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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna (Closing Prayer)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:00 pm 
File comment: Thank you Beloved Julie for teaching me to fly.
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Thank you for this sacred opportunity to share the many gifts and blessings I have received with you dear readers.


Photo source: ... -dove.html

Last edited by Johanna on Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna (6-26-13) Opening Prayer
PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:00 am 

Thank you for the honour and blessing of serving on the One Earth Awakening Forum today.

I come to you with humble heart, an open mind willing to share what has been given so freely to me with others journeying on a similar path to Awakening.

Guide I. Guide my words, my intentions... my heart.

Bless me as a pure vehicle of Your intent.

With love and gratitude,
your daughter,

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:33 am 
I have sent my Presence to be with you ...
"Behold, the glory of the light of God shall dwell with men, and God himself shall be with them."

Message from the One

Awake, my children, to the Glory of the Light, for I have sent my Glory to be with you in these days of transition, to shelter you under the rays of Her everlasting presence, to comfort those in need of comfort, and to provide a safe passage into the future.

..Holy is this day, My beloved children, for you come, at last, to the knowledge of your true identity in the Light of the One, and you come, at last, to the knowledge that no one is separate from anyone else, and least of all from the Creator and One who manifested all things so that Life could create more Life.

Blessings upon this time of awakening, beloveds, for it is you who shall now have the possibility for building the future in a way undreamed of before, manifesting God's love and beauty on the earth for all worlds to see and benefit from.

Julie Redstone
Read the entire message: Glory of the Light

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:51 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna (6-26-13)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:56 am 

Welcome everyone to Wednesdays with Johanna!

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:07 pm 
Joyful Wednesdays!!! Blessings to All!

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:13 pm 
Thank you dearest Johanna, for this Holy and beautiful start to our Wednesday in service. My heart is filled with gratitude and joy.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:41 pm 
Meg Meg:
Thank you dearest Johanna, for this Holy and beautiful start to our Wednesday in service. My heart is filled with gratitude and joy.

Hello Meg!

My heart rejoices for your presence and the Holiness it feels whenever we meet!

Blessings love.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:46 pm 
Today I would like to re-visit last weeks topic on Energetic Sensitivities and Boundaries starting with Energetic Sensitivities & Psychic and Spiritual

As living a sacred life would have it, the very evening of the day in which I made this post, I found myself in a situation where someone had received a message in which I felt was asking me to 'protect myself with a bubble of protection' when in a sacred environment.

I asked Beloved Julie for guidance on this topic*, as I know for myself personally - on my journey - I have always felt that I did not need a bubble of 'protection' - yet my journey is not your journey dear reader...

Whether I am taking in other peoples energies in a healing capacity, whether I am encountering the forces of darkness, whether I am in a sacred meditation or gathering, or in my daily life activities, I find that no matter how extreme the energies to be transmuted - it is my souls mission to go through the experience.

Now this is not saying when encountering difficult energies I will not take care of myself and my needs. I have learned with Beloved Julie's love and support to continue to create greater boundaries as my sensitivities increase. Also, sacred life itself will create boundaries where I can feel the ability to rest (and sometimes even feel uplifted) in the presence of difficult energies.

There are many examples in my life where I must make constant decisions about what I can and cannot do on any given day. There are days in which I am so pours that cannot be near people's energies and need to rest. There are days in which I can not be out on the roads driving because I feel energetically overwhelmed by everything I am taking in - so I rest until it passes. My life, which I gave to God - is not 'mine' on any given day, and by staying faithful to God, my purity, who I am (struggling with this one!) and through the Grace of God by being with Beloved Julie and those who are on a similar journey as well as those who love me - deeply - even without understanding the nature of energies and what is happening to me; I am able to let go of agendas on any given day.

To surrender in this way to the Light - to God - is no easy task I assure you. And there have been times where I have said "But I have to do this", and have paid dearly health wise and by not being able to contain energies I am holding and acting them out on those near me. In these times my ego has been humbled greatly, often with my needing to rest for long periods of time.

Now I know some may say "well that's good for you but I have to be in the world". I would answer you that "Yes you are correct", for where you are on your path today. I found that as I surrendered more and more of my life in service to God and humanity, that ordinary life as most people understand 'ordinary' changed for me and God provided a way for me to live the truth of who I am. Was the transition easy? By no means. Was it supported by God? Yes, in strangers and friends, most often 'the way' was provided by dear and loving souls who helped me immensely. If these souls are reading this, you know whom you all are - each of you - dear and precious to me in my times of need. Blessings be upon your souls for ever and ever. Amen.

…Getting back to the topic of 'creating protection' - for me, the thought of creating any type of bubble of 'protection' has been abhorrent to me. I am speaking now about my path and how I AM made me and who I am… AND, I have for the most part, never been able to explain 'with words' why my heart and soul felt this to be true.

