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 Post subject: The Challenge of Death and Dying: Caring for Aging Parents
PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 7:40 pm 

The Challenge of Death and Dying: Caring for Aging Parents ... g-parents/

The process of dying is one of the great stages of learning of the human soul, often met with fear and resistance, yet even in the presence of these, filled with the growth of the soul in its appreciation of its relationship to life.

There is no one way to experience dying so that it produces the maximum amount of growth. For some, the sense of flow from one aspect of life to another is intuitively felt, even if nothing in the earlier stages of life has been articulated as a spiritual belief about the afterlife. For others, there is a well-defined understanding and sometimes experience of the continuity of life, so that apart from the pain or discomfort that may be present during the final stage of physical life, there is no fear. For still others, there is a sense of confusion about the end of life a perplexity about anticipating non-existence. Often, the idea of death has been imposed on the psyche from the past and includes the notion that there is a kind of black-out of consciousness in which everything ends. And yet, even though this may make sense to the mind, it is perplexing to the heart which cannot comprehend such an idea.

A person who is trying to make sense of the experience of dying is pondering the question of what happens next, whether they are actively doing so in a conscious way or not. It is the main question of the last stage of life.

Over and over again, a person who is trying to make sense of the experience of dying is pondering the question of what happens next, whether they are actively doing so in a conscious way or not. It is the main question of the last stage of life for many, especially for those who have not yet come to a conclusion which leaves them with a sense of peace. Even in the presence of denial concerning death’s approach, or of anger that life has been ‘cut short’, or in the presence of the desire to just keep living without any thought of the future — even in the presence of each of these attitudes, the underlying process of trying to deal with the perplexity concerning the end of life is taking place.

For those who have inherited a family configuration in which caring for elderly parents is very much part of a central aspect of living, it is very important to know how to be with the dying process in the elderly. And for those who are simply loving the ones who are preparing to pass out of their physical existence, it is also important to know how to be with this stage of experience and of life.

What is crucial to remember and to trust is that the process of learning and of absorbing the meaning of death and of life is happening even if the elderly parent or loved one gives no sign that this is so. It is happening on the level of the deeper consciousness or soul, even if it is not happening outwardly or in a way that can be articulated. The deeper self is reaching out toward light and truth, and though the outer self may not understand that there is an answer to the question of “why?” why death, why life — the inner being knows that there is.

For some, the process of dying is the most central experience of life, however it may appear externally. It may be that life has been lived fully, with relationships, family, a productive work life, and experiences that have been rich and alive for many years, and at the end of life that there is more and more limitation and restriction of activity. At such times it may seem to an observer and also to the one who has become very limited physically, that life is not being lived fully any more because of the cessation of physical activity. This is never the case. The shift has simply been made or is being made from a physically observable living of life with outer events that can be marked, to a less observable or invisible inner life that is being refocused around the question of life and death. What causes anxiety or distress in those who are witnessing this shift is the hardship of the limitation of the physical activity and functioning of the aging and dying person. What would relieve this distress to a considerable degree is the knowing that the dying process is taking place successfully, no matter what the outer manifestation that is occurring concerning actively dealing with it. Some things can be processed more easily through the mental aspect of comprehension and articulation of ideas, and some things must take place below the threshold of awareness in a place that joins mind and heart in a synergy in which both are trying to feel their way into a new experience and into a new understanding.

The positive support of those surrounding an elderly person who faces death is of great importance in all situations, for what can get transmitted through this loving support may not be ideas about death and the continuity of life, but the feelings associated with such beliefs of hope, of safety, of trust, and of peace. These feelings can be transmitted without words. They exist in the heart and in the deeper knowing of the soul, and so even without active conversations with loved ones, these deeper feelings and attitudes can be conveyed with benefit.

In the end, each person as a soul must go through the passage from physical life in their own way and with the experiences they are ready to have. The time can be a rich one and even a joyful one for one who knows that they are on the verge of experiencing an expansion of life’s possibilities, rather than a diminishing of the reality of existence. For such a one, the prospect of dying has the feeling of going home to something familiar, even if not known, and can be a place that one anticipates visiting or entering with a sense of peace and with a deep sense of homecoming.

For those who are not yet ready for this perception and preparation, it is often the experience of dying itself, even within the last moments of life or at the time of the last breath, that conveys the truth of the continuity of life to the departing soul. These moments of passage are an experience all their own, and no matter what has led up to them, a soul is capable of a profound amount of awakening and of new learning at the time of death’s completion. For this reason, it is important to greet the passage from physical life as a journey with many parts, and to know that the final part, the moment of the soul being exhaled from the body, may be the last breath of physical life but the first real knowing by the soul that it will not die, but that it will live and continue into ongoing life.

