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 Post subject: Notes From Retreat: Fidelity To Love
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 2:18 pm 

Notes From Retreat: Fidelity To Love

Hello Dear Readers,

I felt guided to share this post with you today even as I am on retreat.

What has come to me to share with you has to do with the energies of darkness as well as the real time suffering which is unfolding. The phrase “the darkness shall seek to make you one with the darkness” has recently been coming to me repeatedly. I thought at first that I understood what it meant - that if I or anyone, was engaged in negative-separated behaviors, then they or I, were becoming one with the energies of darkness.

Whilst this is true, I have also begun to believe that another reason why the phrase keeps coming to me may have more to do with losing faith and believing that the darkness is more powerful than the energies of Light as was recently shared with me in the previous post:

"...Why do you tremble before the darkness and not I daughter?

Do you have faith in I or is your faith placed in those who serve the darkness?

What is your choice daughter?

Where is your faith?”

I am noticing that embodied souls seem to be having meltdowns more often, speaking as if the actions and words separated from love and Light are more powerful than the actions and words aligned with Light and love. I am noticing more blame, rage, depression, anger, loss of faith, and a loss of spiritual anchoring. I have noticed that there are those embodied souls who seem to feel more in control when they lose control.

I feel as if we are being asked to have courage, to believe that as GurujiMa has shared - “Another way is possible” and to “Remember Love.” We are, as the Prophet Isaiah prophesied - “being led by a way we know not.”

Courage and right relationship to each other, fidelity to integrity, to truth, is in our spiritual DNA. Once we collectively learn how to withstand the daily shocks entering into our consciousness’ we will, as WE THE PEOPLE, know what to do to intuitively to hold fast to our Constitution, our rights, and the dignity and rights of all. Even as this is true, we must travail this path through the darkness.

As the energies of darkness increase in intensity, know that it is a sign that it is time to build your faith. It is time to live the truth of integrity, honesty, humility, courageousness, trust, and most of all to care for one another.

The energies of darkness will seek to enter your mind and tell you that you all is false, the darkness rules, there is no hope, that strength is found in cynicism, that there is no Light, there is no real 'truth', there is no love for one another, there is no way through our suffering - if you hear these words, or find yourselves feeling this way, remember this post Dear Readers, and bear with in fidelity.

With love.
I again return to my retreat,

Faith_Choice_Believing_Power_Love_JohannaRaphael.jpg [ 56.3 KiB | Viewed 3593 times ]

How I Am Finding Comfort.

You might be surprised to hear me say this Dear Reader, but when I feel overwhelmed by the energies of separation and density, I read the prophesies. I can look back in time when the prophecies and visions were first anchored and make some sense of the energies of chaos and darkness which are manifesting in the present and know in my heart, that God as I believe in God, is with us, and that all is held in the Light.

The Return of the Christ

Edited for clarity - 9/27/20

Last edited by Johanna on Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Prayer For Truth - GurujiMa
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 8:34 pm 

This Prayer for Truth is offered as a vehicle for uplifting oneself when one feels dismayed about the circumstances of life that have become oppressive and that have substituted falsehood for truth and darkness for light, while claiming to represent the light. It involves the confident understanding that each person is a soul, and that within each one is a place of access to the deeper truths of the heart. The prayer can also be used as an anchorpoint for holding on to your own truth in the presence of opposing forces.

Prayer for Truth

May truth prevail, may deception be vanquished.

May the light of truth that lives in each heart

Awaken now, radiant, glorious,

Illuminating the presence of the soul.

-GurujiMa ... -darkness/

In the presence of all that confuses, distorts, denies, and abandons truth, one can hold to this prayer, knowing that light is stronger than darkness and that it is the governing force that is presently bringing about planetary change.

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 Post subject: On Suffering: Fear Not, For I AM 'With' You
PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 11:47 am 

On Suffering: Fear Not, For I AM With You

Hello Dear Readers.

