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 Post subject: The Earth as a Sacred Being
PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2017 9:00 am 

“The Earth as a Sacred Being - Biodynamic Agriculture and You”
A new beginning for the heart, A new relationship with the Earth
Julie of Light Omega

* * *

…Respect for the Earth as provider, respect for the relationship of the Earth to the cosmos, respect for the soil that produces what we eat - this is the foundational philosophy of biodynamic agriculture.

Beloved Ones, your own consciousness will tell you where you are in knowing the very great degree to which you matter to the Whole. While you may still feel that one person cannot make much of a difference in the Earth's being able to feed all, this is not true. By participating in a new collective vision of what the Earth is capable of when we care for the soil, the plant and animal kingdoms, and each other with respect and reverence, we each institute a new way of life for the planet.

We invite you, therefore, to join us in this sacred venture, to join us on the Sacred Earth Council, to participate with the new level of decision-making that many are trying to make in relation to daily choices that affect the planet. Our goal is to learn more and to care more about how we may help. The time of insignificance is over, Beloved Ones, and the time of knowing that each of us matters greatly has arrived. We invite you to join us in this sacred effort.

May all blessings come to those who seek to bless the Earth with their presence here.

With deep love and gratitude - Julie of Light Omega and Those Who Serve the Light.


“The Sacred Earth Council holds as its intention the recommitting of our hearts to the purposes of sacred relationship with each other and with the holy Earth. Its goal is to help us examine the choices we make that affect the life of the Earth, beginning with what we eat and what we wear. The principle of 'do no harm' is a foundational principle for this effort, and our intention is to learn, together, how to manifest this principle in order to live in sacredness upon the Earth.

You are invited to join us remotely at the Sacred Earth Council meetings which are listed in the Light Omega Calendar. ( - Green colored events). It will be a way to support your own higher intention to be of service to life. You may also just contact us at and let us know of your interest.”

Take Part in the Sacred Earth Council:

Continue Reading the Light Omega Community Newsletter, No. 26:

LIGHT OMEGA Community Newsletter 2017.jpg
LIGHT OMEGA Community Newsletter 2017.jpg [ 20.95 KiB | Viewed 22581 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: The Earth as a Sacred Being
PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 7:47 am 

"I am not outside you," says the wind.
"I am not separate from you," say the trees.
"I am not beneath you," says the earth.
"I am not above you," says the sky.
"I am around you and in you at all times,"
says the Beloved,
"not far, not away -
in you and through you at all times."

Julie of Light Omega

"Voices" is from 'Poems for the New Earth'
by Julie of Light Omega.

Voices is from -Poems for the New
Voices is from -Poems for the New [ 30.19 KiB | Viewed 22362 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: The Earth as a Sacred Being
PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 11:35 am 

“The earth's being, like that of a human being, is capable of suffering and of experiencing pain, not in the sense that human beings experience pain through their sensory organs and emotional body, but through the incapacity for light and breath to filter through her spiritual body and atmosphere so that all functions become clogged and heavy,
causing an inability to live in the way that her potential and capacity would have her live.”

This limitation to the functioning of all of her eco-systems has been a part of the earth's being for a long time now, due to the misuse of resources and lack of concern for the ecology of the earth that human beings have expressed both personally and as a society. The pain of the earth is not only for herself, however, but also for her children,
since their suffering is her suffering and their consciousness is her consciousness as well."...

Continue reading"The Tears of the Earth" by Julie of Light Omega:

* * *

TEARS OF THE EARTH-by Julie of [ 19.97 KiB | Viewed 22352 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: The Earth as a Sacred Being
PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 2:06 pm 

An invitation to awaken to the holiness of the Earth and to life as a whole. Our relationship to the Earth is now capable of moving to a deeper level of awareness, understanding that we are one with the Being of the Earth and that the response that is deepest within us is reverence. This recording has technical issues for the first 12 minutes and then is clear. 24:45" March 12, 2017

What Are You Willing to Become -Julie of Light
What Are You Willing to Become -Julie of Light [ 21.77 KiB | Viewed 22295 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: The Earth as a Sacred Being
PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 6:22 am 

