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 Post subject: Transformation In A Time Of Changing Realities
PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 9:57 am 

“When physical matter is changing do not embed yourself in the emotional plane.”


Notes on the New Magnetism
Feb 21, 2020

My experiences with transformation have brought me to a knowing that transformation is often a process which is painful when one is going through it and awe inspiring when one comes out on the other side of the experiences.

I am aware Dear Readers that there are those at this time who would prefer not to hear that we are going through this planetary experience of healing for our collective growth which is part of a greater plan for the healing of the planet and ourselves. I get that. And I also warn you against aligning with those who seek to project blame as well as believing we are at 'war' with the covid-19 virus. Aligning and believing in these emotional energies generate fear and physical symptoms associated with a weakened immune response.

Our collective and individual realities are changing dramatically, at times by the minute. These reality changing experiences can be experienced as stressful, whilst at the same time, the heart can hold the possibility that trusting in the Divine in the moment, and ourselves, can bring us through each stressful event.

In December of 2019 I published a prophecy: “Paradigm Shift: The collapse of ‘norms’ and ‘normal’. At that time I associated the prophecy as to how we for generations have abused each other rather than care and uplift each other. Now, in 2020 I am aware that this prophecy also relates to the rapid changing realities from 'normal' which we are collectively experiencing. I share this with you Dear Readers because receiving the prophecy is an indication to my heart, that we are held in the Divine, that all is unfolding according to that which is ultimately for our good and benevolence and not for our harm and destruction. Can it be that it is our fear of death which causes us to believe that the finite, being in a body, is all there is and that the possibility of a life after this embodied life is foreboding and to be avoided?

Statistically, those I love and myself are in a high risk group. I can hold this awareness and also hold that all is held in the Divine, no matter what happens to me or those I love. I can choose in each moment, to do something I love, something which brings my soul joy in the face of that which I am helpless to stop. I can choose to focus my prayers for others who are suffering and to use my time online to share uplifting energies, as well as with those I love. Most of all, I can choose to not align with the angry energies of those embodied souls aligning with the energies of fear.

Stay strong in your love.

With love,

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 Post subject: Your Truth Strengthens Everyone Elses. GurujiMa
PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 10:01 am 

“When you move in a direction which is positive and life affirming others feel it.
Your truth strengthens everyone else’s.”


Notes on the New Magnetism
February 28, 2020

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 Post subject: Prayers for the Suffering - In The Path Of The Virus
PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 10:05 am 

Prayers for the Suffering - In The Path Of The Virus

Prayers for the suffering in Iran, decimated by political sanctions (this week medical supplies and pharmaceuticals) in the face of a pandemic, Iranian peoples are dying one every ten minutes.

Prayers for the suffering who are unable to leave their homes with little food and monies to take care of themselves and their families or pay their rents or mortgages. Prayers for the isolated and lonely.

Prayers for the dying in Italy and Spain. So many beloved souls leaving at once without time to say goodbye to loved ones.

Prayers for the Yemeni’s who hospitals are being bombed and destroyed, the Syrians’ who live in tents, whose cities have been destroyed, and the Palestinians who live with little water and electricity - all vulnerable in the path of this virus.

Prayers for asylum seekers being denied safety at this time and those who are being detained in dangerous conditions in detention centers. Prayers for those who are unable to practice social distancing in prisons.

Prayers for the homeless everywhere. Prayers for the immune-compromised everywhere.

With love,

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 Post subject: Spiritual Nourishment: Avenues Of Peace
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:08 am 

Avenues of Peace Newsletter
~ One World, One Heart ~
Encouraging, supporting, and creating
pathways for experiencing
our sacred interconnectedness with all life.

