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 Post subject: Messages from Beloved GurujiMa
PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 2:17 pm 

Message from Guruji-Ma


* * *

Dear Beloved Ones,

This is a time when more is being asked of everyone in relation to overcoming the sense of limitation that comes from energies of opposition and separation. What is most important during this time is to not give way to the energies of fear and overwhelm, but to place the motivation toward love and unity above all other motivations, no matter what the challenge in doing so. The energy of the Divine is increasing at this time to support those who are willing to open their hearts more to the needs of others, even in the presence of sacrifice or difficulty, and all who are in service to the light are being asked to face these new challenges with courage and tenacity.

It is in recognition of the hardship of this time, and also of its great importance in helping the Earth make the transition into light, that I call to you to place the priority of your inner life on remaining in love, and not in fear or overwhelm, so that all may serve all, and all may benefit from receiving the gifts that this brings, not just to others but to the self as well.

Each of us can help to create greater unity at this time and a feeling of being cared for that may flow from us. I hope you will join me in this effort as we take steps in loving service to a greater whole.

All blessings – Guruji-Ma

* * *

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 Post subject: Re: Messages from Beloved Guruji-Ma
PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 7:47 pm 

Dearest beloved Friends,

If you visit the topic on this forum called "Our Relationship to Pain" you will be able to read the latest sacred message from
Beloved Guruji-Ma, ‘Service and Sacrifice’. It is here:
May its illuminated message bless you. With all love, Meg

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 Post subject: Re: Messages from Beloved Guruji-Ma
PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 7:53 am 

Message from GurujiMa:
March 12, 2020 11:36 AM

The Contagion of Fear and the Corona Virus

Dear Beloveds,

Fear is generated when one cannot face an existing situation with trust in the Divine. Whether a person is symptom free or has virus symptoms, one can be trusting and without fear, knowing that things do not ‘just happen, and that the Divine is always present. It is important to judge each situation with this in mind, and to let inner guidance determine one’s actions and choices rather than a statistical approach to life. Inner guidance is the way through any crisis, since it is person and situation specific, whereas statistics are not. Pray for guidance about the decisions you are being called upon to make, and let this be your guide, rather than the statistics that are creating fear everywhere. This crisis, among other things, is bringing to awareness the choice between a sacred view of life, and a view in which impersonal forces act randomly. One makes this choice in each decision that arises.


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 Post subject: Re: Messages from Beloved Guruji-Ma
PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 8:00 am 

‘The Contagion of Fear and the Coronavirus’

“How do you, in this time of your life, deal with the unknown? What is happening to us now is a glaring example
of a crossroads that we are at, in which we have a choice to make, the choice of what kind of life we want to lead.”


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 Post subject: Re: Messages from Beloved GurujiMa
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:07 am 

Easter Message 2020
from GurujiMa

— the triumph of light over darkness and life over death,
in which something that is meant to be arises
through the vanquishing of adversity.

“For much of the Judeo-Christian world, this is Easter, and it’s also Passover, and for those of us who are not part of that tradition,
we can still honor and celebrate what the meaning is, especially in the springtime, of light coming out of darkness,
hope coming out of adversity, life coming out of death,
which is the spiritual foundation of Easter.”

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 Post subject: Re: Messages from Beloved GurujiMa
PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2020 11:07 am 

The Healing Power of Grief: A Response to the Death of George Floyd

We have a choice as to how to meet external events that shock us, that confound our understanding, that produce outrage, and that fundamentally can bring us more deeply into ourselves in order to respond. Such is the nature of our varied response to the death of George Floyd, an event that has activated profound emotional responses throughout our country and, indeed, throughout the world.

In the face of man’s inhumanity to man, in the face of violation and even abrogation of human rights such as the right to draw breath, the right to live, we know within our deepest heart that something is wrong. That this should not be happening. We know this and do not understand how it could be happening. The death of George Floyd at the hands of an overpowering and dominating force in the form of a police officer who would not allow his cries to be heard or his heart to be softened stirs the deepest emotions within us, even without our mind understanding.