Thank you Beloved GurujiMa.

with love,

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 Post subject: Trust In The Presence Of The Energies Of Fear
PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 12:02 pm 
Hello Dear Readers,

This post comes forth in service to those embodied souls grappling or coming to terms with the energies of fear.

with love,

Trust In The Presence Of The Energies Of Fear

Giving Helplessness To God

There is a connection between helplessness and fear that is habitual, not inevitable, that is based on lack of trust in the Source of life. Giving helplessness to God is the reversal of this and the pathway home.

...There are times in the life of everyone, when events occur, internal or external, that are not in one’s own control, that may not be predictable, and that a solution, if a solution is needed to a problem that arises is not available. And so, people for many, many reasons, including the reason of just needing to grow up, needing to mature through the stages of childhood and adolescence into young adulthood, feel that life is not in their control, and it isn’t. What is less easy to assimilate as a truth, is that life is never in one’s control. It just seems to be because the ego desires it to be. It seems to be that one should be able to manage things, plan things, organize things. But the fluidity of life is never in one’s control, no matter how good a manager one is. It just isn’t. And that’s because there’s a spiritual underpinning of life that is always paramount in how events play themselves out. The physical self may not acknowledge this or may not know this, but the spiritual self is always orchestrating from the level of the soul: What are the themes, and the significant events, and the timing of those significant events, that need to occur in life? And it’s not the conscious self that is doing that. It’s a deeper part of the self that has, in its joining with God prior to taking birth, determined what this lifetime was going to be about. So, it is not possible to control life, and the illusion of that occurs more strongly when a person is in fear, fear of surrender, fear of helplessness. So, let me speak a little about helplessness and the absence of fear.

The absence of fear in relation to helplessness exists when one holds it in God. And holding it in God means that even though you, or I, or someone as a conscious being cannot do something about a particular circumstance, the idea on a deep level of knowing is held, that the thing that’s creating the helplessness is purposeful, is good, and is being held in a larger consciousness than one’s conscious mind can presently perceive. That adherence to knowing that what you don’t know God does know, is part of the direct and immediate perception of the human being’s relationship to the Source of life.

The ego which grew out of human experience on the physical plane over millennia, the ego substituted itself for that direct perception of conscious relationship with Source, and began to try to manage things through the mind. And so, the mind became overactive in many people and in many cases, because fear developed that helplessness was not held in God. That there was nothing else holding one’s helplessness except one’s own capacity to deal with it. And so, dealing with it through mental control became the substitute for dealing with it through trusting that God is holding all. The belief and the deep knowing which is beyond the mind that God is holding all, is what got lost for many people over millennia of experience of embeddedness in the physical dimension. Because in the physical dimension, the separation between what you could see, and touch, and know, and prove, and evaluate, and measure through your physical senses, became more separated, just because the sensory apparatus became the way of identifying with life. “Here I am now, and I’m doing this, and this is what my body feels, and this is what’s happening with other physical aspects of my environment.” All of that became an identity. And so, trust in the Source to deal with helplessness began to disappear into the background because that source felt invisible. Not visible. Invisible. ... hway-home/

The Choice For Trust

Trust resides as a natural occurrence in the deeper layers of the heart. It is present as part of the soul’s truth and can communicate itself to the conscious being as a sense of the goodness of life. This sense of goodness can be present even in the face of obstacles or difficulties.

...The subject of trust is very complex, and it comes to us from a deep place of concern within ourselves about how to live, how to live with ourselves in trust, in how to live with the world in trust. And this deep place of concern comes from the division that exists between what the mind tells us, and what the heart feels. And so, we need to understand what the source of trust is, because it doesn’t come from the mind. Our minds are geared to interpret external reality according to objective facts, and according to what we have been taught to believe about what’s going on. These two things are very important. ... -the-soul/

Innocence and Action — The Fear of Not Doing

...We need to understand the difference between innocence and action. These two motivations, efforts, attitudes, need to come into balance within us, so that we know when to act and when not to act. The distinction is not so much between innocence and action, as between innocence and will. When is it right to use one’s own will, and when is acceptance needed? This is a fundamental question about life itself, and about how to relate to life, and not only about how to relate to life, but how to relate to people. Most people very much move in the direction of will and action when confronted by the need to deal with challenging circumstances, or to make a decision. And that’s because the history of the human experience has been one of feeling a greater sense of need to master things, to control life, to find a way of making things work. And so our orientation to the physical plane is about making things work. How to make outcomes happen that we wish to have happen.

