Dearest Beloved Ones,
This Newsletter comes to you with great urgency.
Many of you may be aware of the recent U.N. report on Climate Change and the fact that unprecedented weather changes were forecast to come sooner than had been expected. At this time, all souls who serve the light are being called forth to bring their united efforts to respond to this impending crisis that will affect every living being on the planet. Even at present, there is no one who is unaffected by the changes that have taken place in the Earth's atmosphere, waters, and land.
Therefore, an urgent call is going out from the Realms of Light to those who serve the light to take a more active part in responding to the needs of this time. This call goes to each of you, Beloved Ones, for your heart is connected to the Heart of the One, and your love is as vast as that love.
We bless you and thank you for your participation in this effort at this time.
Those Who Serve the Light
The Common Life and the One Life Guruji-Ma
We have spoken together about the One Life that lives in God and that is the Divine within all of us and within all things. We have spoken of this, and hold it in our hearts to be the truth. Yet, we have difficulty living this truth, putting it into practice, sometimes because fear causes us to close down to the needs of others and to seek to protect our own concerns and our own safety and security alone, and sometimes because we do not know how to put into practice the principle of ‘One Life.’ We do not know what we would do differently if we could live this principle.
And so I would like, today, to offer a translation of the ‘One life’ that is the Divine within all, the essential oneness of everything, into an understanding of the ‘common life.’ The ‘common life’ is more accessible to us. It is what we share in common with others who may not yet perceive themselves to be part of the One. The ‘common life’ draws together that which has been dispersed. It draws together the many into the ‘one.’ It draws together those who have separate and particular or personal interests into the interests that all share in common.
In choosing to uphold the ‘common life’ we uphold the One Life. Yet, we do this with increasing consciousness of what we owe to our collective humanity, to our fellow man and woman and child, and to the Earth itself. We ask ourselves: What do we share in common, and how can we be more responsible toward that common essence?
There are many answers that our individual hearts may give to us when we ask this question, many ways that caring for our ‘common life’ may be expressed. But certainly one of the most important ones is that we need, together, to care for the life of our planet, and especially in light of climate change, we need to place our actions where our hearts are in no longer thinking of ourselves as separate entities in relation to the Earth, but as part of a collective whole that must act together, part by part, individual by individual. We are each responsible for the life of the Earth and for our ‘common life.’
If we think of ourselves as separate and as individual, then we may feel very limited in terms of how we may personally affect climate change. If we think of ourselves as inextricably woven into a larger whole, the whole of humanity, the whole of the inhabitants of the Earth, then we must hold that everything we do makes a difference to that whole. Everything we do makes a difference.
Out of this consciousness of ‘common life’ and of mattering to the whole, can come decisions regarding how we may honor the ‘common life’ by becoming more responsible participants of that life, of that reality. Indeed, we begin to dwell in the reality of the ‘common life,’ the life that we share. We let this become more real to us, and out of this reality we choose to care for that which we belong to in the same way we care for our families and our children. We care for that which belongs to us. We care for that which we share in common.
This ‘common life’ calls us, now, with great urgency to act on behalf of itself, to no longer think of ourselves as not mattering, but of taking the leap of faith that we do matter, and accepting the responsibility of upholding our ‘common life.’ Of upholding the needs of the Earth at this time of her need to reverse the effects of carbon pollution and of climate change. We need to let our actions come from our hearts to become citizens of the life we share.
What can we do that is different? We can become more conscious that everything matters. Instead of believing that the Earth has an infinite supply of resources and that we can continue to act in comfortable and familiar ways regarding the use of those resources, we can realize that the Earth has a limited supply of resources, and that we must share them together. What we take for ourselves has an effect on the whole. What we use for ourselves may prevent someone else from having enough.
If we lived together in a physical community powered by solar energy rather than an energy grid, and if that solar energy had a limited supply that might be used, based on how much energy could be stored from the sun, we would know that there was an endpoint to our use of electricity beyond which there would be no more. What had been stored would be used up. We would not, if we were conscious, act within our own daily life as if there were an infinite supply. We would turn off lights in rooms not in use. We would not heat rooms that were not in use. We would not make automobile trips that were not necessary in order to reduce the use of fuel. And we would think of other ways that what we do matters. In a word, we would become more conscious of sharing a ‘common life.’
We are called, today, to investigate within the forum of our own consciousness, how ready we are to restrict our use of fossil fuel based products in order to serve the ‘common life.’ We are being called even beyond this, to think of how we may serve the life of all, even as we go about our daily lives. As this becomes a living reality for us, and as we are willing to sacrifice certain comforts that we may have grown used to so that the ‘common life’ may thrive and so that we may not take from the Earth more than we need, we will be creating upon the Earth the One Life that is truly what we all share. We will be creating a bridge through the ‘common life’ to the ‘One Life.’
May this be the lesson of today, and may we find in our hearts the willingness to live it, the courage to commit ourselves to it, and the understanding that what we give to this ‘common life’ we give to ourselves, for we are not and have never been separate. May the Earth and her inhabitants blossom as a result of our individual efforts.
Om Namo Bhagavate. We bow to the Supreme Being, the One Life that lives within all.
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