The world awakens and the branches of trees are filled with cherries,
Bright, red, and luscious, they can be seen now,
No longer covered by a blanket of snow that hid them from view
while they lay asleep, waiting for the snow to melt.
Uncovered and glistening in pure sunlight, they speak of the earth’s
graciousness, of her endless giving of life to all who breathe the air
that is her breath, who eat the food that is her body.
The air smells with the scent of melting snow and of sun.
There is laughter in the trees and in the call of birds back and forth
as they let each other know that life is here.
Joy comes softly. It does not take big steps with big feet,
but rather walks in slippers on new mown grass,
barely making an impression until it reaches the place of looking back.
Then, one sees the path that the feet have made,
one recognizes the steps that have been taken.
Everywhere cherries, the red fruit of mother Earth asks to
be shared, hangs in heavy, pendulous bunches from trees that
sigh with relief - relief at finally having given birth.
It is springtime for the soul, and the soul rises to greet the day
that has borne new fruit in silence, nurturing it in secret,
keeping it hidden from view but alive all the same,
Keeping it hidden beneath the visible so that the bright promise
of life’s abundance might finally be felt by all.
Here, now, the sight of cherries in melting snow brings to
ordinary vision a seamless joining of two worlds,
The bursting fruit that fills the senses and arrives in silence,
Cutting through time and space and carrying with it, the presence of eternity.

* * *

~ Julie Of Light Omega ~

* * *

“CHERRIES IN THE SPRING” was written in 2006 in honor of the new year and of the light that dawns:

CHERRIES IN THE SPRING - [ 46.87 KiB | Viewed 22213 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: The Earth as a Sacred Being
PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 11:19 am 

by Julie of Light Omega

"This is the miracle of the time we are in and for which all souls have waited, namely, that the life of God that has existed in all beings without exception shall finally become more visible, and ordinary reality as it exists in trees, brooks, grass, leaves, clouds, air, mist, earth –
shall finally take on the visibility of light that has always been part of the structure of life-forms, but never part of their radiance.
Now, life shall radiate light."

...Great Spiritual Awakening of Earth-Julie of Light Omega-
...Great Spiritual Awakening of Earth-Julie of Light Omega- [ 79.21 KiB | Viewed 21858 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: The Earth as a Sacred Being
PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2018 12:36 pm 

Love the Earth with a heart of tenderness,
for the Earth has loved you
as a mother loves her beloved children.
In this way does the Earth give of herself,
endlessly supporting all of life.

Day 94, Reflections of Light, The Journey Home

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 Post subject: Re: The Earth as a Sacred Being
PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 11:17 am 

“Pray for the Earth. Pray that the Heart of the Earth reach into every nook and cranny of separation that exists within you or within others, and replaces this separation with a perceived sense of unity. All are awaiting this. All are hungry for this, whether the outer self would say so or not.

Offer your sacred love in service to the life of the Earth. Offer it to your neighbor. Offer it to your friends and to those who are less than friends. Your sacred being is walking the Earth in order to make this offering, no matter what outer challenges you may currently be facing. You are not the form, you are that which lives within the form and never dies.

Blessed art Thou, holy Life, that dwells within all beings and causes all to flourish.”

This is an excerpt from “Who Are You?” by Julie of Light Omega.
You may read the full article here:

…..2018-Who Are You –Julie of Light Omega -
…..2018-Who Are You –Julie of Light Omega - [ 46.71 KiB | Viewed 21630 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: The Earth as a Sacred Being
PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 12:19 pm 

From Meg:

Dearest Ones, may we hold in our hearts all those in the path of the current hurricanes and typhoons,
in the United States, Philippines, Hong Kong and wherever increasing extreme weather conditions challenge life.

I share, with love, an excerpt from "In the Path of the Hurricane" written last year by Guruji-Ma.
With all blessings and gratitude, Meg


* * *

…”From these tragedies and devastations may compassion awaken in our hearts. May the idea that we are separate from each other be further eradicated from our awareness. May we stand together, uplifting and comforting each other, not only at times of pain and tragedy, but also in quieter times. And may we also stand with the beloved Earth, not forgetting her when this latest hurricane has passed, but caring for her day by day, and week by week, and year by year, until we have helped her come into balance again in all ways that are needed.

