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 Post subject: Releasing: The Consciousness of the Divine Right to Rule
PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 7:30 am 

A wall of oppression and corruption encircling the nation,
creeping ever more within its heart.

When an embodied soul, or group of embodied souls believe that they have a divine right or have been given a divine mandate to rule or have dominion over other embodied souls, all manner of cruelty, manipulations, lying, and corruptions are upheld as justified. When the energies of zeal are combined with this consciousness of 'divine right' rather than the rule of law, the energies of darkness reigns.

The energies related to the consciousness of 'divine right' to rule are and have been releasing.

Bear with each other with love nation.

Remember the energies (consciousness) of darkness's goal is to make a soul one with the energies of darkness.

This is what we are witnessing.

"Witnesses are the eyes and ears of justice..."

Jeremy Bentham

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 Post subject: How to Return to Holiness and the Sacred
PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 11:27 am 

"...Holy is the way toward purity; open is the way. It calls to us all, and asks us to hear the call.

Jesus points to this way when he says, "be ye prefect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5:48). Here is the invitation to transcend ourselves, to strive for a goal that may seem unattainable, yet can be contained. Indeed, it is the goal of human destiny and the purpose for Creation -- that we shall each come to know ourselves as one with God and one with each other, held in Divine embrace forever.

Beloved Ones, for this to happen, it is necessary that we become innocent and pure again, free from all that has separated us from love and from God. Purity is the basis for perfection. For what we have lost must be found again.

To become pure, it is necessary that all that separates us from God and love be rooted out from our bodies and from our conscious and unconscious minds. Within the sphere of duality, the root of such separation has variously been called 'darkness,' 'energies of opposition,' energies of separation,' or simply 'that which is not light.' 'Darkness' is a cosmic energy, part of Creation itself. It is not a substance nor a color of the skin, but becomes within the human experience a motivational pattern and energy that causes us to veer from the path of love and truth, away from the sacred. Such energy amplifies the tendency, brought about through entrance into the physical realm, to perceive things as separate from one another. It creates a sense of isolation and the belief that the Divine that we long for is far away from us or unreal. To root out such energy is to come back to the path of the sacred. It is to live without fear and without limitation in harmony with Divine ;aw and Divine love.

The real easing of energies of separation opens the gate to the future and its possibilities. It liberates the darkness which exists within the currents of fear, despair, or anger that are so often found within the human experiences. These emotional states, though extremely common, are based on energies that take us away from truth -- the truth of love, the truth of God's ever-present reality. To be in a state of fear, a state of anger, or a state of despair prevents us from entering into the state of love must fully, both in the giving and receiving of love. To be in a state of darkness closes the door to the greater knowing of God. This door cannot be closed entirely, however, for the eternal fame of truth that lives within us is inextinguishable. Though it may be cover over, it remains at all times.

Excerpt from:
Embracing the Divine
Guruji-Ma (Julie of Light Omega)

Emmanations-of-Light-Day3-LightOmega.jpg [ 85.71 KiB | Viewed 2313 times ]

We affect change in those around
us through the energy we carry.

Where this is of light, the change
works to the good, resonating with the
soul-force within others and uplifting

Where this is of darkness, we
increase the level of darkness in others,
especially in those of a similar vibration.

This is a reason to pay close attention
to the state of light and darkness within
ourselves and within our surroundings.

We are broadcasting and receiving all
the time.

The Pursuit of Truth

Guruji-Ma (Julie of Light Omega)

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 Post subject: Under The Influence: The Energies Of Zealotry
PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 9:08 am 

Under The Influence: The Energies Of Zealotry

zealotry |zelətrē|
fanatical and uncompromising pursuit of religious, political, or other ideals; fanaticism.

Oxford Dictionary

Humans under the influence of the energies of zealotry have been expressing the horror of their beliefs throughout time. What we have been witnessing in mass murders especially, but not limited to, religious zealotry, is an ancient energy, the most extreme form of embodied souls expressing actions separated from Divine Love, separated from the sacred. Throughout history the influence of this separated energy, the energy of zealotry, has been the cause of untold horror and suffering. No religion has been exempt from expressions of its horror.

All religious expression has its roots in a longing to express Divine energies embodied, energies such as love for one another, compassion, and truth. When an embodied soul aligns with the energies separated from the Divine, it begins to believe it has a 'right' to punish, harm, inflict suffering, pain and death, the embodied soul believes that the darkness within them is the Light and the Light within others is the darkness.

