth’.

The ‘inner earth’ is a sphere of energy within the physical earth. It is not part of the physical dimension but is ‘inter-dimensional’ or ‘other-dimensional’, existing at a different frequency of vibration than the physical yet having access to the physical. Energies from the ‘inner earth’ can and do interpenetrate life on the physical plane when there is an access point within an individual, group, society, or location to do so. These ‘inner earth’ energies are reductions of darkness concentrated at different levels, sometimes concentrated into the form of individual beings, sometimes concentrated as just forces of negativity that can be found within the human emotional sphere as well.

Within the ‘inner earth’ is also contained a sphere of light that lies at the earth’s core. It is the home of the formative energy of planetary life and consciousness that generates the earth’s spiritual identity. The light at the earth’s core has been called by many names. One of them is ‘Shamballa’. ‘Shamballa’ is an energetic link, vortex, or dimension, through which God-the-Mother and God-the-Father become joined with the matter of the material plane. Therefore, within Shamballa, all is alive, all is sentient, all is aware of itself as soul. In order for the energy of the spiritual core of the earth to find its way to the physical life ‘above’, the planes of darkness of the ‘inner earth’ have to be transmuted so that they no longer affect the mental and emotional body of the outer earth. This transmutation takes place first, through the progressive illumination of the outer layer of the earth by the cosmic infusion of spiritual light. Through this light, that which is in physical form comes to know itself as one with the Creator-God and, as it does so, moves into a vibration of love and unity and begins to release its dormant negativity. Second, the inner planes are transformed through the release of ‘inner earth’ energies into the cosmic light so that they no longer exist in separation, but rather re-merge with the Oneness that is God. When this happens and to the extent that this happens, the spiritual core of the earth — Shamballa — can manifest its energy within the outer, physical layer, causing the conscious experience of ‘ensoulment’ or soulness among all living beings.

Planetary Transformation: The Earth’s Role in the Cosmos ... ant-light/

All souls, everywhere, benefit from the increase in wholeness that is added to by the light of the Godhead penetrating into the furthest reaches of matter. That is why the Earth’s transition into light is being watched over by beings of light throughout the entire populated universe.

…The arc of purification that is part of planetary transformation covers many lifetimes, each lifetime building on the healing that has gone before, each adding new dimensions of growth to the embodiment of the soul and its calling. For each human being has a calling to be here — an invitation issued by the soul that set forth from the planes beyond the material in order to experience separated consciousness and individualized existence. This great experiment in freedom was designed not just for the benefit of souls, however, but also for the benefit of Creation itself, for all souls everywhere benefit from the increase in wholeness that is added to by the light of the Godhead penetrating into the furthest reaches of matter.

To understand this, one must visualize the part in relation to the whole — the health of the part adding to and increasing the health and wellbeing of the whole. Within the realm of human experience one can only compare this to the singular importance of the heart, for example, and its role in many vital functions, or to the brain, and its similarly important role. So, too, does the immersion of consciousness within the plane of physical matter create an opportunity for light to extend its reach and therefore its capacity to radiate blessing to the entire universe, both physical and non-physical. It is for this reason that all of Creation awaits the outcome of the transition into embodied light that the present movement of the Earth is making, as it similarly awaits this for all other planets which house realms of duality.

There is no way of telling what the specific steps will be that will lead to the outcome of planetary transformation into an Earth-star, but there is an absolute way of knowing that in the end, all forces of darkness shall be dispelled, since it has been thus ordained by God.

The balance of the future in one sense lies in the outcome of light’s ability to overcome darkness upon the Earth — a battle being waged within time and space. Yet, in another sense, this future has already been realized since it is inherent in Creation itself that light is stronger than darkness, and therefore that ultimately it must prevail over all counteracting movements to create separation, disruption, and an abandonment of Divine

The Shiva Energy and the New Manifestation ... ed-planet/

Out of the unknown comes the known. This is a principle not only related to our individual lives upon the Earth, but a cosmic principle of Creation. Out of the unknown comes the known.

…The energy of Shiva is the bringer of the new through the dissolution of the old. It is not to be feared. It is not to be mistrusted. It is the energy of change itself, of transformation itself, and we participate with it to the extent that we are able to.

