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 Post subject: Re: Hope for the World
PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:53 am 

“A Time of Hope”
a video from Light Omega Productions

…”Give not your thoughts to what cannot be yet.
Give not your thoughts to limitation.
Think, instead, of the majesty of what is arriving and is to come.
Think of the bursting forth of life that is here and is everywhere.
All around you, life is bursting with new life.

In the midst of this a new you is being born,
filled with light, filled with the holiness of Creation.
All shall be well. Do not fear. All shall be well.”…

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 Post subject: Re: Hope for the World
PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 7:40 am 

“All of karmic life is being replaced by
a new vibration of love and light.
To join the new, release all, forgive all,
love all.

Cling only to the Divine truth of your own
wholeness, not to the outer things you once
thought you needed.”

Day 24, Calendar of Awakening
~ the One life in the many ~
Coming soon to

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 Post subject: Re: Hope for the World
PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2020 4:59 am 

Be Love

“Shall we choose to be love
or to be right?
Shall we choose to make judgments
or to make peace?
Upon these questions hangs a whole
way of life,
the way of trust and compassion,
the way of joining and of hope.
‘Being right’ defines and defends
our position.
It is a claim we make to be noticed
and heard in a certain way.
‘Being love’ allows us to hear others,
to seek the truth within all,
even within those horrific expressions
that seem so different from our own.

It is compassion that reveals the
kernel of truth that is the point
of joining.
Compassion does not ask that we condone
wrong action.
It asks that we do not add wrong action
to wrong action so that we participate
in what we are opposing.
It asks that we offer respect to all.
Let us be love, then, instead of
needing to be right.
In this way, we may hear, and know,
and see others in a new light,
the light of revelation
the light of a new day,
the light of the One.”

“Be Love” from 'Poems for the New Earth' may be found at the Light Omega bookshop"

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 Post subject: Re: Hope for the World
PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 8:02 pm 

“…Where fear exists, love's presence and the desire to join with others diminishes. This is our history, and it is present today in the tendencies we are witnessing toward isolation, toward the erection of barriers between one nation and another, and in all the ways that hatred of one group toward another are being expressed.

Beloved ones, through our daily thoughts and actions we choose to be part of this perspective of fear and disorder, or we choose to be part of the world of nobility and kindness, the world in which the human heart is trustworthy. We need to look at this choice in all that we communicate to others, but particularly we need to observe our own thought process so that we do not align with the darkness that is being conveyed to us with every reported event in the news

The world of light, of nobility, and of kindness, all emanating from the greater presence of the soul within the human heart, is expanding now, but we will not know about it if we believe the picture of the world that is being presented to us through the prism of fear and disorder. From this picture, we will only absorb the need to maintain self-protection and separateness. If, however, we look into our own motivation, and seek to practice nobility and kindness in our thoughts and speech on a daily basis, we will begin to see the potential of this being returned to us a thousandfold.

This is the world we wish to create, and we must take responsibility for our own willingness and and our own capacity to do so. The life of the world that we create lies within us, not just outside us.

May all beings be set free from illusion to find the way to their own heart of love. Amen, and Namaste." With all blessings - Julie of Light Omega (GurujiMa)

An excerpt from "Acts of Nobility and Kindness."
Continue reading the full teaching here:


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 Post subject: Re: Hope for the World
PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 4:50 am 

Flame of Hope

"You have within you as a sacred part of your soul-essence,
a flame of hope.
Founded in the truth that your soul carries,
it cannot be extinguished,
even by life's challenges."

Julie of Light Omega (GurujiMa)
November 25, 2009

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 Post subject: Re: Hope for the World
PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 5:13 pm 

‘The Freedom of Not-Knowing’

“There are some of us who take to Mystery like a duck to water,
and there are some, because of the habits of the past, who want
to know exactly what’s going on, how to get from point A to point B.
Those people who are more oriented toward the mind have more difficulty
going through long periods of time without definition.”


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 Post subject: Re: Hope for the World
PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 9:11 am 

“Come, my beloved one,
feel the largeness of who you are
beyond anything you have thought
yourself to be.
The world of the Divine opens its
doors to you now,
but you must welcome it in.
No longer is it necessary to sit in deep
meditation to contact the spirit within.
Only look for it and you will begin to feel
the depth of your own being.
Do not be afraid to consider yourself holy.
Do not think because your life has
been human and ordinary
that holiness is beyond you.
You have always been holy.
You have always been Divine.
Now, the world of the human and the
world of the Divine are coming together
so that you may walk, and talk,
and go about your life
knowing that you are a Divine being
within form.
All of this your soul has chosen.
It is the purpose for which you are here.
Open the door to your own self,
beloved one,
and let the holiness of who you are
illuminate each moment of your life.”

