“...Where light is present on the earth, where consciousness is capable of holding light and the heart is capable of centering itself upon it, there the greater light may enter and make itself at home, illuminating with greater force all that it finds that matches or resonates with it. Often, this produces the many kinds of spiritual awakening that take place, for light, upon entering awareness, wakes up those capacities and perceptions that have been dormant, bringing into consciousness sensitivities and clarity that existed before only in potential. It is the illuminating power of light that creates true inspiration, both large and small, the perception of other worlds, the capacity to distinguish between moral truth and moral falsehood that represents itself as truth, and the illumination and enlargement of the heart so that it can love more, with greater strength and depth. All of these effects are produced by the increased presence of light within the body, heart, and mind.
By contrast, where light encounters darkness within an individual, group, or society, it is part of its innate capacity and function to set it free — to release it so that it is no longer hidden or bound within the structure that it inhabits. Darkness exists at many levels and can affect emotion, thought, motivation, physical functioning, and the capacity to sense the reality of the spiritual worlds, including the reality of God. Its primary function is to create a sense of separation between consciousness and the reality of the Divine through doubt, fear, and the instillation of counter-ideas about reality that create mistrust and disbelief concerning the goodness of God and God’s purposes.
The freeing function of light is a powerful force for good. When light encounters darkness, it attracts the darkness to itself, moving it out of its place of residence and hiding and exposing it to the light of day. In this way, do individuals become aware of feelings they may have carried for a long time without every having been conscious of them. In this way, too, do the crystallized forms of darkness that reside within the body, causing symptoms of varying kinds, become separated from the physical context in which they live. These then begin to release as energies, instituting a healing process that could not have taken place without light’s presence...”
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