The energy of Shiva is built into our personal lives, insuring growth toward what we are meant to become, and it is built into the world’s life, insuring the fulfillment of a destiny ordained since the beginning of time, that this planet would become a sacred planet, a planet of beauty, peace, and holiness.
…This is the time of the creation of the new, the time when the old premises about reality and about ourselves must be taken apart so that they can become servants of the new, so that they can become servants of greater wholeness.

…This new thing that is waiting to be born has no precedent. It cannot be foreseen or predicted. It is unexpected. It is, until it appears, invisible. We wait for it in the state of being that allows the unknown to exist within us. We wait in emptiness. We wait in surrender. This does not mean that all activity on behalf of what we deem to be good must cease. Stillness must be interior, not necessarily exterior. However, we wait in the unknown for the known to appear. We wait, knowing that it comes forth out of Creation itself, out of the dissolution of the old.

The energy of Shiva is the bringer of the new through the dissolution of the old. It is not to be feared. It is not to be mistrusted. It is the energy of change itself, of transformation itself, and we participate with it to the extent that we are able to.

Out of the unknown comes the known. This is the principle that we are being called to trust in a time of uncertainty and upheaval, whether individually or in society as a whole. We cannot fathom how to solve the world’s problems. We cannot fathom how we can live in peace together. Out of the unknown comes the known — the Divine principle of Creation showing the way, bringing forth into manifestation that which the world has been waiting for.

The Transformation of The Living Earth, Part I ... -of-light/

At the present time, all of life, including the tiniest insect, is being affected by a new influx of God’s light. The Earth herself is being transformed by this higher vibration which is now liberating a pre-encoded transformational sequence that has lain dormant for eons within the center of her body.


The earth is presently undergoing an upsurge of light within the cells of her body, much as an individual will experience an intensification of light within the cells of their body. The earth, however, already recognizes how to integrate this light into all of her systems to bring her into a higher level of being and consciousness. This is what ‘pre-encoded’ means — that all systems are integrated so that when one system gets the signal that light of a sufficiently intense kind is now available and coming to the cells of her body, all systems respond to this message which they have been waiting for since the earth’s creation in the beginning.


“When the signal comes through that tells the earth that a new vibration is here, things that manifest physically, all begin to take in this new vibration of light and are all affected by it. In some instances this changes the nature of the manifestation itself so that it appears differently than it did before. In other instances, the presence of more life can be felt within living things, not visually, but kinesthetically, from one body to another.”

 The presence of greater light within the physical substance of the earth will begin to show itself within the material or molecular structure of trees, plants, grass, and all things that are alive. It has already begun to do so. The molecules themselves and the atoms of these molecules will begin to vibrate in a different pattern, with greater coherence of the sub-atomic particles in relation to the whole. The pattern of greater coherence is one that scientists will discover; it is not known yet. It has to do with the tendency of sub-atomic particles to separate themselves from the central core and then to return again to that central core. With greater coherence, there is less separation and more of a tendency to return sooner to the central core which operates more in a ‘magnetic’ way. This phenomenon of ‘coherence’ gives rise to a different perception of things externally. To the eyes, what ‘is’ seems richer, fuller, and more present. It is hard to say with present-day eyes how objects can appear ‘more present’, but the inner change in vibration will cause them to appear more ‘there’ as well as more alive. This is something that those who have had what are called ‘mystical visions’ can testify to, but it is not something that the vast majority of the population have acquaintance with. The world, and all that it contains, will appear more alive and more present to the new eyes that will see the light within things.

Overall, it will be a time of increased relationship between individual consciousness and physical matter, for just as the physicality of objects will no longer be a hindrance to unity since they will seem and will be more ‘present’, so, too, will the shift in consciousness toward unity cause an embracing of this presentness and a greater perception of oneness with the environment and with all living things. As a result, the two that are beholder and what is beheld, will increasingly become one.

Transformation of the Living Earth, Part II ... -released/

In the words of old: “Ye are made of dust and of the stars.” This is literally true. All that is, is made of physical matter and of light in some combination, and the light that is contained within matter is changing now and becoming uplifted.