Domination and violation of others’ rights are not new within the history of our country. They run as companion streams next to the high idealism of liberty and equality that are also part of our nation’s life. Domination of others and exploitation of them for our own purposes has filled the halls of our history in ways that we would rather not see or know, ways that we are now beginning to see and know more deeply and with greater reality than ever before.

We can become enraged and outraged with such injustice. We can demand power and take up weapons to strike back at a society that permits this. We can allow rage and blame to rise up in our hearts for those who act oppressively toward members of our human family, and for those who silently watch injustice after injustice be perpetrated upon people of color: African-Americans, Native Americans, Asians. Yet, if we do this, our violent emotions will lead to a joining with the violence that we are hoping to eradicate. It will continue the saga of domination and power being used against others. We must dig deeper beneath our blame, rage, and outrage, and if we do so, we will find our grief…”

Grief is a healing emotion, and it is softer than rage yet not without a call to action, whether inner or outer. Grief allows us to identify with the suffering of others while at the same time allowing us to transform the pain of life into something else. Grief can move of its own accord not into helplessness or passivity as many fear. It can also move into a desire for outer change in order to spare others the pain that we presently feel. In a word, grief is transformative. It allows us to feel deeply; it allows us to share our pain with others; it allows us to mourn; and it allows us to create, out of our mourning, a path forward that will change external conditions so that we can say, with others: “never again. I want this to happen never again.”

Dr. King understood this principle. He understood how grief can be linked with love whereas violent retribution cannot. It can only be linked with further violence. He understood that grief, if it involved only a feeling of helplessness, was not enough. But grief connected with a burning desire to prevent suffering and to create change, grief in the presence of love could change the world.

In this time of shock, horror, dismay, regret, and anger, I wish to bring to you the knowledge of the power of grief, the power of sorrow-ing with others over an event as tragic as the death of George Floyd. In the presence of our grief, we have the possibility of looking with clear eyes, softened by love, at what needs to happen in order to change our hearts and our society so that these historic tendencies toward domination and exploitation of others are no longer with us. We need to do this as individuals, and we need to do this as a country. We need to allow the healing power of grief to wash through us in order to create a new day. This new day will be built out of a changed motivation within our collective heart so that the way of love for all can become this country’s new ethic, rather than the way of domination that we have learned so well and that now needs to be let go of.

Om namo bhagavate. Om namo namah. May the Supreme One that we are all part of ignite this fire of love and commitment within us."

‘The Healing Power of Grief: A Response to the Death of George Floyd’ by GurujiMa

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 Post subject: Re: Messages from Beloved GurujiMa
PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:45 pm 


‘A Time of Intensity: The Need for Spiritual Anchoring’


Dear Beloved Ones,

This Newsletter greets you in the midst of a noticeable intensification of energies that is taking place on Earth at this time. The light is continuing to expand, and with it, the release of darkness that has been latent in our collective consciousness is becoming revealed to a greater degree. This has to do with both the oppression of a people who have suffered greatly at the hands of this nation’s history, and also with the revelation from within each of us of intense feelings of self-doubt and self-judgment that we may not have experienced before to such a degree. The same intensification can apply to our judgment of others, especially those who have different beliefs from our own.

We need to learn to navigate through this time by not identifying with the currents and sub-currents of negative emotion, whether toward ourselves or toward others, and by understanding that the thoughts and feelings that accompany these currents are energies that we need to allow to pass through us, without binding ourselves to them.

The promise of this time, beloved ones, is greater freedom for the Earth and for each of her inhabitants who, with the release of darkness that they have been carrying, can become more of who they truly are. If you are struggling with these issues, please be patient with yourself and compassionate for whatever you are going through. You came here to participate in this planetary shift and are even now participating in it by allowing yourself to go through this energetic turbulence.

It is not necessary to be aware of the cosmic drama taking place in order to participate in it in the way your soul intends. Your participation is based on your trust in the unfoldment of Divine goodness and Divine light, and on your faithfulness to that light, no matter what else may be happening around you.

