The Purification Process A Key to Revealing the Multi-dimensionality of the Soul "All is consciousness. There is nothing else that shapes events in life. The question is where does this consciousness reside? The subconscious is only one layer of consciousness that shapes reality. The higher self or soul-self is another layer that brings things into being for purposes of learning and healing.
There is no external event that is created on its own without this prior level of causality. While it is true that collective consciousness and the consciousness of others brings things into being as well that affect oneself, this is the great mystery of life - that all levels and sources are interacting, and the input from one's own multidimensional self is the greatest input in the end."The New Consciousnesshttp://art-of-being-present.lightomega. ... sness.html The Purification Process is a spiritual key to revealing the multi-dimensionality of the soul in embodied form.
Through the process of purifying the embodied self (Purification Process), 'space' is created within the embodied self - the conscious and unconscious self as well as the body. That which was carried by the soul into each life time (some call karma, others may call it 'sin, still others may call it 'soul baggage') is purified within time. The Purification Process is a process which is initiated by the will of the self. Yet it is not the will itself alone which purifies the self. The self, a willing participant, begins to choose through various life experiences to find another way through experiences of suffering*, this intentionality and the longing of the heart, creates an environment within the self for Light to enter.
The Purification Process is a guide for the embodied soul which has over incarnations and time, forgotten the truth of who they are.
As one moves through the various stages of purification, which can, and simultaneously cannot be described - for all who go through this process will have different soul histories and purification needs - the embodied soul begins to awaken. The process of purification is by no means an easy task for the embodied self to move through, trust is paramount. Yet one might ask, "trust in whom, trust in what?"
Again, soul history and the makeup of the self incarnated play a role in the answer to this question. As the Purification Process is not a religious process and at the same time, can fit within the structures of all religious practices, the "whom or what to trust" as one moves through the process is ultimately determined by the choices of the self.
The Purification Process is not an easy process to go through. Suffering can be involved - especially if the embodied self is consciously or unconsciously determined to follow the same path. Often, the sacred process of Life itself, will bring repetitive circumstances (the people involved may change but the circumstances or patterns remain the same) that seem to be experienced as suffering to the embodied soul, which are occurring to help the soul 'choose' a different path, one of the heart, one of innocence, one of trust.
From personal experience, I can share with you Dear Readers that this insight took me a long time to understand - to come to know - within my self as truth. I can explain to you my experiences, my knowledge through experience, and yet, one must go through this process oneself to know the truth of what I am sharing with you. My suffering was prolonged because in my ignorance (not knowing), I chose to align with the energies arising into my consciousness as the process unfolded - a soul history of doubt, shame, guilt, and unworthiness. It took me years to know that these energies were 'not me', that these were energies releasing from my DNA, my cells, my tissues, my heart, my memories, my consciousness, my unconscious self - into my mind as the frequencies of Light cleared that which was not Love, that which was not Light from within me.
In its essence, we may think of the purification process as initiated by spiritual light and sustained by light in order to carry out the Will of the Divine. This Will moves in the direction of enabling the higher dimensions of one's being to take part in life on Earth. It allows the soul to merge with the personality in the expression of a unified and sacred life.
Though participation on the human level is essential in establishing the forms of consciousness and identity that spiritual light makes possible, the true impulse and expression of inner and outer events that become part of the purification process do not happen through one’s own intention, but through the intentionality of light which possesses an intelligence and purposefulness of its own. It is a multilevel phenomenon whose domain can involve every aspect of one’s being – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. I - Purification: The Expansion of LightGuruji-Ma ... ation.html It is my understanding that Purification Process is initiated by intention and longing, AND unfolds in time because intention and longing are met by the frequencies of Light. It is, (God as you may choose to understand God, or the Creator Source, or the Infinite One, the Universal Principle or by whatever ways one understands that there is an frequency - a Source - that is omnipotent in comparison to the will of the self), this Source which activates the process, bringing forth the circumstances needed for the embodied soul to ultimately awaken within the self.
The process itself is unique to each individual embodied soul, and whilst there are similarities of experiences, each embodied soul has a history, has a soul path which may be similar to another, yet cannot be replicated. The Process of Purification, within the framework of time, creates space within the self. That which has blocked the embodied soul from expressing itself fully, embodied, is purified. How do I know this? I know this through the wisdom gleaned through my experiences and the gift of being able to review my life history and witness how I have changed, and am changing. I know this by the longstanding relationships I have healed and the love which comes forth through my heart where there was once anger and pain. I know this by the innocence and compassion grows with greater presence within my heart and consciousness where cynicism and mistrust once ruled with an ironic and iron will. I know this because I am aware of the suffering I have endured and moved thru, through personal and planetary purification, and the changes I have witnessed within myself, the changes to my character, the changes to my outlook, and most of all, the changes to my mind and heart.
The Purification Process, depending on your soul history and your sacred work, especially if you have been called as a Light-worker or Way-Shower, takes time and commitment. As the frequencies of Light continues to expand, the process is being accelerated. As the Christ Consciousness embodies the expanding Light, as the Beloved Planet embodies the expanding Light, this process is accelerating. The acceleration can be experienced as 'good or bad' by the embodied self depending on one's orientation to processing the energies being released by the expansion of the frequencies of Light.