'THE DOOR TO HOLINESS' is from "Poems for the New Earth" - Book 2." (Unpublished)
The first book of "Poems for the New Earth" is available through the Light Omega Bookshop:


Image of Westerlund 2, Gum 29 image taken by:
NASA, ESA, the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA),
A. Nota (ESA/STScI), and the Westerlund 2 Science Team ... 5-12-a.jpg

.              Westerlund 2, Gum 29  credit-  NASA, ESA, the Hubble Heritage Team--STScI-AURA- A. Nota - Westerlund 2 Science Team- pic-
. Westerlund 2, Gum 29 credit- NASA, ESA, the Hubble Heritage Team--STScI-AURA- A. Nota - Westerlund 2 Science Team- pic- [ 67.55 KiB | Viewed 12010 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Hope for the World
PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 9:11 am 

“…In order to maintain hope, we need to distinguish between the perception of helplessness and the perception of hopelessness and to examine them with care. Though corrective physical action may not be possible for us right now in many of the troubling world situations we hear about daily, spiritual action in the way of prayer and alignment with light is always possible. It is always possible through heart, mind, and alignment with God, to link our consciousness with others and in this way to convey hope. For the rest, for the situation to change on the outer level as well, we must learn to wait in trust.

If we perceive obstacles within ourselves to the striving for unity with others anywhere, everywhere – including those whom we dislike who may be our immediate peers and neighbors – we can choose to make of this a spiritual practice so that greater unity becomes possible. This spiritual practice focuses attention and energy in the direction of our heart’s caring and in the direction of our desire for healing. In practice, we ask that Divine light and love move through us on all levels so that the world may be helped and healed by our being here. To engage with this kind of practice requires an absence of exclusion, for all exclusiveness limits the ability of the heart to grow in love. It also requires that we look reality full in the face – that we see what’s happening ‘out there’ and question what the relationship is between ‘out there’ and what is within us.

Greater consciousness will not make us weaker, it will make us stronger. It will not interfere with ‘our’ life more than the fearful prospect of hidden things that we don’t want to face. For denial does not prevent our consciousness from being aware of something. It only prevents our consciousness from being aware of the content of something. The underlying sense of needing to avoid it, the fear involved, remains, often more potently than what would arise if we were to face what we would rather not face…”

This excerpt is from ‘The Personal and the Global’ by GurujiMa. Please follow the link to continue reading:

.                The Personal and the Global - GurujiMa -
. The Personal and the Global - GurujiMa - [ 38.35 KiB | Viewed 11868 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Hope for the World
PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 6:22 am 

‘Hope in the Presence of Change’

“Hope arises from the boundless depths of one’s being. No matter what your outer self may feel, inside your deeper self is an endless well of hope to draw from. You may be facing difficult challenges in your life. You may be experiencing change, loss, the need to let go of what you have held on to. All this is part of the present time of change, part of the creation of the new. Change must come, but hope must also be present in the midst of it. For hope does not rest on anything outer, but on something inner, on the truth of who you are.”

Listen to GurujiMa’s audio file, ‘Hope in the Presence of Change’ here:

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Beloved GurujiMa-LOC-Village of Light..jpg [ 33.17 KiB | Viewed 11362 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Hope for the World
PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:02 am 

A New Sun of Hope for a Troubled World

“As the sun lights up the morning sky, so too does the new sun of hope light up the sky for a troubled world, bringing the promise of peace and love to souls who have forgotten it. A new sun of hope is shining upon the world, invisible yet to the eyes of many, but opening the hearts of all to their deeper truth. This sun is enlivening each heart causing it to seek the path of greater love, the path of greater humanity, the path of greater caring. Feel the sun that is awakening your heart, it is bringing hope to the world and hope to all of life.”

Listen to this short message from Beloved GurujiMa by following the link below.

.                  A New Sun of Hope for a Troubled World GurujiMa -
. A New Sun of Hope for a Troubled World GurujiMa - [ 40.85 KiB | Viewed 11243 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Hope for the World
PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 1:54 am 

“This Prayer for Truth is offered as a vehicle for uplifting oneself when one feels dismayed about the circumstances of life that have become oppressive and that have substituted falsehood for truth and darkness for light, while claiming to represent the light. It involves the confident understanding that each person is a soul, and that within each one is a place of access to the deeper truths of the heart. The prayer can also be used as an anchor point for holding on to your own truth in the presence of opposing forces.

‘Prayer for Truth’

“May truth prevail, may deception be vanquished.
May the light of truth that lives in each heart
Awaken now, radiant, glorious,
Illuminating the presence of the soul.”

In the presence of all that confuses, distorts, denies, and abandons truth, one can hold to this prayer, knowing that light is stronger
than darkness and that it is the governing force that is presently bringing about planetary change.”
(Sept. 26, 2020)

‘Prayer for Truth’ by GurujiMa may be viewed here:

.                      1 Prayer for Truth – GurujiMa
. 1 Prayer for Truth – GurujiMa [ 27.52 KiB | Viewed 11064 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Hope for the World
PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 8:02 am 

Dearest Friends, in the past 48 hours two world events have brought great suffering, devastation and loss to our awareness and hearts.
Both in Haiti, experiencing tremendous loss of life & all basic needs while still enduring ongoing storms and in Afghanistan where the takeover
and collapse of government has rendered their people helpless and in fear for their lives. The pain, sorrow and grief surrounding both countries
call our hearts to open and extend our love in whatever ways we are led.