…The earth’s outer crust is permeated by energies that have resided within it for a long time. These energies contribute to the darkness on the earth that is currently manifesting within human consciousness. The earth’s interior body as well, known as the earth’s magma, carries energies of its own, and these, too, are making their way progressively toward the surface of the earth and out into the earth’s atmosphere. The physical properties of matter which are essentially neutral can hold such energies when it is necessary that they do so in order to prevent them from becoming toxic to the atmosphere surrounding the earth. This, unfortunately, is what has been necessary and what has happened throughout the ages. Energies of a disruptive and destructive nature have dwelled within the physical body of the earth in a way parallel to what happens within an individual when feelings that cannot readily be dealt with are taken into the body in a self-protective way, affecting the functioning of organs, cells, and tissues. Now, these long-held energies are being released into the earth’s physical and energetic atmosphere as part of the advent of greater light.

As a result of this release, there will be more turbulence in terms of atmospheric changes as well as more turbulence in terms of events catalyzed by emotional energies that pass through human consciousness. The key perception here is that the earth’s body and consciousness and the human body and consciousness are not separate. And though the earth has been able to contain these energies for millennia, it is now time for her to release them in order to move into the higher vibration of light that is now entering time and space and the physical substance of matter.

The positive side of this release is that it will set free both individuals and the body of the earth for purposes of growth and expansion. While this happens, however, events may occur and purposes be made known that may mystify many as to how certain things could be happening. The answer will be explainable in terms of the larger understanding of purification and transformation into light.

The purification of the physical earth taking place now will simultaneously move human beings and, in fact, all creatures on the planet, into a higher vibration of light. Again, the two are not separate. In the words of old: “Ye are made of dust and of the stars.” This is literally true. All that is, is made of physical matter and of light in some combination, and the light that is contained within matter is changing now and becoming uplifted.

Waves of Creation Manifesting Form ... ting-form/

Waves of Creation are all around us. They are the forms of manifestation that merge the human and the Divine – persons and events that come toward us like ripples of the ocean coming toward the shore. They move, directed from the one Source of Life, to create interactions of parts or aspects of the One Life with other parts or aspects. Thus, when a wave comes toward us as we stand in the ocean water, our feet are wet, we feel the coolness of the water, we notice the wave as it approaches and moves past us, we feel moved by the soothing quality of the sound. This is our interaction with the Wave of Creation that proceeds from the formless into form.

Each person who is in your life is meant to be there as they are. They are a Wave of the Ocean. This does not mean that a particular action or reaction is required of you, for each of us must do what we feel to be right, and in doing what we feel to be right, must consult our deepest heart.

Now, we have the same opportunity to look at both persons and events in our life in this same way. We have the opportunity to see the Divine One appearing through all that we are asked to interact with. Each face that we see, each body that we meet, each event that is part of our day is a Wave of Creation, asking us to approach it without fear, but with a desire to find within ourselves the level of interaction that we are being called to.

Such willingness produces an absence of protest. It produces joy which comes from witnessing the One Life manifesting in every single way that we might imagine. Only the clinging to a sense of separate identity stands in the way of our feeling this. Only the fear of letting go of our separateness acts as a shield that prevents us from experiencing the divine Wave directly.

Co-creation ... e-reality/

…The possibility for co-creating life with God is one that has been ordained at the beginning of time. It is part of God’s Covenant with man, established in the beginning, that humanity would eventually realize its true potential as co-creators in the shaping of reality. At this present moment, while colliding forces want to take the world and individuals within it in different directions, the increased amount of spiritual light present can work to manifest things in either direction, and powerfully so. There can be more of an upsurge of darkness given expression and there can be more available light given expression. Since light is ultimately more powerful than darkness it will, in the end, accomplish its aims and the aims of darkness will no longer hold sway. However, there is an interim period, one that we are in now, in which the increased light that is present can result in the creation of pain and heartache for many while darkness continues to be able to express freely. Our hearts must be prepared for this eventuality, even while we celebrate the many changes that are now possible on the level of the body, of consciousness, and on the level of relationship with God. In the end, there will be a victory for light which partakes of the wholeness of God in a way that darkness never can. In the meantime, it behooves each of us to treat with care our own balance of thought and feeling so that we participate in the highest possible way with the forces of good that are presently sweeping the planet, and not give more currency to forces which seek to prevent this expansion. Our prayer must be that the forces of light be victorious over all that wishes to prevent their expression and that we, ourselves, become instruments of the highest light of God in mind, body, heart, and soul.

Blessings and amen.

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 Post subject: Remembering The Truth Of Who We Are In The Sacred Moment
PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 3:09 pm 

Hello Dear Readers.

