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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 7:11 pm 

A Message to the Beloveds

‘Service and Sacrifice’

* * *

Beloved Ones,

I would like you to understand something about the difference between ‘service’ and ‘sacrifice,’ since the first is a word that most of us could accept in a positive way, while the second often brings up frightening thoughts or feelings. ‘Service’ relates to the willingness to help a desired goal be achieved. Within the spiritual realms, there are many who are in service both within form and beyond form. ‘Sacrifice’ involves the willingness to suffer in relation to achieving such a goal, and it is this willingness to suffer that is so feared by the ego-mind and that must be met by a strengthening of the motivation within the soul.

True sacrifice, used in a spiritual context, is based on love of sufficient potency that it allows pain, deprivation, loss, or limitation to be less important than the accomplishment of a goal or aim. True sacrifice is taken on by many people without their conscious awareness, having been chosen at the soul level prior to having taken birth. True sacrifice involves the capacity to identify with the needs of all rather than with the needs of self. In its deepest root, it is upheld by the conviction that only God is real and that all is God. Awareness of this allows one’s personal pain to be less important, and the goal one is pursuing to be more important.

Beloved Ones, neither service nor sacrifice need to be feared, for what is relinquished of the human desire for comfort is met by the strengthening of Divine union. True sacrifice is not chosen by the mind or by the ego, but only by the soul that seeks to fulfill its own purposes for having taken birth. Thus, it is a very individual matter, and not something you debate about with your mind.

I offer these thoughts to you in order to help dismantle the fear that exists around the word ‘sacrifice,’ so that you can know that beneath what appears to be the pain of great limitation is the joy of an even greater love.


* * *

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 11:34 am 

“In the presence of suffering, let us stop all that we are doing and listen.

What can be more important?

Wrapped in our love, another’s pain is held with reverence.”

“Living Unity - The Practice of Silence”
No. 55, page 63

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 2:43 pm 

“Amidst the hardship of seeing the separated places
of the self,
and the difficulties of living a life in flux,
comes the joy of knowing that one is on the journey home.”

Day 97, Reflections of Light, The Journey Home

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 9:11 am 

“If you fear losing others if you
allow yourself to grow, remember this:

In the interconnectedness of souls, your truth
sets free the truth within others.
Your freedom allows them to become free
as well.”

Day 45, Calendar of Awakening
~ the One life in the many ~

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 1:11 am 

"Come, My beloved,
sit with me in the silence.
Feel My heart beating with yours as you share
the Oneness of which you are a part.
Breathe, rest,
silently breathe.
All is quiet, all is One.”

Day 3, "Book of Unity - Voice of the Oneness"
Coming soon to the Light Omega bookshop

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 11:09 am 

…”Do you know what miracles are? What the miraculous is? This is what we say when something comes from the level of the Divine to the level of the human and we have the perception that reality just changed in an instant through an act based in divine Mystery. We feel that reality just changed. This is the definition of the miraculous, and we are operating with the same energy of Creation within ourselves. Therefore, we are able to hold that change, in cooperation with the miraculous, is possible within us and for us through Divine cooperation. And this can take place even in the presence of energies of contraction.

When you consider these things, ask yourself: “What am I holding back? What am I afraid of doing that’s new? What am I believing?” Remember that a risk does not have to have a perfect outcome, especially at first; it does not have to work out. It can just be an effort to do something new in order to break up the old pattern that has been followed. Another way of saying this that is more poetic is that: “living in God’s reality makes all things possible.” All things.

We pray for all beings who are suffering from loneliness, depression, despair, hopelessness, and the sense of not having a way out of an existing situation or a way through it. We pray for all beings, including ourselves, who are living with a situation that is painful. Let us hold, for all, the understanding that there is always a way through an impasse. There is always a way to work with it, to be with it, and to hold to the power of light within ourselves in order to allow what is possible of the new to come forth.

May the world be blessed by our hope for the world, and may all hearts that despair be blessed by our hope for them. Om Namo Bhagavate.”

Addendum: “I did not say this during the talk but want to add: One of the things that I do in relation to what I have shared is to listen. I listen carefully to what people say and am always attuned to the new, to what is flowing up from that inner stream of life that is the life of the soul that is always present. It is always present. If you listen, you may be able to hear something that surprises you from someone speaking to you. This stream of life says: “this person (speaking) is becoming more conscious of such-and-such.” They may not feel that they are becoming more conscious, but if you listen, you may hear the ‘movement of the inner planets,’ the movement of what is trying to emerge. This is because it is the nature of the soul to always seek to manifest on the plane of the physical. It is why souls have become embodied within physical form, and it is each soul’s purpose.”

With deepest love and blessings

An excerpt from: “There Are No Impasses” – Talk at Light Omega, Aug. 12, 2018
from the Light Omega Community Newsletter No. 3, August 12th, 2018:

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2020 7:30 am 

“New Waves of Healing and Purification’

GurujiMa | March 18, 2020

"Innocence and love create a path through all difficulty, one that does not align with darkness that may be surrounding you, but that cleaves to the light as the support and mainstay of every action and every decision.

There is a volatility within the human emotional landscape that is happening now, bringing up forces that have previously been hidden or lain dormant so that old pains become more painful, or issues that one wishes were gone suddenly come to the surface again. This, beloved ones, is the result of expanding light, and it is producing a greater activation of forces to bring things into consciousness that are not of the light and that need to be healed.