The greatest gift we have been given as souls is the gift of free will.
The freedom to be one's God-self, the freedom to be ourselves.

- Guruji-Ma

The energies separated from this Divine gift of freedom to all souls, feeds an inherent vulnerability, a belief system within the embodied soul that certain 'other' embodied souls are, according to the embodied soul under the influence of the energies of darkness expressed as zealotry, are expressions of a mistake, they are sinful. In essence, a belief system which expresses through action, dogma, and words that "God, as God is understood by this soul or group of souls, has made a mistake." Embodied souls under the influence of the energies of zealotry believe fundamentally that the "mistake God has made, is being expressed by embodied souls who do not look like them, act like them, worship as they do, keep dietary, sexual, or cultural norms they do, or are living - expressing the divine within them, in ways that are abhorrent to their internal rules of what freedom to be one's God-self, ourselves, should look like.

with love,
for all of God's expressions of life embodied.

Prayers for the Suffering in Sri Lanka.

Prayers for the healing of the horror suffered by souls in their most vulnerable state - a state of trust in the Divine, within the innocence of prayer.

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 Post subject: Guruji-Ma: In Loving Service To The Greater Whole
PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2019 1:02 pm 

Dear Beloved Ones,
This is a time when more is being asked of everyone in relation to overcoming the sense of limitation that comes from energies of opposition and separation. What is most important during this time is to not give way to the energies of fear and overwhelm, but to place the motivation toward love and unity above all other motivations, no matter what the challenge in doing so. The energy of the Divine is increasing at this time to support those who are willing to open their hearts more to the needs of others, even in the presence of sacrifice or difficulty, and all who are in service to the light are being asked to face these new challenges with courage and tenacity.
It is in recognition of the hardship of this time, and also of its great importance in helping the Earth make the transition into light, that I call to you to place the priority of your inner life on remaining in love, and not in fear or overwhelm, so that all may serve all, and all may benefit from receiving the gifts that this brings, not just to others but to the self as well.
Each of us can help to create greater unity at this time and a feeling of being cared for that may flow from us. I hope you will join me in this effort as we take steps in loving service to a greater whole. 

All blessings – Guruji-Ma

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 Post subject: Inner Bowing
PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2019 1:09 pm 

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Inner Bowing
Inner bowing is to the Creator of All who lives within each of us, and from whom we are never separate. Thought is what separates us, not just the content of thought but the activity of thought as well.  Inner bowing, especially during efforts at meditation, chanting, or simply being silent, allows us to let go of self-importance, to diminish the great value we ordinarily place on thinking, so that our reaching to the Divine One can become stronger and more potent.

...The diminishment of self-importance through the letting go of attachment to our own thought process carries a great good, for we can practice this diminishment throughout the day, allowing ourselves to be less important and God to be more important. We can practice attuning to Divine thought rather than our own thought, Divine thought that seeks to express and to make itself known through us. 

Inner bowing is filled with love and joy.  It expands our awareness of the Divine within ourselves and within others. As we bow to the One who dwells within all, we open the door of our consciousness to the truth that we are part of that One. Inner bowing opens this door further and further. As we let go of self-importance, we become One.  Om namo Bhagavate.
With deepest love and blessings - Guruji-Ma

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 Post subject: Forgiveness And The Essential Love That We Are
PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2019 1:18 pm 

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Emanations of Healing Light
Guruji-Ma (Julie of Light Omega) ... Light.html

All that we have loved travels with us through time.
It forms part of us, joining with the essential love that we are.

Letting Go of the Past
Guruji-Ma (Julie of Light Omega)

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 Post subject: A Time of Practicing Love, Trust, and Releasing
PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2019 1:20 pm 

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 Post subject: Claiming Your Freedom
PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2019 1:32 pm 

Fear grips the heart with icy fingers,
seeping into the mind with thoughts of
dread and foreboding,
creating a forgetting of what is true
and real, and of the light.

Fear seeks to override the trust of the soul,
to remove the freedom of choice that
is intrinsic to each individual life.

Where fear is strong, choice becomes
dominated by its power and by its deception.
Thus, a loss of freedom ensues,
a loss to be avoided as much as
and external loss of freedom.