Growing up in a time of the birth of the Star Trek series I have been exposed to Hollywood’s and sci-fi writers versions of space and the prospect of beings from other worlds, galaxies and planets, existing. Even as this was true, I felt no deeper connection than being amused and delighted by the portrayals, whilst at the same time realizing I absolutely had no resonance with horror Sci-Fi narratives. When science opened up to the greater public with books and video’s on Physics, the explanations and narratives thrilled and stimulated my mind.

Even as I am unable to practice mathematics, the explanations of the scientists seemed to express sacredness. In retrospect, I would say there has always been a disposition within me to be open to the wonders of dimensional experiences, the sacred unknown. At the same time, I am of a conscious collective which mocks those who would dream of life beyond the boundaries of our limited dimensional planetary experiences and as such, harbor residual energies of anxiousness for daring to believe that more is to be revealed in regards to who we are and who is with us on our embodied planetary journey.

There is an aspect of my self (my soul?) as I am writing this posting, mostly for you future Dear Readers, which conveys to the energies of doubt a sense of being mystified at the fact I am experiencing the energies of anxiety. My soul is saying to me, “that which causes you concern in this moment will be looked back upon from the future with astonishment as new knowledge of who we are as souls and the vast Universal community of which we belong becomes absorbed by the planetary collective consciousness.”

Ascension Portal Into Timelessness-Vision-JohannaRaphael.jpg
Ascension Portal Into Timelessness-Vision-JohannaRaphael.jpg [ 47.18 KiB | Viewed 2621 times ]

A conscious awakening is coming forward Dear Readers. A conscious awakening as to who we are as embodied souls, and who has been with us for eons as we have journeyed in Divine Time.

with love,

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 Post subject: Planetary Guardians - Holy Beings Of Light
PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 3:52 pm 

Planetary Guardians - Holy Beings Of Light

The spiritual realms include many beings that are part of God's creation, some of whom have been through the earth's evolutionary cycle. These beings work together to help further the purposes of Creation throughout the manifested universe. GurujiMa - March 16, 2006

The Realms of Light include many beings that are part of God’s creation, some of whom have been through the earth’s evolutionary cycle and some of whom have been created apart from that evolutionary pattern.  These beings work together to serve God’s purposes in concert with Divine mind, helping to further the purposes of Creation throughout the manifested universe.

This participation in Creation does not just pertain to the physical realm of being, but to all the realms of being, both physical and non-physical.  When you think of the physically manifested universe and its size, it is easy to believe that this is all there is.  However, the truth is that there are universes beyond universes, each of them a distinct sphere of life and a distinct pattern of Creation within the mind of God.  The physical universe of which the earth is a part, is but one.

The Realms of Light are part of the right ‘hand’ of God in seeing that the vibrational frequency of each of these universes is maintained at the proper harmonic, and that all of the forms that serve life throughout the universe are supported in the ways in which they need to be.

The Realms of Light are part of the right ‘hand’ of God in seeing that the vibrational frequency of each of these universes is maintained at the proper harmonic, and that all of the forms that serve life throughout the universe are supported in the ways in which they need to be.  This includes attending to the intricate balance between that which is a physical support to life and that which is a non-physical support to life.

In addition to this, the Realms of Light also offer to those who seek, a path of advancement so that those who are on their way toward God-consciousness can fulfill that desire with less difficulty than if they were not receiving help.

Finally, there is the factor of preventing the encroaching forces of darkness throughout the planetary systems and throughout the populated universe(s) from gaining control over life-forms that are unsuspecting concerning their motives and intentions.  This work of preventing the expansion of darkness and reducing the sphere of its influence is as important as all the others, for it is necessary to be in relationship with these forces in an ongoing way as their intention is to disturb the prevailing harmonic of peace and love throughout the universe and to bring about disunity, chaos, and confusion.

The Realms of Light look after the earth in a special way and after other planets that have a similar evolutionary pattern that has involved a long period of time spent in density and separated consciousness.  For these planets have a special mission to perform on behalf of the entire universe.  While the planet, Earth, is unique in its mission of bringing the greatest degree of separation and darkness to the light, other Earth-like planets also exist that have similar missions, though they may not have the same degree of density nor the same degree of separation.  For this reason, those of the Light watch especially closely over these sacred planets to ensure that while the period of separation and learning about selfhood is taking place, the dark forces do not gain a foothold within the consciousness of mankind.

