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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 8:10 am 

"When the cells of your body vibrate with
divine Love,
you will know the same love within all of Creation.
It is in the trees, the sky, the grass, the waters.
It is in the faces of other souls who are here
as your companions."

Day 23, "Book of Unity - Voice of the Oneness"

leaf life- Day 23-Book of
leaf life- Day 23-Book of [ 43.29 KiB | Viewed 6421 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 12:53 pm 

“Listen, beloved.
There is music in the sound
of voices meeting each other in the
depth of the heart,
the loving conversation,
the wish to see and be seen,
the willingness to trust and to let
all barriers disappear into the past.


This is the music of what will be,
the music of heart meeting heart
and soul meeting soul.
We have not been able to trust ourselves
enough to risk this closeness.
We thought it was the other
that held limitation,
but it was always ourselves,
our own fear of being transparent.
Now, love shall blossom
and fear disappear,
and the voices of harmony and
of being that is One
shall fill the air with its music.”

“Music of the Heart” is from 'Poems for the New Earth'

Music of the Heart- 2 -Poems for the New
Music of the Heart- 2 -Poems for the New [ 30.22 KiB | Viewed 6405 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 7:30 pm 

Dearest beloved Friends,

If you visit the topic on this page called "Our Relationship to Pain" you will be able to read the latest sacred message from
Beloved Guruji-Ma, ‘Service and Sacrifice’. It is here:
May its illuminated message bless you. With all love, Meg

........... A Message from Beloved..jpg
........... A Message from Beloved..jpg [ 33.62 KiB | Viewed 6397 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 11:43 am 

“Intelligence is of the mind.
Wisdom is of the heart.

All who seek it may gain wisdom,
for the depth of the heart is the teacher
for all.”

Day 35, Calendar of Discovery~ awakening to the Divine self within ~

….. COD-2- DAY 35
….. COD-2- DAY 35 [ 23.71 KiB | Viewed 6367 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 6:04 pm 

“A grateful heart does not wait for the sun
to shine. It dances in the rain.

Gratitude is right response to life.”

Day 95, Calendar of 100 Days, Seeds of Light for Daily Meditation

…………… Day 95- Cal 100 Days-
…………… Day 95- Cal 100 Days- [ 84.2 KiB | Viewed 6348 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 9:02 am 

Feed the Hungry - Please Join Us

Light Omega (Village of Light, Inc.)

As part of the Divine Imperative that is our innermost nature to love others, Light Omega has undertaken the project of helping to feed those who cannot afford to provide food for themselves or their children, those who live in poverty and who need our care in this physical way as well as our spiritual care. Our starting point has been the residents of the Lakota Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, a place where 97% of the population lives below the federal standard for poverty, and where life expectancy is considerably less than within the rest of the country.

Please read a description of this effort and join us through PayPal with a regular monthly contribution of $5, $10, or more, which will enable us to provide food baskets for families and elders who are greatly in need.

For information about Feed the Hungry and to make a donation, visit this web page:
Regular monthly donations can easily be set up through PayPal, or a check can be sent to:
Feed the Hungry, 45 Overlook Drive, Amherst, MA, 01002.

For whatever you feel guided to give, we are most grateful.
Light Omega

* * *

.......... Feed the Hungry -
.......... Feed the Hungry - [ 55.63 KiB | Viewed 6228 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 8:20 am 

“Celebrate this day of God's life.
Let nothing that you do today be done
without gratitude.
Be present for what is and receive the
gifts of Heaven.”

Day 117, Reflections of Light, The Journey Home

Photo by Paul Clarke

…    Rose yellow Paul Clarke
… Rose yellow Paul Clarke [ 29.54 KiB | Viewed 6216 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2019 10:46 am 

…”The journey into not-knowing is not a journey for the faint-hearted, for it involves giving up the security of all the labels and roles that have been put in place so that you could find your way in life. “What shall I do without these?” is the question that many ask. The answer is that you shall allow the Divine to guide you and to replace all missing labels with a new and fluid sense of Divine identity.

This replacement, however, does not always come when one wants it to or as soon as one wants it to. There is very often a delay between the letting go of something and the arrival of something else. Such a delay can cause distress for the ego and anxiety for the self that is not entirely sure that the Divine can be trusted. This must be endured.

The spiritual passage through not-knowing cannot be speeded up, no matter how much one would like it to. Of course one can read spiritual books and fill the mind with concepts, but that is not the same thing as ‘knowing.’