To create any type of conscious bubble of protection for me would be cutting myself off from God and humanity. No matter the suffering involved - to cut myself off consciously - creating a barrier would be for me - to cut myself off from God.

Have I had times of massive unconsciousness? Yes. Have I had times when I felt I could not cope and sought escape? Absolutely. AND, as I become stronger, I do have ways in which I can minimize the impact of how much energy I can take in at a time.

By the Grace of God, I am able to and there are times in which I need to be alone with myself - I need (and have been given the blessing) to live in the country by nature and water to feel the most comfortable taking in energies. Lastly, as time has evolved - I need to be able to say no to 'doing' until God's work is completed and then everything else can be taken care of and I now live a life, comfortably blessed to do so.

With this in mind and heart…

*Here is Beloved Julie's response:

Dearest Johanna,

The question raised by ________ message involves an understanding at a higher level of where protection comes from and what the purpose of protection is. This is different for different people.

At one level, many who engage with energies that lie close to the Earth may effectively surround themselves with healing mantras, affirmations, visualizations, etc. to create an immunity to intrusion. At this level, one may work with techniques or tools to deal with intrusive energies.

At another level, the will of God is the only protection desired or needed. It determines all that transpires, and one's prayer to serve Divine will and to be aligned with the purposes of light is the protection. At this level, one is joined with the mission of the Christ in intent and purpose, where all becomes subservient to the desire to become a willing servant of the Divine,even if this service involves a taking on of negative energies for the purpose of learning and/or transmuting these energies for the benefit of the Earth.

There are examples within spiritual history of this besides the example of Jesus, though that is the most profound example. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (as well as others), also dealt with negative energies in this way in order to transmute them.

This is a difficult distinction to explain and I have only addressed it in brief outline. However, it should be noted that one's soul and soul-purpose dictates the kind of protection that is sought after and that is needed, and this may not conform to what someone else needs or does. To put it differently, the protective 'egg' that ________ guidance speaks of can be created in a number of ways and at different levels of intensity according to one's capacity to hold light and according to one's soul purpose and alignment with this.

All blessings, dearest Johanna - Julie

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:24 pm 
Deep gratitude and love to you, Johanna, for your faithful stewardship to God. Thank you for sharing Beloved Julie's response. Her words resonate within me and comfort me not only for today but for all the days when I am led to walk without seeing, without hearing, without knowing. I send my love and blessings.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:53 pm 
Meg Meg:
Deep gratitude and love to you, Johanna, for your faithful stewardship to God. Thank you for sharing Beloved Julie's response. Her words resonate within me and comfort me not only for today but for all the days when I am led to walk without seeing, without hearing, without knowing. I send my love and blessings.

What you have just written resonates deeply with this passage and my journey also...

To feel the pain of the world is to participate in the life of humanity.
Yet, one must hold this pain within the divine Heart that lives within the human.
Then, one will be free of judgment and free of sorrow, for only love will remain.

Day 17. Reflections of Light

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna (6-26-13)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:08 pm 
Being energetically sensitive is not always about perceiving only pain and suffering.

Being energetically sensitive also is a gift which connects me intimately to the animal kingdom in ways that are touching, profound and deeply pleasings. Animals, especially wild animals connect with me in ways which are both astonishing and amazing - when other humans are around and see what is happening, they will often be amazed also at the animals behaviours with me.

Beauty - I am able to 'perceive' beauty in my heart, nervous system, through my eyes and skin in ways which define words.

Joy - When people around me are in a state of joy or love - I perceive the experience magnified and it is awesome!

Music - I feel music deeply in my nervous system - when it is pure and full of love - it is Divine ecstasy.

Nature - Communication with trees and areas of wild nature - I can feel - perceive, the tree speaking with me - when I landscape I am often guided by the trees and plants as to what is needed for their care.

Love - the energies of LOVE are magnified within my physical body, my energy body, and my heart.
Mother~Father God - I am able to perceive God in ways in my body which again gloriously defies the ability to speak of in words.

Compassion - To be with the Beloved and perceive Her compassion clears aways all negativity and my heart fills beyond any limits, creating within me a desire to share the compassion and love I have received.

These are just a few of the ways in which I am blessed beyond measure with the 'gift' of being sensitive.

What blessings of being sensitive would you add to this dear readers?


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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna (6-26-13) HOPE
PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:18 pm 
As the infusion of light penetrates more deeply into the Earth and into the consciousness of all, hope will expand and grow, overcoming obstacles that stand in the way. It will do so, not because of logical justifications or evidence presented in its favor, but because the force of light supports hope, and the heart that is open to its own light will find its way back to a new beginning.

Read more: Disillusionment and Hope

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