This is fine. This is good — to be able to make things work, to be able to achieve goals, to be able to accomplish things, to be able to grow in our life on the physical plane. This is good. But it often comes out of balance with the need to be in innocence about life and about our own actions. Because very often action is not based on the necessity of acting, but on the fear of not acting, on the fear of not doing anything. And so, there’s an unwillingness, based on fear, to let a space be created in which you, I, one is not doing anything, and it doesn’t appear that anybody is doing anything. In that space is the space of innocence and trust. Trust that in the invisibility of not doing, life and God are doing. The doing is in the unfoldment of events according to the Divine unfoldment that is always taking place. And this is where fear comes in, because that Divine unfoldment is very often invisible. And so, one has to trust the invisible, the invisible goodness of life, the invisible goodness of God.

Without trust, the impulse to do, to fix things, to make things happen, to correct errors in others, to change other people, to make situations different than they are, becomes overbalanced. And then a lot of anxiety and distress occurs because very often it’s not possible to make things the way one wishes or thinks one wishes. Control of life is not possible. It’s an illusion. And yet the ego-self tries to control life out of fear. So, it’s not that action isn’t important or that movement in the direction of trying to help things change out of good motives, out of good intentions, we want to have change. It’s that the loss of innocence is based on fear, and so acceptance of things as they are becomes a non-choice very often. Not because it isn’t a choice, but because there’s fear in allowing God’s invisible goodness to do its own work of changing things in Divine time. ... not-doing/

Forging a New Path — The Choice Beyond Fear

Fear limits choice and prevents growth. It creates concealment and hiding from ourselves and others. It keeps us small, and prevents us from embracing our life as a Divine and sacred flow with meaning and purpose. Fear constricts the heart and prevents us from being fully alive. It acts as a barrier between ourselves and God, between ourselves and others, between ourselves and our own deeper being. ... -the-soul/

Claim Your Freedom

Fear grips the heart with icy fingers,

seeping into the mind with thoughts of

dread and foreboding,

creating a forgetting of what is true and
real and of the light.

Fear is an adversary as it seeks to override

the trust of the soul,

to remove the freedom of choice that is

intrinsic to each individual life.

Where fear is strong, choice becomes

dominated by its power and by its deception.

Thus, a loss of freedom ensues,

a loss to be avoided as much as

any external loss of freedom.

Fear makes us smaller,

reducing our capacity to discern,

creating hopelessness and mistrust

where hope in the benevolent Hand of the

Divine was once firmly grounded.

Fear erases belief in the possibility

of a solution to our dilemmas.
In all of this, fear diminishes us,

reducing our freedom.

Therefore, do not embrace that which

promotes fear in any form.

Turn from it, and seek the light instead.

For the light is the guarantor of things invisible
that speak of hope and truth and the

way of bringing these about.

Claim your freedom,

and do not give in to fear,

for in making you smaller

it can cause you to forget

the largeness of spirit that is
intrinsically yours,

that which has been implanted within you

since the beginning.

This spirit remains in a way

that fear can never eradicate.

It will, in the end, overcome all fear,

and lead you back to the light which

has never left you,
the light of your soul,

the strength, and purity, and brightness

of your eternal being. ... ming-fear/

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 Post subject: Transforming Indecision
PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 3:36 pm 

Transforming Indecision

"...Those who feel unclear, often feel lost. And so it becomes important to learn that inner guidance is possible and needed in order to orient the inner being toward the deeper motivation that will create the outer direction to follow. Seeking such inner guidance is a spiritual practice of great importance, and trusting this process, essential."

Read the entire Teaching by GurujiMa here:
Soul Purpose ... ationship/

Transforming_Indecision.JPG [ 89.58 KiB | Viewed 2338 times ]

Awake, awake heart that you may grow larger.

Awake to hold the life of the world
 that is your own life.

You have lived confined by the belief in
 your own smallness.

Awake, now, to breathe in the fresh air of
 life and light.

Read the entire Poem by GurujiMa here:
The Making of Beloveds ... -the-past/

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 Post subject: In Recognition Of Experiences Of Profound Suffering
PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 11:49 am 

In Recognition Of Experiences Of Profound Suffering

Hello Dear Readers.

I was sweeping in the workshop, deep in meditation and two posts came to me to share.

The first of which I will include here has to do with the recognition, and it is painful to behold and hold, of the profound suffering which is occuring on our beloved Earth.

Extreme storms are devastating the Phillipines and South America. Destruction, mudslides, homes filled with water, crops destroyed, all whilst enduring the suffering which comes forth with the covid virus.