That is why the time we are in is so critical, because with the expansion of light, the purpose for which the Earth came into being is being realized as she returns to light, and the intentionality of the dark forces to prevent this has become even stronger.  It is for this reason that beings of the Realms of Light request the cooperation and faithful dedication of those who have been touched in any way by light and its purposes, to join with them in maintaining the sacred vibration of light and love on the earth at a time when the forces of disunity and destruction are rampant.

In addition to the above, there are those who wonder if beings of the Realms of Light are human-like in their emotions or personal identities.  This question is difficult to answer.  The personality as we know it no longer functions as it does upon the earth plane but that does not mean that individual beings do not have personal qualities or characteristics that they shine in, and others that are less prominent.  Each being has their own unique contribution to make to the refraction of spiritual light that has many rays and many different qualities of consciousness – all of which derive from the One light that is All.  And so though there are different qualities and perceptions from one to another, there are not personalities as that term is used on the earth.  Furthermore, some beings of the Light have never been through the earth’s evolution and were created as cosmic beings – that is, beings specifically created to fulfill cosmic purposes in holding a particular vibration throughout Creation.  These beings join with those who have been through the earth’s evolution in continual harmony and love so that their work together is joined in service to the entire galaxy and beyond this, to the entire universe.

There are those beings who have certain close ties with particular groups of individuals upon the earth that have arisen either from the choice of a particular path of service, or from that being’s former lives upon the earth.  In either case, the beings who are called Masters have individual students and groups of students throughout the earth and on different planets who can particularly benefit from association with their vibration, and there is close communication between the Teacher and the students, sometimes conscious, but often unconscious on the part of the student until a certain level of advancement along the path of Light has been made.

What is important to say, in closing, is that the heart that beats within every being of the Realms of Light is one Heart, it is God’s heart, and it carries the vibration of love throughout the higher realms which all beings of Light participate in and seek to extend into the many created universes.

Beings in various planes within the Realms of Light are presently assisting the Earth and her energy body as well as all inhabitants to raise their vibration so that a complete joining of the physical realm with the higher realms can take place. This joining has been prepared for, for a very long time.

…Within the plane of duality, a huge ‘experiment’ and magnificent transition is taking place to bring those formerly embedded within the sphere of duality into the universal consciousness of oneness and the awareness of the Galactic Federation of Light. This ‘experiment,’ whose outcome is, indeed, known, was designed to create intelligences within the sphere of duality that would be able to absorb and enhance the unity consciousness of the Whole through their ability to overcome the experience of separation from the One.

Throughout the higher planes of light, beings at all levels have been watching and guarding the Earth’s evolution and the inhabitants of Earth since the beginning of time in order to shepherd the planet and her inhabitants into the oneness of universal consciousness when the time was right. Such beings exist within their own realms in service to the Divine Creator, and accept missions of various degrees and sizes in order to foster both the Divine plan for the Earth, and the evolution of consciousness as a whole.

Beings who are watchful over the Earth’s trajectory have been called many things: Ascended Masters, Brotherhood of Light, Assembled Council of the Holy, Divine Beings, gods and goddesses, and so forth. Some have passed through the Earth’s evolutionary cycle but many have not. And yet all welcome the Earth and the new consciousness that is evolving, within the embrace of total and universal love. This love is for what has truly never left the wholeness, only experienced itself as separate.

Beings in various planes within the Realms of Light are presently assisting the Earth and her energy body as well as all inhabitants to raise their vibration so that a complete joining of the physical realm with the higher realms can take place. This joining has been prepared for, for a very long time through the channeled and receptive efforts of many beings of light. Such beings took embodiment and passed through the Earth’s sphere in order to help others.

The Ascended Masters serve as planetary guardians for all of life, but especially for those planets existing in duality in which dark energies can play a major role in development.

The work of the Ascended Masters in their guardianship of the earth is one of long duration, spanning the vast reaches of time as we know it and watching over the evolution and growth of individuals, groups, and the planet itself as each soul evolves and changes from lifetime to lifetime. This work of love is based on a concern for humanity’s future and for the future of all inhabited planets in which the circumstance of the experience of duality and the intrusion of forces of darkness play a role in planetary development.

We are in such a time now — one in which all energies, beings, and helpers, both embodied and dis-embodied, are being asked for their commitment to serve the purposes of light and God and to assist in holding the planetary balance of light in the presence of dark energies that are seeking to disrupt this balance.

