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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 12:19 pm 

“To listen, to hear, to honor.
To acknowledge and accept differences, held in the unity of One.
To seek the human heart in the presence of all beliefs that contradict one's own.
To teach by example rather than by dogma or edict.
To take full responsibility for being a source of love, even in the presence of rejection.
To see all as souls, pure in their essence.
To bow before the Divine in everyone.”

by Julie of Light Omega (Guruji-Ma)

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……………RESPECT- Guruji-Ma -
……………RESPECT- Guruji-Ma - [ 23.42 KiB | Viewed 6672 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 11:16 am 

“For many human hearts there is a longing to participate in a reunion with love that is all encompassing, stretching the heart to unknown yet remembered heights and depths, and filling the soul so that it no longer experiences any kind of lack. Such is the remembrance of the Divine experience of the One for souls that have, for the most part, left this remembrance behind. It stands as an evocation of limitless love that is the stuff of heroic legends and romantic ballads, but at its core, it is a yearning for the inexpressible oneness-of-being that exists within the totality of Love.

Such a union cannot come to the soul until the way has been prepared through the labor of having rid the self of all that stands in the way – all that would receive love for the benefit of the self and not be capable of merging within the All. Indeed, to receive such love, one must be capable of moving beyond the self to the place of the Totality of all that is, for only that Totality can create the experience that enraptures the heart and fills the soul.

Seekers on various spiritual paths have pursued this goal over centuries and millennia, and many have walked on the roads that these paths carved out. Some routes have been defined by the kind of loss of self acquired in deep meditation where the ground-of-being within the Oneness appears as the only real reality. There are other ways, however, besides the way of meditation, which can lead the soul to an ultimate union with God in love.”…

Continue reading ‘THE MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE OF THE ONE’ by Julie (Guruji-Ma)

Photo by ePi.Longo

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 12:27 pm 

“May peace reside in my heart today,
knowing that I am home,
Knowing that I am safe,
knowing that I am with Thee.
Peace, peace, and more peace,
shall follow me in all that I do,
because Thou art with me and in my life.
All that I am is of Thee.
All that I wish for is to know Thy will
as I move through the events of this day,
loving all, opening my heart to all,
remaining one with Thee.”

* * *

‘May Peace Reside in My Heart’ is from "Prayers for the New Earth"
available through: the Light Omega Bookshop:
And on

....May Peace Reside in My Heart- Guruji-Ma-Prayers For the New Earth-
....May Peace Reside in My Heart- Guruji-Ma-Prayers For the New Earth- [ 34.38 KiB | Viewed 6638 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 5:14 pm 

‘Finding the Safety that All Seek’
a podcast by Guruji-Ma

“There is no place and no time in which we are not safely held in the embrace of the Divine. Yet, most often we do not feel this. We feel vulnerable to the circumstances of life that cause us to feel unsafe. Safety lives within. It is based on the knowledge that only God is real, and that all that we see, feel, and know is held within that reality eternally. Awareness of this leads to the sense of safety within all circumstances, for we ARE that safety.” ~Guruji-Ma

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20190402-cr -Beloved Guruji-Ma.jpg [ 59.18 KiB | Viewed 6621 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 10:00 am 

“To give helplessness to God and to let oneself
be carried,
this is both a great truth and a great learning.
While you are helpless, you are being upheld
by God’s loving embrace.”

Day 44, Calendar of 100 Days, Seeds of Light for Daily Meditation

……Helplessness- Day 44- Calendar of 100 Days-
……Helplessness- Day 44- Calendar of 100 Days- [ 18.29 KiB | Viewed 6613 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 8:46 am 

“Courage, beloved one. There is no challenge you face that is not a fulfillment of the promise you made
before taking birth.”

(August 15, 2013)

Seeds of Light

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:10 am 

‘The Power of Love’

“In the inner space of silence we find the love that has always been with us, that we have been afraid to realize or to practice,
holding on to our reasons for not doing so out of fear and the desire to remain in control of life.
Today, love calls us to affirm its potency to change life for all beings,
and for the planet as a whole.”


..........................Power of Love-Guruji-Ma-
..........................Power of Love-Guruji-Ma- [ 21.01 KiB | Viewed 6578 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2019 6:12 am 

"Never think that what you do does not matter,
for this is never true.
What you do matters all of the time,
for you are connected in invisible ways with all
that is around you,
and changes in your heart can create a new world."