Wildfires burn and ravage entire communities, thousands are displaced, some now homeless, as once again these very same souls endure the pain and suffering associated with the covid virus.

These are just a few of the climate horrors and sufferings hundreds of thousands are enduring.

The elderly suffer in isolation, often in for profit institutions, who at their may heart seek to bring the best care possible, and in the midst of the pandemic, without oversight and frequent staff changes, are under extreme duress. Our elders are suffering so greatly, alone, unseen, often feeling unloved.

Children must adapt to a life of intense isolation and the experiences not conducive to a child's need of playing and expressing energies which are important to their development.

Hundreds of thousands regionally, millions nationally are seeking food, unable to pay their rent each day heavy with anxieties and fears, jobs are difficult to find, and often the ones available involve incredible risk to their health and their families health due to no clear, mutally agreed upon health measures which would keep one and all safe.

Those with untreated addictions, or untreated health issues suffer the agonies of the pain of not being able to move forward, of not being seen, of not being able to do what is necessary to take care of themselves and others, often in silence, with a fortitude called for which was once unknown in the lives.

Again Dear Readers, this is only a smal list addressing our fellow embodied souls who are suffering and dying, too often bereft of comfort, of being seen with compassion and love.

What brought this post to my consciousness had to do with a conversation I had last night. This conversation aligns also with a sorrow-filled marking of 250,000 of our soul brothers and sisters dying, alone, too many suffering greatly until their passing. Last night I was told of a woman named Mary, who is elderly, who decided with her family to have a very small gathering to celebrate one of her grandchildren's birthday. There were only eight at the brithday party. Within five days Mary was in the hospital with covid, five days later, yesterday morning, alone and away from her beloved ones, Mary died.

I am praying for Mary, keeing a three day vigil of candle lighting and prayers for her. In my thoughts speaking to her soul, espressing my love to Mary whom I have never met.

I am praying for all who are suffering. Trying to the best of my heart's strength to hold their suffering without looking away. As time moves forward and the levels of suffering, and means of experiencing of suffering increase, it is getting more difficult Dear Readers. The sorrow is so great. Our collective suffering is so great.

I invite you Dear Readers to join me in your own special ways of holding those who live with us, those who are a part of the collective of embodied souls who share sacred space on this blessed Earth with us, to pray, light candles, think thoughts of those who are suffering and in those moments, send them your heart's love.

with love,

edit: hundreds of thousands regionally, millions nationally

Last edited by Johanna on Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: What Is Containment?
PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:10 pm 

What Is Containment?

The Principle of Containment

"...Our soul represents our reason for existing on earth; it reminds us of our true purpose for being here. When we identify with our personal self or personality it is hard to contain negative energies, first, because we believe in them — we believe that they are us — and second, because there is no reason for doing so. It is only when we see and feel a higher value in not acting in negative ways, ways that are separated from love, that we can begin the hard work of containment. Only then can we strive to find ways to separate from our negative feelings and to eliminate the acting out of these feelings. This is because there must be a purpose for doing so, a purpose that is important to us, a purpose that our soul strives for such as purity, God, truth, love, a better world. We must hold an ideal within us that fuels both the process of purification and the specific effort of containment.

To contain something does not mean to deny its existence. If we feel sadness, grief, fear, or anger, then these are the things that we feel. We can know and feel these feelings without acting them out. We can do this, because we are identifying with our soul-self that believes there is a better way to be in the world, a way based on love and on God’s truth. But what is God’s truth?

There are many levels to this question, yet the one that concerns us here is the truth of how we are meant to live with each other, the truth of who we are. God has created each of us to become instruments of Divine love. We are each here to participate in the healing of the world and the upliftment of life. It is our choice whether we do so or not, but our fundamental identity tells us that we are meant to do so as the pure spiritual beings that we are.

All that we give to the world, for better or worse, has an effect on the world whether we know it or not. When we send out good into the world through our thoughts, words, or actions, we contribute to the raising of the collective consciousness of our fellow man. When we send out evil or dark or angry thoughts, we contribute to the darkness and fear in which many people live. We are each very powerful, and so the choices that we make about what we are contributing to the world are significant choices whether we perceive their effect or not. It is partly for this reason that containment of negative energies is so important. It is important because as powerful beings, we affect the world not just through our larger actions and deeds, but through our words and even through our thoughts and gestures. To become conscious of this is a great privilege and a great responsibility. To become conscious of our power means that we must learn to use it wisely. Without wisdom, we walk around blindly releasing whatever is within us, not knowing the effect that we are creating."