With this in mind, planetary guardians have watched over individual lives and the life of the planet throughout time, helping to balance impulses and actions that affect large masses of people so that the prevailing vibration of light could be maintained at any particular time in history, and so that the pattern for further development would continue to be followed. This is not to say that dark energies could be entirely prevented from interfering in the earth’s course of development, for they could not. Yet, if those of the spiritual realms were not overseeing the course of development, many more departures from truth and light would have happened than have actually been visible in human history, and many more citizens of the planet would have suffered.

Knowledge of the guardianship of the earth is helpful in several ways: First and foremost, it brings to awareness the understanding that mankind is not, and has never been, alone in the spiritual universe — that there are, and always have been, beings and forces involved in monitoring and aiding human history so that mankind’s highest potential and Divinely ordained destiny could be achieved.

Secondly, knowing of the work of the hierarchy of light can assist those who believe that humanity has ‘fallen’ from grace into a new understanding that the consciousness which created separation for humanity is not a ‘sin’ in any usual sense that we use that term; rather, that the children of the One God are eminently worthy of returning to more complete awareness of their intrinsic and eternal participation in the One — the Creator of all whom they have never really left.

Third, the awareness of planetary guardianship, and hierarchy in particular, can help defuse some of the ancient and modern debates about spiritual equality and preference — debates even older than the biblical story of Cain and Abel — so that mankind may know and discover that though all are equal in the eyes of God when looked at from the standpoint of love and from the standpoint of essence, nevertheless, there are those who have advanced further along the trajectory of human and cosmic development who have, as a result, taken on greater responsibility for being of assistance to the rest of life. This hierarchical structure of learning and development is not a closed path but an open one — a path to which all souls are invited at all stages of their experience and development.

The infusion of light by the planetary hierarchy into the auric field of the earth and into the energy bodies of individuals, groups, and nations continues unabated, no matter what political dramas are being played out upon the planet, and no matter who is in charge of a nation or group of nations. This infusion of light which helps to balance the collective aura of humanity and of the earth’s energy body, continues, always, for the benefit of all.

Nevertheless, there are special times and circumstances in which more aid is needed from the Realms of Light — times in which darkness threatens with greater intensity or in which human mis-creation has taken a large portion of humanity down a dangerous path. At such times the Realms of Light will seek willing helpers among those embodied on the earth so that the forces of light can remain in the ascendance, or, if that position is temporarily disturbed, to return such balance to the equation…

A network of light is composed of spiritual energy on multidimensional levels, including energy from the higher realms as well as energy of the Earth and its inhabitants. All who wish to can take part.

…A network of light is composed of spiritual energy on multidimensional levels. It combines and incorporates energy from the higher realms of light, with energy within the Earth, within physical matter, and within human beings. It is the emanation of Divine blessing and Divine being that now bestows upon the Earth an accelerated capacity to transform.

A network of light is composed of spiritual energy on multidimensional levels. It combines and incorporates energy from the higher realms of light, with energy within the Earth, within physical matter, and within human beings. It is the emanation of Divine blessing and Divine being that now bestows upon the Earth an accelerated capacity to transform through the power of light into a planet of illumination, peace, and love…

The Galactic Federation of Light has been waiting for us for a very long time, guiding, overseeing, and sending messengers to the Earth in order to help its development, yet not interfering with the choices that are being made here.

There is a Confederation of planets in our galaxy containing those conscious planets that have recognized their oneness with each other and with the planet to which they each belong. They know that they come from the same Source and desire to foster the becoming of each member and of the galaxy as a whole, including non-member planets, in their evolutionary path. Their motives are altruistic, recognizing that the growth of each is the growth of all. As a consequence, these planets and this Confederation has watched over the Earth for millions of years, knowing what its potential was, seeing the great complexity of life as it has been in the third dimension, and the beauty and unity it would lead to. They have waited a long time for us to move further along our evolutionary path toward the self-conscious awareness of unity.

This Confederation knows that we are at the cusp of moving into fifth-dimensional consciousness which is the consciousness of One, and the realization that each whom we have perceived as ‘other’ is part of one Self, and understands that what we are going through at present with the upsurge of polarization, violence, loss of contact with truth, revelation of past oppressions toward others, revelation of our past and present departures from love, unity, and freedom for all – this Federation waits for us to emerge from this period of trial into the next stage of our evolutionary opening into a new stage of consciousness which is ordained.