For many who seek union with the Divine, there is a time in which it may seem that this goal is further away than ever before, with no possibility of seeing how one can get there. During this time, one may feel alone, cast adrift, desire-less, motion-less, like a ship without a rudder to steer by, or a sailboat without a breeze.

Such a time of not-knowing can often be felt minute by minute — in not knowing where to go, what to do, how to heal what needs to be healed. It is a time during which many feel lost and alone, however successful their outer lives may be. Unbeknownst to the self that is experiencing this, there is a spiritual passage going on of great importance. It has to do with stripping the self bare of former identifications so that the Divine alone can embrace the self with its own truer identification.

Many suffer great pain in the letting go of the former self, for in its place there is, for a time, nothing to hold onto, no idea, no purpose, no guarantee that things will turn out alright. One must have both faith and courage to traverse this time, trusting that the other side of this indecipherable passage will appear.

Having others that one can share these deep feelings with is an important and often an essential resource to make the crossing bearable. Yet, even with others present, one travels the way alone. Nevertheless, when the former self cries out in great pain, it is comforting to know that others have gone through this and that it can be gotten through. Without others, one can still go through the passage, yet it is made more difficult due to the sense of isolation.

Not-knowing who one is, is a stage of spiritual evolution, generally arriving long after one has acquired the outer attributes of a functioning self. Then, knowing according to these outer reference points begins to lose its hold on the sense of reality, and one begins to look for something deeper as an identity, something more real. It is within this search that the experience of ‘not-knowing’ occurs, in different degrees of intensity for different embodied souls.”…

This is an excerpt from ‘On Not-Knowing’ by Guruji-Ma,
Continue reading:

..    Who Are You -
.. Who Are You - [ 24.06 KiB | Viewed 6199 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2019 5:58 pm 

“Do not think because you are one soul sitting in one place on a particular piece of earth, that you do not have a great influence on the whole.
You are part of that whole, and everything you do, think, and aspire to, ripples out to all, bringing blessing, or reducing whatever blessing may already exist.”

Julie (Guruji-Ma)

Nov. 10, 2012

2019 Beloved -LOC-Village of Light..jpg
2019 Beloved -LOC-Village of Light..jpg [ 33.17 KiB | Viewed 6190 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 9:01 am 

“Within each human heart is a Divine heart
that is part of it.
Believe, this, know this, live this.
It is the wellspring for peace on Earth.”

Relationships, and Letting Go
Coming soon to

Day 59- MEDITATIONS ON LOVE -Divine Heart Peace.jpg
Day 59- MEDITATIONS ON LOVE -Divine Heart Peace.jpg [ 23.83 KiB | Viewed 6183 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:46 am 

…“In the essential core of our being is the capacity to perceive sacredness in all that we do - the capacity to recognize ourselves and others as holy beings, learning to live life in God.

In the ordinary way of looking at things, such a life may appear difficult to achieve if not impossible. In the ordinary way of looking at things, it may appear that our individual desires and the welfare of the whole are often at odds. This is because we not infrequently find ourselves wanting to do things that are in conflict with what the world or some part of it wants or expects of us. Yet, from the perspective of sacred reality, all who most deeply live from the core of their being find values and desires within themselves that fit in harmoniously with the values of others' deepest selves. This is the basis for peace. It is the basis for harmony between people.

The key to harmony is depth of perception regarding who the 'self' is. It is our capacity for truth and for reality. Without this, surface conflict causes big or little wars over unclear issues. With this, the discrepancy lessens between what 'I' want and what 'you' or 'they' want, as we are all seen to be similar in the most important ways. It is only then that peace becomes possible. It is only then that "all can be fed" because all are of concern to us.

To perceive oneness with others requires that we perceive their highest intentions which are close to our own, not their lowest intentions which drive us apart. It also requires that we perceive our own highest intentions. When we do so, things that seemed of importance to us as sources of conflict become less important. We are not 'here' and others 'there'. We are not of one kind and others of another kind. "All can be fed" when all are seen to be souls similar to ourselves, and this takes place when the perception of the 'self' deepens, enhancing our understanding of who we are and who 'they' are.”…

II. - Discovering the Essential Self
by Guruji-Ma’

……. GOALS OF PURIFICATION II Discovering the Essential Self- Guruji-Ma..JPG
……. GOALS OF PURIFICATION II Discovering the Essential Self- Guruji-Ma..JPG [ 60.52 KiB | Viewed 6090 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:45 am 

‘The Contagion of Fear and the Coronavirus’

“How do you, in this time of your life, deal with the unknown?
What is happening to us now is a glaring example of a crossroads that we are at,
in which we have a choice to make,
the choice of what kind of life we want to lead.”


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