Recently, during a profound bout of suffering, GurujiMa reminded me that I have been counseled over the years by the I AM Consciousness to “Fear not, for I AM with you”.

This posting speaks to my soul’s meditation on GurujiMa’s compassionate guidance.

The discomfort of this time is very great for some who cling to outcomes, while for others it is as natural as breathing. One must be capable of resting in the unknown and of trusting the helplessness that is intrinsic to the experience.

Waiting In Emptiness ... ine-union/

I am, shifting in my consciousness from “who will rescue me or save me from my suffering?” To who, whom or what is ‘with’ me? I am seeking the strength to endure by asking, “who or what uplifts my weary heart, mind, and spirit”, “who or what inspires that which is already anchored within me to endure, go through and to transform these experiences of profound suffering?”

To go through suffering is a sacred experience which brings hitherto unknown strengths as well as transformations which brings forth the soul to the fore of all embodied experiences.

I Am Not Alone

I am moving from a consciousness that I am alone in my suffering to a conscious realization that Light and Love are ‘with’ me at both the soul level and also at the physical level within the experiences, words, actions, and deeds of those who would walk ‘with’ me and assist me when needed, in my suffering.

What we need to endure, to go through, Dear Readers, is within, and simultaneously all around us. When experiences in Time seem the most dire, I am learning that all pride, hubris, resentments, fears, self-doubts, and feelings of unworthiness can be transformed if I, we, choose to open our heart’s and mind’s to a consciousness which helps us to remember that we are not alone, that the Light is ‘with’ us, that Love is ‘with’ us and that those who serve both, who are all around us, are waiting to be invited in, to be ‘with’ us in our suffering, as we go through profound transformational experiences.

A Prayer In Times Of Suffering

Help me to open my eyes and my heart in each moment to who or what is ‘with’ me in my time of suffering.

In the presence of the energies of which would inform me that I am alone in my sufferings, or that my sufferings are an outward expression of my inner unworthiness or sinfulness, help me to withstand in dignity and trust.

Bear with each other with love,

Reaching Out In Times Of Suffering

When we reach out for that which is ‘with’ us in our suffering we are also in a process of building a bridge
within so that we too, may reach out to others in their times of suffering.

* * *

Reach out and touch somebody’s hand
Make this a better world if you can.

Take a little time out of your busy day to give encouragement
To someone who has lost the way.

Diana Ross
Reach Out And Touch

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 Post subject: October 1, 2020 - A Message From GurujiMa
PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 12:01 pm 

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Light Omega Newsletter.jpeg [ 39.15 KiB | Viewed 3543 times ]

OCTOBER 1, 2020


Dearest Beloved Ones,
In the presence of much that is distressing in our collective life at this time including COVID-19 and heightened concerns related to racism, climate change, and the polarization of our national consciousness, an awakening is taking place brought about by spiritual light entering more fully into the physical dimension and into physical matter itself. The writing on "Awakening of the Energy Body" describes some of the physical changes that a higher vibration of light can produce as it enters our physical bodies. The article on "Waiting in Emptiness" describes an experience that many face with different degrees of intensity, often without knowing that this is what they are  experiencing. This, too, is the result of increased spiritual light. The "Prayer for Truth" is an offering for this time, intended to act as a spiritual anchor in the midst of forces that can cover truth or oppose it.   
May you be blessed by the truth that lives within you that knows that we have entered a new time, and that you have come here to both witness and participate in the transformation of our planet into light.
With blessings — GurujiMa  



Awakening of the Energy Body
While it is often not possible to 'do' anything about the physical aspects of the transformational process except to try to get as comfortable as possible, it is always possible to align our responses with the deepest level of truth we can access. One can choose trust over fear, and acceptance over denial, holding that something positive is happening, even if unexplained.
Continue reading online: ... formation/


Waiting in Emptiness
'Waiting in emptiness' comes to the soul that pursues the All with a degree of fervor and commitment that requires the giving up of all past identities so that union with the All can take place. Such union, to whatever degree is possible based on the readiness of the embodied soul, is the goal of 'waiting in emptiness.' One surrenders everything in order to be filled by that which is Everything.