For the next day or so I will be sharing GurujiMa’s teachings related to living in a time of hardship as a way to be of support to you
who may be feeling the sorrow & helplessness of those suffering. As always, your prayers, thoughts, comments are welcomed.
We are grateful for your loving presence here.

With all blessings,


“There is a heart that beats at the center of the world, and it is the heart of humanity’s Divine origin and the heart of God as well.

This heart suffers with all who suffer. It feels cold with all who are without shelter. It rejoices with those who have found their way home, and it is saddened by the loss of hope that occurs when injustice prevails and cruelty seems to be the norm. This heart that is the heart of the world is also the collective heart of humanity, and it needs to be reawakened to its true potential, for over time it has become separated from its light and its truth. Over time it has become separated from its Divine origins.

The earth itself is the bearer of this heart throughout time, holding it in reserve until such time as consciousness can awaken and human beings recognize the true nature of the bonds that exist between them. Meanwhile, over the course of centuries and eons, the earth has had to carry the suffering of humanity in total - all of the pain and all of the indifference and neglect that men have visited upon one another that time and progress in many other areas have not been able to erase. And so the suffering of the heart of the earth continues, and waits for the time when the planetary body, which includes humanity’s consciousness, shall be illumined by sufficient light so that it shall be recognized as a basic fact of life that all are one, and that what is done to another or to the earth herself is done to oneself. At present, this is merely a theory for most or a speculation - something that one can agree to in principle but often not in practice. And yet the immediacy of truth comes with a kind of knowing that is similar to that which occurs when the sun appears and night disappears into morning, or when the warmth of the sun can be felt upon the skin, brushing away the residues of morning’s chill. With such immediacy of feeling, and even greater than this, will come the knowing of the relationship of every living creature with every other. It will not have to be a matter of discussion, but will, instead, be a matter of embodied experience. This stage of spiritual knowing, for most, has not arrived yet, but it is on its way.

Meanwhile the heart of the earth grieves for her children who are lost to her each day – lost in pain and desolation, and victims of the cruelty and false principles that allow man to inflict incredible harm upon others in the name of God. These false principles have a great deal of power now to affect people because they are fueled by forces that intensify visceral feelings of hatred and the desire for revenge, and diminish the capacity for forgiveness and for tolerance. The earth feels each of these actions of man’s inhumanity to man, and they each become part of her energy body as she waits for the advent of greater light to release her from this bondage and to release humanity from the darkness that is affecting its consciousness as well.

Over time, the presence of hatred and cruelty, of man’s inhumanity to man, have played a significant role in the course of human development. They have given rise to entire civilizations and been the downfall of others. They have been the source of wars, and have often turned former victims into later oppressors. They have allowed for the destruction of property, of culture, of lands that were held as sacred, as well as permitting such violent actions as rape and enforced exile to those who appeared to be strangers or foreigners, not belonging to one’s own. All this to further one’s own ends, often having to do with greed and possession. This history is not the only history of the earth, for there is a light-filled side as well, but it plays a substantial part in how we have come, today, to contain many groups of people who can still legitimately seek the destruction of another group of people.

The changeover to a new consciousness is already on its way, and will become more visible with the advent of greater light which, at the same time, will bring the residual darkness that has lain in the background of consciousness to the foreground of awareness. This is what is happening today on the world stage, namely, that what is released into consciousness as residual darkness is being felt more strongly and often being acted out more ferociously. Nevertheless, the greater light will also provide the larger container into which all that is dark and unloving shall finally be absorbed and dissolved, disappearing into a vastness that is larger and more powerful than the darkness itself.

For the moment, we each aid in this process by recognizing the consequences of our every thought and action that contributes to the balance of light or of darkness upon the earth. No longer can we think of what we do as not mattering. Every action and every thought, every word spoken and every gesture, tips the balance one way or another. This is because the energy stream of collective awareness is made up of individual consciousness and whether seen or unseen, there is not one thought or action that we think or take that does not affect others. For this reason, it is a time in which we either stand with the purposes of light upon the earth by becoming contributors to that purpose, or we fail to stand in this way and detract from the power of light to overcome darkness.

As the light intensifies within each individual consciousness, bringing about greater purification, and as the earth becomes infused in her planetary body by this increasing light, it is necessary that we remain faithful to the sense of purpose that aims at transforming the planet into a habitat of peace and goodwill, where darkness, enmity, and the destruction of life anywhere will no longer seem like a viable option. This is the deepest prayer of the heart of the earth and it must become the prayer of each individual heart as well.”

‘The Heart of the Earth — An Emerging Reality’ by GurujiMa, may be found here:

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. Darkness creates the feeling- 2 GURUJIMA..jpg [ 26.03 KiB | Viewed 10699 times ]

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