Welcoming the Galactic Federation of Light
GurujiMa September 8, 2020
“There is a Confederation of planets in our galaxy containing those conscious planets that have recognized their oneness with each other and with the planet to which they each belong. They know that they come from the same Source and desire to foster the becoming of each member and of the galaxy as a whole, including non-member planets, in their evolutionary path. Their motives are altruistic, recognizing that the growth of each is the growth of all. As a consequence, these planets and this Confederation has watched over the Earth for millions of years, knowing what its potential was, seeing the great complexity of life as it has been in the third dimension, and the beauty and unity it would lead to. They have waited a long time for us to move further along our evolutionary path toward the self-conscious awareness of unity.
This Confederation knows that we are at the cusp of moving into fifth dimensional consciousness which is the consciousness of One, and the realization that each whom we have perceived as ‘other’ is part of one Self, and understands that what we are going through at present with the upsurge of polarization, violence, loss of contact with truth, revelation of past oppressions toward others, revelation of our past and present departures from love, unity, and freedom for all – this Federation waits for us to emerge from this period of trial into the next stage of our evolutionary opening into a new stage of consciousness which is ordained.
How long a wait for this shift to complete itself is not known, but the transition has already begun and is meant to take place during this lifetime in a period of years. It will involve the unfoldment of time for the planet as a whole to settle into peace and harmony. The Federation of Light is not limited to third dimensional vision, and so it is in possession of information regarding the past, present, and future. It waits with complete trust that what is ordained shall be.
For this reason, I am called, now, to send out a beacon and call to the Galactic Federation of Light, based on my unity with the Earth that is the foundation for this call. The beacon is being sent from the sacred grove that is being created behind the Meditation Garden whose name is ‘In-Na Grove,’ (from a planet in the constellation of Sirius). I am helping to create the In-Na Grove as a portal in which the Federation can share their energy and contact us as and when the time is right, and am letting them know that we are here.
Beloved Ones, I invite you to join me in this endeavor. You don’t need to be anything different or do anything different. You only need to become aware of the longing for love and unity that lives in your heart, and especially in relation to the Earth that we are part of. If you would like to join me in this effort, only hold this in your awareness, and if you are here at the ashram and want to sit in the In-Na Grove and send out your message of ‘we are here,’ I invite you to do so.
For those living at a distance from the ashram, you are invited to send out the same call since it is for the planet as a whole and each of you represents the ‘we.’ This call is a welcome and an invocation to those of the Federation of Light that they take a more active part in the unfoldment of this evolutionary transition that the Earth is going through. If you feel that you want to be part of this, please send me an email or text and let me know, and as it unfolds I will send you further information.
The Galactic Federation of Light has been waiting for us for a very long time, guiding, overseeing, and sending messengers to the Earth in order to help its development, yet not interfering with the choices that are being made here. Now, it is our turn to welcome this community of planets into our midst, with a desire to learn about Oneness more deeply and to release all that has prevented us from joining them in the past.
May all beings be One. May all beings be blessed." GurujiMa
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