An Unprecedented Time
March 2020 Newsletter
Dear Ones,
We hope this newsletter finds you peaceful, and not overwhelmed. We are hoping to offer some comfort and community through what we share in this newsletter, and through any response you may have. It has been a long time since our last newsletter, but the time we are in calls us forward to offer the support we can. We hope this helps. Please let us know.
In this Newsletter, Michaela writes of "A Healing Moment", and Robert writes about the “Inner Sense of Navigation”. We also offer links to some of what our spiritual teacher GurujiMa has offered for us: Response to the Coronavirus ... lbNeV2z0Tw ,and also New Waves of Healing and Purification ... yhyIPYBiYA . GurujiMa has received additional guidance about “ Light Omega is planning to respond to the spread of the corona virus and the limitations of the health care system...”; we can email this to anyone who wishes to receive this.
From Michaela: A Healing Moment
I believe we are in a profound transformational moment - one that I have been preparing for spiritually most of my life. It is a time that could look scary and overwhelming, or a time in which we could find hope. I feel that one of my primary purposes to being alive in this time is to be a support and to offer reassurance to you that we are being held by the Divine, and all is well.
Here are some of the important aspects of this time I feel are important to be awake to:
- We as humanity have needed to re-balance our existence here on Earth. We have not taken care of our Beloved planet, each other or its inhabitants. My experience is that the planet is re-balancing at this time, and with our driving and flying less, and decreased manufacturing, the Earth is healing. With less pollution, the Earth begins to recover.
- We are being asked to stay out of fear. We can seek to trust that all is held within the Divine, and that there is a greater forward movement happening for humanity that is deeper that what appears on the surface of things. Fear only amplifies the feelings of helplessness and vulnerability. Our trust in our life, and our compassion for each other, can grow in this time, even in the midst of uncertainty and changes in our day to day lives.
- We can choose to not over-purchase, obtaining only what we need, so that resources are available to others who will also need things. We can aim to trust that we will have what we truly need. We can seek to see ourselves as one human family, each of us doing our part, and learning to share of the Earth’s and societies’ resources so that all needs can be met.
- We can keep the needs of the most vulnerable in our hearts and prayers: families without the programs they have relied on for food; people who are elderly, disabled or infirm, who have less services and contact; anyone who feels isolated or alone; and all who are frightened and looking for reassurance and comfort. We can reach out with our hearts, or offer support or help as we may feel guided to. So that people are held in our love, and not forgotten. In addition we can support those of us that are not good at being alone, to see this is an opportunity to face our fears and learn to be in quiet and solitude.
This time can call us to awaken to being more fully alive. For me personally, as many of you, know I live with numerous health challenges - and I find that I trust that I am in God’s hands and I am not overly concerned re my own health. This is a refreshing experience for me as I am often overwhelmed by the needs of my body. This shift for me is a response to this time - I feel alert and awake as to what God and Life is asking of me.

From Robert: Inner Sense of Navigation
What are some of the gifts of this time? With all that is happening and the rapid changes, how do we find our way through the unknown in this time?
I find myself seeking to open to an ‘inner sense of navigation’. Do I go to work, or do I try to work from home? What do I go out into the world to obtain, take care of, or offer – and what do I let go of? These are the day-to-day choices. I find myself looking for the inner place of peace and ‘rightness’ to guide decisions. What truly feels right to me? What resonates with my heart, my deeper truth? Everyone has their own unique capacity to ‘know’ what feels right at a deeper level - to look for and follow it - even if the ‘mind’ may not know what the heart can feel.
In the current situation in the world with the coronavirus, and the need to safeguard health, each one of us is called to respond according to deeper truth. Some may feel called to stay in-place, to decrease the spread of the virus. Others may be called to help in particular ways outside the home to support the ways our societies function. We can approach the needs of this time by practicing social ‘distancing’, hand washing, coughing/sneezing safely, and staying in the home when appropriate – while also following what our inner truth guides us to. There are the outer guidelines to listen to and to follow, and inner guidelines as well. The more we seek the truth our deeper self/soul, individually and together, the more the world itself becomes more whole, aligned with its deepest Self.

We honor what this time calls out from each person. We send our thoughts and prayers to All. We also send gratitude to all who, through prayers of the heart or actions on behalf of others, offer of themselves in service.
We are in a time when it is important to reach out and ask others “How are you doing?” and encourage one another to connect. In that spirit, we would be glad to know how you are, and what your needs might be. We are one human family - and we are all here to respond to the needs of one another.
With all love and blessings,
Michaela Joy & Robert

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We are remaking Avenues of Peace ... 5GpdQlHvNg website. We hope to have it back online soon.