There is a place within each consciousness that houses the history of the soul, a place that cannot be penetrated by the conscious mind but that can sometimes be felt or sensed as an intuition from the soul. This history is written in a layer of soul-consciousness called the akashic layer. The akashic layer is the storehouse of soul memory, the recorder of past events both large and small that reside within it in different layers. There is an akashic record for each individual soul and there is also an akashic record for the soul of humanity. While this record traces individual and collective history, in reality it contains no 'past' or 'future', for it is like a book that we hold in our hands that we are traveling through or reading in a sequential way. Past and future are the pages of the book and these are being turned by us as we move through it. Both are simultaneously present, even while we experience ourselves as being only upon one page. When we are aware of reading this book, we can remember forward and we can remember backward. THE AKASHIC RECORD For those souls who have endured and moved through the experiences brought forth to them through the Purification Process, the newfound space within the self begins to resonate with the frequencies of love, compassion, and willingness to experience innocence - trust, in the face of the unknown, and often in the face of the energies of darkness, as new experiences come forth into the consciousness. So too, somewhat unexpectedly, and not based on personal criteria or judgements as to whether one is 'pure enough' do experiences begin to come forth which have to do with the multi-dimensionality of the soul and the ability of the consciousness, the mind, to process, ground, and hold these new levels of soul awareness.
Over the years of posting on this forum, I have shared numerous Teachings by Guruji-Ma on the experiences of multi-dimensionality. I have also shared mostly visions of the experiences I have had of the awakening of multi-dimensionality of the soul. Yet, until one has the experiences of multi-dimensionality themselves, what ever has been shared cannot be fully absorbed by the conscious self. (This may change in the future as Light continues to expand the planetary consciousness). There are those who have had multi-dimensional experiences through shamanic experiences through the sacrament of the plant kingdom. There are those who have had multi-dimensional experiences through substances created in laboratories. Each group will understand the concepts I speak of when discussing multi-dimensionality through their experiences with 'mind opening' and 'consciousness opening' substances brought through ingestion.Dear Beloved Ones, when we begin to think of reality as multidimensional rather than being confined to the dimension of time and space, we can become aware of the differences between dimensions in terms of the consciousness that each holds and in terms of the vibration that corresponds to that consciousness. From this vantage point, we can understand that the qualities of consciousness that correspond to the Intelligence(s) of the highest dimensions would not necessarily be the same as that which correspond to the lower or more dense dimensions that contain relatively less spiritual light. As we rise in our capacity to hold spiritual light, we also rise in our capacity to connect with and attune to the vibration of the higher dimensions. With this in mind, it is important to understand that although the Divine One is One, unified, complete, eternal, and self-existent, with nothing outside it or beyond it, there are dimensions within which this is not perceived to be the case, dimensions in which beings perceive themselves to be separate from the Divine and do not acknowledge its reality. When this is present in the extreme, we have the phenomenon we call 'darkness.'A NEW VIEW OF MULTIDIMENSIONAL REALITYGuruji-Ma ... ality.html This process of multi-dimensionality - via the Purification Process - I am speaking of is not sourced through ingesting substances which can open the mind and consciousness. There is no judgement in my heart as I write this for all souls have different paths to their soul's awakening process. These experiences of multi-dimensionality I speak of comes from Light, Source, often unbidden, often suddenly, into and through the self. It is, and I am struggling again for the words to describe this process, experience, and often many experiences, where the will seems to surrender to the unfolding energies expanding within the self, without the self (mind) being aware of what is happening at first, to the frequencies of Light permeating the matter of the body-self (or energy body, then the physical body), the brain, and creating within the self a sense, a perception, of the self being more than what is experienced through embodiment. For myself Dear Readers, I experience multi-dimensionality through the vessel of my heart.
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When the experiences of multi-dimensionality first began to happen I was bewildered and ungrounded. Due to the nature of my soul work there were times when having multi-dimensional experiences I was afraid, for the energies manifesting through my multi-dimensional experiences were the energies of the legions, the energies of multi-dimensional density (darkness). Over time, with the loving support of Guruji-Ma, my mind began to know and trust that I was safe in the presence of these energies separated from the frequencies of Love, and in their presence, I found that it was best to rest until the energies passed - or as I began to perceive over time - disintegrated.
In those moments when my awareness of the multi-dimensionality of my soul self opens, although I have been able to write or share visions of what is happening, the awe of the experience, the nature of the expansion of consciousness within the body (the sacred vehicle of consciousness) cannot be fully expressed with words or visions. One can feel somewhat lonely after such experiences. I am blessedly grateful for Beloved Guruji-Ma's presence in my life, because I can share these experiences and be seen.
It has been my experience that one can also feel as the awakening to multi-dimensionality awareness begins to unfold, through the Purification Process, ungrounded, nervous, unsure of what is happening, unable to find words to describe the experiences one is having, and again, particular to my soul path, multi-dimensional experiences, which brought forth a wondering in my mind if there was something wrong for me. For these multi-dimensional experiences did not fit the paradigm of my understanding of what it meant to be human and were often shrouded by the historical and present general collective planetary consciousness as something to be feared.
For me, the Purification Process is a key to revealing the multidimensionality of the soul. Will all embodied souls have multi-dimensional experiences? This knowledge has not been revealed to me. I can only share my experiences, and recognize similarities of others multi-dimensional experiences when they speak of them to me. Multi-dimensionality is an experience which is part of the Sacred Mysteries. If one were to hope on this subject, one would hope and long for the awakening of all embodied souls to their multi-dimensional selves.
Written through an act of Grace, in loving service, as a response to the inspiration of the experiences of Jeannie.
with love, Johanna
*Beloved Guruji-Ma has shared that awakening to the soul will not always, in the future, need to be experienced through suffering.There is a movement growing that is life-expanding. It is gaining momentum, asking you to become more real, asking you to not deny any part of yourself, but to see and know it all.
You are a multidimensional being, and the other parts of you are drawing nearer to the physical. You are being asked to join your present reality with the larger reality - to become one with yourself and God.
WAKE UP {b]{/b]
Last edited by Johanna on Sun Mar 24, 2019 8:30 am, edited 1 time in total.