Light-Will-Prevail-Guruji-Ma-LightOmega.jpg [ 32.49 KiB | Viewed 2277 times ]

Fear makes us smaller,
reducing our capacity to discern,
creating mistrust where hope
in the benevolent Hand of the Divine
was once firmly grounded.
Fear erases belief in the possibility
of a solution to our dilemmas.

In all of this, fears diminishes us,
reducing our freedom.
Therefore, do not embrace that which
promotes fear in any form.
Turn from it, and seek the light instead.
For the light is the guarantor of things invisible
that speak of hope and truth and the
way of bringing these about.

Claim your freedom,
and do not give in to fear,
for in making you smaller,
it can cause you to forget
the largeness of spirit that is
intrinsically yours,
that which has been implanted within you
since the beginning.
This spirit remains in a way
that fear can never eradicate.
It will, in the end. overcome all fear
and lead you back to the light which
has never left you,
the light of your soul,
the strength, purity, and brightness
of your eternal being.

Claiming Your Freedom (2)
Poems for the New Earth
Guruji-Ma (Julie of Light Omega)

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 Post subject: World Blessings: The Time of Redemption
PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2019 7:54 am 

The Time of Redemption
Received by Mashubi - April 22, 2019
World Blessings Sacred Letters #52

Dearest Beloveds,

A new and potentially life altering influx of divine light is entering the sphere of physical embodiment, through the portal of great suffering and sacrifice on the part of those that have chosen this work.

Calm, peace and prayer are needed so that the new energies of light may successfully pass through the fortresses of obstruction that have been long in place on planet Earth.

As it is told in the prophecies of old and new, the New Earth is being born, with anguish as the old structures, created from the previous cycle, now must give way to the new.

The energies of darkness are primarily functioning now on the mental and emotional levels, impacting human consciousness to create the illusion that darkness is stronger, and is in control on the Earth.

Like the tides of the ocean, the previous energies of separated consciousness are revealed to all, as the waves recede to display what exists underneath them.

The energies of darkness, on display, beckon and call to all who may have vulnerability to them, attempting to fuel a resurgence of their reign.
Some souls are choosing this path, to align with the darkness. Some vulnerable souls are not consciously choosing, but are allowing themselves to be swept along with it.

Entire governments on the Earth are enacting this drama, as the energies of fear create the illusion that the only safety is to withdraw from others and to focus on one's own personal safety.

In truth, your own safety, and the safety of all, exists in the place where your divine essential soul self meets your physically embodied self.
That place, which we may call the nexus of choice, allows your human, physically embodied being to be nourished by the light of your larger Self which has chosen your embodiment, life circumstances and life challenges.

The new energies of light that are now streaming to the Earth and also from within the physical body of the Earth, have the capacity to awaken this consciousness within all.

The impediments to this awakening are many right now, but will become less as the light strengthens.

Many people are currently having new experiences for which there is not a culturally approved understanding. This can create fear or denial, or in some cases a "going to sleep" after a spiritual awakening.

Others are experiencing an intensity to their process of purification that causes them to lose contact with the energies of light and love, and to begin to project their process on others with energies of blame, anger or rejection.

There are some who are on the Earth with a divine mission to assist more directly in this process. Those souls with a planetary mission are currently experiencing an eclipse of the light, as the energies of darkness attempt to disable their work.

Calmness, patience and prayer are needed at this time, and alignment with light so that the energies of darkness can be transformed and brought to the light.

The following prayer from our beloved Guruji-Ma can be said at any time for yourself or for particular situations, to help during times of impasse or obstruction.

I am of the Light

I am of the Oneness

May all darkness be dispelled

By the power of embodied light

Beloved ones, much tenderness is needed for the enormous suffering that so many are experiencing. Please be gentle and do everything possible to refrain from harshness and anger.

Remain in your heart, even when you cannot feel your own love. If all you can feel is grief and pain, give this to God and ask for redemption and transformation.

This time is the birth canal through which the future is being created. Use your power of choice to align with your soul's purpose and mission.

With all love and blessings,


The Time of Redemption ... mption.cfm

The World Blessings Sacred Letters are the newest stream of spiritual guidance messages received by Mashubi from the Realms of Light, starting in November of 2016.

These are more specifically addressing the transformation of energies of negativity and darkness that are manifesting in today's world.

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 Post subject: Incrementally Insidiousious
PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2019 7:17 am 

Incrementally Insidiousious

When I was first awakening in 1987 I found myself reading a heavy tome called the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. I never understood why my heart and mind found this book to be something I had to read at that time. Perhaps this is the source informing my calling to make this posting.