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 Post subject: Waves Of Healing And Purification - GurujiMa
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:14 am 

Waves Of Healing And Purification - GurujiMa

Dear Beloved Ones,

There is a volatility within the human emotional landscape that is happening now, bringing up forces that have previously been hidden or lain dormant so that old pains become more painful, or issues that one wishes were gone suddenly come to the surface again. This, beloved ones, is the result of expanding light, and it is producing a greater activation of forces to bring things into consciousness that are not of the light and that need to be healed.

Please look at what is coming up within you that is not peaceful or loving. Look at it with compassion, not with anger or judgment, and know that what is staring you in the face as an emotional event, no matter what its content, is providing the opportunity to master something and to release something that has been getting in the way of your own wholeness and intimate relationship with the Divine for a long time. The best way to respond to this upheaval and emotional volatility is to abandon all judgment and entitlement to judgment of oneself or others. See everything as energy moving more transparently now, more visibly, more on the surface of things so you can be conscious of it. Like waves crashing on a shore, emotional energies may come crashing into your consciousness with great force, asking you to respond, asking you to learn.

Innocence is so important during this time – the willingness to learn, the willingness to grow. Innocence and love create a path through all difficulty, one that does not align with darkness that may be surrounding you, but that cleaves to the light as the support and mainstay of every action and every decision. May this time bless you with its gifts, beloved ones, and may you feel the great goodness of your own soul that chose to be here now in order to help the earth in her transition into light.

Om namo Bhagavate. Om namo namah.  GurujiMa

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 Post subject: As Energetic Intensities Shift
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:24 am 

Hello Dear Readers,

I was wondering if the energetically sensitive as myself are perceiving in their bodies a shift in intensity of energies from daytime intensity to nights of experiencing energetic intensity.

I find that due to more people on the planet resting their bodies that during the day I perceive more energy in my body and more space in my consciousness. The nights are very different. Before covid-19 I would fall off to sleep usually at the same time every night without a hitch, sleep deeply and up early in the morning. What I am finding now is that the night energies are filled with free-floating energies of anxieties, fears, sorrows, pain, terrors, and other emotions that seem to be more freely shared within the collective consciousness as we sleep at night. I realize of course that different time zones will create a staggering of these energies, even so, I am beginning to perceive these energies of collective suffering more at night.

Are you who are energetically sensitive having similar experiences Dear Readers? Perhaps we as sensitives need to keep a candle lit in the night for souls needing our support in their dream time.

Just an extra note - I do not watch t.v. I find that I need to limit news on the radio and reading o the internet. The radio stations whilst providing some important information especially locally, seem to be off the charts with corona-virus coverage and the energies I find are anxiety and fear provoking. So I am limiting my exposure, monitoring how my nervous system is reacting and getting my hands into the dirt as often as possible.

with love,

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 Post subject: Under The Cover Of Darkness A New Light Is Born
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:36 am 

Under the cover of darkness a new light is born,
A new birth is taking place.
Joining Heaven and Earth this new light shall
Connect all to all, 
Shall embrace all in all,
Shall build the foundation of a new world’s arrival.


March 21, 2020

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 Post subject: To The Youth: A Letter From An Elder
PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 9:29 am 

To The Youth: A Letter From An Elder

To the young peoples of the planet,

I am aware that collectively your elders, especial those who govern, have let you down and in some cases abandoned you.

When mass shootings in schools were occurring, the elders who governed did not protect you. Instead, gun sales flourished and market forces installed ‘safety’ equipment and the police into your schools creating a prison like system, robbing you of your innocence a sense of safety and love. Your pleas to lawmakers went unaddressed, you were abandoned by those who are meant to protect you. Instead of feeling safe, you now need to endure traumatizing shooting drills and thoughts such as “shall I take the bullet to save my friends and siblings?”

Yes, the elders in charge have let the younger generations down and I am sorry for your suffering.

I am aware also of the pain of being abandoned by your elders, especially those who govern, when it comes to climate change and your future on this planet when we, your elders, are long gone.

Instead of lawmakers and those who govern taking your concerns, and the concerns of scientists seriously with commitments and actions, you, and many of your elders have watched in horror as more pollution is being emitted, subsidies given to polluters, and de-regulation of polluters and carbon emitters as well as chemical and water pollution. Those who could have made the laws to bring about the changes you were longing for for a safe and healthy future did not respect your please, protests, and calls for action. I am sorry you have had to go through these experiences and for your suffering.