Continue reading online: ... ine-union/


Prayer for Truth
This Prayer for Truth is offered as a vehicle for uplifting oneself when one feels dismayed about the circumstances of life that have become oppressive and that have substituted falsehood for truth and darkness for light, while claiming to represent the light.

Prayer for Truth
May truth prevail, may deception be vanquished.
May the light of truth that lives in each heart
Awaken now, radiant, glorious,
Illuminating the presence of the soul.

Continue reading online: ... -darkness/


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 Post subject: Prayers For The Suffering - In The Presence Of COVID
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 10:54 am 

Prayers The Suffering - Planetary Wide And Nationally:

In The Presence Of The COVID Virus

Prayers for every living being suffering on this Beloved Earth. Prayers for those exposed to the sufferings associated with the COVID virus, including the President of the United States, his wife Melania, friends and associates. Prayers for the hundreds of thousands of families who have lost loved ones, or who now find themselves as 'long haulers'. Prayers for the isolated, the poor, those facing eviction from their homes, those who have lost their incomes, and those who serve us everyday in potentially dangerous COVID related environments.

Prayers for the peoples of this Beloved Earth in this time of planetary wide sufferings. May the wisdom and hygiene practices of the nations who have found ways to keep their peoples safe spread faster than the virus.

with love,

The Covid Tracking Project.png
The Covid Tracking Project.png [ 155.79 KiB | Viewed 3527 times ]

Consciousness of Breath:

"Being conscious of how we direct our breath."

James Hamblin of the Atlantic

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 Post subject: Our Behavior's and Policies - Do They Reflect Love?
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 11:01 am 

Our Behavior's and Policies - Do They Reflect Love?

"...In the times ahead, many will have their hearts tested to see if it is possible to hold fast to the light in the presence of darkness. The light will hold, but only if it is recognized that there is always another way to act and to be, other than through willing corruption of the heart’s truth and the soul’s conscience. Such corruption may justify itself as being reasonable, practical, and effective. It may broadcast its message in order to create false hope through a course of action that diminishes helplessness. This is the deceptive power of darkness — to hide itself in the clothing of convincing language, claiming to bring peace and an end to pain, but in reality bringing far more suffering than was present to begin with. The deception is effective, unless one possesses great clarity of heart, for in this case the heart is more important than the mind and can hold fast to truth, even while the mind may be in doubt. The heart can know things that the mind may not, for the truth it knows is of God and of the deepest moral center that is carried within each human being. It is to this center we each must turn in the presence of deceptive words.

To do this, the question must be asked, always, regarding any behavior or policy — does it reflect love? Not only love for that which has been personally lost or for which protection is sought, but love for the sacredness of life. It is impossible to feel this love and to take life, to abuse it, or to desecrate it. These things are mutually incompatible. Within God’s reality, life is always and eternally sacred, and hatred and murderous intent are always what separates us from God. Such love involves offering the conditions of humane treatment to all; respect for life to all; freedom and protection under the law to all. If love is not extended in this way, if we rush to repay those who have harmed us with harm, we become complicit in the very darkness that we seek to end, and have no hope of victory over it.

A Darkened America ... -the-light

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 Post subject: A Meditation on "Forgiveness: Seeing All as Souls"
PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 8:23 am 

Dearest Beloved Ones,

It is timely, today, to look deeply into our hearts to see if we can truly 'forgive everyone' and 'forgive everything,' knowing that each person is not their outer behavior or even their personality or personal expressions, but a soul created by God. In the presence of the recent news regarding the president's diagnosis of coronavirus, we have an opportunity to look deeply into our hearts to see where we are with this, where love is and where it is not, where we cling to our judgments regarding policies and words used, and cannot reach the place of recognizing the soul of someone with whom we have found strong disagreement. If we are honest, we may find that we do not even want to be forgiving.

