Under The Influence: The Energies Of Zealotry zealotry |zelətrē| noun fanatical and uncompromising pursuit of religious, political, or other ideals; fanaticism.Oxford Dictionaryhttps://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/zealotryHumans under the influence of the energies of zealotry have been expressing the horror of their beliefs throughout time. What we have been witnessing in mass murders especially, but not limited to, religious zealotry, is an ancient energy, the most extreme form of embodied souls expressing actions separated from Divine Love, separated from the sacred. Throughout history the influence of this separated energy, the energy of zealotry, has been the cause of untold horror and suffering. No religion has been exempt from expressions of its horror.
All religious expression has its roots in a longing to express Divine energies embodied, energies such as love for one another, compassion, and truth. When an embodied soul aligns with the energies separated from the Divine, it begins to believe it has a 'right' to punish, harm, inflict suffering, pain and death, the embodied soul believes that the darkness within them is the Light and the Light within others is the darkness.The greatest gift we have been given as souls is the gift of free will. The freedom to be one's God-self, the freedom to be ourselves.
- Guruji-Ma The energies separated from this Divine gift of freedom to all souls, feeds an inherent vulnerability, a belief system within the embodied soul that certain 'other' embodied souls are, according to the embodied soul under the influence of the energies of darkness expressed as zealotry, are expressions of a mistake, they are sinful. In essence, a belief system which expresses through action, dogma, and words that "God, as God is understood by this soul or group of souls, has made a mistake." Embodied souls under the influence of the energies of zealotry believe fundamentally that the "mistake God has made, is being expressed by embodied souls who do not look like them, act like them, worship as they do, keep dietary, sexual, or cultural norms they do, or are living - expressing the divine within them, in ways that are abhorrent to their internal rules of what freedom to be one's God-self, ourselves, should look like.
with love, for all of God's expressions of life embodied. Prayers for the Suffering in Sri Lanka. Prayers for the healing of the horror suffered by souls in their most vulnerable state - a state of trust in the Divine, within the innocence of prayer.