Read the entire Teaching of GurujiMa here:
The Principle of Containment ... -energies/

Ancient Teachings of Light

"...5. ‘Containment’ involves feeling emotions without acting them out and without identifying with them. For this to happen, they must be held in the awareness of light or with a prayer that they be returned to the light. ‘Containment’ permits the giving of emotions to God. This is the fifth principle of light.

6. In order to change negative emotions into positive, light-filled ones, one must bring them to the Source of light. This involves three things:
• First, the belief that it is possible to make such a change.
• Second, the willingness to let go of the emotion in question.
• Third, access to light through prayer and alignment with the Source of light.
This is the sixth principle of light.

7. In order to ‘contain’ unwanted negative energies and to bring them to the light of awareness which is God’s light, it is necessary to surrender. Surrender involves the absence of entitlement to feel a particular way, and a willingness to place these emotions in God’s hands. “Thy will be done” is then applied to the emotions themselves. This is the seventh principle of light."

Read the entire Teaching of GurujiMa here:
Ancient Teachings of Light ... d-healing/

“…What is it that is hovering over this land? It is the energy of darkness that crowds the mind, separating one’s consciousness from the heart, from love, from one’s own humanity. In that separation as it deepens, the internal justifications for committing acts of violence seem real, seem inevitable. The inner voice impelling toward action grows louder, and the voice of the heart is drowned out by it,the voice of compassion, the voice of love."

"...There is no clear designation of who shall be most vulnerable to (such) darkness, who shall be consumed by it. In fact, this cannot be known, since light exists within each one as a property of the soul, and so what will cause one to hold firm and another to give full reign to that which is opposed to light is often unknowable in advance. Yet, if we as parents, teachers, families, counselors, neighbors, communities could become more sensitive to energies and how they operate, not only to the words that individuals use, we might be able to better anticipate something before it reveals itself in action. If we could see the dark cloud or feel the emerging tension growing within the consciousness of one who would otherwise be deemed pleasant and agreeable, we might be able to seek counsel on their behalf, or help them rejoin the light within them.

This light is never gone. Not before, during, or after the commitment of acts of violence. It may be covered over so that the agent of such acts cannot feel it, but it is never gone. And what we, as caretakers of all who are lost must seek to do, is to help return to the light those who have gotten lost, to help return to the light those who cannot find the way themselves.

The path of compassion and of sensitivity that is based on the spiritual perception of light and darkness and on the emotional perception of right relationship to our hearts needs to grow stronger within us. We must, as upholders of the light within all, anticipate the darkness that may descend upon the few who are more vulnerable, to seek and find the place of help for them as they lose their own anchoring in light.”

Note from Johanna: Written in 2014 for a different, yet related set of circumstance, these energies permeate hearts and minds today as the Covid virus rampages through our communities.

Violence In America
Read the entire Teaching of GurujiMa here: ... -each-one/

Compassionate Understanding of Others

"...Unconsciousness operates within every human being to some degree because there is such a thing as unconscious motivation. Unconsciousness means that we don’t fully become aware of the effects of our actions. We may be aware in a superficial way, but we don’t really grasp that when we don’t do something or we do something, it affects many others. Sometimes, we have the good fortune of somebody who’s close to us telling us: “This is the effect that you’re having. You think that you’re invisible but that’s not the case. This is the effect of how you speak, how you present yourself, what you do,” and so on.

But we don’t always have that. And sometimes when we have somebody in our life who will point that out to us, we rebel against it anyway because we don’t want anybody telling us what to do. We don’t want anybody having an opinion about us that we have not generated ourselves.

Bearing this in mind, I would like you to look at this tendency inside yourself, this desire to not be aware of the motives of your own behavior, to think that you know everything there is to know about why you do what you do.

Bearing this in mind, I would like you to look at this tendency inside yourself, this desire to not be aware of the motives of your own behavior, to think that you know everything there is to know about why you do what you do. And when I say ‘behavior,’ I’m including the words you speak and the way you express yourself. And I’m not saying ‘you,’ personally, but human beings in general. We don’t know all the routes of unconsciousness in us, and that’s why in the not-knowing we need to be forgiving, because we don’t know.

One of the things that’s easy to observe, today, is the overt conflict about our responses as a society to the coronavirus precautions that are advised as guidelines. These have to do with ‘social distancing’ and wearing face coverings, also with the opening and the speed of opening of various public places. The news is filled on a daily basis with discussions about this, but rarely is there an in-depth interpretation or investigation of what someone’s motives are about seemingly disregarding guidelines, or about deciding to do something that is deemed to be detrimental or harmful by somebody else.