The president is not the only one, however, to whom our self-reflection needs to apply. There are also individuals who hold beliefs that we may vehemently disagree with, and also those within our own circle of family, friends, and colleagues, including spiritual 'colleagues,' who we may find ourselves judging. Can you 'forgive everyone,' and 'forgive everything,' knowing that each person is a soul, growing and learning just as you are? The test of forgiveness is not an idea or a concept but a feeling of warmth in the heart that extends outward toward all, especially toward someone whose outer manifestation you have found to be difficult.

May the possibility for such unqualified forgiveness live in your awareness as an intrinsic part of who you truly are, for at the deepest level you are one with all, and there are no 'others' to judge. With blessings - GurujiMa

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 Post subject: The Pathos Of The Energies Of Narcissistic Fear
PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 11:29 am 

The Pathos Of The Energies Of Narcissistic Fear

The answer to reducing pain, to protecting loved ones, to preserving freedom – in a word, to enduring – can never come through acts of darkness, cruelty, brutality, or sadism. Pain cannot be reduced, nor love protected, nor freedom preserved by doing what is clearly wrong, even if such action momentarily soothes the heart.

A Darkened America
GurujiMa ... -the-light

The energies of narcissistic fear can inform or thoughts, actions, words, and deeds,

When there are underlying karmic patterns or woundings, especially emotional and psychological woundings, an embodied soul can leave the realm of trusting the Infinite Source - I AM Consciousness, God, and build an apparatus - persona, which reflects not the energies informing their consciousness and behaviors which are based on fear or rejection, but a persona of ‘being in control’, ‘nothing can harm me’, ‘I am invincible’, or ‘others are out to get me’.

Those who are in the emotional orbit of the one carrying and displaying these separated energies especially if they too have karmic patterns or emotional and psychological woundings, can be drawn to the highly charismatic aura of the one in authority in their lives and build their own sense of self-worth upon the admired or loved one.

The energies at work - fear, often self-loathing, low self-esteem or self-worth become covered over. In a state of rapturous enthusiasm and feeling lifted up from personal suffering and struggles, an embodied soul attracted to the charismatic authority figure can find themselves leaving the path of purification and healing with humility and trust, leaving their experiences of suffering and pain, and the ensuing emotions which can leave one feeling vulnerable, unsafe, or unsure in the moment.

Who Are WE The Pathos Of Narcissistic Fear.jpg
Who Are WE The Pathos Of Narcissistic Fear.jpg [ 69.69 KiB | Viewed 3498 times ]

Who are WE? Who are are WE individually in our lives? What is presenting itself as in need of healing in our own lives which needs to be explored ‘with’ God as WE understand the experience of God? Who are WE ‘with’ each other and ‘with’ our soul?

Who are WE collectively as a Nation needs to be explored and healed with dignity and respect for all involved - within the Nation and even more importantly, the actions WE have taken upon other Nations and peoples WE have deemed as “Other”?

WE are collectively experiencing the pathos of the energies of narcissistic fear. The events unfolding which feel and often are, filled with energies of chaos and fear can feel as though we are on an emotional and psychological roller coaster.

While it is often not possible to ‘do’ anything about the physical aspects of the transformational process except to try to get as comfortable as possible, it is always possible to align our responses with the deepest level of truth we can access. One can choose trust over fear, and acceptance over denial, holding that something positive is happening, even if unexplained.

As part of the planetary awakening taking place today, not only our collective consciousness is being changed. The physical reality that we live in is also undergoing a transformation on a cellular, molecular, atomic, and sub-atomic level. This includes both the physical body of the Earth and our own physical bodies as well.

Awakening of the Energy Body
GurujiMa ... formation/

To move through, WE THE PEOPLE must look at ourselves individually and collectively and examine how WE align with the energies of fear and chaos in the moment. Only then can we look our around us with compassion which comes from self reflection and humility and help another ground themselves in a reality of love, trust, dignity, and respect.