May all children of the Earth be blessed by this knowledge of oneness with the beloved Earth. In this knowledge and with this knowledge may all of life thrive.

Hari Om Tat Sat. – That which is within form and That which is beyond form are One."


* * *

(Julie of Light Omega)

* * *

"In the Path of the Hurricane" is from the Light Omega Community Newsletter No. 31.
Continue reading:

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 Post subject: Re: The Earth as a Sacred Being
PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 9:01 am 

“The land is crying out. The oceans are crying out. The atmosphere is crying out. The people who can no longer live next to the sea that has been the source of their livelihood are crying out. Those who are immobilized at the bottom of a vastly unequal economic pyramid are crying out. Those indigenous peoples who have been dispossessed of their lands and their culture are crying out. They are all asking that the ‘culture of indifference’ stop. They are all pleading with those who have more to no longer believe that “survival of the fittest” is an ecology that humanity can continue to live by.

We, who are more comfortable, whether physically, financially, emotionally, or spiritually, need to hear the cries of the suffering, and not only of the suffering people but of the suffering oceans. of the suffering rivers, of the suffering air that we breathe. We cannot afford to continue to lead a comfortable life as if we are entitled to it, with all the cries around us asking that we pay attention. And what attention shall it be? What is there to do in the face of such a vast amount of suffering?

It is to reclaim our humanity which allows us to bear the suffering of others, of the earth, of the oceans, in the fullness of our love. It is to not separate ourselves any longer into the limited and tiny enclaves we have created for ourselves in order to feel more secure, more protected from outer challenges. There is a truth that we have not wanted to face and have been unwilling to face because it means abandoning our insular sense of security. It is to know that ‘we belong to each other.’ That the earth’s suffering belongs to us and our suffering belongs to the earth. That the ones who are having to relocate because the fish that they once harvested are no longer plentiful belong to us. That the trees in the forest that are being cut down to make room for profit-making agriculture belong to us. We need to feel their pain and carry it with us.

In order to do this, we have heard it said that our heart needs to grow larger. This is true, but what does it mean? It means that our sense of wellbeing needs to come not from things being pleasant, or easy, or smooth, but from our love and compassion growing so large that it sustains us and spreads outward. This is the wellbeing that we need to bring into the world – the willingness to redefine what being ‘human’ means in terms of the amount of love we share with others, with the earth, with all creatures, and the amount of compassion we allow ourselves to feel for the suffering of all.

The time for complacency and insularity has long passed. The cries of the earth are getting louder and louder each day. This is not a metaphor or a fairy tale, but the progression of massive ecological changes leading to species extinction, loss of habitat, and endangerment of the planet as a whole. Do not think that there is an easier way than listening to the cries that resound in your ears. There is no easier way. The way of love must become the basis for our life together. The way of love allows us to witness suffering, to bear it, and to find the highest and best means of dealing with it. Do not believe that you have come to the earth at this time just to witness the earth’s problems and suffering without being able to do anything about it. You have come here to help, and your help needs to begin by abandoning indifference and opening your heart more fully so that you can help carry the pain of the world.

This is not a message of sadness but a message of joy and of transformation. For in the opening of the heart, and in the abdication of our willingness to be indifferent, we possess the most effective means for changing the suffering of the world and bringing about a new time for the earth.”

(September 24, 2019)

‘A New Time for the Earth’ by Guruji-Ma may be found here:

….. A New Time for the Earth
….. A New Time for the Earth [ 71.11 KiB | Viewed 20927 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: The Earth as a Sacred Being
PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 8:28 pm 

The Sacred Earth


“…For a time, the glorification of the sacred earth was part of the knowledge of all souls who inhabited her heavenly habitation, before she descended along with these souls into a more solid state. But as souls became more separated from their point of origin in the Oneness, so, too, did the earth descend into a parallel lower vibration that was inevitable, for the increasingly separated soul-consciousness of the many was part of her being, and so the descent was also a necessary part of her being.