I, and Those of the Light, thank you for your presence on Earth at this time, and ask you to do what is needed to support yourself in remaining spiritually anchored, even during the turbulence of what may be going on inside you or around you.

I send you deepest blessings and love,

To sign up for the Light Omega Newsletter:

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 Post subject: Re: Messages from Beloved GurujiMa
PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:31 am 


Feed the Hungry: Lakota Project

Dear Beloved Ones,

I am writing to invite those of you who may not know about it to join Light Omega’s ‘Feed the Hungry: Lakota Project,’( originally created to help distribute food to the needy of the Lakota Sioux Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, and continuing with this service on a monthly basis. ‘Feed the Hungry’ is currently expanding, however, and includes support for food distribution during this coronavirus time to villages of Northern India, as well as an exploration of assisting those in the local area who are food insecure.

As part of our new, local outreach, I thought it useful to share with you a Statement of Purpose which describes our orientation:

Statement of Purpose

We are interested in feeding the hungry because our human unity requires it.

We are interested in feeding the hungry because our Divine unity has established it.

We are interested in feeding the hungry because the cries of the hungry have reached not only our ears but our hearts.

We are interested in feeding the hungry because the wealth of a great nation that is a nation of great wealth must be shared with all.

The Village of Light’s ‘Feed the Hungry Project’ donates food to those in need of the Lakota Sioux Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, to the villages of northern India, and at this time wishes to expand our efforts in a more local direction.

I hope you will join us in this effort. To do so, please visit the Feed the Hungry: Lakota Project ( page on the Light Omega website. There you will find a donation form and a separate signup form to be on our Feed the Hungry Mailing List. This will allow you to receive updates regarding our Feed the Hungry Project.

Thank you, beloved ones, for your heartfelt desire that all be fed.

— GurujiMa

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 Post subject: Re: Messages from Beloved GurujiMa
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 2:17 pm 

Welcoming the Galactic Federation of Light

September 8, 2020

“There is a Confederation of planets in our galaxy containing those conscious planets that have recognized their oneness with each other and with the planet to which they each belong. They know that they come from the same Source and desire to foster the becoming of each member and of the galaxy as a whole, including non-member planets, in their evolutionary path. Their motives are altruistic, recognizing that the growth of each is the growth of all. As a consequence, these planets and this Confederation has watched over the Earth for millions of years, knowing what its potential was, seeing the great complexity of life as it has been in the third dimension, and the beauty and unity it would lead to. They have waited a long time for us to move further along our evolutionary path toward the self-conscious awareness of unity.

This Confederation knows that we are at the cusp of moving into fifth dimensional consciousness which is the consciousness of One, and the realization that each whom we have perceived as ‘other’ is part of one Self, and understands that what we are going through at present with the upsurge of polarization, violence, loss of contact with truth, revelation of past oppressions toward others, revelation of our past and present departures from love, unity, and freedom for all – this Federation waits for us to emerge from this period of trial into the next stage of our evolutionary opening into a new stage of consciousness which is ordained.

How long a wait for this shift to complete itself is not known, but the transition has already begun and is meant to take place during this lifetime in a period of years. It will involve the unfoldment of time for the planet as a whole to settle into peace and harmony. The Federation of Light is not limited to third dimensional vision, and so it is in possession of information regarding the past, present, and future. It waits with complete trust that what is ordained shall be.

For this reason, I am called, now, to send out a beacon and call to the Galactic Federation of Light, based on my unity with the Earth that is the foundation for this call. The beacon is being sent from the sacred grove that is being created behind the Meditation Garden whose name is ‘In-Na Grove,’ (from a planet in the constellation of Sirius). I am helping to create the In-Na Grove as a portal in which the Federation can share their energy and contact us as and when the time is right, and am letting them know that we are here.

Beloved Ones, I invite you to join me in this endeavor. You don’t need to be anything different or do anything different. You only need to become aware of the longing for love and unity that lives in your heart, and especially in relation to the Earth that we are part of. If you would like to join me in this effort, only hold this in your awareness, and if you are here at the ashram and want to sit in the In-Na Grove and send out your message of ‘we are here,’ I invite you to do so.