Day 83, Meditations On Love Relationships, and Letting Go

boy in field-What you do matters all of the time-Day 83 Meditations On Love
boy in field-What you do matters all of the time-Day 83 Meditations On Love [ 60.3 KiB | Viewed 6517 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 7:21 am 

Dear Beloved Ones,

I wish to bring to you a new podcast that addresses the question that many have concerning how to penetrate what seem to be impenetrable situations where there appears to be an impasse. In this podcast, the way of the ego ('spiritual materialism') and the way of the spiritual being are compared, and choices are described that can be applied to many situations.

Pranam. With love and blessings - Guruji-Ma

* * *

‘Spiritual Materialism and the Ego’


(June 2, 2019)

“A new stage has been entered for human consciousness, based upon the expansion of spiritual light upon the Earth.
This stage is one in which there are no longer impasses because the proximity of the soul energy can provide a path forward in the presence of any degree of difficulty.
Courage in facing fear is needed, and the willingness to move forward.”


‘Meditation on Letting Go’


(June 2, 2019)

* * *

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20190402-cr -Beloved Guruji-Ma.jpg [ 59.18 KiB | Viewed 6508 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:16 pm 

Day 6

“Practice humility, for it is the way of living
in harmony with life.

To learn how to bow, one must be on one's knees.
Once there, judgment vanishes.”

“Bowing is the natural response of a heart that is devoted to something greater than itself in whose service it places itself. Bowing is a gesture of reverence toward that which is infinitely holy, infinitely pure, and infinitely good.”


“Today, become like a child again with open hands and a humble heart, ready to receive. Give thanks for what is given, and take nothing for granted. If there is resistance within to becoming more humble, it may be useful to practice physically bowing as well as holding humility in the heart. To do this, be on your knees and touch your forehead to the floor. Hold this position. See how it feels to bow and to surrender. Practice this throughout the day. Pray, today, to acquire greater humility.”

- Blessings –

by Julie (Guruji-Ma)
Unpublished Manuscript

................. Day 6 - STEPPING STONES TO AWARENESS - Julie - Guruji-Ma-unpublished
................. Day 6 - STEPPING STONES TO AWARENESS - Julie - Guruji-Ma-unpublished [ 38.22 KiB | Viewed 6503 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 9:10 am 

…“we have before us the world as it is – the tragedy of lost life, lost hopes, and lost livelihoods on the one hand, and on the other, the beginning of a new chapter in medical research which may provide answers to those who have waited long for a way to heal the conditions that they or someone they love are afflicted with.

The point of balance can be found by feeling it all, by embracing it all, and by holding it all in God's love. It is this love that assures the heart that no matter what is going on in the world, there is a Divine purpose which holds it in love that will bring out of every disaster, a forward movement of progress and hope, both for individuals and for mankind. The point of balance creates an ability to hold this conviction in the presence of pain and suffering, even while feeling the heart's deepest compassion.

The same is true of the point of balance as it relates to one's own inner life. To be open to both the promise of the future and the pain of the present - to the limitations and losses brought about by conditions over which one had no control, while at the same time believing in the goodness of life and of love, this is the place upon which God's love stands and can be found.

For the heart of God suffers with all who suffer; it mourns with all who mourn. It does not stand apart from any who go without, since there is not one who is not part of God's heart. At the same time, this divine Heart understands the inner necessity of certain kinds of experience, and so views all in terms of overcoming past limitations and departures from truth, while creating new possibilities for the future.”…


From the “The Point of Balance - Healing for the Heart” by Julie (Guruji-Ma) in the Light Omega Newsletter dated November 23rd, 2007.
Continue reading:

……………Point of Balance 2.- Healing for the Heart –Julie- Guruji-Ma-
……………Point of Balance 2.- Healing for the Heart –Julie- Guruji-Ma- [ 40.97 KiB | Viewed 6499 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 2:00 pm 

“I wake to Thee, Beloved,
and ask to be held in Thy life,
in Thy truth, in Thy love,
beyond all forces that would take
me away from that truth.
Let all doubt and deception
vanish from the screen of my awareness.
Let all fear depart.
I am of Thee and in Thee,
and Thou in me.
May the love that is One reside
in my body, in my heart, in my mind,
carrying me through the day,
that I may remain with Thee,
held in Thy loving embrace.”

Julie of Light Omega

“I Wake to Thee” by Julie of Light Omega, is from ‘Prayers for the New Earth’:

For more Light Omega resources please visit the Light Omega Bookshop:

….I Wake to Thee - Prayers for the New
….I Wake to Thee - Prayers for the New [ 46.28 KiB | Viewed 6763 times ]

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