It didn't begin with the gas chambers and ovens. Rather, the actions which led to the "final solution" of 'other' were insidious and incremental.

-Identification of 'other' as evil or as animals.

-Families and individuals being transported to detention camps.

-Children being torn from their parents and families. (Adopted out or put in detention camps).

-People 'disappearing' from communities, apartment complexes, homes. schools, businesses, etc.
(Sometimes disappearing due to their own fear for their safety, mostly at the hands of groups of strong, powerful men armed with the law and guns suddenly taking people away).

-Surveillance of the actions of the people as well as the training of the public to turn in anyone who looks or acts as 'other'.

-Indefinite detention without rights or a trial.

-Mass rallies where the public is groomed into idol like worship of the strong leader whose destiny for the nation is to restore and save it.

-New laws and policies inflicting punishment collectively upon the people.

-The incremental and defiant ignoring of precedent law.

-Government agencies turning the focus of their work in favor of protecting and serving the strong leader and those who support him rather than in protecting and serving the well being of the people.

-Patriotic and nationalistic rallies as well as ceremonies in service to the enhancement of the ruler rather than the people.

May the spark of Light within you burn bright in all times of darkness.

with love,

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 Post subject: Prophetic Vision 2006 - Crusade Against The Nation of Iran
PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2019 7:23 am 

Prophetic Vision from 2006 - Crusade Against The Nation of Iran

Would that these energies of darkness could dissipate in the light of their revelation and never come to fulfillment, proving the prophet wrong and all the peoples who would be involved safe from the desecrations of war.

Watch now with horror people of the nation of the free, as your false prophets and politicians press hard for their crusade against the people of the nation of Iran.

For in their heart's speaks the voices of darkness.

Woe. Woe to the people of the nation of the free.

In their righteous madness they shall seek to bring about their glorious 'rapture' as they slaughter the innocent. And they shall fulfill biblical prophecy as the false prophets who brought Armageddon to God's beloved.

And their tortured souls shall weep at their complicity with the darkness and cry out for forgiveness.

Last edited by Johanna on Thu May 16, 2019 7:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Energies of Zealotry and Domination: Rulership and Choice
PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2019 7:30 am 

The Energies of Zealotry and Domination: Rulership and Free-Will Choice

As these same energies continue to release and manifest, on two separate occasions both of these spiritual guidances speaking to the same energies came to me:

If a theology or creed is based upon embodied souls being created out of sin and not love, then it follows that the 'sinful' will become reliant not upon the love and benevolence of their Creator, rather those deemed or identified as 'sinful' are more likely to become reliant upon other embodied souls empowered by the same theologies and creed's giving them sole authority and free reign to dominate and rule them.

First version of the same thoughts:

If an embodied soul's mind has been convinced, often since childhood, that they are 'born of sin' the mind and heart can also be convinced that only the 'righteous' among them have authority over their choices and lives.

These energies can imprison the embodied soul in a life separated from the love and benevolence of the Grace of God as they supplicate themselves to the will of their embodied rulers.

These energies of zealotry and domination have coursed their way through time, emboldening embodied souls to desecrate and destroy whilst claiming self-righteously to be appointed by God. These energies continue to reveal themselves once again and the punishing's of those deemed 'sinful' are manifesting with haste.

May the Love and Light of the Creator Source awaken in all hearts.

with love,

As I have been reflecting upon this guidance and this post, the following thoughts have come to me:

I feel deeply in my heart the pain of the millions of parents who have been told their infants who died before baptism died in sin and that these babies would exist in a state of limbo (not heaven), for some parents, a belief that they would not be united in heaven with their children. The threats used against millions of embodied souls that their sins would bring them an afterlife of torture and suffering. The punishment of women, throughout the ages, as 'sinful' because of Eve. The punishment of women's bodies, the bearing of children to the point of death in service to a theology without support for the women (and men) and the large families they sought to raise as not to be in sin. The defining of sexuality as sinful - Augustine. The weaponization of sin throughout the ages has condemned millions of souls to unbearable and at times, unendurable suffering. This is what is coming from my heart, the profound grief of those have suffered for thousands of years at the hands of those who claimed they serve in God's name. I believe Karma is real, and the need for Purification is real - the reason for both is love. Always LOVE.

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