For those living at a distance from the ashram, you are invited to send out the same call since it is for the planet as a whole and each of you represents the ‘we.’ This call is a welcome and an invocation to those of the Federation of Light that they take a more active part in the unfoldment of this evolutionary transition that the Earth is going through. If you feel that you want to be part of this, please send me an email or text and let me know, and as it unfolds I will send you further information.

The Galactic Federation of Light has been waiting for us for a very long time, guiding, overseeing, and sending messengers to the Earth in order to help its development, yet not interfering with the choices that are being made here. Now, it is our turn to welcome this community of planets into our midst, with a desire to learn about Oneness more deeply and to release all that has prevented us from joining them in the past.

May all beings be One. May all beings be blessed." GurujiMa

Original message may be viewed here: ... arth-unity

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 Post subject: Re: Messages from Beloved GurujiMa
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 1:09 pm 

Dearest Beloved Ones,

I offer you this Prayer for Truth so that when you feel dismayed about the upcoming election, the violence that is erupting around racial issues and police engagement, and the deceptions that energies of darkness are bringing about, you can have this prayer to hold to and to use. It involves the confident understanding that each person is a soul, and that within each one is a place of access to the deeper truths of the heart. The prayer can also be used as an anchorpoint for holding on to your own truth in the presence of opposing forces

Prayer for Truth

May truth prevail, may deception be vanquished.
May the light of truth that lives in each heart
Awaken now, radiant, glorious,
Illuminating the presence of the soul.

With this prayer, I wish to make possible in the presence of all that confuses, distorts, denies, and abandons truth, the knowing that light is stronger than darkness and is the governing force that is presently bringing about change. With blessings - GurujiMa

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 Post subject: Re: Messages from Beloved GurujiMa
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 8:20 pm 

Dearest Beloved Ones,

It is timely, today, to look deeply into our hearts to see if we can truly ‘forgive everyone’ and ‘forgive everything,’ knowing that each person is not their outer behavior or even their personality or personal expressions, but a soul created by God. In the presence of the recent news regarding the president’s diagnosis of coronavirus, we have an opportunity to look deeply into our hearts to see where we are with this, where love is and where it is not, where we cling to our judgments regarding policies and words used, and cannot reach the place of recognizing the soul of someone with whom we have found strong disagreement. If we are honest, we may find that we do not even want to be forgiving.

The president is not the only one, however, to whom our self-reflection needs to apply. There are also individuals who hold beliefs that we may vehemently disagree with, and also those within our own circle of family, friends, and colleagues, including spiritual ‘colleagues,’ who we may find ourselves judging. Can you ‘forgive everyone,’ and ‘forgive everything,’ knowing that each person is a soul, growing and learning just as you are? The test of forgiveness is not an idea or a concept but a feeling of warmth in the heart that extends outward toward all, especially toward someone whose outer manifestation you have found to be difficult.

May the possibility for such unqualified forgiveness live in your awareness as an intrinsic part of who you truly are, for at the deepest level you are one with all, and there are no ‘others’ to judge. With blessings - GurujiMa
(Oct. 3rd, 2020)

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 Post subject: Re: Messages from Beloved GurujiMa
PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 12:07 pm 

Message from GurujiMa

Dear Beloved Ones,

The meditations have moved to a new level of carrying Divine energy with the potential for healing the perceived separation that many carry between their human self and identity and their inner Divine reality. In the last two morning meditations I have encouraged those present to invite their friends and loved ones to these meditations if they wish to, and I am writing to you all who may not have been present with the same invitation. The focus of the meditation on the freedom to be oneself and on valuing one’s own existence beyond any ‘doing’ that might occur are opening up energetic pathways of change. I invite you to share these precious gifts with those you love. GurujiMa

P.S. If you would like to publish this invitation on your website or Facebook page, please feel free to do so.

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