To The Youth: A Letter From An Elder
To the young peoples of the planet,
I am aware that collectively your elders, especial those who govern, have let you down and in some cases abandoned you.
When mass shootings in schools were occurring, the elders who governed did not protect you. Instead, gun sales flourished and market forces installed ‘safety’ equipment and the police into your schools creating a prison like system, robbing you of your innocence a sense of safety and love. Your pleas to lawmakers went unaddressed, you were abandoned by those who are meant to protect you. Instead of feeling safe, you now need to endure traumatizing shooting drills and thoughts such as “shall I take the bullet to save my friends and siblings?”
Yes, the elders in charge have let the younger generations down and I am sorry for your suffering.
I am aware also of the pain of being abandoned by your elders, especially those who govern, when it comes to climate change and your future on this planet when we, your elders, are long gone.
Instead of lawmakers and those who govern taking your concerns, and the concerns of scientists seriously with commitments and actions, you, and many of your elders have watched in horror as more pollution is being emitted, subsidies given to polluters, and de-regulation of polluters and carbon emitters as well as chemical and water pollution. Those who could have made the laws to bring about the changes you were longing for for a safe and healthy future did not respect your please, protests, and calls for action. I am sorry you have had to go through these experiences and for your suffering.
These are only a few examples of how your elders have let you down. I understand your anger, indifference and even contemptuous energies. I get it when I talk to a young person in the presence of this pandemic and hear them say “well I am not going to get this, older people do.” Or attitudes of “Why should I care? Or, If I get it I get it.” I get the underlying pain which you have endured which can create a shell around your heart and an attitude of indifference, or even contempt as you have been exposed to the energies of contempt.
Why should you care about the older generations and your future when it seems you have not been shown the same level of care and safety, when your pleas for health and safety have been disregarded?
Why? Because on the other side of this planetary transformative process many of the changes you have longed for in your hearts and worked for in your protests and actions will be coming through.
We as a planetary people can no longer survive on an unhealthy planet. When Mother Earth is sick, we of Her body will also be sick. When we pollute the Earth, we are polluting our bodies. That which was of the past can no longer exist in that which is coming forth in the future.
Don’t give up on yourselves or those of us who see you, have seen you, heard you, suffered with you, and most of all believe in you. Don’t give up on your elders who have been fighting for you and this planet, we are all around you, perhaps not in the halls of power, yet on a daily basis changing our habits and habitats to leave a cleaner healthier future for you.
Watch for the energies of anger, contempt, and a lack of caring for yours or others future. Please loves don’t generate unnecessary and painful karma.
Everything is changing. Be a part of the changes coming forward. Try to trust. I realize for many there is little reason to trust those who have abandoned you in the past, even so, try to trust that a way through this and a new of being and living on this planet is coming forward.
Lastly, during transformative processes, that which has laid dormant, or on the surface of peoples hearts separated from love and caring expresses itself with increasing intensity. Those who are still anchored in the paradigm of the past, supporting corporations and those who are the richest financially among us, are, and will continue until the paradigm collapses completely, to operate in the paradigm of neglecting We The People in favor of upholding the needs of the corporate or the financially wealthy among us. If one is aware of this, when events unfold it can save one from much anguish and angst. These paradigms - political, corporate, social, religious, etc., are collapsing and we will be witnessing the last remnants of the old ways before the new comes forth.
With love from an elder who believes in your future,