How long a wait for this shift to complete itself is not known, but the transition has already begun and is meant to take place during this lifetime in a period of years. It will involve the unfoldment of time for the planet as a whole to settle into peace and harmony. The Federation of Light is not limited to third-dimensional vision, and so it is in possession of information regarding the past, present, and future. It waits with complete trust that what is ordained shall be...

Welcoming the Galactic Federation of Light ... rth-unity/

Many of those beings who are part of the Federation have been intimately participating in the evolution of this planet. They are not just arriving now, but through billions of years have watched the evolution of the Earth with an eye toward assisting its movement forward out of duality into a higher consciousness.

...In order to understand the Galactic Federation of Light, we need to picture a universe in which matter and energy are not only interchangeable, but exist as gradations along a spectrum within which what is solid and dense becomes less solid and less dense as one moves into a higher spiritual vibration. Matter becomes spiritualized energy. We become spiritualized energy. And when it serves the purposes of the Divine, spiritualized energy becomes matter. If we can hold this perspective, we will be readier to accept beings not in a dichotomized portrait as ‘like us’ or ‘unlike us,’ but as gradations along a continuum that we are also part of. Within this continuum, we are presently changing our degree of density so that we vibrate with a greater proportion of energy than we have at any time in our entire past as human beings.

What is also important to understand is that many of those beings who are part of the Federation have been intimately participating in the evolution of this planet. They are not just arriving now, but have through billions of years watched the evolution of the Earth with an eye toward assisting its movement forward out of duality into a higher consciousness. This is the ‘magnificent experiment’ that beings throughout the galaxy recognize, understanding the importance of both the full embodiment of Earth’s inhabitants within the plane of duality, and the equal importance of their return to a spiritualized state of unity consciousness.

The Galactic Federation of Light and the Earth ... evolution/

The Galactic Federation of Light is not simply outside you, its members originating in different locations in the universe, but also it is inside you, sharing the same essence of the Divine One that joins you to them and them to you. It is best to think of these beings not simply as representatives of various planets and constellations, but as representatives of the Oneness and as parts of your own self.

...In order to understand the purpose of the Galactic Federation of Light, we need to start with a basic premise about the nature of reality that those who witness physical life from higher dimensions hold and some here as well, namely, that what is outside you is inside you, emanating from an inner source, the source that allows your thoughts to create what feels like external reality. I remind you of this so that you can know that the Galactic Federation of Light is not simply outside you, its members originating in different locations in the universe, but also it is inside you, sharing the same essence of the Divine One that joins you to them and them to you. It is best to think of these beings not simply as representatives of various planets and constellations throughout the galaxy, but as representatives of the Oneness and as parts of your own self. You are of the Oneness as they are, however, they recognize this unity while most of us in the third dimension do not. When you view the Federation of Light in this way and do not fixate on the word ‘galactic’ which seems to bring things into a more physical frame of reference, or on the word ‘federation’ with its human connotations, you will have much more of a true sense of what the Federation of Light is about. It is about union and reunion in the oneness of all that is for the purpose of helping Creation to evolve.

The mind of many people on the Earth still holds a fascination with the supernatural and with ‘extraterrestrial life.’ But this fascination is not necessarily ‘spiritual.’ It is not spiritual if it does not include holiness at its core and if it does not in some way transmit the vibration of love. It is not ‘spiritual’ if it objectifies planets, stars, constellations, and the knowledge concerning these. Knowledge is important, but it becomes less important if it helps to create a world of objects, even a world of large celestial objects, while losing the understanding of sacred life. The objective of the Federation is to uphold life everywhere, sacred life, the life of the Divine One that the smallest sub-atomic particle and the largest galaxy are both part of.

The Galactic Federation of Light is not simply outside you, its members originating in different locations in the universe, but also it is inside you, sharing the same essence of the Divine One that joins you to them and them to you.

In offering messages to the Earth at this time, the aim of the Federation is to help us make the shift as a species to the higher level of consciousness that will indelibly imprint upon our awareness the consciousness of unity in the Divine. It is this awareness that helps to evolve the entire galaxy and each individual being within it. By the Earth’s making this transition from separation to oneness, the entire galaxy is brought forward in its own consciousness of itself, as are the inhabitants of each planet, star, and system. That is why the Galactic Federation of Light has chosen to make its messages public and not limited to just a select few. This decision has opened these messages to the possibility of distortion by those who either have other motives in mind, or who cannot yet hold the higher vibration with which the messages are initially sent. Yet, at the same time as they allow for this possibility, they also promote the greater awakening of humanity to its true purpose during this critical time of transition.