There is in this country a very, very strong drive towards freedom. We don’t talk about it so much because we live with it in great measure. We live with the feeling that we can do pretty much what we want to do with our life. It’s our life, so we can do what we want with it. But we don’t feel the great intensity of that desire for personal freedom until something comes along that feels like it infringes upon our freedom. This is the situation with respect to the coronavirus precautions today.

When that happens, some people accept that limitation in service to the greater good of the freedom of all. Yet, others feel that the principle of individual freedom and all that’s been involved in that historically, emotionally, and spiritually at all levels, is a compelling need that must be met, that causes one to want to throw off the shackles of limitation. It’s very easy, in principle, to see how this might be true, how the commitment to freedom, because of the nature of our nation’s founding and what lives within us as a principle of utmost importance, could be that strong. But we don’t as easily understand the reverse, namely, how sacrifice works, sacrifice being the willing limitation of personal freedom in order to allow the freedom of all. I think in concept that we do understand this, and in practice the flame of the desire for freedom can burn so strongly that it overrides many other things, emphasizing the right to do what we want to do with our own life.

How does one counter that principle when it seems to others that such an assumption of personal freedom hurts somebody else?"

Read the entire Teaching of GurujiMa here:
Compassionate Understanding of Others ... tolerance/

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 Post subject: Vision of the Betrayer
PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:35 am 

Enter the Betrayer.

A blank slate with hopes and dreams affixed.

The Nation's political saviour not.

The sorrows great.

Healings longed for further delayed.

O Woe mighty Nation, O woe.

View all visions and prophecies at:

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 Post subject: Containing In The Presence Of Suffering
PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 9:36 am 

Containing In The Presence Of Suffering

Love that two souls share is never lost, nor it it diminished in any way.

For such love there is no death or distance.

Relationships, and Letting Go

Hello Dear Readers,

I have longed to write since my last post. Yet, each time I checked in with myself I received the inner guidance to not post.

Much of this inner guidance is associated with the writings by GurujiMa in previous post on this page "What Is Containment?".

My heart, my focus, my time, my prayers, my energies, have been in service to Mother, who has been going through intense experiences of suffering. During this time, I energetically and emotionally merged with my Mother and her experiences of suffering. When I checked in with myself I could feel I was unable to contain and did not want to bring these energies to the forum.

I have the sense, by the Grace of all that is good, to perceive the sacred, and I knew that I was not going to be able to serve you Dear Readers when I was losing my self in the experiences my beloved Mother was and is, going through.

This is a brief sharing of why I have not been posting. It may be some time longer before I do post again because my Mother was hospitalized yesterday morning with Covid.

Prayers for the Suffering.

with love.

Souls are drawn to each other along lines of spiritual resonance.

Though one may not know it or feel it, each soul comes with a gift of awakening.

Relationships, and Letting Go

Post Script: Dear Readers, I found this article online at The New Republic. The Elderly Trapped in Bronxwood. My Mother has been in skilled nursing and assisted care since late 2019. Those who spoke in this article shared many of the sentiments my Mother has been sharing since March of 2020. I share this with you so that you may hold in your heart, the elderly and infirm who are suffering deeply in many of these facilities. Whilst they cannot leave and are in a state of near perpetual lock-down and isolation, the virus can be brought in.

Do people understand what’s happening here? Do they care?’
Bruce MacGillis, on the excruciating wait for a vaccine inside a coronavirus-infected nursing home
Washington Post

“…That’s been the story of the last nine months. It’s boredom and then dread. They stopped allowing visitors in March, so we lost that contact with the outside world. Then it was no more group meals in the cafeteria — just eat everything alone in your room. No more trips to physical therapy. No more access to the lounge or computer area. My world keeps getting smaller. I have my little room. I have my old nine-inch TV. I play Sudoku and watch Turner Classic Movies and stare out the window at the woods. I check the latest covid numbers every few hours on my phone. All of Ohio is out of control. We managed to keep the virus out of here for a while, but with the numbers this high, it was just a matter of time. I keep reading about how more than 100,000 people have died in places just like this, and I don’t want to be one of them. I make it from one sunrise to the next. I keep breathing. That’s it. That’s the whole goal.

…I get this sense sometimes that people are thinking: “Oh, it’s just another nursing home. It’s not a real tragedy. They were already at the end of their road.” And for a lot of people in here, that’s true. This is their last stop. But they’re still people. They’re still alive.”