Please look at what is coming up within you that is not peaceful or loving. Look at it with compassion, not with anger or judgment, and know that what is staring you in the face as an emotional event, no matter what its content, is providing the opportunity to master something and to release something that has been getting in the way of your own wholeness and intimate relationship with the Divine for a long time. The best way to respond to this upheaval and emotional volatility is to abandon all judgment and entitlement to judgment of oneself or others. See everything as energy moving more transparently now, more visibly, more on the surface of things so you can be conscious of it. Like waves crashing on a shore, emotional energies may come crashing into your consciousness with great force, asking you to respond, asking you to learn.

Innocence is so important during this time — the willingness to learn, the willingness to grow. Innocence and love create a path through all difficulty, one that does not align with darkness that may be surrounding you, but that cleaves to the light as the support and mainstay of every action and every decision. May this time bless you with its gifts, beloved ones, and may you feel the great goodness of your own soul that chose to be here now in order to help the earth in her transition into light."

.                   New Waves of Healing -GURUJIMA-
. New Waves of Healing -GURUJIMA- [ 41.3 KiB | Viewed 12976 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 9:27 pm 

“Prayer is a doorway that opens to God’s love.
Even when anger or hurt prevent you from
wanting to pray,
pray anyway, with a heart that wishes to
feel more love.”

Day 24, Calendar of Healing, “Embracing the Divine”
Coming soon to

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2020 5:50 am 

“...Where light is present on the earth, where consciousness is capable of holding light and the heart is capable of centering itself upon it, there the greater light may enter and make itself at home, illuminating with greater force all that it finds that matches or resonates with it. Often, this produces the many kinds of spiritual awakening that take place, for light, upon entering awareness, wakes up those capacities and perceptions that have been dormant, bringing into consciousness sensitivities and clarity that existed before only in potential. It is the illuminating power of light that creates true inspiration, both large and small, the perception of other worlds, the capacity to distinguish between moral truth and moral falsehood that represents itself as truth, and the illumination and enlargement of the heart so that it can love more, with greater strength and depth. All of these effects are produced by the increased presence of light within the body, heart, and mind.

By contrast, where light encounters darkness within an individual, group, or society, it is part of its innate capacity and function to set it free — to release it so that it is no longer hidden or bound within the structure that it inhabits. Darkness exists at many levels and can affect emotion, thought, motivation, physical functioning, and the capacity to sense the reality of the spiritual worlds, including the reality of God. Its primary function is to create a sense of separation between consciousness and the reality of the Divine through doubt, fear, and the instillation of counter-ideas about reality that create mistrust and disbelief concerning the goodness of God and God’s purposes.

The freeing function of light is a powerful force for good. When light encounters darkness, it attracts the darkness to itself, moving it out of its place of residence and hiding and exposing it to the light of day. In this way, do individuals become aware of feelings they may have carried for a long time without every having been conscious of them. In this way, too, do the crystallized forms of darkness that reside within the body, causing symptoms of varying kinds, become separated from the physical context in which they live. These then begin to release as energies, instituting a healing process that could not have taken place without light’s presence...”

~This is an excerpt from 'The Power of Light' by GurujiMa.
Continue reading here:

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2020 5:23 am 

Our Relationship to Suffering

What do you believe about suffering? Do you feel it just happens to people?
Do you feel that it has a purpose? Do you feel that something good comes out of it?
What do you believe?

(May 8, 2020)

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 10:26 am 

"...Where issues in the past have not been able to be dealt with at the deepest level, but only in a more intellectual way or only to a certain degree, the expansion of light releases into awareness the deeper strata of thought and feeling, bringing with it more profound aspects of the original situation in need of healing. This would all be clearly understandable if the action of light were observable to the conscious self, which could then become more of a witness to the process, rather than fully immersed in it. In fact, in cases where such witnessing is possible, greater peace is often present even while difficulties continue. Nevertheless, this perspective is not always available, due to the intensity of ongoing difficulties.

Even where symptoms express themselves physically as part of the purification process, the underlying cause is still a need for the healing of one's consciousness, and this need can also increase in intensity, manifesting physical symptoms that are stronger than they were before.

Having an anchor point within oneself that enables one to connect with the deeper truth of purification and the freedom it is bringing and will bring, is an essential part of going through this process with greater ease.

Having others around who understand this frame of reference, a place to go where one can receive comfort and support, a source to which one can turn for a sense of greater light -- these are also important ways of going through what can be a time of great intensity.
However, the most important thing that supports one's passage through this time is to feel a deepening of one's relationship with God and with God's love. This deepening, even while difficulties continue, gives life a new meaning and contributes its own sense of joy. For the relationship with God establishes one's awareness as a soul, connected to life and to other souls in a whole new way. This is the reward of purification, even while challenges may be present.

To know with conviction that God has not forsaken one -- that God is, in fact, present during this time, is, more than anything else, the bedrock upon which endurance is founded and upon which hope and trust can be maintained. All other supports assist with this process, but knowing God's love and the sacred reality that is trying to emerge, are the central ingredients for maintaining oneself in the face of difficulty...”

~an excerpt from: “Meeting the Challenge of Spiritual Growth” by Guruji-Ma

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 5:23 pm 

The Healing Function of Pain

“Pain does not seek to make you smaller, but to move you forward into greater light and love.
All pain serves a healing function. This may not be apparent as you go through it.
Nevertheless, its purpose is to bring about a deepening of truth within your heart and mind, and an awakening to the soul that you are.
In the times to come you will not need to learn through pain,
for your own sense of who you are will be the teacher and no external event will be needed in addition.”


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. Healing Function of Pain GurujiMa- OEA - Audio -Day7c..jpg [ 43.87 KiB | Viewed 12267 times ]

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