There is a way through what WE are individually and collectively enduring.

The discomfort of this time is very great for some who cling to outcomes, while for others it is as natural as breathing. One must be capable of resting in the unknown and of trusting the helplessness that is intrinsic to the experience. Only the beating of the heart in its determination to trust and to have hope in the unseen can guide the way. Because of its difficulty, many who seek to remain with this passage fall back to ways of control and of active pursuit of goals when the helplessness of waiting becomes more than they can bear. To live through such a time, one must view helplessness without fear, without mistrust, but as a giving over of control to the Divine One who is the source of the waiting, as well as its goal.

Waiting in Emptiness
GurujiMa ... ine-union/

with love,

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 Post subject: Visions and Prophecies - August & September 2020
PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 2:15 pm 

Keeping Faithful In A Time Of Chaos:

A time is coming forward where moments in Time will feel as if one is in a perpetual experience of torment, a ‘hell on Earth’.

These experiences will be worldwide.

Those aligning with the energies of darkness will feel emboldened to take actions which at their source, will inflict great suffering upon the many.

Life will feel at times, a torment.

Life will seem to be filled with chaos and pain.

Even as I share this with you, remember my words – “Keep faithful”.

Keep faithful to each other. Keep faithful to truth. Keep faithful to unity, respect, and honour.

Keep faithful.


* * *

Love. Trust. Faith.

Thy shield in the presence of the energies of destruction and desecration's.

* * *

In A Time Of Would Be Kings:

Be wary of those who would gather all the power and wealth of our Democratic institutions unto themselves.

* * *

Every embodied soul on this planet has a reason to be here at this time.
That which your soul has been waiting for — you — awakens in Time.

* * *

Charismatic Allurement.

Power can have the energies of allurement attached to it, which can make for confusion in the mind when the lower chakras are activated by their energetic presence.

* * *

It takes a strong faith to face the energies of contempt.
Be the light even when it feels a fright.

* * *

Divinely Designed.

The human heart – Divinely Designed to love.

* * *

The sorrows of false hopes carry no “Good News”.

* * *

What have we wrought with our wrath?

* * *

The movement of a culture serving the people to the peoples veneration of those who are meant to serve.

* * *

Do not become one with the sources of darkness which feeds the energies of violence.

* * *

The Lauding Of Hero Patriots.

On his mighty chariot he did ride, to inspect his most loyal servants, his heart’s pride.

* * *

Shadow Piety:

In the shadows of piety a lust for the trappings of power.

* * *

Rebuke me my God if I leave Thy Path.

* * *

Collective Consciousness.

As we move forward in Divine Time, one may find it especially challenging to anchor in one’s heart.

Bear with.

Bear with each other with love.

* * *

Life Giving.

Whatever I am in this moment is because of Your Love.

* * *

Proprietorially Occupied.

Penalty laden beneficence.

* * *

One cannot fight the energies of darkness by engaging with the darkness. The energies of darkness seeks to make the one engaging with these very same energies one with the darkness.

* * *

Shadow piety is a state in which an embodied soul proclaims their allegiance to that which is Holy whilst their words and actions proclaim un-purified aspects of the embodied self which are often separated from Light, Love, truth, respect, and honour.

Righteousness in the pursuit of power.

* * *

In a state of pre-Awakening consciousness, the antiquated themes of religion, power, and dominance plays out in the collective human consciousness, bringing forward, over and over in time, the lambs to the slaughter.

* * *

"As Lambs To The Slaughter".

America She stands before the king.

* * *

The King’s Retribution.

As the peoples of the realm die, the king gathers his most loyal close to him for their subjugation and his praise.

* * *

The King’s Decrees.

Whom I deem to be against ME shall pay dearly by forces loyal to my decrees.

* * *

“Animals they be.” Not worthy of life declares ME.

* * *

Who sits on the throne of thy heart?