Last edited by Johanna on Sun Dec 06, 2020 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Remarkable Souls Filled With Light
PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 2:50 pm 

Remarkable Souls Filled With Light

Hello Dear Readers,

Recently, I had a problem with my pump in the crawl space. I called my plumber who is
a remarkable soul filled with Light. Through the act of leaving a message, I found that the connection with him created insight for me as to what I might do. I went into the crawl space and low and behold the pump was beeping because the battery had died. This was my first encounter with the pump apparatus since it was installed 3 years ago and I was feeling the blessing of how being in contact with him gave me the fortitude to deal with a situation I had no idea how to handle.

I left another message telling him that the magic of just connecting with him gave me what I needed to figure out how to access the situation and it was just a sensor going off due to the battery dying not a flooding situation.

Now I tell you of this experience because he called me back. I won’t share his name because I do not have his permission to do so. Sharing the experience however will delight his lovely heart.

“Your pump sensor going gave me the sense to call you back anyway because I sense something is happening with you.”

Dear Readers, the reason this is so special and this post to him and others like him is also special, is because he had this sense that I needed his Light on the day I had found out my Mother had Covid. Now I have only met him once when he came to do a repair here and we bonded as if we had known each other for lifetimes, within an a few hours.

I told him of my Mother’s suffering, after taking it in and offering his prayers and sympathies, he told me a story of how the other day a friend of his, she and her husband are the only two people he allows masked into his house, lost a dear one to Covid and was filled with grief.

He told me he went into his shop and got a hot water boiler cover and put it on, his protective gear, and put plastic bags on his arms and hands that the newspapers come in and gave her a long hug as she wept.

He also told me of an elderly couple who he recently fixed their hot water heater for and the elderly man’s anger at dying of cancer. Now this is where, if you have not perceived yet how remarkably awesome this soul is, you will no longer be left in doubt… The elderly man said to him in essence - “well what would you know about dying of cancer.”

And this
remarkable soul full of Light told him what he would be thinking about before he died of cancer. All the wonderful memories he has, crystal clear in his heart and mind, events, foods, peoples, experiences. He shared how he would be lying in that bed before the cancer took him feeling the gratitude that he had the opportunity to experience all of these experiences.

Then he told the elderly man that he has had stage 4 cancer twice now. He told him he is on his forty third round of chemotherapy. When the elderly man’s wife spoke with him a few weeks later after he had died she told him again in essence, that. her husband who had previously been angry most of his life, spent the last few weeks of his life with gratitude and a more positive attitude then she had never witnessed in all their years of marriage.

This is how remarkable this man is Dear Readers. He has told me many times how he feels God has kept him alive to bring the joy of life to others. He feels that is his reason for surviving the cancer, to help others. He calls himself a Robin Hood for the elderly and poor - not that he robs anyone. Rather, that his very wealthy clients will have him refit an entire bathroom because they want a new color and tells him to throw everything out. He shares with me, “the toilet is flushed once a week by the maid, that is how little used the fittings are.” He saves the fittings for the elderly and the poor, charging for his time and a few needed parts, giving away the hardly ever used fittings to those in need.

I am so blessed to know this man, to cry with him, to share my heart with him, to hear him share his heart with me, to share of his life and what he is experiencing with me. This is our second phone call like this and yet as I said to him,” we may have only known each other in this lifetime for a minute, but my heart has known you for lifetimes.”

We ended this call telling each other how much we loved each other. When I went to the kitchen I began singing, “When you are down and troubled and you need a helping hand…” You know the song Dear Readers.

A remarkable soul full of Light came into my life and touched my heart and spirit with his Light. So many of us who have been a witness to his life and Light are the better for the experience of being in his presence.

With love,

I capitalize the 'L' in Light because I perceive the sacred within the word when I use it.

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 Post subject: Prayers For The Suffering - Covid Sorrows
PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 2:54 pm 

Prayers For The Suffering - Covid Sorrows

Hello Dear Readers,

I became aware today that when I call and speak with my Mother who is on the Covid ward, and has Covid, that a portal has opened in my heart. The portal has opened to the souls who have passed and those who are dying of Covid.

I am writing to ask if you will pray for these souls Dear Readers. However you may, be it lighting a candle, praying, a meditation, or even saying “I love you when you read or hear of the souls suffering or leaving through Covid related death.” The sorrows and horrors associated with a Covid death are so intense, and any meaningful prayer or thought will he of immense help to those spending their last days and hours alone, without family or being touched, dying from this virus.

Prayers for the Suffering.

My prayers for those suffering, dying, and who have died from Covid - I love you all. My heart is aware of your sufferings and I love you.

With love.