Try, therefore, as you open to the possibility of this miraculous event of joining more fully with our galactic family, to release projections from the past based on fear. Rather, open in trust to those who seek only the good of the Divine unfoldment of all beings, and who wish to assist the Earth at this time and with its permission, not through any outer force or coercion. Only a ‘yes’ on the part of humanity’s collective consciousness can invite the Federation into further activity on this planet. The Federation is interested not in rulership, but in fostering evolution.

The Purpose of the Galactic Federation of Light ... -of-light/

The life of all things is vibrating at a higher level now, and therefore the potential for love between you and everything around you is much greater. If you invite reality into your heart by extending love, then that thing that we’re calling ‘reality’ has more of a response to you than was possible before.

The premise of the transition that the Earth is in is that there is only one Self here that’s learning who it is and we are It. We are the extensions of the Self of the Earth, of the cosmos, of the universe. When we extend ourselves and desire to be in relationship with what is and don’t take it for granted, many things begin to happen. We extend love and receive love back.

Unity and the Change in Planetary Consciousness ... -and-self/

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 Post subject: The Purpose Of Your Existence
PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 3:56 pm 

The Purpose of Your Existence

You are not a separate being. You are the manifested intention of the Divine One wanting to become many in order to increase the perspectives from which He/She can know Himself/Herself.

What is fifth-dimensional consciousness? One aspect has to do with a movement from the perception of being a separate being to knowing and experiencing oneself as one with all. Though this is a primary aspect, it is not the only one. There is another important principle for you to learn, not in the sense of concept but in the awakening of your own inner sense of truth. It is this:

You have come into existence to express and to manifest the One Being within form, so that this One Being will see Itself through your eyes and know more of what it is as viewed through different reality prisms. You are not a separate being. You are the manifested intention of the Divine One wanting to become many in order to increase the perspectives from which He/She can know Himself/Herself.

What this means is that everything that is you is important. There is no part of you that should be rejected. Every part of you is contributing to your own increasing awareness of who and what your ‘self’ is. At the same time, this is increasing the awareness of the Divine One who is viewing reality through your eyes.

When you reject or deny part of yourself as unwanted or shameful, you diminish the full flow of your Divine purpose and the Divine energy that can flow through you. You diminish the significance of your learning to know yourself. It is this, beloved ones, that the Federation wishes you to know, namely, that your increasing knowledge of yourself and of your self-identity is a great gift to the universe and to the purpose for which you came into existence.

Your increasing knowledge of yourself and of your self-identity is a great gift to the universe and to the purpose for which you came into existence.

We tend to diminish the importance of this progressive revelation of ourselves to ourselves. We tend to think of it as an obstacle to be overcome while thinking of ‘enlightenment,’ or ‘a quiet mind,’ or the achievement of some other spiritual goal as most important. But at the deepest level, it is your experience of your existence that is most important and most important for you to value about yourself. To paraphrase a biblical concept which is also an Eastern concept: “you are all the time playing in the fields of the Lord.” This may not look like service to you, but it is. Your existence itself, which is your own unique experience of reality, is of greatest significance.

For this reason, at the end of a day, whether you have had a ‘bad’ day or a ‘good’ day, give the events of the day, your responses to it, and all that you felt, thought, or did about it to God. Give it all to God without judgment, recognizing that you and all other beings are in a perpetual state of becoming more themselves. This does not mean becoming more of their ego-self. It means becoming who they truly are.

If you have felt that parts of you are shameful, let go of that belief. You are in human form in order to experience your true self, and how that is learned is a progressive revelation. The Federation of Light wants you to know this so that you will not have any reason to feel unequal or ‘less than’ others, but will know that all beings, everywhere, at all stages of spiritual evolution, are expressing their spiritual purpose in the same way.

* * *

If you are interested in receiving, from time to time, more specific information regarding practices that will be helpful in furthering the vibrational joining with the Galactic Federation of Light, please sign up using the form below. You may help in this way even at a distance. ... existence/

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