Glorification and praise for the bountiful earth became exceeded over time by the physical necessity created by the struggle for survival in a land no longer permeated by Divine grace. Now, individual opportunity and personal victory over both the environment and over others was what guaranteed survival. The sanctity of the earth as the holy container and spiritual habitat of souls no longer was knowledge to the many, nor were her Divine origins. Instead, with increasing separation of the individual soul from the Oneness, the earth, too, became increasingly seen as an object external to oneself, not as something that one was part of and lived within.

The notion of a sanctified and purified heaven on earth never departed from the earth, however, and was housed within her holy body as the central core of light which she carried throughout time and which linked her with the Oneness of the totality of all that is.

This sacred sphere, born out of the light and out of the dust created by the Mater (Mother-God) becoming matter, the earth continued to hold the developing souls within her energy body and within her physical body. The vortex of Creation which would have permitted souls to transcend the state of separation and ascend to a higher plane was known only to a few. For the many, the state of objectifying the earth became more and more natural, until the original perception was to all extents and purposes forgotten.

Reaching out to the Infinite, reaching out to the stars, to the planets, to the cosmos, the earth’s signals concerning her own condition were made known to the collective spiritual universe as distress calls from a distant ship are made known to those who are passing by. The universe of illuminated life watched over the earth and helped to sustain her, even as the souls who inhabited her continued to see her solidity as a natural state and continued to treat her as an object that could be used by them.

This sorry state of the earth went on and on for as long as human consciousness permitted the earth’s objectification and the denial or forgetting of her Divine and sacred origins. As a result, the energy grid which surrounded her physical body and gave sustenance to all the many life forms and ecosystems weakened, becoming separated from the source of nourishment and replenishment due to the increasing darkness that surrounded the earth that was now part of her energy body. To say that the earth was in a frail state would be an understatement, since the frailty was dependent upon and coexistent with the fact of multiple systems of functioning being grossly out of balance.

Into this picture, the increasing momentum of light began to make itself known, pouring its consciousness into those who could see, and know, and understand, that the earth’s aliveness needed to be protected, and that man was destroying the very habitat that made continued existence possible.

Today, the restoration of balance and sanctity to the earth sphere lies before us.

It lies in the restoration of the earth’s energy body to its original state of functioning.

It lies in the restoration of rivers and streams, mountains, and fertile beds of living soil, teeming with life.

It lies in the restoration and repair of her atmosphere, which in former times guaranteed the safety and survival of multiple species of wildlife that, today, are no longer present on the earth.

In the return to the consciousness of the earth as a living being, the results of objectification are and will continue to be reversed, and the living earth, the sacred child of the Plenitude and the Void, will be able to live once more as the holy being who blesses the multitudes of souls that dwell within her eternal embrace.”

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 Post subject: Re: The Earth as a Sacred Being
PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 1:55 pm 

What shall we give up, that the Earth
may be healed?
What shall we deny ourselves of the
comforts we have grown used to,
that the land may prosper,
that the waters may flow,
that the air may become pure?
We think that we make no difference
and so excuse our habit of not noticing
the needs of the Earth as we go
through our day.

Yet, these needs are as real as the needs
of our children whom we do not forget,
even when they are away from us.
What shall we forgo that the Earth may prosper?
What shall we give to the blessed Earth as
a sign of our oneness?
If we each make the small sacrifice
of one thing that we have held onto
that is comforting for ourselves
but not nourishing for the Earth,
we shall find that all of our sacrifices together
will create a river of change
that will alter the planet in ways
we cannot even imagine.

The key is to know that we make a difference.
The key is to know that everything matters.
The key is to know that we are here in bodies
at this time to do this very thing –
to redeem the Earth and each other from our
indifference, and to establish
a new foundation for life on this planet,
the foundation of love and sacredness,
the foundation of ‘nothing goes unnoticed.’

Julie of Light Omega

“Healing the Earth” is from 'Poems for the New Earth' which you can find here: and

.          Healing the Earth - Poems for the New Earth
. Healing the Earth - Poems for the New Earth [ 72.29 KiB | Viewed 19452 times ]

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