Thank you to all who have reached out in thought, prayer, and emails of prayer concerning my Mother. The Covid is progressing and I am in vigil for her as I cannot be with her physically.

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 Post subject: Have A Great Day - The Awkwardness Of Words
PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 10:20 am 

Have A Great Day - The Awkwardness Of Words

Hello Dear Readers,

The Chaplin from the hospital Mother is staying in called me today in reference to sending blessed rosary beads to my Mother. She told me that the Sisters of IHM would be able to bring the blessed rosary in a few days and understood the nature of holding the rosary in her hands as a source of comfort, the Chaplin is a Quaker, and her compassion and knowing of the suffering of others touched me so deeply. At the end of the call I felt so much relief and joy about the rosary being sent that I awkwardly said “Have a great day!”.

I called the Chaplin back and shared with her that the boon of her sending the rosary to my Mother through the Sisters caused me to blurt out such an awkward phrase. She shared with me that we are in a time when many people are feeling awkward and do not know what to say, and she shared that the work of service that she does brings joy to her heart. Being with the patients as they are suffering she told me in essence, brings forth unexpected interactions of joy and love. We spoke for a few minutes more of the helplessness of wanting to bring comfort in a time when there was so much suffering, and I shared how I often do not have the words to comfort my Mother that what I can do, is listen to her without offering platitudes of false hope, just listening with love, being with her where she is at in the moment. At the end of the call the Chaplin said, “Have a great day! And I mean it.”

Experiences of love in a time of sorrows. This is why I am sharing with you Dear Readers my experiences at this time. So that those of you experiencing sorrows and pain of any nature, may witness in my experiences that love is present, always present.

with love,

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 Post subject: The Oneness Manifesting In The Sacred Moment
PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 10:47 am 

The Oneness Manifesting In The Sacred Moment

The Source of light is the Divine Oneness that is all and is in all.

Though there is nothing else but this wherever we might look, our minds perceive reality in different terms. Most of us do not perceive the Oneness that is all, since at this time we view reality through physical eyes not through our spiritual eyes.


Hello Dear Readers.

I recently posted about seeking a blessed rosary for my Mother as she endures the sufferings associated with Covid.

This post is to share with you how the the experience of the blessed rosary culminated.

When I spoke with Mother last night she told me that she awoke to find a beautiful rosary wrapped around her hand. She asked if I was involved, I said I was and told her of the Chaplin and the Sisters of IHM who donate and bless the rosary’s. Mother told me that the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) who provide the blessed rosary’s were the the same holy order her Mother’s best friend’s daughter was from, Sister Mary. A Catholic Sister of whom my Mother has known all her life.

God’s mercy and compassion, the Oneness that is all Dear Readers is everywhere, in the smallest of gestures, within the most painful of moments, within the deepest of sorrows.

With a grateful heart I share this with you and encourage you Dear Reader, to open you heart and your eyes in each moment to the Oneness permeating your life. It is there, with you, within you, all around you.

An experience of the Oneness that is all does not take away experiences of suffering. An experience of the Oneness that is all makes the experiences more endurable, and by extension, our strength to bear with, stronger.

with love,

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 Post subject: A Brief Update - Prayers for the Suffering
PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 8:57 pm 

Hello Dear Readers,

For those of you who are holding my Mother, and those who are suffering from the Covid virus in your heart and when you pray, I have a brief update. Yesterday, before the state she resides in went into lockdown, the hospital suddenly released Mother back to the assisted living center. She was sent back to a facility where she got the Covid virus from and where three souls have passed, and sixteen including Mother, are infected with the virus. Many of the staff are also out with the virus. The ‘antibody cocktails’ are not available for all Covid sufferers.

Prayers for the Suffering, for those standing in the long shadow of death and sorrows.

With love,

An addendum - Dear Readers, I share Mother’s suffering and journey with Covid with you, in hopes that the retelling may play a small role in helping to save lives. I read in the news of fellow embodied souls who continue to protest mask wearing during the pandemic, as well as embodied souls who believe this disease is not real. After writing on this forum for seven years, I dare to assume that you know I am real Dear Readers, this experience is real, and caring for one another, loving one another, is what is going to get us through these days of the long shadows of death and sorrows. Share my Mother’s story with loved ones, it is real, share the love.

Many valleys need to be traveled,
Many rivers must be crossed,
Many sorrows need to be tasted,
Many loves that must be lost.
On the way the heart is opened, step by step it seems.
Sometimes easy, sometimes filled with sadness, pain, and fitful dreams.

Many Rivers
Songs for a Sacred Earth (2001 - unpublished)
GurujiMa of Light Omega

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