* * *

Aye, thy king would teach thee to hate one another, to kill, to maim, and defame thy brother, thy sister, as a pledge of unbound loyalty.

* * *

A new decree from HE who would rule thee: All who thwart me shall be punished unmercifully.

* * *

A time coming forward where minds manipulated and betrayed, know not where to seek truth.

The heart I call to you, the heart.

Truth will be found in the presence of hearts which bring forth the fruits of love.

Love – unattached, without agenda. Love which seeks to uplift and strengthen.

Love which says, “The truth you seek is within”.

* * *

A Reflection Of Love.

A reflection of our spiritual progress is Love.

* * *

Dimensional doors once locked, opened.

* * *

Loss of certainty in a time of crises.

* * *

A fallen master cannot hide their darkness within the darkness.

The Light reveals all.

Be not afraid for I AM and I AM with thee.

* * *

Soul Life.

Do not get too comfortable.

* * *

Blessings are best accepted with humility.

* * *

For Better Or Worse.

To lose all which gave one a sense of comfort or security is to find one’s true self — in Time.

* * *

The Sacred In A Dark Time.

Thine eye needs to focus with greater clarity to perceive the sacred in a dark time.

* * *

Honour the lush greens and blues of the Mother’s Body, before it turns to charcoal black.

New beginnings for the Earth once burnt in raging inferno’s.

All blessings.

* * *

Those who suffer greatly in the present will enter the future with an unforeseen fortitude in comparison to the embodied souls newly awakening to the energies of suffering.

All prayers for the suffering.

* * *

When the “Good News” is false, sorrow ensues.

* * *

In a time of debasements, desecration’s, and all manner of corruptions, inquisitors shall have reign.

* * *

The King’s Will – Rule By The Sword.

The violent punishing of those who would resist or rebel against the rule of the king.

* * *

Ostentatious wealth branded empathy for the masses.

* * *

A Time Comes Forward – The Inquisitors.

A time comes forward filled with the ignorant arrogance of the inquisitors.

* * *

One cannot enjoy both the pursuit of adulation, the entrapment’s of power, and a life lived in innocence with God.

* * *

At one with the One is perfect freedom.

* * *

The Temptations.

Lust for power. Power through punishing. The power of punishing to save.

* * *

Shadow Piety:

The belief in the investment of God to punish all who will not follow in the pious punishers image and likeness.

* * *

Shadow Piety:

Bow down or endure our wrath.

* * *

A crusade against the body of We The People.

* * *

The Heart.

The heart will be thy portal to the Realms of Grace.

* * *

The greater the squeeze on the conscience the stronger the rebellion of the heart.

* * *

Redemption is found through an innocent and surrendered heart.

* * *

A hardened heart burns that which is around it in want of the Flame of the Holy.

* * *

The height of power brings a hardened heart much sorrow, much sorrow.

* * *

I beseech thee to leave the domain of the agitated mind and breathe deep into your heart’s.

* * *

Going Backwards Forward.

The king and his grand inquisitor bring forth fear and sorrow throughout the Nation of the People of the Free.

Woe O Nation, woe

* * *

Trusting in the unknown in the moment is much like the proverbial “walking on water,” one needs to trust where one’s feet leads them.

* * *

The spectre of the grand inquisitor rises in the heart’s and mind’s of the People of the Nation of the Free.

Received in the months of August and September 2020

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 Post subject: My Truth: What I Know And Do Not Know
PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 11:16 am 

My Truth: What I Know And Do Not Know

Beloved_Earth_From_Space_photo_NASA.jpg [ 28.35 KiB | Viewed 3449 times ]

Hello Dear Readers.

There are in my embodied soul life, things that I innately know as truth, and things that I do not know but do know that I need to take time for reflection to process that which I do not know to find what my truth is in relationship with them.

Some Things I Know And Do Not Know.

I know that I am alive.

I know after twenty some years of being with GurujiMa that I have come to trust GurujiMa and her writings and teachings.