These are only a few examples of how your elders have let you down. I understand your anger, indifference and even contemptuous energies. I get it when I talk to a young person in the presence of this pandemic and hear them say “well I am not going to get this, older people do.” Or attitudes of “Why should I care? Or, If I get it I get it.” I get the underlying pain which you have endured which can create a shell around your heart and an attitude of indifference, or even contempt as you have been exposed to the energies of contempt.

Why should you care about the older generations and your future when it seems you have not been shown the same level of care and safety, when your pleas for health and safety have been disregarded?

Why? Because on the other side of this planetary transformative process many of the changes you have longed for in your hearts and worked for in your protests and actions will be coming through.

We as a planetary people can no longer survive on an unhealthy planet. When Mother Earth is sick, we of Her body will also be sick. When we pollute the Earth, we are polluting our bodies. That which was of the past can no longer exist in that which is coming forth in the future.

Don’t give up on yourselves or those of us who see you, have seen you, heard you, suffered with you, and most of all believe in you. Don’t give up on your elders who have been fighting for you and this planet, we are all around you, perhaps not in the halls of power, yet on a daily basis changing our habits and habitats to leave a cleaner healthier future for you.

Watch for the energies of anger, contempt, and a lack of caring for yours or others future. Please loves don’t generate unnecessary and painful karma.

Everything is changing. Be a part of the changes coming forward. Try to trust. I realize for many there is little reason to trust those who have abandoned you in the past, even so, try to trust that a way through this and a new of being and living on this planet is coming forward.

Lastly, during transformative processes, that which has laid dormant, or on the surface of peoples hearts separated from love and caring expresses itself with increasing intensity. Those who are still anchored in the paradigm of the past, supporting corporations and those who are the richest financially among us, are, and will continue until the paradigm collapses completely, to operate in the paradigm of neglecting We The People in favor of upholding the needs of the corporate or the financially wealthy among us. If one is aware of this, when events unfold it can save one from much anguish and angst. These paradigms - political, corporate, social, religious, etc., are collapsing and we will be witnessing the last remnants of the old ways before the new comes forth.

With love from an elder who believes in your future,


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 Post subject: Adventures In God's Garden: On Hold
PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 6:01 pm 

Garden_Adventure_Put_On_Hold_JohannaRaphael_OEA copy.jpg
Garden_Adventure_Put_On_Hold_JohannaRaphael_OEA copy.jpg [ 102.65 KiB | Viewed 2566 times ]

I was listening to this wonderfully soothing broadcast on the BBC last night and found myself thinking "that's why I love being in God's Garden so much!"

with love,

Why_Does_Nature_Calm_Anxiety.jpg [ 74.77 KiB | Viewed 2566 times ]

This article is uplifting: The Therapeutic Value Of The Garden In Trying Times by Adrian Higgins - March 24, 2020 - Washington Post

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Memories Of Utopia
PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 6:29 pm 

Memories Of Utopia

(We have a) memory of the possibility that the world could be different. As a soul, the memory of living in harmony.

The advent of spiritual light effecting physical matter. The universal awakening of the world.

Your soul has been waiting for this time.

Notes from The New Magnetism by GurujiMa
February 14, 2020

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 Post subject: Reset of Inner Self and Inner Truth
PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 8:06 am 

Hello Dear Readers,

This came to me this morning:

Reset Of The Inner Self And Inner Truth

No matter the outer outcomes of this virus, we shall as humans going through this viral pandemic, experience a reset of the priorities of the inner self and inner truth.

With love for you and those you love,

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 Post subject: The Contagion of Fear and the Coronavirus
PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 8:19 am 

The Contagion of Fear and the Coronavirus
GurujiMa  |  March 20, 2020

How do you, in this time of your life, deal with the unknown? What is happening to us now is a glaring example of a crossroads that we are at, in which we have a choice to make, the choice of what kind of life we want to lead.

The Contagion of Fear and the Coronavirus
Link to the Light Omega website to view video: ... -guidance/

Note from Johanna: This teaching from GurujiMa is inspiring and uplifting especially for those seeking a deeper relationship with their inner truth and contains a lovely meditation towards the end of this talk.

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