I know I am given visions and prophecies. I do not know why I am given them.

I know after years spent with GurujiMa what the experience of holy, compassionate, consistent love feels like.

I know, without knowing why, what the energies of Light feels like in my body. I also know what the energies of darkness feels like as they course through my nervous system and cells.

I know that I love the blessed Earth, God’s Garden, and all of the sacred process of Life which unfold before me. I do not know why I have a talent for growing and nurturing the plants and trees which grow upon the Earth.

These are just a few examples of what I in any given moment, of what I know and do not know.

I must admit Dear Readers, when GurujiMa first published the Galactic Federation teachings, that I did not know how to process them. At the time, and this continues to be true, perhaps for millions of us, I was experiencing the energies associated with intense emotional and mental overwhelm, which in themselves, take up a lot of inner space and time to process.

I was unable, and this experience is ongoing, to process the complexity and profundity of GurujiMa’s writings on the Galactic Federation.

I know that there are aspects of GurujiMa’s writings on the Galactic Federation which I innately know to be true. At the same time, there are other aspects which bring to the fore of my consciousness, energies of anxiety and unsureness because of their scope into the realms of what I do not know.

Even as all this is true, I know that I have a deep and abiding trust in GurujiMa and her teachings.

In this state of both knowing and unknowing, I humbly share these new writings with you Dear Readers for your reflection, so that you may come to know and process what your truth and inner knowings are in relation to them.

With love,

P.S. I wrote this to you Dear Readers from my heart before I even read the entire teaching of which I am posting. This is important for two reasons -

This ----This is a good place for us to pause, and for you to try to assimilate what I have written. To help with this assimilation, I would like to leave you with the following questions to meditate and reflect upon:

and this ----1. What is your trust level concerning welcoming beings whose intentions you do not know through personal experience or personally acquired information?

Edits: Grammar

Last edited by Johanna on Sat Oct 10, 2020 8:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: The Galactic Federation of Light and the Earth
PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 12:34 pm 
The Galactic Federation of Light and the Earth
GurujiMa  |  October 7, 2020

Ancient_Of_All_Times_GurujiMa_LightOmegajpg.jpg [ 152.59 KiB | Viewed 3448 times ]

Those who are part of the Federation have been intimately participating in the evolution of this planet. They are not just arriving now, but through billions of years have watched the evolution of the Earth with an eye toward assisting its movement forward out of duality into a higher consciousness.

Since this is the first message offered as a result of the combined intention of the Realms of Light, the Galactic Federation, and myself, I would like to explain that this is not a channeled message, but rather one that is based on the expansion of my own understanding of the Galactic Federation, its purpose and history. A certain portion of this understanding has been acquired through external sources on the physical plane, but this by itself would not have enabled me to write about it without my own access to the truth that my being holds, held also in a conjoined way with those of the Realms of Light. You may think of this as information which you must weigh and consider in relation to other information, or you may think of it as truth.  That is entirely up to you. I offer this to you as a gift from the universe that wishes to make itself known to you now, in this time. — GurujiMa

In order to understand the Galactic Federation of Light, we need to picture a universe in which matter and energy are not only interchangeable, but exist as gradations along a spectrum within which what is solid and dense becomes less solid and less dense as one moves into a higher spiritual vibration. Matter becomes spiritualized energy. We become spiritualized energy. And when it serves the purposes of the Divine, spiritualized energy becomes matter. If we can hold this perspective, we will be readier to accept beings not in a dichotomized portrait as ‘like us’ or ‘unlike us,’ but as gradations along a continuum that we are also part of. Within this continuum, we are presently changing our degree of density so that we vibrate with a greater proportion of energy than we have at any time in our entire past as human beings.

What is also important to understand is that many of those beings who are part of the Federation have been intimately participating in the evolution of this planet. They are not just arriving now, but have through billions of years watched the evolution of the Earth with an eye toward assisting its movement forward out of duality into a higher consciousness. This is the ‘magnificent experiment’ that beings throughout the galaxy recognize, understanding the importance of both the full embodiment of Earth’s inhabitants within the plane of duality, and the equal importance of their return to a spiritualized state of unity consciousness.

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These highly evolved beings have preceded us along their own evolutionary paths and are still evolving. They came in the shadows of pre-recorded time to seed information and understanding of reality into our blood and into our cells so that we would already hold within ourselves the imprint of what was to be.

They came in the shadows of pre-recorded time to seed information and understanding of reality into our blood and into our cells so that we would already hold within ourselves the imprint of what was to be.

We need to examine the word ‘seeded’ more closely, to understand how something becomes ‘seeded’ into our collective consciousness as human beings. This may be a new thought for many of us, that is, that memory and intelligence do not only lie in the brain, nor are they necessarily regulated by the brain.  For example, science has learned, today, that water has memory. It carries the history of the environments it has passed through and the adaptations it has made because of those environments. So, too, does our blood have memory, for it is the equivalent of water within our bodies. Our cells, too, contain both memory and intelligence.

How can we hold this understanding when we have been taught so much today about brain function, its localized centers of activity that govern particular capacities; its neurons and synapses. Because of this, if you feel yourself questioning or doubting this new thought, that is alright. We have become very ‘brain-focused’ and do not yet understand that thought which is energy can be infused into what we think of as solid and not-energy such as the matter of our cells.

Millions and billions of years ago according to our three-dimensional reality, those who were assisting the Earth’s evolution seeded the consciousness that they possessed into our blood and into our cells as templates for the future. They also seeded this into our DNA through reproduction. The latter took place as species from far away came here and mated with human beings in order to produce children who would carry the DNA of the star beings. The beings who were most influential in this regard were the Pleiadians and Arcturians.

Whatever you have heard about them in popular media today is likely to be incorrect in total or in part, so for the moment, simply allow your mind to be open to the idea that these beings are not aliens. They are not interlopers into human history. Rather, they have been acting on behalf of the Divine Plan for the Earth, the Solar System, the Galaxy, and so on throughout time.  Though there were some who had other intentions, those who came with a sanctified purpose according to the Divine directive were predominant, and they are the same species of beings who comprise a good part of the Galactic Federation today.

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Created_Out_Of_Stars_And_Earth_GurujiMa_ Light Omega.jpg [ 46.35 KiB | Viewed 3448 times ]

This is a good place for us to pause, and for you to try to assimilate what I have written. To help with this assimilation, I would like to leave you with the following questions to meditate and reflect upon:

1. What is your trust level concerning welcoming beings whose intentions you do not know through personal experience or personally acquired information?

2. Can you hold that the Earth has a significant role to play in the solar system and galaxy, and that this is why it is very important to beings everywhere that Earth’s current transition to a new spiritual frequency moves to completion?

3. Can you hold that already within your own DNA, cells, and body are not only the elements that you are familiar with and accustomed to, but also the imprint of beings from the stars?

4. Can you hold that you are also from the stars and that this fact lives not only in your consciousness but in your physical structure as well?

May the blessings of this time be with you. No matter what you may be going through of difficulty, the time of expansion into who you truly are is here.

Federation of Light - Earth Evolution ... evolution/

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 Post subject: The Agenda Of Dominion
PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:21 am 

The Agenda Of Dominion

I can feel in the silence of my meditations the waves of sorrow and despair of the Peoples suffering in the face of the fallout of the pandemic response this morning. Is it the pain of witnessing rapid legislative actions being taken for the quick installment of a new supreme justice and the pain of witnessing and knowing, such actions were not taken on behalf of We The People struggling to survive, struggling to bury their dead, struggling to eat, to pay their bills, to keep a roof over their heads, to find a job as businesses close down?

Those who govern us seem to have a great disregard and disrespect for We The People.

May God forgive them for what they know they do.

D.O.A. - We The Zero's

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